2015 OZARK REGIONAL ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL Holiday Inn/NW Arkansas Convention Center – Springdale, Arkansas th th Show Date/Show Hours: OCTOBER 16 – 17 FRIDAY & SATURDAY – 9am-9pm Check in/Set up: 3pm – 10pm Thursday – Oct 15/ Vendors must be checked in by 8:00pm Booth Fees 8 x 10- $240/10 x10- $270/Electricity-$35/Table 6ft - $10/Corner - $75 Registration: After August 15 8 x 10 - $265 / 10 x 10 - $295 per space availability after 8/15 Deposit Requirement: $100 per booth reserved/applied to balance BALANCE DUE BY AUGUST 15, 2015 Show type: Juried/ Preference given to handcrafted/some commercial accepted. Pipe & drape NOT required. Returning vendors must apply by: 1/01/2015 -to be considered for same booth space. Categories closed when full. Requirements: 2/3 pictures of product plus photo of booth display(if available)*2 SASE required. Confirmation of acceptance will be mailed. A show letter will be sent, prior to show date with set up/show details. If product “category” changes after initial acceptance, new pictures must be sent/approved. Please include contact information for all persons’ (email/phone) who may correspond and/or pay booth fee(other than you) to ensure proper posting of payments. Note personal name in memo If paying by business check. All miscellanous show info, brochures, etc MUST BE APPROVED by show management, before placing in booth. Promoter reserves the right to remove exhibitor/product for violation of show rules. Ozark Regional Festivals offers a family-friendly atmosphere. Balance Deadline: August 15, 2015. *PayPal/ credit cards accepted/*fees apply) *$25 late applied after 8/15 per each booth reserved. Booth reservation will be FORFEITED on 9/15/15 per any remaining balance. We accept smaller (montlhly/quarterly etc) payments to avoid late fee. Otherwise, late fees apply and/or loss of booth reservation may occur. Notice of Cancellation must be in our office 8/15/15 – to receive a refund of fees paid. Make checks payable to: Ozark Regional Promotions, 5557 Walden St, Lowell, AR 72745 Phone: 479-756-6954 www.ozarkregionalartsandcrafts.com/ karenlloyd@juno.com /FB: Ozark Regional Arts and Crafts Festivals CUT HERE – KEEP ABOVE PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Holiday Inn/NW Arkansas Convention Center/Springdale – Oct 16 – 17, 2015 Name_________________________________________________________Bus. Name_____________________ phone_________________________________________cell___________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________City_________________State___zip_____ Email_____________________________________________________*Website____________________________ Business partner_________________________________Email________________________________phone____ __%booth-handcrafted/Description________________________________________________________________ __%-commercial/Product Description/use back,if needed______________________________________________ (List any Special Needs/Requests on back) Electronics/appliances used/how many? Computer__Printer__ Microwave__Lamps__Sewing machine__Crock pot__Hot plate/oven__Refrigeration__Other_________________ 10’x10’____$270/*$295 -after 8/15 Electric___$35 includes one power cord 8’x10’_____$240/*$265 after 8/15 Table- 8ft___$10 CORNER__$75 Deposit___$100 per booth reserved/Checks to: Ozark Regional Promotions 5557 Walden St, Lowell, AR 72745 Credit Card#_______________________________________________exp date______________CVV__________ PayPal acct: Invoice to:_________________________________________________________________________ Liability: The undersigned does hereby release, discharge, hold harmless & waive Ozark Regional PromotionsLLC show promoter(s), show staff, EmbassySuitesHotel/management from any & all manner of actions, suits, damages; including acts of God” and/or claims to person and/or property of the undersigned, while under supervision of the sponsors’; and will abide by all show rules & regulations of said event. SIGN_________________________________________________________________DATE____________________