November 9, 2014 DEXTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 22 Sunday after Pentecost


November 9, 2014 DEXTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 22 Sunday after Pentecost
Assisting During Worship Today
8:30 AM Service 9:50 AM Service
Karen Chapell
11:15 AM Service
Darcy Campbell
Rosemary Schuett
Kathy Gephart
Bill & Carol Bryant
Brad Jones
Bill Wade
Velma Markins
Jon Ryburg
Carole Ryburg
Marcia Dresch
Ralph Dresch
Jack Donaldson
Sharon Gauthier
Kris Donaldson
Mark Roberts
Cameron Lauseng
Scott Keefer
Steve Lynch
Shuttle Drivers
Logan Astrike
Beth Snyder
Welcome Center Kathryn Bradbury
Coffee Hours
Chuck & Diane Donahey
(All are welcome to fellowship in the Atrium between services.)
Dexter UMC Birthdays this week:
Nov. 9
Nov. 10
Nov. 11
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 15
Not listed? We may not have you in our records.
Caryl Burke
Carl Espy
Alison Parachek
Clayton Parsons
Hunter Bisson
Bill Knight
Dee Wensel
Beth Allen
Teri Anderson
Bonnie Schramm
Gary Siebert
Angela Knight
Maggie Maiville
Eden West
Kurt Kilian
Emma Vantine
Caron Wiesner-Wainwright
Betsy Grannis
Stephanie Lim
Kim Corcoran
Bradley Eisele
Denise Kasischke
Carol Miller
Mary Ann Moore
McKenna Wondrash
Whitney Prince
Anne Socks
Lori Rademaker
Bill Wade 
Conny Melchi
Ellie Hershner
Kevin Novak
Dexter UMC – Weekly Reader
Today –
• Visit the Atrium, get a cup of coffee & donut hole, and then take a stroll to see the
many opportunities available to you! Sunday School for preschool thru adults
• Open Prayer Time in the Chapel during 2nd service, all are welcome
This Week –
• Sat. Nov. 15th – Sat. Nov. 22nd – Belize Medical Mission Trip
Planning Ahead –
• Thurs. Nov. 20th – Thursday Night Dinner, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM in the Atrium
• Thurs. Nov. 20th – Annual Church Conference, 7 PM in the Atrium
• Thurs. Nov. 27th & Fri. Nov. 28th – Dexter UMC Office closed for Thanksgiving
• Sun. Nov. 30th – Hanging of the Greens, 12:30 PM in the Atrium & Sanctuary
• Mon. Dec. 1st & Tues. Dec. 2nd – Advent by Candlelight, registration begins Nov.
9th at 8 PM online. See next week’s bulletin insert for details.
November 9, 2014
22 n d Sunday after Pentecost
7643 Huron River Drive, Dexter, MI 48130
Office: 734.426.8480;
Visit our website at
Church Office Hours:
Mon. – Thurs. 9 AM – 4 PM
(Friday, Pastors day off)
Fri. 9 AM – 1 PM
   
Blessed Binds Bookstore: Open Sundays 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
For special orders or more information:
Prayer is to your soul as blood is to your heart! Our Chapel, located in the Ed. Bldg., is
available most weekday mornings to all in need of a quiet & lovely place for prayer.
O u r M i s s i o n : “ L o v e Go d ,
L o ve P e o p l e , S e rve t h e
W o r l d , fo r J e s u s C h r i s t . ”
8:30AM Order of Worship
“We have come to worship him” – Matthew 2:2
Please silence your cell phones & pagers.
Gathering Music *
Hymn of Praise
“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
#133 v. 1, 2, 3
Call To Worship
Leader: The Spirit of God calls to us.
People: With sighs too deep for words.
Leader: The Spirit of God calls to us,
People: Claiming us, converging upon us,
Leader: Summoning us to become more than we now are.
Calling us by name. In Christ, we are God’s children. Amen!
“Gloria Patri”
# 70
Congregational Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
words on front screen
Children’s Moment
Pastor Denise Kasischke
Ministry Moment
Stephen Ministry
A Time of Giving
“Navy Hymn”
Nancy Van Blaricum
Offertory Response
“My Tribute”
v. 1
A Time of Proclamation
Rev. Tom Snyder
Ezekiel 36:16-30, Leviticus 4
“Holding Life in Tension”
Hymn of Commitment
“I Know Whom I Have Believed”
Benediction & Postlude
#714 v. 1, 2, 3, 4
OUR NURSERY is available for infants up thru preschool. Rocking chairs & our
CRY ROOM are located in the rear of the Sanctuary.
Liturgists: 8:30
Pastor Denise Kasischke
Pastor Steve Bringardner
Louis Smith
Worship Choir Director: Marlene Inman
Musicians (8:30): Elsi Sly, Gordon Darr
Worship Leader (2nd & 3rd): Louis Smith
O u r M i s s i o n : L o v e Go d , L o v e P e o p l e , S e r v e t h e W o r l d , f o r J e s u s C h r i s t .
9:50 AM & 11:15 AM Worship
Praise Band
A Time of Worship & Prayer *
“Build Your Kingdom Here”, “Forever Reign”, “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Baptism (11:15)
Lucas Trevellyan Hough
son of Shannon & Trevor
Response: With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of
Christ, that Lucas Trevellyan surrounded by steadfast love, may be
established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that
leads to life eternal.
Ministry Moment
A Time of Giving
Stephen Ministry
“Navy Hymn”
A Time of Proclamation
“Holding Life in Tension”
Rev. Tom Snyder
Ezekiel 36:16-30, Leviticus 4
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
A Time of Response
Nancy Van Blaricum
“Let the Church Rise”
words on front screen
Praise Band
OUR NURSERY is available during worship services for infants thru 3 years.
ROCKING CHAIRS & CRY ROOM are located in the rear of the Sanctuary.
* 9:50 AM – Sunday School, 3-years – 5th grade, start in the education wing 11:15
AM – Kids (4-years thru 10 years), meet the W3 leader in the back. Adults, pick
up your children in The Loft, upper level education wing after the service.
Sermon Notes:
Our Fall Stewardship
Emphasis, Convergence,
means moving toward unity. It
even describes how our eyes
work together to see a single
image rather than two.
Spiritually, God seeks for us to
converge on His mission – the
advancing Kingdom of Christ. It
is a dramatic description of our
opportunity to focus in, to come together, to find unity in Christ. It may
mean realignment, refined focus, or reconnecting with God in a whole
new way. Convergence means being intentional with our time, our
money, and our passions.
What are our 2014 annual budgeted operating expenses? $1,138,734.
How much is underwritten by gifts & pledges? $1,089,584. The balance
of the money comes from loose offerings, prior year pledge payments,
coffee donations, interest, building use fees, rental property, & nonpledged envelope giving.
Do we “pledge” to meet a “budget?” No. We give because God has
invited us to. To be a whole person in the image of God, you have a
spiritual need to give. As we converge our lives with God’s purposes, our
giving makes a real difference in the world. Dollars we commit translate
into ministry. It’s not so much giving “to” the church, as giving “through”
the church.
What is “stewardship?” Biblically, a steward is one who cares for
another’s property, finances, or household (Matthew 25:14-30). God has
called us to manage His work through this church. This involves
stewarding the preaching of the Gospel (Col. 1:24-28), supporting the
church financially (Acts 4:32-37), and ministering to the sick and needy
(1 Cor. 9:17). It’s more like giving “through” the church, rather than just
“to” the church.
What is a “tithe?” A tithe is 1/10th of your income or property given as
an offering to God (Lev. 27:30-32, Num. 18:21-32, Deut. 12:5-7). The
tithe was an expression of gratitude toward God, realizing God’s
ownership of everything in the earth. (Mal.3:8-12), often called “First
Fruits.” In the New Testament, believers are encouraged to be generous in
giving, not limited to a tithe of their incomes (Rom. 14:12, 1 Cor. 9:314, 16:1-3, 2 Cor. 8-9).
It’s a scary time for us right now. I’m not sure we can commit. What
should we do? First, pray. Of course no one can predict the future. Yet
God is still inviting us to TRUST and lean on Him and His grace as we
go. We are never more like God than when we are being generous.
I feel guilty coming to worship when we’re not giving as we should,
like sneaking into a movie without paying; what can you say that will
help? Guilt is the way the devil works. God is not a God of
condemnation. Regardless of your situation, Jesus came for you to
experience abundant life and freedom. The Truth will set you free. We
don’t come here for condemnation, but for liberation and healing. Many
of us have found that giving simply follows, as a result.
Okay. I’ll pray about it. But what do I do about tithing when I’m
“spiritually single” in my marriage? A marriage is a partnership. If
each spouse does not have control over a certain amount of money,
there is something wrong. So, if your spouse has a problem with you
tithing the money you make, that’s not win-win. If you tithe your
spouse’s income and they’re not here, that’s not win-win either. But, as
every financial planner will tell you, giving is a part of every healthy
Does God expect a new believer to give 10%? Get this: It’s not about
“expectations.” It’s about centering our lives on Christ, in response to
the great love and salvation He gives us. God doesn’t love us more or
less, based on our giving. What we need is a plan to get to where God
invites us to be. God may be inviting you to move toward a tithe, rather
than forcing anything on you. Calculate your giving. Is it a percentage
of your income? Consider stepping up a percentage or more, and see
what God does. Isn’t it great to be under grace and have time to figure
out a plan?
What will happen on Ingathering Sunday, Nov. 23rd? We will worship
with great music, worship, and preaching. Like last year, people will
bring their commitment cards to the altar during the offering. We will
celebrate the truth, that in Jesus, we are given to opportunity to
converge our lives with the living God and His purposes.
Advent by candlelight is an evening of
fellowship for adult women, with dessert,
carols and a very special program to
prepare your heart and mind for the
Christmas season.
Advent by candlelight is an evening of
fellowship for adult women, with dessert,
carols and a very special program to
prepare your heart and mind for the
Christmas season.
Because of limited space, this special event is taking place on two
separate evenings, Monday evening, December 1st and Tuesday
evening, December 2nd, beginning at 6:45 PM. Advent by
candlelight is for adult women from Dexter UMC, as well as the
community at large. There will be no childcare available the night
of the event.
Because of limited space, this special event is taking place on two
separate evenings, Monday evening, December 1st and Tuesday
evening, December 2nd, beginning at 6:45 PM. Advent by
candlelight is for adult women from Dexter UMC, as well as the
community at large. There will be no childcare available the night
of the event.
HOSTING A TABLE: Responsibilities include: Inviting 5 guests
(add yourself to make 6) who could benefit from a worshipful
program, decorating a table for 8 (including place settings), and
providing dessert for your table. Please note that we can add
attendees to your table to make 8 total.
HOSTING A TABLE: Responsibilities include: Inviting 5 guests
(add yourself to make 6) who could benefit from a worshipful
program, decorating a table for 8 (including place settings), and
providing dessert for your table. Please note that we can add
attendees to your table to make 8 total.
spaces will be reserved strictly for attendees at the tables. Your
table will have a hostess and you will be her guest for the evening.
spaces will be reserved strictly for attendees at the tables. Your
table will have a hostess and you will be her guest for the evening.
REGISTRATION begins Sunday Nov. 9th @ 8 PM
REGISTRATION begins Sunday Nov. 9th @ 8 PM
Dexter UMC Pastoral & Ministry Staff
Dr. Matt Hook, senior pastor,
Rev. Steve Bringardner, pastor of discipleship & care;
Tom Snyder, pastor of missions & small group life;
Denise Kasischke, pastor of children & family ministries;
Jeremy Hannich, HS youth & college ministries;
Sheralyn Sherrill, MS youth ministries;
The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in honor
of Michael & Caryl Burke’s birthdays.
Prayers & Concerns
Phyl & Kelly Christman ♥Sue Shay ♥ Bridget Star ♥ Dean Birk ♥ Mike
McCalla ♥Bob Knickerbocker ♥ Fred Model ♥ Susan Featheringill ♥ Mazie
Bell ♥ Mary Ann Moore ♥ Dee & Paul Wensel ♥ Ermil Jones ♥ Brett
Talbott ♥ Jan Alford ♥ Dave Kieft ♥ Linda Thiel ♥ Kim Lomax ♥ Anne
Kapela ♥ Rena Girbach ♥ Dana Zahn ♥ Diane Schumann ♥ Pi Yau Lin ♥
Doug Sexton ♥ Catlin Yeasting ♥ Baby Noah LaRosa ♥ Christian Russell
♥ Judy McIntosh ♥ Meg & Elka ♥
Recently experienced the loss of a loved one
Linda (& Gary) Vander Haagen in the death of her father (Bob Cooper) on Oct.
Carla (& Keith) Ostlund in the death of her mother (Loretta Criss) on Oct. 21st.
Tim & Morgan Marsh in the death of his wife and her mother Jenni on Oct. 8th.
Jennie had been a member of Dexter UMC since 2011.
* Names remain on our Prayer Requests & Concerns list for 4 weeks. To return someone’s
name for an additional 4 weeks, contact Cathy ( in the office.
9:50 AM – A new Bible study primarily for singles starts today in
Rm 206, 2nd floor Ed. Bldg., watching Ray VanderLaan’s six week
series on discipleship entitled With All Your Heart. This week’s lesson
is “Making Space for God”
9:50 AM – Big God Story for Grown-Ups meets in Rm 207 during
the 2nd worship hour.
9:50 AM – Church & Society – What does it mean to say the Bible is
inspired by God? This is among the topics we’ll discuss during 2nd
service today in Rm. 203-204. Sue Ivey will lead the discussion based
on Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today, a
book and video by United Methodist pastor and best-selling author
Adam Hamilton. All are welcome!
9:50 AM – Explorer’s Bible Study “Making Sure of the Truth” in the
Conference Room, 1st floor Ed. Bldg. during the 2nd service; led by
Leigh Hook.
11:15 AM – Deep Foundations—Exploring Theology for Life, this
study aims to dig deep into scripture and in a systematic way tie
together the Biblical text, Christian teachings, and our purpose and
meaning as Christians. The study, while deep in nature, will always be
rooted with a focus on application to life, faith, and calling. Aimed at
30-40 something men interested in wrestling through their faith; led by
Matthew Niermann. Class meets in Rm 205, 2nd floor Ed. Bldg. during
the 3rd service.
11:15 AM – Catching Fire, Becoming Flame, adult study on Spiritual
Formation based on the book written by Fr. Albert Haase; led by
Crystal Niermann. Class meets in Rm 207, 2nd floor Ed. Bldg. during
the 3rd service. All are welcome to join the study at any time.
Belize Medical Mission Trip (Nov. 15th-22nd) – We need your HELP
to collect small bottles of aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, artificial tears;
antifungal, hydrocortisone, diaper rash and antibiotic creams for the
families we will serve. TODAY IS YOUR LAST opportunity to
bring a bottle of one or more of the above to the Dexter UMC
Atrium, placing it in the BELIZE box please.
Announcements & Prayer Requests
June 22, 2014
9, 2014
O u r M i s s i o n : “Love God, Love People, Serve the Wor ld,
for Jesus Christ”
Our Welcome Center is located in the Atrium. If
you are new to this congregation, stop by for a welcome bag
filled with goodies and more information about Dexter UMC.
For Our Children
Pastor Denise,
9:50 AM – Sunday School (3-years thru 5th grade) in the Ed. Bldg.
11:30 AM –Worship, Wonder and the Word “W3” (4 thru 10 years)
in The Loft, upper level of the Ed. Bldg.
Kid’s Choir (3rd thru 5th), 10:50 – 11:30 AM with Marlene Inman
For Our Youth
Jeremy Hannich, (9th – 12th)
Sheralyn Sherrill, (6th – 8th)
9:50 AM – MS & HS Sunday School (6th thru 12th) in The Edge,
Middle Schoolers meet in the lower level, High Schoolers meet on
the main floor.
The Edge Youth Groups – (most Sundays) for Middle School and High
School youth from 5 PM – 7:30 PM in The Edge. (For updates,
We are looking for PAID NURSERY
WORKERS to join our Nursery staff,
which can include Thursday, Saturday &
Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings.
This position may expand as our
programming and childcare needs
continue to grow. If you want to be part of changing a young
person’s life, contact Pastor Denise Kasischke
Fair Trade Coffee Sunday TODAY – in the Atrium between
services. New products available for the holiday season for
baking, gifts and snacking. We have added baking cocoa and
chocolate chips, olive oil, almonds, cashews, apricots, and jam,
marmalade and honey to our regular selection of delicious coffee,
tea and chocolate bars. Support small farmers, Heifer
International and UMCOR.
Good Things to Know at Dexter UMC…
• Advent by Candlelight, an evening of fellowship for adult women,
will be Mon. Dec. 1st and Tues. Dec. 2nd. Registration begins
TODAY at 8 PM online. See bulletin insert for more details.
• We were created for relationships and Christian community. It takes
commitment, intentionality, grace, and love. To join a home group,
visit the connections table or contact Tom Snyder
( or Tami Rummel
• Our church now has a hearing assist system. You can pick up a
self-adjusting headset in the Narthex.
• Enjoy our door to door shuttle service, from 7:45 AM to 12:30
PM between the Dexter Mill and church. Drivers are needed for:
1st Sunday (10-12:30), 3rd Sunday (7:30-10:30) and 5th Sunday (10:3012:30). Contact Linda Dobry (734.834.9626 or
to volunteer your time.
Prayers for our Men & Women Serving in the Military
♦ Andre Roman Marshall ♦ Cole Hatch ♦ Dave Imber ♦ Garrett
Schmäler ♦Jacob Reisinger ♦ Joe Keene ♦ John Maybon ♦ Julie Wiles &
Lynette Wiles ♦ Keith Black ♦ Matt Hattie ♦ Ryan Fike ♦
2014 Offering Summary – thru September 2014
‘14 Year to Date
‘14 Need to Date
‘13 Actual Income
Average Attendance in October was 475, on Nov. 2nd
attendance was 549 (171, 289, 89).
I know the value of listening, sending cards and giving hugs to those experiencing
loss – having been on the receiving end of these blessings, since my Dad died,
has been an enormous help – thank you. ~ Linda Vander Haagen
Take a bite out of malaria — Pick up a mosquito or sticker at the
Imagine No More Malaria information table in the Atrium
between services. Thank you to all who have contributed. We’re
grateful for the enthusiastic response as we continue to work to
reach Dexter UMC’s $10,000 goal. Every $10 donation saves a life.
Want to learn more? Visit Brought to
you by Church & Society.
Faith in Action Food Pantry Needs – As you enter the church
please notice the food hampers for the collection of groceries that
are donated weekly to our local food pantry run by Faith in Action.
The needs of the pantry change weekly and the volume of those
who need assistance continues to grow. Currently the greatest
needs include: cocoa, coffee, brownie mix, frosting, ketchup,
mustard, mayonnaise, less than 5 pound bags of flour, sugar,
canned chili, sloppy joe mix, canned fruit of all kinds, Chef
Boyardee cans, pizza crust mix and sauce, pasta sauce, liquid soap
and body cleaning lotion. Please consider contributing to this local
Volunteer and Other Opportunities
THURSDAY NIGHT DINNERS – If our mission to “Love
People by Feeding Them” sounds like a great ministry with a
terrific group, you couldn't be more right! No special skills or
experience needed. Volunteer commitments range from 1.5 - 5
hours, twice a month, or as volunteers are available. Daytime or
evening hours. Contact Darcy Campbell (734.646.2899 or to learn about options to best suit
your interests & availability. See you in the kitchen!
Drivers with Commercial Licenses (P
Endorsement) are needed for our new bus.
The bus will be used for youth events like
retreats, camping, lake days, and SOS or adult
events such as Red Bird mission trips or CASS
Corridor in Detroit.
We are looking for volunteers to support the NEW BABIES
MINISTRY by providing meals to families adjusting to life with
newborns (very occasional involvement). To help with this
ministry, please contact Jen Miceli (
COFFEE FELLOWSHIP – If you love the smell of fresh-brewed
coffee in the morning, please consider joining the coffee hour
ministry team. We could use 3-4 additional two-person teams to
host the coffee hours between Sunday-morning services. It’s a great
way to meet people and provides a great opportunity for
fellowship. Contact Rick Fitzgerald (734.355.1329 or
Angel Tree Prison Fellowship Program – The time is quickly
approaching where we are looking for Angels in the congregation
to help with the Angel Tree Prison Fellowship Mission Project!
This project helps provide for children in Washtenaw County who
have a parent in prison and may otherwise not have a Christmas
with their parent not around for the holidays. You will have the
opportunity to shop for a child and provide a toy or article of
clothing for a child. The gifts will also be delivered by members of
the Congregation. Please pick up your Angel Tag on Sunday,
November 16th. If you can help, please contact Terry Walters
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection Week times are:
Mon, Nov. 17th 4 PM - 6 PM; Tues, Nov. 18th 9 AM - 11 AM;
Wed, Nov. 19th 4 PM - 6 PM; Thurs, Nov. 20th 9 AM - 11 AM;
Fri, Nov. 21st 4 PM. - 6 PM; Sat, Nov. 22nd 9 AM - 11 AM; Sun,
Nov. 23rd 8:30 AM - 2 PM; Mon, Nov. 24th 9 AM - 11 AM.
ATTENTION All Supporters of our Veterans and
Soldiers – Please recognize the Veterans around us by
thanking them individually for helping to keep our country
strong and safe! We will again be collecting clothing for our
homeless vets during the month of November. The clothing
drive will run from Sunday, Nov. 9th through Friday, Nov.
28th. Please bring any of the following items for our
Clothing Drive:
* New or gently used coats, blue jeans, shoes, belts, shirts (large
to 2X sizes).
* New only: T-shirts or undershirts, (both in sizes large to 2X),
socks and shorts
Collection tubs can be found on the east side entrance to our
Narthex. Please contact Jean Klark (, 426.8598) if
you have questions. Thanks for your continued support of those
who have given much to protect our country and our freedoms.
Adult Studies
Fresh Start, the Women's Storying Group: Come join us as we look
at Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. We meet Wednesdays, 7PM –
8:30PM, in Rm 207 of the Ed. Bldg. Come visit! Call Carol White
for details (734.433.1920).
Men’s Storytelling Bible Study – Learn how to lead others to Jesus
by sharing stories from the Bible. Wednesdays at 7 PM in Rm
203/204 – Ed. Bldg. Contact Eric Knisely (475.2161) or Mike
McCalla (255.8860) or just come for a visit.
DivorceCare, an ongoing 13-week seminar and support group (thru
12/17) for those experiencing divorce and separation can be joined
at any point. We meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM
in the Atrium. You will be welcomed and helped to traverse the
difficult journey of separation/divorce. For more information,
contact Linda Vander Haagen (734.741.8583).
Did You Know…
• We now have healthier snack alternatives available at the coffee
hour? If you have a passion for healthier food options, please
consider providing for a Sunday, call Cathy Fitzgerald
(734.255.9392). Cost per week is around $20.
• Kim Lim is our new volunteer Financial Secretary? If you have
questions, contact her at
• The Dexter UMC Pastor’s Benevolence Fund is used to assist
people in our church & community who have immediate need?
This fund is used often, so any gifts to support this ministry are
greatly appreciated. Thank you!