The Altar flowers are given to the glory of God by Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGowan and children in loving memory of mother and grandmother Peggy Cowdery, father and grandfather Ben Cowdery, and sister and aunt Nancy Cowdery. Prayers of the People Witnesses Remembered Nov 1 Nov 2 All Saints — Merle Musselman, 1990; Frances Roeder, 2008 Commemoration of All Faithful Departed —Eleanor Paine, 1978; Marjorie Rauscher, 1984; Robert Swenholt, 1991; M. Bruce Martin, 2001; Mary Nel Sieman, 2006; Donald Knauss, 2010 Nov 3 Richard Hooker, Priest, 1600 — Elizabeth Baum, 1977; Adalbert Weisbrod, 1981; Bella Harman, 1986; Shirley Jean Vitale, 1999 Nov 4 Edward Rainey, 1995 Nov 5 Bruce McKelvie, 1991; Christine Brown Hall, 2004 Nov 6 Harriett O’Loughlin, 1993; Laurence Pruitte, 1997; Richard W. Johnson, 2001 Nov 7 Willibrord, Archbishop of Utrecht, Missionary to Frisia, 739 — Mary Tyner, 1980; Kay Currey, 1992; Jane Bock, 2009; Birthdays Remembered Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Porter Asche, Lauren Proctor Doug Hokenstad Sue Beller, Jack Kubat Matt Beiriger, Joe Dmuchovsky Dalton Douglas, Megan Gustafson, Cheri Harris Connie Heiden Courtney Barber, Dick Cowman, Sam Fredrickson, Brian Sattem Anniversaries Remembered Nov 1 The Rev. Judi A. Yeates ordained If your birthday or anniversary is not on the list, contact the office: 402-393-8612 The Pomegranate Gift Shop Can you feel it! Well, yes Big Red football is in the air...but so is Thanksgiving! It’s our special American holiday and it is just around the corner. We have many special items to help you celebrate Thanksgiving. Come into the shop and see our fall and Thanksgiving decor, flags, reading material, cards and so much more. Hope to see you soon. A “Note” on Hymnody from Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries “For All the Saints” was written by William How, a bishop of the Anglican church, and published in 1864. It originally appeared with the heading Saints’ Day Hymn. A Cloud of Witnesses. Heb. 12:1. In addition to the Hebrews scripture, the text also reflects upon a phrase from the Apostles Creed: “I believe in…the communion of saints.” The melody now associated with this hymn was written by Ralph Vaughn Williams in 1906 for The English Hymnal. At first the tune was rejected as “jazz music,” but later came to be acclaimed as one of the finest English hymn tunes ever written. Deadline for the next Witness is Monday, November 10th before noon! Readings appointed for November 9: Lesson: Psalm: Epistle: Gospel: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 78:1-7 Page 694 , BCP 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13 visit our Web site: (Desktop Version) (MobileVersion) Contact Information Staff 402-393-8612 The Rev. Judi A. Yeates, Rector-In-The-Interim( 402-690-4733 The Rev. Jay Gabb, Part-Time Associate-In-The-Interim ( cell 402-740-4621 Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries ( . ext. 115 Jerry Gray, Music Associate ( .......................... cell 402-657-1395 Jeremy Vogt, Ministry Coordinator ( 845-206-2644 Judith Stribley, Lay Pastoral Assistant ( ................. cell 402-630-7384 Liz Pettinger, Youth Minister ( ................ cell 402-290-8644 Laurie Hamilton, Dir. of Christian Ed. ( cell 402-917-5817 Theresa Newell, Program Assistant ( cell 402-238-8325 Dn. Stephanie Ulrich, R.N., Health Ministries ( ext. 114 home phone: 402-496-2632; cell 402-515-3147 Pageer (Joseph) Alaak, Sudanese Leader ( cell 402-972-6278 Joy Hooyboer, Parish Administrator ( Tracy Peterson, Facilities Manager ( .. cell 402-305-7781 Cassie Arneson, Financial Administrator ( ) ..... cell 402-212-7326 Dn. Bob Brown, Sexton ( .............................. cell 402-213-4955 Deacons: Lynne Bacon, Bob Brown, Stephanie Ulrich Wardens and Vestry Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Phil Cosimano Mark Fredrickson Lynn Pirruccello Lori Schneider Paul Prentiss Mike Wheeler Doug Lacey Kathy Kresin Maureen O’Connor Roy Phillips Barbara Schaefer ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH CALENDAR Sunday Nov 2 8:30 AM Celebration Breakfast [undercroft] 9:30 AM Celebration Brunch [undercroft] 11:30 AM Celebration Lunch [undercroft] Tuesday Nov 4 11:30 AM Staff Meeting [L] Wednesday Nov 5 12:10 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:00 6:45 7:30 Thursday Nov 6 6:30 PM 1st Thursday M&E Society [RC] Friday Nov 7 7:00 PM Loved Ones Remembrance Liturgy Saturday Nov 8 8:30 AM Men’s Retreat [RC] 5:00 PM HOLY EUCHARIST Sunday Nov 9 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:45 10:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM AM AM HOLY EUCHARIST Exultation Ringers Choristers Youth Group Celebration Ringers Handbell Choir Chancel Choir HOLY EUCHARIST R-13 Sponsored Breakfast [UC] AXS EUCHARIST Christian Formation for Everyone HOLY EUCHARIST WELCOME – Consecration Sunday Speaker Dani Bradford Sam Brown John Bush Greta Vaught Chairs: Mark Fredrickson and Gayle Smith Watkins. Bill Anderson, Pam Barsness, Jonathan Bradford, Dean Hokanson, Michael Kresin, Jack Kubat, David McCain, Craig O’Connor, Kay Owen, Matt Payne, Kim Phillips, Mike Roth. Search Committee Prayer Almighty God, we pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek a new rector for our church. You know our special needs and the task that lies in our hands. Direct us in our search and give us insight to perceive the leader you would choose for us. And we further pray, O Lord, that in this time of waiting we may all devote ourselves afresh to your service, so that nothing will be lost of the faithful work of the past, but rather that it may be brought to a rich harvest in the years to come. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Char DeWitt, our guest speaker, for Consecration Sunday. Char currently is the Gift Planning Officer for Nebraska/SW Iowa Region of the American Red Cross. She has served the Episcopal Church Foundation and the Diocese of Kansas as their Stewardship and Planning Giving Officer. She currently attends Trinity Cathedral in Omaha. Please give her a warm All Saints welcome. Thanks, Char, for being with us today for our celebration. First Sunday Food Offering “...just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7 We are strengthened in faith and overflowing with thankfulness as we continue to receive your generous donations of food for those in need! Many thanks All Saints Flockfeeders Children in Worship Each month on the first Sunday, we invite children of all ages to join us at the altar at both the 9 and 10:30 services. We are blessed by their participation in the Eucharistic Prayer. Christian Adult Formation Youth in FOCUS at All Saints During November we will have two Adult Christian Formation offerings. You are welcome to come to attend any or all of either series! Youth in Focus, our All Saints Youth Group, is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 in the retreat center. All youth in 7th through 12th grade are welcome! NEXT WEEK we will be meeting at the Amazing Pizza Machine with an amended time - 530-7pm. The Youth in Focus will be joining in the fun with the All Saints Choristers. contact Liz Pettinger at Sunday mornings -9:45 - 10:30 am The Historical Journey of All Saints Take a walk down memory lane! Come review with us the roots of our church and explore what’s next. This offering will take place in the Activity Room. November 9 - Transition from 26th and Dewey to 90th and Blondo presented by Jean Lewandowski November 16 - EFM and the Diaconate presented by Lynne Bacon The Diaconate-what you always wanted to know about deacons and were afraid to ask! November 23 - What Comes Next? Presented by Father Mike Tan Creti Behind every story, is a story? After every story, is a story that is yet to be told? What is the story behind the “Great Crowd” and whose job is it to tell the yet-tobe-told story? A Historical Journey through the Synoptic Gospels By request from our suggestion box, Mother Judi will offer a class on the Synoptic Gospels. Get an overview of the history and perspective of the writing of these beautiful works. This offering will take place in the Library. Everyone is welcome to attend one or all of the series. November 9 – The Synoptic Problem and Gospel of Mark November 16 – The Gospel of Matthew & the Q Source November 23 – The Gospel of Luke & Special L & M Loved Ones Remembrance Liturgy Friday, November 7 at 7:00 pm During this season of the Feast of All Saints, we remember and honor loved ones that have passed away. Everyone is welcome to attend the Loved Ones Remembrance Liturgy on Friday, November 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the chapel. This service is a time for reflection and to remember a special person we have lost, of any relationship and time of life. You are invited to bring a photo or momento in honor of your loved one to be placed on the altar. 1800’s Evening Prayer & Potluck Wednesday, November 12th at 6 p.m. Join us as we journey to the past, and experience worship as it would have been 150 years ago! We will have a brief service of Evening Prayer followed by an Old-Fashioned Harvest Potluck. A meat dish is provided, but please bring a side dish to share. 1800’s-inspired attire is welcome! First Communion Classes for children Mother Judi will be offering first communion classes on Saturday, November 15 at 1:00 pm and Saturday, November 22nd at 10:00 am. If you have any questions or would like to register your child for one of these classes, please email Mother Judi at or call the church office at 402-393-8612. -2th Thanksgiving Service Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m. A Holy Eucharist with traditional Thanksgiving hymns and liturgy, along with the Chancel & Handbell Choirs. Worship will be followed by a Pie Feast! hosted by the Handbell Choir. Look for a sign-up sheet in the narthex to share your favorite pie! *Please bring a non-perishable food donation for the Dean Fricke Food Pantry Want to rid yourself of the bad taste of the long and nasty political campaign? Come taste the wine and food at the November meeting of The First Thursday Marching & Eating Society, this Thursday, November 6th at 6:30 PM in the Retreat Center. The Thanksgiving themed program on The 1947 Friendship Train and The 1949 Merci Train will remind us of the good in the world and of the good all of us can do. It will give you the same warm glow you get from the story of The North Platte Canteen. Please come. Bring a friend. Bring your table service and a food dish to share and join the warm fellowship. All our All Saints Family is welcome. Supporting Our Journey – Consecration Weekend – November 1-2 A huge thank you to all who have worked so hard to make Consecration Sunday a big success! Chairs: Your Vestry; Paul Prentiss, Mike Wheeler, Phil Cosimano, Mark Fredrickson, Lynn Pirruccello, Lori Schneider, Kathy Kresin, Maureen O’Connor, Roy Phillips, Barb Schaefer, Dani Bradford, Sam Brown, John Bush and Greta Vaught. Adult Forum Speakers: Fr. Jay Gabb, Char DeWitt, Jeff Pirruccello, and Theresa Newell. “My Journey with All Saints” speakers: Roy Phillips, Greta Vaught, Maureen O’Connor and Paul Prentiss. Stewardship Members: Kevin Long and Bill McSharry. Finance Committee: John Hancock, Doug Lacey, Jim Landen, Craig O’Connor, Paul Prentiss and Mike Wheeler. Consecration Weekend Reception Coordinators: Dani Bradford, Anne Baxter, Kay Owen, Patty Bradford and team. Special Thanks to our guest speaker: Char DeWitt Results of Consecration Sunday will be announced next Sunday and printed in the next Witness. Home Dedication Nov 8, 2014 ~ 2711 Crown Point Ave ~ 2:00 pm You are invited to a home dedication by Habitat for Humanity of Omaha. Join us as we celebrate with the new homeowners: Khamba & Mangala Gurung BOOK reMARKS Men’s Ministry Annual Fall Retreat with Fr. Jay Gabb Saturday, November 8, 2014 ~ 8:30 – 12:00p in the Retreat Center “Seeking and Understanding God’s Dream of Shalom” What does the Lord require…. “He has told you human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God. [Micah 6:8 CEB] Using resources primarily from theologian and teacher, Robert C. Linthicum and the writings of The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Fr. Jay will lead us [MMAS] through seeking and understanding what is meant by “Shalom” and why Bishop Katharine would say “Together, we can partner to build a world that is more godly and more humane… a holy, whole, and healed place for all God’s creatures.” This retreat is open to all men of All Saints and their invited guest. Please RSVP with Bill Ricketts at by November 6. -3- by Gini Thomas NEEDED: ALL SAINTS LIBRARIAN! APPLY WITHIN! Calm, pleasant work atmosphere! Thoroughly enjoyable volunteer position! Requirements: Ability to read. Familiarity with the Dewey Decimal System. Knowledge of basic computer skills. Desire to sustain an organized library. Availability to work 1+ hours weekly. Willingness to perform basic maintenance chores. The All Saints Library is fully functional. Only weekly maintenance is now required to keep this extraordinary facility operating as it should for the All Saints community. “Be not afraid…for the LORD thy God is with thee…” and the Librarian’s Handbook will guide you through any instructions you might need to be comfortable in this position. If God is nudging you in this direction, please contact any staff member. This is your Library! Enjoy! -4-