November 9th, 2014 Bible Memory Challenge Begins Too!


November 9th, 2014 Bible Memory Challenge Begins Too!
“Loving God, Loving Others;
Sharing the Good News of
Jesus Christ with the World”
TODAY—November 9th
9 am Classes for all ages
10am Worship
Christmas shoeboxes returned
SIGN UP for Pot Luck Lunch
November 9th, 2014
Bible Memory Challenge
Begins Too!
Prayer in Boardroom 7pm
Guys Sports Night 7pm
Tuesday—November 11th
Remembrance Day
Celebration 9:15-11:15 am
Pioneer Clubs 7-8:30 pm
Worship Team Rehearsal
Youth 7pm
Barnabas 7am
Young Adults Movie & BBQ
McIntosh’s 5:30pm
NEXT SUNDAY-November 16
9am Classes for all ages
10am Worship
Pot Luck Luncheon
‘Together Daily’
Acts 2:42-47; 4: 32-35
Pastor Dr Dale Dawson
Remembrance Moment
Sign up for Pot Luck
Everyone Welcome!
Join us for Coffee
following the service
231 Brock St. W. Box 694,
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N1
905-852-3662 / Fax 905-852-1955
UBC MESSENGER - November 9th, 2014
We welcome you as we worship God together.
If you are a guest today, it is our prayer that your worship
experience will minister to your deepest needs.
If we can be of personal assistance to you,
please speak to any of our pastors.
Blessings to you and your family!
We invite all NEWCOMERS to visit the Welcome Centre to
receive a Welcome Gift today.
Let’s Pray Together - Sunday Mornings
Join our Pastors and Elders for prayer as we seek God’s
blessing on all aspects of our Sunday gathering.
Everyone welcome. Pastor Dale’s Office at 9am.
Life Together - Young Adults
Join us Sunday mornings 8:45am at Tim Hortons
(Uxbridge) as we share and study together. All are
welcome. Hope to see you there!
Young Adult Movie & BBQ on Saturday,
November 15th at the McIntosh’s home.
Loving Children in Beijing, China
Morningstar Family Home— BEIJING CHINA—Feb 16– March1
Morningstar Family Home is a small foster home in Beijing China that takes in
babies from the state run orphanages that have special needs, primarily heart
Kimberley Miller and Lisa Wilson are once again putting together a team (3-4
additional ladies) to travel to Beijing during Chinese New Year to work at
The dates are February 16th-March 1st.
The role of our team will be to run the home and to provide full time care for
the 10-12 babies during the two weeks of Chinese New Year, as most of the
nannies return to their rural homes.
For more information on joining our team, please call Kimberley Miller 905852-4151.
UBC Family News
Update your UBC directory
Dick & Cindy Ott
8155 Durham Rd 1, RR 2
Uxbridge, Ontario L9P 1R2
Dick’s Cell
Cindy’s Cell
416 885 4762
647 468 5702
Rev. Tim & Carolyn Teakle
112 Blackfrair Lane
Brantford, ON N3R 7W3
Home Phone: 519 304 6255
Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Keith Daly who received his Doctor of Ministry
degree from Tyndale University College & Seminary on Saturday, November
8th, 2014. Keith’s doctoral project was entitled, “40 Days of Morning and
Evening Prayer”.
Prime Timers—Upcoming Events
Pot Luck Luncheon—November 19th at Noon
All Prime Timers (50 +) are invited to come on Wednesday,
November 19th at NOON.
Our guest that day will be Bonnie O’Hare speaking about
Osteoporosis in Seniors.
Christmas Dinner—Thursday, December 11th
Catered by Mary Evans and music by Eduard Klassen
Price $25/ per person
Call Olga Ingram for tickets. 905 862 3764
Bible Memory Challenge
This is Week Two of the Bible Memory Challenge, an opportunity to work
together at committing God's Word to memory.
The Bible verse to memorize for this Sunday is from Ephesians 4:32:
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other as in
Christ, God forgave you."
Opportunities to Serve
Do you like to sew?
We have acquired some lovely new material for Living Nativity Costumes.
Several sewers are need for the 2015 performance. Please contact Agnes
Lobbezoo 905-852-5067.
Christmas Décor Set up—Help Needed
Help is Needed
Can you help with Christmas Décor on Friday,
November 28th at 9am? The décor team, led by Heidi
Devitt, is in need of more hands to help with preparing
UBC for Christmas. They need a few strong men who are
not afraid to climb a ladder. Please contact Heidi to let her
know you are able to help. 905 862 0075 or
Email Update for Mensah’s
To all of you, our friends and colleagues, it has become necessary for
us to change our email address for efficiency. So please, take note of the
The new email is Please, direct your emails to this
new address effective today.
Blessings to all.
David Mensah
Countdown to Christmas . . .
As we reach out to the world,
- a wonderful family project this season—
Canadian First Nations
This year we have been asked to fill 75 STOCKINGS for the
children of Weagamow, Wunnumin, Neskantaga, Muskrat Dam and Poplar
Hill communities. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Clarke
($10 shipping fee)
This year we hope to fill 150 SHOEBOXES!
Each Shoebox gift is incredibly special as it brings hope and life—
good news of the Gospel to a hurting child.
Your gifts from
Canada are reaching children in 16 countries including survivors of Typhoon
Haiyan in the Philippines and Syrian children living in refugee camps in
Northern Iraq.
If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Wilson at 416 996 4125.
You may also learn more at
($7 shipping fee)
You’re Invited to
Pot Luck Lunch
Sunday November 16th
Surnames A-N
please bring Main Course
Surnames O-Z
please bring Dessert
Bible Memory
October 26 – December 7, 2014
November 2
Bonus verses: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with
one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
November 9
Bonus verses: 1 John 4:7-11
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as
in Christ God forgave you. Eph. 4:32
November 16
Bonus verses: Psalm 1
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers
harm. Prov. 13:20
November 23
Bonus verses: 1 Peter 4:7-13
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
November 30
Bonus verses: Psalm 73:23-28
But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord
my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds. Psalm 73:28
December 7
Bonus verses: Psalm 32:1-5
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that
you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and
effective. James 5:16
Extra Bonus Verses: Can be completed any time during the six week
challenge. All family verses to date must have been recited first to
receive these bonus points.
Psalm 51:7-12 John 15:1-5 Col. 3:12-16 Psalm 143:6-11 Eph. 5:15-21
Points for Memorization:
Family Verse
Previous Family Verse
Bonus Verses
Bonus Passage
Life Together
Chapter two walks through the Christian’s day and offers insight into
how life in light of the resurrection might look. The beginning of the
day “does not belong to the individual, it belongs to the Church of the
triune God, to the Christian family, to the brotherhood.” Bonhoeffer
argues that morning is the time Christians should worship together in
order to set the day right.
Bonhoeffer goes on to unpack the various aspects of the Christian’s life
in community throughout the day. Some of the topics covered include:
Reading the Scriptures — This section discusses the importance of
reading the Word of God to one another, especially at the beginning of a day.
Singing the New Song — Bonhoeffer stresses the need for the
church to sing not only psalms taken from Scripture, but also the
“new song” that the psalms command us to sing so often.
Saying Our Prayers Together — Christians are to bring their
prayers to the Lord in their own words, and prayer is often done
best in community.
The Fellowship of the Table — When Christians gather together
for a meal, they ought to recognize that God “is the giver of all
good gifts; and beyond this, as the true Gift; the true Bread of
life itself; and finally, as the One who is calling them to the banquet of the Kingdom of God.”
The Day’s Work — Bonhoeffer states that “prayer and working are
two different things. Prayer should not be hindered by work,
but neither should work be hindered by prayer.”
Walk with the wise and become
wise, for a companion of fools
suffers harm. Prov. 13:20
Walk Together
(Share and pray with a spiritual friend):
Talk Together
(Help for Family Discussions around the Table):
How important is it to share good things with others?
How important is it to share the teachings and encouragement of the Bible with others?
How can we encourage others with God’s Holy Word?
Remember Together
(This Weeks Memory Verse):
Walk with the wise and become wise,
for a companion of fools suffers
harm. Prov. 13:20
Bonus: Psalm 1
Meet Together
Discussion Questions for Life
1. Review memory verses. How did it go this week with daily
devotions, spiritual meetings?
2. Context: Bonhoeffer wrote this material out of the life situation of living in community with students in the underground Lutheran seminary in Germany. As a result the material is most applicable to cloistered communities. Yet
there are principles that still apply to gathered and dispersed communities like Uxbridge Baptist Church. See
what you think applies as you work through this chapter.
3. How do you begin your day? How is this different than the
community in which Bonhoeffer is writing?
4.Beginning on page 47, Bonhoeffer addresses the meaning and
value of praying the book of the Psalms. What are three
reasons he provides (p.47-50)? What have you/your home
group discovered about prayer and the psalms?
5. From pages 50-57, Bonhoeffer takes up the Christian community’s experience of the Bible. What do you make of his
statement on p. 54, “it is in fact more important for us to
know what God did to Israel, to His Son Jesus Christ, than
to seek what God intends for us today.”? What instruction
do we receive from Mark 1:35?
6. What dangers does Bonhoeffer warn us against as we read
Scripture within the Christian community? On the basis of
1 Tim. 4:13, 2 Tim. 3:15 and Col. 2:3, what would you say
to our generation about the Bible and community?
7. According to Bonhoeffer, what is the role of music and hym-
Listen Together
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion
of fools suffers harm. Prov.
Bonus: Psalm 1
Grades 9-12
Sunday School weekly at 9am!
Nov 12th -
Nov 14th-
Nov 21st-
@ 7pm
Girls and Guys
@ The May’s
We are continuing the
Youth Alpha Video
Bring your friends!
Get ready for BLIZZARD!!!
We are starting to make a list of those students
wanting to attend blizzard this year!!
(CBOQ event, Last weekend of Jan.)
Let us know if you are interested!
Please note there is always financial assistance, don’t
If you would like to be added to the
Parent/Adult Email list to receive further
information, please let us know at
For Gr. 6-8!
Sunday School begins weekly @ 9 am!
KW Junior High Edition - during church service
November 22nd
Pool Noodle Hockey
& Devo Time
at the church
7 to 9 pm
December 13th
Chocolate Moulds
& Devo Time
at the church
7 to 9 pm
If you have any questions about QUEST or any of these
events, feel free to email Wendy Meek at
Tickets available today during Coffee Time
after the service—See Pastor Kathy
Sample CD’s also available today
Stephanie Couperthwaite
Jan Grisdale
Carol McTaggart Addison Wride
Barb Wride
Fiona Wride
Next Sunday
Lisa Dale
Tim Merrill
Kirsten Merrill
Chantal Evans
Tiffany Meek
KIDZ EDGE (Sunday School)
From JK/SK to Gr. 8
at 9am in lower hall.
Gr. 7 & 8
dismissed during
the 10am service.
Ilene Geer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering at home
Anne McDowell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength
Grace Mason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength
Wayne Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering from knee surgery
Doreen Pickett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering at home
Ben Prince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily strength
Caro Wiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ongoing neurological Issues
Clarence Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Recovering from pneumonia
Phyllis Feasby - Community Nursing
Betty James - Butternut Manor, Uxb.
Home, Port Perry
Paul Leman - 20 Perry St. Uxb.
Joyce Greensides - Orchard Villa, Pickering Ruby Matthews - Parkview, Stouffville
Jean Hetherington - Relocated to Beaverton after fire at Fairview Lodge, Whitby
UBC INFOLINK is usually sent out on Thursdays and lists the
current news and events for the week.
UBC PRAYER NETWORK is available via phone (905-852-3662
ext 9 after office hours) or email. Please submit your prayer requests to
the church office. The prayer network is updated daily during office
To receive either the UBC Infolink or Prayer Network via email please
send your request to
Lead Pastor - Rev. Dr. Dale Dawson
Pastors’ Secretary/Business Administrator
Community Pastor - Kathy McIntosh
Business Administrator - Mrs. Bev Ott
Custodian - Mr Terry West
Youth Interim Leaders—Ian & Lindsay McIntosh