Name STAFF PROFILE Education


Name STAFF PROFILE Education
Faculty of Applied and Health Sciences
Department of Medical sciences
Kiio Kithome
2011- Present. Maseno University PhD (Applied Parasitology and Vector Biology
2004-2009 Kenyatta University Master of Science (Parasitology)
Kalulini Secondary School K.C.E certificate
Kalulini Primary School C.P.E certificate
The Kenya Polytechnic University College
Higher Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences
The Kenya Polytechnic University College
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences
Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory
Contact Information
Office Location:
Campus Mail address:
Technical University of Mombasa P.
O. Box 90420-80100, Mombasa –
Kenya. Tom Mboya Street.
Research Specialty
My formal training is in medical laboratory sciences and my current research interests are in
parasitology, immunology, pathology and health systems research as related to Schistosomiasis
and other neglected tropical diseases (STHs) control. Am also interested on characterizing the
intestinal parasite infections of non- human primates in Kenya especially the blue and Sykes’
monkeys. Among the findings was a rank relationship between dominance status and both,
infection risk and infection intensity, with several common nematode taxa.
Research Description
Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiases (STHs) are among the neglected tropical
diseases (NTDs), associated with long-term disability, disfigurement, reduced economic
productivity, social stigma, for which treatment continues to be a major challenge for a large
proportion of the Kenyan population and other parts of the endemic tropics. Part of the challenge is
identification of strategies that provide highest coverage and benefit, and are most cost-effective
for delivering interventions to the affected populations. The World Health Organization’s approach
has been to use school-based treatment (SBT) for reducing morbidity and averting severe disease
in school-age children. However, in recent years, the community-wide treatment (CWT) has been
tested as an alternative approach to include those out of school. SBT and CWT approaches have
not been evaluated against each other. This current compares prevalence and morbidity of
schistosomiasis and STHs among school children in informal settlements of Kisumu City, western
Kenya, under the school-based and community-wide treatment approaches. Impact of treatment
approach on both parasite prevalence and morbidity is being investigated through monitoring of
parasitologic, serologic, anthropometric and pathologic indicators, pre-and post-treatment.
Research Keywords
Schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiases (STHs), school-based treatment (SBT),
Community-wide treatment (CWT), parasite prevalence and morbidity and intensity
Steffen Foerster, Marina Cords, Kiio Kithome, Doecas S. Yole, Steven Monfort
(2011). Social status and its relation to nematode infections in wild female blue monkeys
(Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) submitted to American Journal of primatology manscript
ID AJP-11-0039.
P.N. Nguhiu, C.N. Wamae, J.K. Magambo, I. Mulei, T. Kariuki, Kithome Kiio
D.S. Yole. Prevalence of acid-fast staining protozoa in wild-traped Olive baboons
(Pabio anubis) from Aberdare forest, Kenya. Proceedings of 2008 JKUAT Scientific,
Technological and Industrialization conference.
M.A. Suleman, D. Yole, E. Wango, R. Sapolsky, Kithome Kiio, H. E. Carlsson
and J. Hau (1999). Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Immunocompetence in Wild African
Green Monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) and the Effects of Capture and Confinement. In
Vivo 13: 25-28 (1999)
Dorcas S.Yole, Vincent O. Obanda, Kithome Kiio, and Horance Ochanda (2005).The
effect of vaccinating S.mansoni mice either before or after treatment. African Journal of
Health Sciences, Volume 12 Number 3-4, July-December.
Dorcas S.Yole, Stephen K.Gikuru,Emmanuel O. Wango, Kithome Kiio, Simon Kiarie
and Moses Limo (2006).Influence of age of mice on the susceptibility of murine
Schistosomiasis infection. Afr J Health Sci. 2006 13: 47-54.
Yole, Dorcas S.; Shamala, Kennedy.; Kithome, Kiio and Gicheru, Michael
M(2007) Studies on the interaction of Schistosoma mansoni and Leishmania major in
experimentally infected Balb/c mice. African Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 14
Number 1-2, December pp 80-85.