Document 6589740


Document 6589740
Volume 18 Issue 15
Inside this Issue
30 October, 2014
From the Principal
From the Deputy
Dear Members of the Caroline Chisholm
Catholic College Community,
Director of Learning
(Years 10-12) Report
Director of Campus,
College News
Calendar of Events
In finishing their days at Caroline Chisholm
Catholic College, our year 12 students are to
be congratulated for the way they entered
into proper celebrations and festivities to
mark the occasion. As a College, we are
privileged to work with such a fine bunch of
young men and women who work with us in
such a supportive and respectful way. The
assembly and special breakfast, the graduation mass and opportunity to celebrate
achievements were all special rights of passage for our Year 12 students. These occasions bring some sadness as we farewell our
students for the last time, and farewell some
families as well. As the adage says, “it takes
a village to raise a child” and it was heartwarming to see our Year 12’s acknowledge
and thank their teachers. We wish them the
very best for the exams and their journeys in
life after that.
VCAA examinations:
Lord, we pray for our students
sitting for their exams,
that they may remain
calm and at peace
so that they may be able
to make the best use
of their talents
and the study they have
and the education they
have been given.
Let nothing prevent them
from doing as well as they
and may they be ready
to support and encourage
one another.
For our own talents
and the education and
support that we receive,
we give thanks.
This fortnight also saw us Celebrate our
Evening of Excellence. The night acknowledged the achievements of our most academic, sporting and community minded
young people as they aspire to excellence.
But in saying that, never let us forget that we
have another 1300 young people who stand
closely behind this. Every young person in
our school achieves something special each
time they do something new or do something
better than they have before – that is how we
learn and improve. What Caroline Chisholm
Catholic College values most is that our
young people try their very best.
Parents and Friends Association
I thank those parents who recently attended
the Caroline Chisholm Catholic College Parent and Friends Association. We are visioning a new future together and I thank Sheree
Zavattiero for her ongoing work in this area. It is important that we continue to
strengthen and grow our College Community. I encourage all parents and friends of the
College to get involved and be part of the
improvement of our College.
Naming of College Buildings and College
All families should soon receive an email
from the College regarding the naming of
College Buildings and naming of College
House Groups. We have had a strong response from students and staff – we are now
calling on our community to participate and
share your ideas.
Naming of College Buildings:
To create a culture that values positive characteristics of prominent role models which
inspires us to ‘be the best we are called to
Criteria for naming of buildings/centres:
The buildings are to be named after significant people who have demonstrated a number of the following values:
Faith: We live faith-filled lives and give
thanks daily.
Acceptance” We respect and embrace the
Compassion: We care and do what is right
and just.
Excellence: We strive for and celebrate
every success.
The nominated person must be deceased
and preferably Catholic and Australian or
provided service to Australians.
Naming of new College Houses:
The criteria for naming of possibly up to 6
College Houses is that they are a Catholic
Saint: (males and females will be selected)
Mr Marco DiCesare
Central Administration
St. John’s School
Sacred Heart School
204 Churchill Avenue
Braybrook 3019
Christ The King School
65 Churchill Avenue
Braybrook 3019
Our Mission at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College is
to strive to live Gospel Truths and values. We seek
to provide a holistic education. We endeavour to inspire
and empower all members of the College
community to reach their full potential.
Phone 61 3 9296 5311
Fax 61 3 9296 5381
Deputy Principal (Operations) Report
devices are brought into the exam room and students must
When a Year 12 group completes its journey through Caro- wear full school uniform.
line Chisholm Catholic College, it provides an opportunity
Students are encouraged to work out a study program that
to reflect on all that has gone into the successful compleallows for adequate study across all subject areas. It is
tion of either the VCE or VCAL courses of study for each
also very important that students have a good night sleep
student. Starting at home, the learning process begins with
before exams and eat a healthy breakfast to maintain focus
parents and family members who encourage, support and
and energy.
motivate their children to develop and maintain high standWe wish all students the very best for the upcoming exam
ards and work hard to achieve to the best of their ability.
Parents and family members show immense pride in the
efforts and achievements of their loved ones and it was VCE Text Book Buy Back
great to see the joy and pride in the eyes of many family At VCE we would like to build class sets of text books for
and friends as the members of the class of 2014 celebrat- VCE Physics, Chemistry, Legal Studies and Food Technoled their graduation last week. Similarly, there was incredi- ogy.
ble pride on the faces of not only year 12 teachers last
week, but many teachers who have played a part in the We are looking to purchase the following second hand text
learning journey of our graduating students. This joy ex- books that are in a decent, usable condition as these
tends to all the teaching and non-teaching staff because books are not being book listed for our 2015 VE students.
we all know that working in a catholic school is about supporting the educational growth of our young people. This
Year 11 Books
means growth in all areas: learning, social, emotional, morHeinemann Chemistry 1 Enhanced Student Book (4th edition)
al, physical and most importantly spiritual. We hope that all
Heinemann Physics 12 Enhanced
students leave the gates of the college with a strong sense
Food Solutions Units 3 & 4 (3rd edn)
of who they are and the enormous potential that they have
Justice & Outcomes VCE Units 3&4 (12th edn)
feeling as though they can achieve what is important to
Year 12 Books
them and contribute to the lives of others.
Heinemann Chemistry 2 Enhanced Student Book (4th edition)
Heinemann Physics 12 Enhanced
As Deputy Principal (Operations), last week was a great
Food Solutions Units 3 & 4 (3rd edn)
reminder to me of the purpose of all that happens at CaroJustice & Outcomes VCE Units 3&4 (12th edn)
line Chisholm Catholic College. It is to produce young people who are ready to enter the adult world with integrity and
purpose. Young people who have a place for God in their We are in the position to offer from $25-$30 per second
lives and have faith that with hard work they can accom- hand book.
plish great things they are destined for.
If you wish to sell your book to the College for this amount,
we will be setting up a book sale in the Study Centre after
Tullio Zavattiero
the exams on the following dates and times:
Year 12 book sale
Director of Learning (Years 10 –12) Report 
Wednesday 12th November 12pm-12.40pm
Year 12 and Unit 3 & 4 VCAA Exams
Friday 14th November 11am-11.40am
As our year 12’s a farewelled from the College this week it
Year 11 book sale
is timely to congratulate these students on a fantastic year 
Thursday 20th November 11am-11.40am and
and wish them success, happiness and fulfilment in all they do
as they begin a new chapter in their lives.
For many of these students who will be undertaking VCAA
exams, the next few weeks will be extremely important to
ensure their hard work and determination is reflected in
their performance in the exams. It is normal that students
may feel nervous before exams, but careful preparation
and revision will build confidence and will help to reduce
All students undertaking Unit 3 &4 exams
must refer to their copy of the VCE Exams
Navigator Booklet which contains all the information they need to know about the exam
period. Please take special note of the exam days and times for your child and ensure
they are at the College at least 15 mins prior
to the beginning of the exam.
Year 10 & 11 Exams
Year 11 exams: Wednesday 12th November to Wednesday 19th November
Year 10 exams: Wednesday 19th November to Friday 21st
Please see the timetable attached to this newsletter.
Students are asked to contact their subject teacher or Ms
Barnard if they have any queries about this.
Year 10 Work Experience
Last week, our Year 10 students who
are undertaking the Industry and Enterprise course completed work experience. Students picked placements
based on their interests, career goals,
and in some cases, as a foot in the
door to gain part time employment.
On the visits to see students in the
workplace the employers were very
complementary with their feedback
about our students and the way they
have conducted themselves in the
Well done to all our Year 10’s who did
so well on work experience, we are very
proud of the way you have represented our College. The
program would not have been such a success without the
hard work of Mr Bernie O’Keefe who organised the program and visited these students at their placements.
Students are reminded that it is compulsory to attend these
exams and any absence must be communicated by par- Thank you Mr O’Keefe.
ents to the VCE Coordinator or Year Level Coordinator.
Lisa Barnard
We ask that no mobile phones or unapproved electronic
Year 11 and 12 Transition VCE/VCAL:
All VCE and VCAL students for 2015 will be required to
complete a 5 day compulsory Transition Program beginning on Monday 24th until Friday 28th November. This week
will be the official commencement of the Year 11 and 12
VCE, Foundation, Intermediate and Senior VCAL Units for
2015. The purpose of transition classes is to introduce students to their courses and subjects for 2015.
Director of Campus Report—Sacred
The end of the school year and
exams are fast approaching. On
Thursday 16th of October we
had the Evening of Excellence.
Students who won awards were
invited to attend, along with their
parents. It was a great night and
an excellent way to celebrate
Year 10 boys making pasta:
This is an example of Maths students crossing boundaries with
their learning. They are estimating
length, volume, error of measureOn Monday 20th of Octo- ment and even velocity of the pasber the year 12’s com- ta machine. The pasta tasted expleted their final day of cellent.
classes in order to prepare for their VCE ex- Year 12 Students versus the Teachers Soccer match:
ams. Their Celebration Final result 1-1.
Day was held on Tuesday 21st the following day
and it was a very successful day. All the year
12’s dressed up and
looked amazing in their
costumes. We celebrated
the day with breakfast,
entertainment and reflection upon this year’s journey. There were lots of
photos, laughter and 2014 Japan Study Tour:
tears as the students farewelled their teachers and friends. During the September holidays,
a group of 10 students and staff
The year 12 Graduation was on Thursday 23rd October. travelled to Japan. They visited
Each student was presented with a certificate and a key Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo and expering to mark their graduation from Caroline Chisholm Cath- rienced homestay in Okinawa.
olic College. It is with a touch of sadness that I wish the
year 12 students farewell. I hope they remember their time I would like to thank Paul Barat CCCC with fondness and take with them lots of special ber and Joanne Heide who led
memories and friendships. I hope all of the students feel this Study Tour.
inspired to achieve their dreams. It’s not the end but the
beginning of a new journey.
Students from Year 9, 10 and
11 will be able to apply to atFinal Day of Classes for Year 11 and 10:
tend the 2015 Japan Study
 Year 11 Final Day of Classes is on Tuesday 11 No- Tour shortly.
 Year 10 Final Day of Classes is on Tuesday 18th of No- Please email Ms Linda Bracco for more information.
 VCAA/VCE Exams begin on Wednesday 29th of October
until 21st November.
 Year 11 Exams begin Wednesday 12th November until
Friday 21st November.
 Year 10 Exams begin on Wednesday 19th November
until Friday 21st November.
All students completing exams are to carefully note the
time and day of all their exams. Students will be allowed to
bring a clear water bottle and stationery and must follow all
rules for VCAA Examinations. Students must wear their full
college uniform and supply their current ID card with photo
identification so they can be easily identified by the external examiners. No mobile phones or electronic devices are
allowed in the examination room. We ask that all students
meet in the Study Centre at least 15 minutes prior to each
exam. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of the
senior students from year’s 10 to 12 good luck and every
success for their exams.
Semester 2 Drama Excursion:
On 9 October, Drama students from Years 9, 10 and 11
went to the Southbank Theatre to see Melbourne Theatre
Company / Arena Theatre Company production of MARLIN. Set in a fictional Queensland coastal town, the play
told the story of a young girl and her grandfather as they
got lost at sea trying to free a trapped marlin fish. The highlight was watching the stage be enveloped in a sea of real
foam! The students were able to stay after the performance
to participate in an informative Q&A, where they had the
opportunity to ask first-hand questions of the actors, MTC
Producer and ATC Director. It was an afternoon of exciting,
non-naturalistic theatre, and
the students enjoyed the
beautiful show.
Damian Bernardo
Quin Auditorium Manager
School Based Apprenticeships
(SBAT’s) in Hospitality:
On Thursday October 9, a number of
our senior VET Hospitality students for
2015 were invited to
listen to representatives from ASCET
Institute of Technology.
Traineeships Congratulations to Mr Todd McNeal and the College Stage
Band for their inspiring performance at the Evening of Excellence. The performance was enjoyed by all and your
presentation was professional and enjoyable!
ASCET is currently offering 20 positions state-wide in the
form of School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships.
These SBAT’s are especially significant because they are
based at three of the most prestigious 5 star Hotel/Motels
in the CBD of Melbourne, including the Radisson, the Marriott and the Stamford.
Victorian College of the Arts workshop
I never really understood what art was, or what it was supposed to make me feel, or how meanings are supposed to
bleed out from a masterpiece. I grew up thinking that being
artistic was being able to make something look pretty- my
assumption couldn’t have been any more distant from the
I applied to get involved in the LEAP Design Workshop
held in Victorian College of Arts (VCA) at Melbourne University, during Term 3 holidays. I was told it would be an
ideal way for me to experience what it would be like to be
an art student at university and get questions answered
Students who get selected will begin their SBAT at the end about university life from university students.
of this year and will be given two days employment and
training each week, including one day on the weekend. VCA was tucked away in the laneways of a grey building,
This will continue for 2 years and contribute to their VCE as just across the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV- Internawell as providing them with a Certificate III in Hospitality. tional) and The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
Students will have the choice to specialise in areas such (ACCA). College of Arts was basically in the heart of Melas, Front Office, Kitchen, Event management, Food & Bev- bourne art. The first thing I did, along with a couple of other
students from other schools, was explore the different deerage and Gaming.
partments of art at VCA. This included the Drawing, PaintOnce students complete the two years, they can continue ing, Printmaking and Photography, and Sculpting departon to begin a career in management with these organisa- ments. Each department had their own area, sectioned into
individual art studios and resource rooms.
This is a very exciting opportunity and these organisations
We were able to sift through the maze and delve into every
are using it to recruit their future management staff. One of
studying artist’s jungle. The art studios were plastered with
the managers from the Radisson also spoke about her exworded and visual brainstorms. Collected photos and
citing job to the students.
ripped-out pages of inspiration for their artwork covered
Students will have to undertake a very stringent application their desks, empty water bottles and paintbrushes still restand interview process to be selected. Hopefully, some of ing in its water pots were positioned all over the space, and
the odd acrylic paint splatter speckled the floors and the
our students will be given this wonderful opportunity!
walls of the art studios. Each art studio in each department
For more information, please contact Mr. Bernie O’Keefe in displayed their thoughts and ideas differently. Not one art
the Pathways Centre.
studio was the same. I think the idea that ‘art is limitless’ is
what firmly stuck with me after viewing the assorted art
studios. Whilst other subjects get you from only point A to
point B, art is willing to broaden your horizons and let you
St Cecilia Music Department
The St Cecilia Music Department warmly welcomes Kym start from any point you wish and end on any point your
Raverty in her new role as Music Administration Assistant. path leads you to.
She is already hard at work organising events, student
movement, timetabling and new projects for 2015 and be- The final hours of the day was spent at ACCA where we looked at current exhibitions of
Melbourne artists. We viewed artworks
Senior Elective Music students are always very active at which shared the theme of op art (optical art)
performance evenings, Masses and Music Department and a main artwork installation titled ‘Slave’
concerts. The Music Department would like to congratulate which was, essentially, a dark, echoing room
the Year 12 Music Class 2014 on their recent graduation. with planks of board reaching at least threeThank you for your outstanding contributions to music in metres above your head, projecting an orthe College. Year 12 Students will now complete their in- dered group of vertical bright lines (this bestrumental examinations for an external panel of examin- ing the only light you see in the entire room).
ers. The students are expected to perform up to 5 pieces
The day couldn’t have ended any better.
from various eras of music with finesse and professionalI soaked in so much knowledge and vital
information regarding future art studies
at university, and felt like this was the
I would like to welcome all incoming senior music students;
type of environment I hope I’d see myself
Helena, Zach, Cassandra, Jan, Angie, Alexandra, Nikki B,
studying in, in the future. My experience
Tyson and Dennis. We look forward to exciting, energised,
has left me with the conclusion that art
moving and entertaining performances.
is, in actual fact, underrated and overlooked. There’s more to art than paint
and pretty colours. Believe me, anything
is art if you let it.
Cecilia Rafanan
Staff Profile
College News
Christmas Wishing Tree 2014
Christmas is nearly upon us and the custom of giving presents on Christmas have a religious significance. The gifts
which are given represent the gifts of the Wise Men to the
Christ Child. The giving of gifts also remind us of the love
of the Infant Jesus and how we should imitate this by loving one another with acts of charity.
I am Head of Learning—English at the College.
This is my first year in the role and my eighth at
the College (also in teaching).
Although I am relatively ‘mature age’, it wasn’t until 2006
that I completed my Dip Ed. The early part of my career
The St. Vincent de Paul College Conference Team here at was spent completing a MA and a PhD in Literature at La
Caroline Chisholm Catholic College would invite all mem- Trobe University, then working for several years as a casubers of the community who wish to purchase and donate al academic and having two children.
new toys or clothing for children from the ages of 12 I decided to become a secondary teacher of English for
months to 12 years of age.
two very simple reasons: I love reading, writing and talking
These donations will be given directly to the St. Vincent de about words and I want to add something to the world. My
Paul Society in Braybrook and distributed to families in and job at Caroline Chisholm allows me to do the first thing all
around the area. All families wishing to donate items are of the time and try hard to do the second most of the time. I
kindly asked not to wrap them. Please collect a tag/ feel very strongly that our students are worthy of the best
Christmas card from Student Services Office at St Johns or possible opportunities to excel in English. To me, excelling
Christ the King campus and then return the item with the in English is not just about marks: it is about being able to
card/tag attached. Please feel free to write a special create, communicate and collaborate effectively and proChristmas message on the tag and place your gift under ductively in our complex modern world. My aim is to empower all my team members to facilitate these abilities in
one of the trees, which are located at both sites.
our students and to do so myself.
This Christmas incentive will be running from the 28th OcOutside of school time, I like to run, mountain bike, hike in
tober – 28th November, 2014
wild places, read, cook and go to the theatre and cinema.
Your outpouring spirit and concern for othRegards,
ers will be gratefully appreciated.
Karen Wellberry
A sincere thank you on behalf of the ColGraduation for the Whitten Project.
lege Conference Team and the many who
Tahlya Cutajar, Kayla Adams and
will receive your gifts.
Brandon Linsley recently graduated
from the Whitten Project, which is a
Mr Paul Sammut
project funded and organised by the
Faith Community Leader
Western Bulldogs Football Club and
the local councils of Brimbank, MelRugby Sevens comes to Caroline Chisholm
ton, Maribyrnong, Moonee Valley
Year 8 students Lucas Niedzwiecki and Aaron Tofa are and Hobsons Bay .
quite the avid rugby players in their spare time outside of The Whitten project focuses on the development of leaderschool, and now they have taken it upon themselves to ship skills in young people in the West. The Caroline
bring that passion to Caroline Chisholm Catholic College.
Chisholm Catholic College students have actively particiWhile the College Sporting program offers a wide range of pated in an 8 month intensive project which values respect,
sports to all year levels, the new addition of Rugby Sevens teamwork, honesty and community spirit as well as develto the Olympic Games has influenced our students desire oping leadership potential.
to participate in this new and exciting challenge. Coached Congratulations to these 3 young leaders.
by Colin Chapman, Lucas and Aaron have rounded up a
team of 16 boys from Year 8 who are all just as keen to
Calendar of Events
take on this new challenge. The team have been training
twice a week, and for many, this is the first time they have November 3—Student Free Day
ever touched a rugby ball let alone compete.
November 4—Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
The team will be playing in the Victorian Rugby Union/
November 7—Drama Excursion
Melbourne Rebels Springtime Sevens Competition against
schools such as Marcellin, Thornbury and Trinity College November 11—Girls Uniform Fittings A—G
(s) with matches taking place every Friday evening from November 12—Girls Uniform Fittings H—N
Year 11 Exams (to November 21)
4:00pm over the next 5 weeks.
Results will be displayed on the College website and social November 13—Girls Uniform Fittings O—Z
media after each match. Results aside however, a huge November 18—Year 10 Final Day (includes assembly)
congratulations to the dedicated students of Year 8 for tak- Boys Uniform Fittings A—G
ing the initiative to bring a new sport into the College, and 9D Camp (to November 21)
to Colin Chapman and Ryan Gingell for their after-hours November 19—Boys Uniform Fittings H—N
Year 10 Exams (to November 21)
dedication to make this all possible.
Good luck to all involved.
November 20—Boys Uniform Fittings O—Z
Natasha Feore
December 2—Year 7 Orientation Day
Sports Coordinator
December 3—Christ the King Final Assembly
St John’s Final Assembly
December 4—Years 7—9 Final Day
Vietnamese Parents Association Meeting
January 15 2015—Book & Uniform Collection A—L
will be held on Wednesday 12th November
January 16 2015—Book & Uniform Collection M—Z
at 7pm at 204 Churchill Avenue in the
Study Centre.
January 28 2015—Students Commence Term 1 2015