Upcoming Events - Freetown Road Church of Christ


Upcoming Events - Freetown Road Church of Christ
So far in our look at the life of Joseph,
we have seen calamity and more calamity
piled on this young servant of God. In
spite of being faithful to both God and his
owner, Potiphar, Joseph finds himself in
prison after being falsely accused of sexual
assault. In prison, he rolls up his sleeves
and goes to work again, and again rises to
the top. He proves to Potiphar he is still
trustworthy. Finally, in this dismal setting, Joseph sees the doors to
his future begin to slowly creep open. Today we will learn how God
works to bring us out of the hard times.
I want to commend Rickey Brown for his excellent sermon last Sunday night. Rickey is carrying a full load right now in his studies in the
school of preaching at Brown Trail. Nevertheless, he still finds time to
arrange our worship services, assigning men to the various jobs each
Sunday morning and evening and, he makes sure each spot is filled
each week. This makes my job so much easier. I appreciate him and I
hope you let him know you do too.
In Christ, David
Wednesday Fellowship Meal:
Steak Tenders, Potatoes & Vegetables
Serving is from 6-6:45 PM in the annex.
VIP Monthly Potluck Dinner– The VIPs
will meet Tuesday night at 6 PM in the annex for the
monthly potluck dinner.
“Dreaming Big”
As hard times go on and on, stay focused on God and the needs of
those around you.
All parents of the teens are asked to please meet today following worship for a meeting
in room 4. Topics include summer camps, activities, required release forms, and other
information coming up this summer.
Next Sunday: “Doors Creep Open”
(Genesis 41:1-32)
Sermon Notes:
Ladies Bible Workers News and Notes
“Dreaming Big” (Gen. 40:1-23)
Every month the Ladies Bible Workers take a meal to some of our members who are
shut in, widows, or widowers, to give them a wholesome hot meal and encouragement. The response to this ministry has been very positive. If you are free on Tuesday
mornings, please come join us. We will meet the 2nd Tuesday in June, July, and August
It does matter
1. come from
2. come from
3. come from
So, Expect:
Our love, prayers and sympathy are extended to our sister , Jimmie Newton in the
passing of Jim. Services were last Wednesday at Bean Massey Burge funeral
home. Burial was at DFW National Cemetery. Keep Jimmie and her family in
prayer for comfort in the days ahead.
Our hearts are also with Johnnie Morin in the passing of his father, Daniel Morin.
He passed away last weekend in San Antonio. Graveside service was Friday in
Lytle, Tx.
Tonight: Sermon in a Song
Prayer Requests & Concerns
Please fill out a white attendance card and place it in the holder at
the end of the pew for collection.
In lieu of a shower—-A money tree gift will be presented to Wren & Nancy on
their wedding day, May 7th at Freetown. If you would like to donate to this gift, please
give your donations to Peggy Holveck or Jerry Criswell.
Committee Help Opportunity
Anyone who would like to help serve on the wedding committee for Wren & Nancy’s wedding and
reception, please contact Peggy Holveck.
Wren Smith and Nancy Conner invite their Freetown Road
Church family to their wedding, this Saturday, May 7th at 2
PM at Freetown Road Church of Christ. Reception to follow
in the annex..
The pathology report for Sharon Jordan’s sister, Charlotte, showed that the cancer
was in some of her lymph nodes and had spread to other areas. Sharon states,
“Please keep her in your prayers that God will sustain her through the Chemo
treatments. Gal. 3:20 tells us HE is more than able.”
Jan Reed requests prayers for her brother, Jim Reed. He has been diagnosed
with an incurable kidney disease and will start dialysis soon. He will also need a
kidney transplant. "Praying God lay his hands on him for healing."-Jan Reed
Continue Prayers:
Russ Hargrove-flu like symptoms, chemo treatments, weakness
“God Will Get You through This“
In the darkest days, when life and hope have left you, know there is a God
who will get you through this to a better place for a greater purpose.
There are several events and seminars hosted by area congregations that are coming up in the
near future. Please take a moment to check the red Freetown Family bulletin board in the
hallway to find out more information.
Upcoming Events
*IDC-Iglesia de Cristo
May-Elder Chairman-Dwight Spencer
3 VIP Potluck Dinner in annex 6 PM
6-7 Annex & Building reserved all day
7 Wren Smith & Nancy Conner Wedding-2PM
8 Mother’s Day-no PM service
10 Ladies Bible Worker’s salad luncheon
13 Melinda out of office
14 God’s Women of Purpose led by Edith Brown-12-5 PM in the annex
15 Care Groups-Annex reserved by Thurman’s group 12-2 PM
16-19 Melinda out of office
20 Youth-Game Night @ building 8 PM room 4
21 Annex reserved by Michelle Rendon 2-6 PM
27-29 Annex and building reserved-*IDC Campaign & Seminar
29 No PM Service due to holiday weekend-6 PM Devo & Communion
30 Memorial Day-Office Closed
Daily Bible Reading
Sermons, Bulletins and More @
Freetown Road Church of Christ
1038 Freetown Road
Grand Prairie, Texas 75051
972-641-4596 fax: 972-641-4597
Email: freetowncoc@sbcglobal.net
Web: freetownroad.com
Service & Class Times
Sunday Bible Class: 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM & 6 PM
Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM
David Thurman, Pulpit
Marty Kay, Youth
Carlos Bautista, Iglesia De Cristo
Servicios en espanol 9:30-11:30 AM
Larry Bitting Mike Haynes
Dwight Spencer
Victor Acevedo, Campeche Mexico
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Sunday Attendance-AM Worship: 143
2016 Budget
Missions: $ 35 Campeche, Mexico
Statistics 2016
Baptisms: 2
Placed Membership: 12
The daily Bible scriptures are taken from The One Year Bible.
They may also be found at www.oneyearbibleonline.com".
May 1 Judges 13:1-14:20, John 1:29-51, Psalm 102:1-28,
Proverbs 14:15-16
2 Judges 15:1-16:31, John 2:1-25, Psalm 103:1-22, Proverbs 14:17-19
3 Judges 17:1-18:31, John 3:1-21, Psalm 104:1-23, Proverbs 14:20-21
4 Judges 19:1-20:48, John 3:22-4:3, Psalm 104:24-35,
Proverbs 14:22-24
5 Judges 21:1-Ruth 1:22, John 4:4-42, Psalm 105:1-15,
Proverbs 14:25
6 Ruth 2:1-4:22, John 4:43-54, Psalm 105:16-36, Proverbs
7 1 Samuel 1:1-2:21, John 5:1-23, Psalm 105:37-45, Proverbs 14:28-29
The Family Gram
May 1, 2016
Volume 38
Number 17
Order of Worship
Song Leader: Mike Lennard
#717 We Will Stand
Worship Leader & Opening Prayer
Johnnie Morin
#959 Just A Little Talk with Jesus
All Verses
#525 He Knows Just What I Need
All Verses
Family Prayer: Lamar Hanks
#342 We Saw Thee Not
All Verses
Communion Leader:
Brian Woodson
Communion & Offering
Those To Serve
#68 Give Thanks
All Verses
May 8, 2016
#508 A Wonderful Savior
All Verses
Song Leader: Perry Grace
Worship Leader & Opening Prayer: Marty Kay
Family Prayer: Wren Smith
Communion Leader: Floyd Langston
Communion Servers: Johnnie Morin, Joe Ramsey, Tim
Conaway, Mike Haynes, Gary Gough, Lance Jordan,
Freddy Rendon Jr., Brian Woodson
Family Matters: Dwight Spencer
Closing Prayer: Lamar Hanks
Nursery Attendants : Christy Kay & Sharon Jordan
Baptistery Care: Dwight Spencer
Greeter: Not Assigned
Elder Chairman: Dwight Spencer
Building Lock Up: Freddy Rendon, Sr.
Message : David Thurman
Invitation #943 Do You Know My Jesus?
All Verses
Family Matters: Marty Kay
Closing #719 Love One Another
All Verses
Closing Prayer: Freddy Rendon, Sr.
Nursery Attendants:
Crystal Aranda & Peggy Bitting
Welcome Guests!
Please Stop By Our Visitor Center Located in the Foyer!
We are delighted you have chosen to worship with us. You honor us with your
presence. We pray you find your time with us uplifting and encouraging and that our
worship will honor our God and bring you closer to Him.
If you have any questions, simply ask one of our Elders, members, or speak to
one of our ministers. Please take a moment to fill out one of our blue visitors’ cards, so
we can have a record of your visit with us. Feel free to let us know what you think by writing comments on that card. You are always welcome!