Document 6589309


Document 6589309
If you would like to put something in the
newsletter please email it to
or drop it off at the Church by Wed. noon.
November 9, 2014 - Visit us Online at
Join the Journey Through Witness
Reflection on Isaiah 43:8-13
Bring out the blind people who have eyes, the deaf ones who
have ears. All the nations are gathered together; the peoples
are assembled. Which of them announced this? Who
predicted to us the past events? Let them bring their witnesses
as a defense; let them hear and say, “It’s true!”
You are my witnesses, says the Lord, my servant, whom I
chose, so that you would know and believe me and
understand that I am the one. Before me no god was formed;
after me there has been no other. I, I am the Lord, and there
is no savior besides me. I announced, I saved, I proclaimed,
not some stranger among you. You are my witnesses, says the
Lord, and I am God. From the dawn of time, I am the one. No
one can escape my power. I act, and who can undo it?
Isaiah was speaking to Israel about their return from
Babylon...telling them that their task was to be a witness,
telling the world who God is and what he has done.
God calls us today to share the responsibility of being His
witnesses. We do this through knowing what we believe
and why we believe it, understanding and being able to
convey how God has worked in our own lives, and being
living examples of God's love.
Do people know what God is like through our words and
examples? The world cannot see God directly, but they
can see him reflected in us!
Celebration Meeting Today
Be sure to join us for an All Church Celebration Meeting on
Sun, Nov. 9 at 12:30 pm. We’re going to have a light lunch
and unveil our new strategic plan and priorities entitled “Join
the Journey.” We’ll learn more about where we believe God
is leading us in the next 2 years. Childcare will be provided.
Why is Witnessing Important?
St. John’s is excited to be participating in the Fruitful
Congregations Process (FCP) offered by the United Methodist
Church Illinois Great Rivers Conference. FCP is designed to
equip churches with practical principles for reaching out to
people in their communities. The first workshop titled,
“Radical Hospitality,” was hosted by St. John’s and attended
by members of our Outreach and Vision Teams, as well as
representatives from other United Methodist churches in our
conference. Mike Crawford, Coordinator of Congregational
Development, from the conference office led us through the
meaning of radical hospitality and helped us to understand,
“It's all about relationships.” Most importantly, it's about the
relationships we develop outside our church family,
especially with people who may not be attending any
church. St. John's is already involved in relationship-building
efforts such as the men's homeless ministry and the
community garden, and we want to do more.
During the workshop Mike shared the following statistics.
Approximately 70% of the people in our community are not
regularly involved in any church. Seventy percent of the
unchurched have never been invited, and only 2% of
Christians invite an unchurched person to church in a given
year. We need to do more. The key to building these radical
hospitality relationships is being comfortable sharing our faith
stories with others when the opportunity presents itself.
Workshop participants were led through an exercise to help us
develop our individual faith stories.
In our stewardship series “Join the Journey” we are focusing
on the vows that we take when we join the United Methodist
Church. We vow that we will be faithful to the Body of Christ
with our “prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.” This
week Pastor Sheryl will be preaching on the vow of witness.
Radical Hospitality will serve as a major initiative for our
church in 2015 and the Outreach Team is both excited and
challenged by this directive of the United Methodist Church
and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference.
Combined Traditional
Thanksgiving Service
Please plan to be part of our special Thanksgiving worship
service on Sun, Nov. 23 at 10 am. We will worship together
in one service, and Sunday school will not meet. Our
Thanksgiving Dinner follows worship, and families are asked
to bring 2 side dishes. Individuals, please bring 1 dish to
share. If you are interested in cooking a turkey or making a
dessert, please sign-up at the Servant Center. We will also
need help with set-up on Sat, Nov. 22 at 9 am. It usually takes
an hour or less to set-up when we have lots of help.
Christmas Decorating
Welcome Advent by helping to prepare our church for the
season! Mark your calendars for Sun, Nov. 23, and plan to
join us after the all church Thanksgiving dinner for the annual
“Hanging of the Greens.” We are also looking for someone to
coordinate the decorating. You can sign-up to help or be the
coordinator at the Servant Center.
Congratulations & thanks to everyone who helped with this
year’s Halloween float & walked in the parade – the St.
John’s float tied for third place in the large non-profit
category! We also have an opportunity to win the Fan
Favorite Award. Please go to and vote by Sun, Nov. 9.
Prayer Requests
Servant Opportunities
This week I will pray for:
Weekly Prayer Focus: As we anticipate the grand jury
decision on the Darren Wilson case, we pray for calm and
peace in the St. Louis and Metro East communities.
Donna Gardner, who is recovering from surgery.
Jill Schmidt, who is in serious condition at Barnes
Hospital. Also, prayers for Jean, Rich, and her children.
Sara Kaltmayer, who has pneumonia and enterovirus 68,
and is in the PICU at Children’s Hospital.
Bev Wheeler, who is dealing with continuing health
issues. Also, prayers for Larry, who is dealing with health
issues at home.
Nancy Carey’s grandson, Matthew, who has a lump under
his arm that is being tested.
Lisa Holderer's mother, who collapsed and was taken to
the hospital. She is awaiting a diagnosis.
Cathryn Reed, who is recovering from a fall and is moving
to Cambridge House.
Whitley, a 12 year old girl who is battling brain cancer.
Prayers, also, for wisdom for the doctors treating her and
peace for the family as they manage her treatment.
The family of Crystal Bone and her 3 children, who were
killed in a train accident on Oct. 30 in Vandalia.
Bob & Carolyn Pulliam request prayers for Richard,
Byron & Marcia who are receiving treatment for cancer;
Shane, who is awaiting test results; and Melissa, for arm
pain from a herniated disk.
Ferguson: Our Christian Response
The shooting death of Michael Brown by a police officer
caused demonstrations and violence in Ferguson, Missouri.
Why has the shooting generated such intense violence and
unrest? How does our Christian faith guide us as we seek to
understand and address the issues behind the protest? On Sun,
Nov. 9, we will be meeting during Sunday School (10:0510:50) in Rm. 130 to:
have a special opportunity to listen to some background
information and discuss some of the issues that this tragic
event has brought to the surface.
explore the forces that shape the racial polarization in our
provide time for us to talk with one another, to get a
deeper sense of where we are with the issues Ferguson has
raised, and to discern what our Christian response and
responsibilities are in our homes, workplaces and social
circles on this issue.
Come join us! Let us work together to promote social justice
within our circles of influence as God's people.
There are places to serve both within St. John’s and beyond
our walls. Sign up at the Servant Center table or the church
website. Please check back often to see how you can plug-in:
Serving Within the Church
 Help set-up the Ministry Center on Sat, Nov. 22 at 9 am
for the Thanksgiving Dinner.
 Prepare a large turkey and/or dessert for the All-Church
Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 23. We will need a total of
13 turkeys.
Coordinate the Advent decorating for the church.
Stay after the All-Church Thanksgiving Dinner to help
decorate the church for Advent on Nov. 23.
Serving Beyond the Walls
 Participate in the monthly Bridge Bread ministry by
picking up bread in St. Louis on the Saturday before the
sale or working at a table to sell the bread on Sunday
 Put together a gift box for Operation Christmas Child.
There are boxes available at the back of the Ministry
Center. Boxes are due by Nov. 16.
 Knit hats or scarves for the residents of the Alton Salvation
 Do construction work between 8 am-12 pm on Saturdays
at the Faith Coalition house at 922 Grand Ave in
Edwardsville, or the Habitat for Humanity build at 238
McKinley, Worden, IL.
Offering of Letters 2014
Since 1951, under The Food for Peace Act, the U.S. has
provided food aid to overseas victims of typhoons,
earthquakes, war and other disasters. In recent years, despite
increasing need, we have had to cut our food aid because of
the increased cost of food and shipping, and budget cuts in
Congress. A bipartisan bill in the Senate provides for reforms
that will make the program better without spending more
money. By purchasing the food in the country or region where
it is needed instead of shipping it from the U.S., we will be
able to serve up to 9 million more people much faster, and for
the same dollars.
On Sun, Nov. 9 from 9 am-12 pm in Fellowship Hall and the
Ministry Center the Missions Team is asking the congregation
to help support Bread for the World's 2014 Offering of
Letters. Please take a few minutes to write to your two
Senators and ask them to cosponsor this Bill, S. 2421: The
Food for Peace Reform Act of 2014. Ten or fifteen minutes of
your time could literally save millions of lives. Sample letters,
paper, envelopes and stamps will be provided.
My Legacy
You are invited to attend a special event on Sat, Nov. 15 at 6 pm. A free dinner will be provided. Then Ted Frost, Executive
Director of the United Methodist Foundation of the Illinois Great River Conference, will talk about the importance of thinking
about what kind of “legacy” we each want to leave. He will also talk about the importance of a will and will share many
opportunities to help ourselves financially now, our families later and ultimately our church. So that we have the right amount
of food, please RSVP by filling out this form and placing it in the offering plate.
Middle School Youth
Operation Christmas Child
Coming Up...
Nov. 9
No Youth Group
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
Youth Group: XP3 Discussion, 6-8 pm
Roller skating @ YMCA, 3-5 pm. Meet us at the
Meyer Center with $5 for skates.
High School Youth
Coming Up...
Nov. 9
Youth Group: XP3 Discussion, 6-8 pm
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
Youth Group: XP3 Discussion, 6-8 pm
Roller skating @ YMCA, 3-5 pm. Meet us at the
Meyer Center with $5 for skates.
Salvation Army Dinner
St. John’s prepares and serves a
dinner once a month for the
residents of the Salvation Army
Booth House at 525 Alby St. in
Alton. This is a great servant
opportunity for all ages to provide
food and comfort for some of our
brothers, sisters and children who
are in difficult circumstances. The
next meal will be on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27. If you can
help please come to the Salvation Army at 3 pm to help with
food prep. We will serve and eat with the residents at 5 pm,
and should be done with cleanup between 6 and 6:30 pm. For
questions, contact Joann Marti at 444.8516.
Christmas Giving Tree
Instead of a huge gift distribution on one day, the Glen Ed
Pantry is trying something different this year. A portion of
the upstairs of the Pantry has been turned into a "Christmas
Shop" and parents will be able to "shop" for their children
when they come in for food during November and
December. For this to work, we need to start gathering our
donations sooner.
There is a small Christmas tree in Fellowship Hall decorated
with "ornaments" with Christmas gift suggestions for the
children of Glen-Ed Pantry clients. Simply select a tag from
the tree, purchase the item, and place the unwrapped gift
beside the tree. Please bring your gift anytime in November
and early December. Thank-you, St. John's, for caring!
Operation Christmas Child
is a worldwide children's
project of Samaritan's Purse
that uses simple gift-filled
shoe boxes to let hurting
children know that they are
loved and not forgotten.
Their mission is to
demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children
around the world, and together with local churches
worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Boxes are available at the back of the Ministry Center. Join us
as we fill boxes for children around the world. Boxes are due
Nov. 16 so there is enough time to get them shipped before
Christmas. If you have any questions, please contact Connie
Gordon (692.0112) or Denise Downes (972.5068).
Children's Offering
The children’s Sunday school offering for the last quarter of
this year is going to the Glen Ed pantry. The money they give
helps others to enjoy Christmas by providing toys and gift
cards to families in need.
Family Advent eXperience
Are you interested in being a part of this year's Advent FX?
There will be an informational meeting this Sun, Nov. 9 at 6
pm in the Ministry Center. If you are interested, but can't
make this meeting, please call or email Denise Downes at
972.5068 or
New Parents Group Forming
A new group for parents with small children is starting on Fri,
Nov. 21. The goals are to help the families get to know each
other, develop relationships with each other and build their
relationship with Christ, support and walk beside each other
in their journey through parenting, and share some fun and
food. The plan is to meet bi-weekly on Friday evenings from
6–8 pm at the church. They are going to start discussing the
book The Five Love Languages of Children. Childcare will be
provided. Please RSVP to Rachel Douglas at so they have the right number of
childcare workers.
Thanksgiving Baskets
We are working with Eden UCC, other churches, and
Schnucks again this year to put together Thanksgiving food
baskets for the Glen Ed Pantry. Each basket costs
approximately $30 and provides a struggling family with a
Thanksgiving meal. If you would like to make a donation,
just be sure to designate on your check or envelope
"Thanksgiving Baskets" and put it in the offering plate or
bring it to the church office by Sun, Nov. 16.
St. John’s UMC
Our Purpose
Our Vision
Our Core Values
7372 Marine Rd, Edwardsville
To lead people into a
growing relationship with
Jesus Christ.
To be a beacon of faith and
service, focusing our
passions and gifts to reflect
Christ’s love to the world.
Knowing, loving and serving
Join us for worship at 9 or 11 am
Bridge Bread Ministry
Upcoming Birthdays
Nov. 9
Last month St. John’s was able to send $650 to Bridge
Bread through the sale of bread and the Mission Meal! This
money helps pay salaries for our homeless friends, and helps
them get training, jobs, and the ability to acquire housing.
The Missions Team will be selling Bridge Bread again
on Sun, Nov. 16 at 9 am. What a delicious way to help
someone move out of homelessness! They will have a variety
of breads and sweet rolls.
Kaysie Gruenkemeyer Nov. 19 Aubry Dickmann
Jeran Hemphill
Mary Hemphill
Nov. 10 Mindy Hinton
Mary Pokorny
Nov. 11 Jayne Colligan
Bob Runge
Dwayne Trover
Nov. 12 Ava Horton
Megan Webb
Nov. 20 Michelle Aikman
Mark Schrader
Pat Zimmermann
Nancy Neumann
Nov. 21 Abraham Markowitz
Nov. 14 Brynn Olliges
Emily Naylor
Nov. 15 Mike Hungerford
Aiden Wencewicz
Dina Williams
Nov. 22 Hilary Belling
Connie Zimmermann
The Missions Team is planning for this to be a monthly
mission project. They are looking for individuals and families
who would like to be a part of the Bridge Bread Team. They
need people to pick up the bread in St. Louis on the Saturday
before the sale, or work at a table to sell the bread on Sunday
mornings. You can sign-up for this great ministry at the
Servant Center.
Taylor Marshall
Nov. 17 Laurie Forinash
Pecans are Almost Here
Tipa Knox
Lucy Morby
Coming soon, DELICIOUS PECANS - large fancy halves,
fancy small pieces and dark chocolate covered. The United
Methodist Women will be bringing these to you on Nov. 16,
as soon as they can be shelled, packaged and sent to us.
Contact a UMW member to place your order.
David Sherrill
Nov. 18 Alyssa Grettler
St. John’s Calendar: November 9-22
Coffee Fellowship, FH,
Open Walking, MC, UMW Joy Circle,
Rm 105, 9:30am
Offering of Letters, FH,
Prayer Team, MC,
11 Veterans’s Day 12
Staff Meeting, Rm 107, Open Walking, MC, Pastor Sheryl’s
Day Off
Men’s Small
Group, FH, 8am
Faith Coalition
Renovation, 922
Grand Ave in
Traditional Worship, MC,
Girl Scout Troop
Handbell Choir
World Religions
Wedding Rehearsal, Edwardsville,
#211, FH, 5:15pm Today’s Walking
Practice, MC, 6:30pm Study, Rm 105,
MC, 4pm
Sunday School, Whole
Wounded, Library,
Boy Scouts, FH,
Al-Anon, Rm 105,
Church, 10:05am
Habitat for
Bible Study, Rm 105, Play, 6pm
Humanity, 238
Children’s Choir, Rm 114,
Choir Practice, Rm
Worden, 8:30amRobotics Team,
Anonymous, FH,
130, 7:30pm
Contemporary Worship,
MC, 11am
Wedding, MC,
All Church Mtg, MC,
Praise Band Practice,
Robotics Team,
Education Wing,
Quilting for God, Rm
203, 6pm
Changing Habits, Rm Mom 2 Mom, Rm
105, 8am
202, 9:30am
MC, 7pm
Staff Parish Relations,
Rm 127, 2pm
My Legacy
Presentation, FH,
Robotics Team, Rm 130,
Youth Group, Whole
Church, 6pm
FX Mtg, MC, 6 pm
Coffee Fellowship, FH,
Open Walking, MC, UMW Faith Circle,
Rm 105, 10am
Traditional Worship, MC, Library Team,
Staff Meeting, Rm 107, Open Walking, MC, Pastor Sheryl’s
Day Off
Men’s Small
Group, FH, 8am
Faith Coalition
Renovation, 922
Grand Ave in
Bridge Bread Sale, FH.
Prayer Team, MC,
Handbell Choir
World Religions
Parents Group, Rm
Today’s Walking
Practice, MC, 6:30pm Study, Rm 105,
124, 6pm
Sunday School, Whole
Wounded, Library,
Girl Scout Troop
Al-Anon, Rm 105,
Church, 10:05am
Habitat for
Bible Study, Rm 105, Anonymous, FH,
#211, FH, 5:15pm
Humanity, 238
Children’s Choir, Rm 114,
Women 2 Women,
Boy Scouts, FH,
Choir Practice, Rm
Rm 201, 7pm
Worden, 8:30amRobotics Team,
130, 7:30pm
Contemporary Worship,
MC, 11am
Missions Team, Rm
105, 7pm
Board of Trustees, Rm
Praise Band Practice,
127, 12:15pm
MC, 7pm
Library, 9:30am
Robotics Team,
Education Wing,
Growth Group,
Denny’s, 6pm
Changing Habits, Rm Mom 2 Mom, Rm
105, 8am
202, 9:30am
Robotics Team, Rm 130,
Youth Group, Whole
Church, 6pm
FH - Fellowship Hall
MC - Ministry Center