Report Painter: More Advanced concepts CSU Chico MINS 298C-04
Report Painter: More Advanced concepts CSU Chico MINS 298C-04
Report Painter: More Advanced concepts MINS 298C-04 ABAP/4 Fall 1998 CSU Chico SAP AG Report Painter: More Advanced concepts Copyright 1998- Gail Corbitt Contents of this file are for the exclusive use of the special MINS 298C class dealing with SAP software at CSU Chico for the Fall 1998 semester. Any other use in either electronic or hardcopy form is prohibited without the express written permission of the author. This material is confidential. Do not share it with anyone not enrolled in the class. Lecture #2: Report Painter 2 CSU Chico SAP AG Report Painter: More Advanced concepts Objectives: Exploding Rows Creating Libraries Creating Models Adding Text and other Layout Features Performing Calculations Finishing up Report Painter CSU Chico SAP AG Exploding Rows Occurs when you have a Row Value that consists of more values Example: Cost Center Codes 40000 - 43000 could be split out to individual codes or collapsed Default is to NOT explode To change this default: Edit --> Rows --> Explode CSU Chico SAP AG Exploding Report Rows Cost elements Do not explode Total Actual Plan Var. 30.000 20.000 10.000 Plan Var. Cost element group Cost elements Actual Total Explode Group 1 400000 400100 Group 2 600000 600100 CSU Chico SAP AG 400000 400100 * Group 1 600000 600100 * Group 2 ** Total 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 20.000 30.000 Cost elements Actual Single values 400000 400100 600000 600100 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 5.000 15.000 20.000 Plan 5.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 Var. 5.000 5.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 Report Painter: Creating New Libraries Library defines what objects (attributes of objects) can be included in it’s reports Defines Selected: Characteristics (attributes that are key fields) Key Figures (types of “measures” or values -- typically numeric) Pre-Defined Columns Defined by SAP Consist of Key Figures and Characteristics Can Define Your own CSU Chico SAP AG Library A library contains: - Characteristics Criteria for selecting data records (cost element, version...) Report group C Report group B Report group A - Key figures Value fields in selected data records - Predefined columns Combinations of characteristics and key figures CSU Chico SAP AG - content-related reports Report Painter: Creating New Libraries Report Painter --> Report Writer --> Library --> Change Copy and then Modify (Add and Delete attributes) Create: Creates a custom library for your reports Create a Library for your Reports Report Painter --> Report Writer --> Library --> Create Start name with a Z Display Existing Libraries: Report Painter --> Report Writer --> Library --> Display --> Utilities --> Catalog CSU Chico SAP AG Library Maintenance Characteristics Name X X X X X X Key figures Position Controlling area Cost center Cost element Order Fiscal year Period : : 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name X X X X X X Predef. columns Position Costs Quantity Activity quantity Stat. quantity Costs in obj. currency Variable costs : : 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name X X X X X X Actual costs Plan costs Act. qty. current period Act. activity fiscal year Stat. quantity plan Disp. activity fiscal year : : LIBRARY : Z01 CSUTABLE : CCSS Description: Cost Center Accounting Reports Chico SAP AG Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Report Painter: Models Model = Template Sets of Rows OR Columns You May Want to Re-use Models are Static: If you Change a Model you Must Change All Reports That Use the Model OR Have Reports with Different Versions of the Model Report Painter --> Model --> Create Use for column Definition: Within Report Definition: Edit --> Columns --> Get Column Model Edit Rows -- > Get Row Model (for Rows) CSU Chico SAP AG Flexible Reports with Variables KOKRS GJAHR Controlling area &1KOKRE ? PERBL ? ? Fiscal year &1GJAHV - &1GJAHB KSTAR Period &1PERIV - &1PERIB ? Cost Element & 1KSTAR Resulting selection screen: Controlling area from fiscal year to fiscal year ---------------------------------------- from period to period --------------------------- CSU Cost element group (set) or value(s) Chico SAP AG --------------------------------- Using Variables in Report Painter Variable: Defined Parameter that Users fill in at Run Time Year, Starting Period and Ending Period, etc. for the Data Types of Variables: Value: single Value such as Controlling Area, Company Code, Work Center, Plant, etc. Formula: Rolling Periods or Previous June with This June Set: Set up groups that corresponds to the way the data are structured. For example, Groups in CO can be used as a Set Parameter Find parameter ID through technical info in field definition CSU Chico SAP AG Value Variables Variable 1PERIV Field name PERBL Default value 1 Description from period Table CCSS Entry: Characteristic values Controlling area: 001 Fiscal year: 1996 to Period: 1PERIV to 1PERIB Cost center: to Use parameter ID CSU Chico SAP AG or group 1KOSET Formula Variables 1. Current year? MILLER Default values from the system 2. Previous year? Formula variable 1GJAHLJ: System exit that determines the current fiscal year from the controlling area and the fiscal year variant. Formula variable 1GJAHVJ: Internal variable that determines the previous year 1GJAHVJ = 1GJAHLJ - 1 CSU Chico SAP AG Variables for Groups (Set Variables) Entry: Characteristic values Variable 1KOSET Field name KOSTL Controlling area: 0001 Fiscal year: 1996 to Period: 1PERIV to Reference set 1-S-KOSTL-AL Description Cost center group Table CCSS CSU Chico SAP AG 1PERIB Cost center: to or group 1KOSET Adding Blocks and Sections Block: Columns that are grouped together Example: Sales report in $ by Product vs Quantity by Product Row Structure is identical for all column blocks Menu Path: Go To --> New Column Block Section: Rows that are grouped together Example: Planned and Actual Costs by Cost Center and by Product Group Column Structure is identical for all row blocks Menu Path: Go To --> New Section CSU Chico SAP AG Sections Example Cost elements Actual Plan Var. 400000 400100 : Section 1 Activity types Actual Plan Direct labor hours Direct repair hours : Stat. key figures Employee Telephone costs : CSU Chico SAP AG Var. Section 2 Actual Plan Section 3 Column Blocks Example Column block 1: Costs Cost elem. Act. costs Plan costs Column block 2: Quantities Var. Cost elem. Act. qty Plan qty. Var. 400000 ... ... ... 400000 ... ... ... 400100 ... ... ... 400100 ... ... ... 400200 ... ... ... 400200 ... ... ... : : : : : : : : ... ... ... ... * Total ... identical row structure CSU Chico SAP AG * Total ... Adding Text to a Report Types of Text Title page Header (top of every page) Footer (foot of every page) Last Page Entering Text Menu Path: Extras --> Report Text Enter directly Can also use variables, parameters, characteristics, etc. CSU Chico SAP AG Entering Text Standard variables Report name: < From period: Fiscal year : < < Cost center: < > > > Page: < > To period: < > > Person responsible: < for example > Report name Page number Date of selection Author of report Library description ...... Selection parameters for example From period (value) To period (value) Fiscal year (value) .... Special variables for example, person responsible for the cost center CSU Chico SAP AG Characteristics for example Controlling area Cost center Standard Layouts Standard layouts used in many companies so all reports have same look and feel Basically a Corporate Template for reports Define a Standard in layouts Menu Path: Report Writer --> Standard layout --> Create Attach a layout to a report by displaying it -- this is used for the report you are working on Defaults provided by SAP (see drop down list) CSU Chico SAP AG Layout Settings Column width Level of detail Color CSU Chico SAP AG +/- sign Text type --------- --------- --------- --------- 4200 Salaries .... .... .... .... 4300 Wages .... .... .... .... 4400 Add. costs .... .... .... .... Cost element * Total Overscore and underscore No. format .... .... .... .... Standard Layout Report Definition Column totals Totals position X left right Standard Layout: TRAINING Column break none X line Other character Layout Column width Right margin Unit width 1 to 5 X 3 characters Other value Column texts Text type Alignment Master data text Left-justified X Field value and text X Centered Field name and fld value Right-justified Field value Suppress CSU Chico SAP AG Variants 1 to 5 Miscellaneous Suppress zero columns Underline col. break character Calculations in Report Painter Cells are given Z values as you click on cells you want to use for calculations Suppress Rows and Columns that you want to use for calculations but don’t want to show Z001 Z002 CSU Chico SAP AG Cells in Formula Columns Section 1 Costs Act. Plan Act. per employee Key figure with characteristics Predefined column Formula Formula: X001 / Z001 Section 2 Stat. key figures Actual Plan Employee Z001 Employee / actual X001 Actual costs X002 Plan costs Telephone units CSU ChicoCell Z001 SAP AG Calculation Using Cells Section 1: Costs Plan Actual Act./Empl. Section 2: Stat. actual key figures Plan Telephone units Employee Total Section 3: Important statistics Plan Costs / Employee Telephone units / Employee CSU Chico SAP AG Actual Actual Sections with Calculated Key Figures Section 1 Costs Actual Section 2 Plan Var. Stat. key figures ............. Actual Employee ............. Telephone costs ............. ............. Cell Z002 ............. Total Formula: Z001 / Z002 Cell Z001 Section 3 Actual Costs per employee CSU Chico SAP AG Plan Z001 Costs / Actual Z002 Employee / Act. Plan Suppressed Rows and Columns Order Debit previous year (Period 1 - 13) Debit current year (Period 1 - 4) Total debit (Column 1 + Column 2) 1000 1.000 500 1.500 2000 4.000 1.000 5.000 3000 700 300 1.000 4000 2.000 2.000 4.000 CSU Chico suppressed columns SAP AG Additional Considerations Variation: Allows you to run the same report at detail or summary level determined at run time Define the Variation function in Report Definition under General Data Selection At Run time push variation button and select the desired variation level Execute the Report Group Multiple Selection: Run the same report but separate every time by variable, I.e. Cost Center CSU Chico SAP AG Multiple Selection Example CoArea from 0001 to 0002 (or set) FYear from 1992 to 1993 (or set) Reports to be output CoArea 0001 FYear 1992 CoArea 0001 FYear 1993 CoArea 0002 FYear 1992 1 4 combinations CoArea 0002 FYear 1993 2 3 4 CSU Chico SAP AG Multiple Selection (continued) Hierarchy S02000 S02000 ENERGY S02000 Warehouse -2210 Electricity S02110 Warehouse1 S02120 Warehouse2 -2220 Water -2230 Gas Fixed X "" "" Hierarchy "" X "" CSU Chico (or value(s) from . . .to) SAP AG Selected groups S02000 1 Area report all sets 5 Reports only basic sets S02110, S02120, S02200 3 Reports Variation S02000 S02000 Warehouse S02110 Warehouse 1 - 2210 Incoming warehouse S02000 ENERGY S02120 Warehouse 2 -2240 Electricity -2250 Water -2260 Gas - 2220 Outgoing warehouse - 2230 Semi-finished product Variation Explode CSU Chico SAP AG Do not explode Single values Leveraging Existing Reports Run a Report in SAP Extras --> Display Definition Extras --> Technical Info (drill down on Program name) Shows you ABAP code Copy from these reports and then modify When you create the report use Options --> Copy From CSU Chico SAP AG