Document 6590486


Document 6590486
in the Towne Crier
Respondents to classified ads should buy or sell at your own risk.
All real estate advertised herein
is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to
advertise “any preference, limitation
or discrimination because of race,
color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, military status or national
origin, or intention to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimination.” State and local laws forbid discrimination based on factors in
addition to those protected under
federal law.
We will not knowingly accept any
advertising for real estate which is in
violation of the law. All persons are
hereby informed that all dwellings
advertised are available on an equal
opportunity basis.
If you feel you have been wrongfully denied housing or discriminated against, call your local Fair
Housing Agency for information.
Whiskers Rummage Sale, 10/31
& 11/1, open 9:00 a.m. at VFW
Post 1380, 1131 Sugargrove
Road, Lancaster Food and Baked
Goods proceeds benefit homeless
animals. Donations being accepted 740-681-9731
Indoor Yard Sale - October 31st
and November 1st, 9am to 5pm at
3795 Marietta Road SW, Junction
City, Ohio. Salem Chapel U.B.
Church. Benefits Operation
Christmas Child.
Moving Sale - October 23, 24,
25th at 1107 Pleasantville Rd. NE,
Baltimore, 9am to 4pm daily.
Toys, baby items/bed, changing
table, antique table and chairs, old
dresser, scarves and linens, furniture, TV and more.
Garage/Moving Sale - Friday,
Oct.24 and Saturday, Oct.25, 9am
to 4pm at 255 Blacklick Eastern
Rd. NW, Baltimore (on Rt. 204
between Rt. 158 and Rt. 37)
Misc., Household items, glassware, furniture, Christmas decorations and much more.
atric Associates of Lancaster,
1550 Sheridan Dr. Ste 102, Lancaster, Ohio 43130 E.O.E.
Cleaning opportunity in Lancaster, Ohio. Team of 2 needed 6 days
a week. 2-3hrs per night. Training
provided. Includes but not limited
to: cleaning, mopping, vacuuming. $900 per month potential.
Call 614-568-3674
2001 Saturn SW2 Wagon 50,300 miles, clean and in good
condition. $2,600. Call 740-6875547
2005 Chevrolet Trail Blazer 4WD, excellent condition, loaded
with extras, sunroof, heated seats.
$5,000 or best offer. Call 740654-4150
For Sale or Trade 1941 Chevy
$11,000 or small car value at
$11,000. Call 740-654-6031
For Sale 1999 Ford Windstar,
remote locks, good tires. Runs
good, good interior. $2,900 OBO.
Condo for Sale - 2 bedroom, 2
baths, sunroom, 2 car garage, new
carpet, freshly painted. Roxton
Ravine, 813 Lambton Circle, Lancaster. $172,900. Call 740-2776425 or 636-675-0660 for more
For Rent - Baltimore West Market Street, upstairs studio apartment. Appliances and utilities
included. Call 740-862-4516
For Rent - Lancaster 2 bedrooms,
downstairs of a duplex. gas &
electric, washer/dryer hookups,
full bath. $455. Call 740-6542821
Ror Rent - 1 Bedroom efficiency
apartment. Rennovation is now
completed on this uniquely private
living space. All new appliances,
sinks, countertops, faucets,
tub/shower surround, tile and carHELP WANTED
pet. Gas log fireplace, your own
off-street parking area. Newly
Home Helpers is currently acpainted and carpeted enclosed
cepting applications for responsi- porch. Lots of closet space. $535
ble and compassionate individuals per month. $435 deposit. All utilito assist clients with daily needs
ties included, wireless internet
such as personal care, meal prep,
available. No smoking please.
light housekeeping, transportation, 740-974-7613.
and companionship. Applicants
must have a clean background and
driving record. We conduct background /substance abuse checks.
Stump Grinding! Reasonable
State certifications are not reRates, free estimates. Contact Briquired, an extensive hands on
an 740-969-7055 or 740-652training is provided by our State
Licensed RN. Pay is based on
experience. We are an equal opThe Gutter Vac Guys - Gutter
portunity employer. To apply:
cleaning to homeowners, 1 story
contact Larry Spangler at 740$50, 1 1/2 story $55, 2 story $80,
689-9410 or email
3 story $100. Businesses by
pointment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 740-215-3350
Wanted - Pediatric Healthcare
Professional Qualified candiChimney Man – Now Certified
dates will have experience in a
in Mold Removal & Remediation.
clinical office setting, rooming
Chimney cleanings, inspections,
patients, patient histories, vitals,
repairs, wood stove and wood furinjections, and vaccinations. Exnace installations, chimney lining
perience in a fast-paced environand re-lining ALSO slate,shingle
ment helpful. Position offers
and metal roofing. 740-380-9790
24-36 hours of work per week in- or 740-583-0738
cluding some evenings/weekends.
Please forward resumes via mail
Stump-Be-Gone - Grinding &
our office for consideration. Pedi- Removal, Owner operated, inOctober 31 - November 13, 2014
sured, licensed. Free estimates.
Mowing, hauling, brush hogging,
compact backhoe, tree service.
Transmission Rebuilds – Save
Up To 30%! 16 years experience.
ASE Certified, over 9,000 quality
rebuilds, all automatic and standard
transmissions. Quality Affordable
Transmission LLC. Call the shop
at 740-862-2900 or Mike at 740808-4249 or Mickey at 740-5035725
Clock Repairs, 30 Years Experience, all makes, antiques and
modern. House calls on tall case
clocks. Work guaranteed. We sell
clocks too. Call 614-862-0835
Wanted Collector Buying Arrowheads & Indian Artifacts,
one piece or collection. Paying
cash. Call John at 740-323-4814
or 740-814-2771, also buying old
Seasoned & Mixed Firewood,
Pickup load $80 per load. Delivered within 10 mile radius of Lancaster, call 740-653-7333
Evergreen Trees/White Pine.
Good quality, fast growing, excellent for windbreak or privacy
screen. Balled and burlaped. Fall
Special - 3-4' tall, 10 for $299 installed. 4-5' tall, 10 for $399 installed. Call 740-583-0221.
Set Of New Front Weather Tech
Floor Liners made for Ford Edge
2011, 2012, 2013. Asking $30
each. Good condition. 70" couch
with 3 cushions, burgundy/blue
flowered, purchased at Coconis
Furniture. Original $699, asking
$350. Call 740-687-0494.
Place your Towne Crier classified today!
New Cookbook Coming Soon! I
am offering a special on my last
two cookbooks. $5 per book, including postage. The names of the
cookbooks are "Cookin' in Fairfield County" and "Really Quick
and Easy". Call 614-834-0154
For Sale - Two full sets of Protestant Commentarys, Matthew
Henry and William Barkly also,
text books from when I attended
Circleville Bible College. Many
other Christian Books. 740-6548492
Three Point Post Hole Digger
12" auger $450. This year's hatch
Peacocks different colors $35.
towne crier
A hearing is scheduled at 7PM on November 10th at
Rushcreek Township, 213 Marietta Street, Bremen. The
hearing is regarding signage for One Stop Crossing located
at 20 Logan-Thornville Road, Bremen.
Rushcreek Township is accepting bids for hauling 1,000 tons of
crushed asphalt from CRC, 399 Haul Road, Columbus Ohio to the
office at 213 Marietta Street, Bremen. Bids will be opened on
November 5, 2014 at 7PM. Material and billing must be completed
by December 12th @ 4PM. Contact Bob Suer, 740-569-7181
Extension #11 for Bid Specs.
Frame & Unibody Repair Done On Site
2067 E. Main St. • Lancaster, OH
Just East of Pizza Hut & Certified Gas
740-687- 4777
Dozer Work
Dump Truck
Gravel Driveways
Septic Systems
Underground Utilities, Concrete Work
Demolition, Ponds and More...
Free Estimates
(740) 569-7688 office
(740) 503-0828
Saturday, November 8 • 4-7pm
Pleasantville United Methodist Church
112 Lincoln Ave., Pleasantville
Adults $8, children 12 and under $4.
Carryout or local delivery available, call 740-468-3257
Bring a non-perishable food item for the food pantry
and receive a ticket for a gift basket drawing.
Buying Comic Books, records,
sports cards, guitars, amps, gift
cards, CD's, video games, coins.
M-F 10-7, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5.
Pulp Reality, 304 N. Columbus
Street, Lancaster. 740-652-9255
Remodeled Kitchen - GE Portable dishwasher and Spacesaver
Microwave for sale. Both work
well. $75 OBO. Call 740-5367187
Call today for a personal and confidential time to discuss your
Real Estate needs!
Frigidaire 4.4 Cu. Ft. Compact
Refrigerator lockable. New, still
under warranty, used only two
weeks. Ideal for office shop or
bar. $75. Call after 5pm at 740756-7435
Eastern Edition Towne Crier
Call The Loon Crew and ask about a short sale. We can help
you get your home SOLD by working with your lender(s) and
participating in the HAFA program or find other options.
*We are not a credit counseling service. We are licensed real estate agents
wanting to help you get your home sold before you get foreclosed on.
Please feel free to seek legal counsel for questions on your options.
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