ANNOUNCEMENTS Contact Information Staff


ANNOUNCEMENTS Contact Information Staff
The Altar flowers are given to the glory of God by
Dn. Mary Sue Sturgeon-Kouth in loving memory of her parents
Grant & Maxine Coover; by Sooz Edwards in memory of her
husband Ray Edwards; by Jim Warren in memory of wife Jo
Marie Warren and parents, Ruth & George Whalley and Isabelle
& M.J. “Zach” Warren.
Prayers of the People
Witnesses Remembered
Nov 8 Josephine Pullen, 1977; Walter Miller, 1991; Neal J. White, 2012;
Nov 9 Robert Dickerson, 1994
Nov 10 Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, 461 — Beth Krivohlavek, 1983;
Mary Levin, 1991
Nov 11 Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397 – Tom Fitzgerald, 1998; Clarence L.
Landen, 2011; Karl E. Klein, 2011
Nov 12 Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836
Nov 13 Vale Eric Sorensen, 1991
Nov 14 Consecration of Samuel Seabury, First American Bishop, 1784 – Jeff
Withrow, 1982; Aletha Ferguson, 1987; Betty Aronson, 1997
Birthdays Remembered
Courtney Barber, Dick Cowman, Sam Fredrickson, Brian Sattem
James Aust, Jim Canedy
Alex Morland
Sally Hodges, Mike Wheeler
Keschia Alabi, Cole Krehbiel
Thomas Haggstrom
Chad Carlin
Readings appointed for November 9:
Contact Information
The Rev. Judi A. Yeates, Rector-In-The-Interim( 402-690-4733
The Rev. Jay Gabb, Part-Time Associate-In-The-Interim (
cell 402-740-4621
Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries ( . ext. 115
Jerry Gray, Music Associate ( .......................... cell 402-657-1395
Jeremy Vogt, Ministry Coordinator ( 845-206-2644
Judith Stribley, Lay Pastoral Assistant ( ................. cell 402-630-7384
Liz Pettinger, Youth Minister ( ................ cell 402-290-8644
Laurie Hamilton, Dir. of Christian Ed. ( cell 402-917-5817
Theresa Newell, Program Assistant ( cell 402-238-8325
Dn. Stephanie Ulrich, R.N., Health Ministries ( ext. 114
home phone: 402-496-2632; cell 402-515-3147
Pageer (Joseph) Alaak, Sudanese Leader ( cell 402-972-6278
Joy Hooyboer, Parish Administrator ( cell 630-234-7737
Tracy Peterson, Facilities Manager ( .. cell 402-305-7781
Cassie Arneson, Financial Administrator ( ) ..... cell 402-212-7326
Dn. Bob Brown, Sexton ( .............................. cell 402-213-4955
Deacons: Lynne Bacon, Bob Brown, Stephanie Ulrich
Anniversaries Remembered
Nov 8 Dn. Mary Sue Sturgeon, ordained
Nov 10 George & Joan Raishy
If your birthday or anniversary is not on the list, contact the office: 402-393-8612
The Pomegranate Gift Shop
Need some help with an idea for a wedding or baptism?
Come into the shop and see what we have. We always have gifts
for the special couple or baby in your life. We have cards and gifts for most all
occasions. And we always have something for that special Episcopalian in your
life. Come in and see us soon!
A “Note” on Hymnody
from Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries
“America the Beautiful” was written by Katharine Lee Bates, an English professor
at Wellesley College. The text was inspired from her trip to Colorado in the
summer of 1893 as she admired landscapes of the United States she had never
before seen. Each stanza is structured to begin with a tribute to the country, and
follows with a prayer for God’s blessing. The beloved tune was composed by
Samuel Ward, which legend claims he may have written on his shirt cuff while
crossing New York Harbor in 1882. His tune was paired with Bates text in 1912.
The resulting hymn became very popular during World War I, and has remained
well-known since that time.
Deadline for the next Witness is Monday, before noon!
Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25
78:1-7 Page 694 , BCP
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13
Wardens and Vestry
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Phil Cosimano
Mark Fredrickson
Lynn Pirruccello
Lori Schneider
Paul Prentiss
Mike Wheeler
Doug Lacey
Kathy Kresin
Maureen O’Connor
Roy Phillips
Barbara Schaefer
Dani Bradford
Sam Brown
John Bush
Greta Vaught
Chairs: Mark Fredrickson and Gayle Smith Watkins.
Bill Anderson, Pam Barsness, Jonathan Bradford,
Dean Hokanson, Michael Kresin, Jack Kubat,
David McCain, Craig O’Connor, Kay Owen, Matt
Payne, Kim Phillips, Mike Roth.
Search Committee Prayer
Almighty God, we pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek a new rector
for our church. You know our special needs and the task that lies in our hands.
Direct us in our search and give us insight to perceive the leader you would choose
for us. And we further pray, O Lord, that in this time of waiting we may all devote
ourselves afresh to your service, so that nothing will be lost of the faithful work
of the past, but rather that it may be brought to a rich harvest in the years to come.
This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
To our guests, newcomers & seekers:
If you are a guest or new to All Saints, we warmly welcome you. Please make yourself
known to one of the priests after the service, and sign the visitor’s book on the welcome
table in the narthex. We thank you for joining us today. We hope you will return often.
If you want to learn more about us, fill out a Welcome Card (located in the pew racks)
to let us know who you are, to ask questions or to make comments. You may return
the card to an usher, place in the offertory plate, or mail to the office. Please join us
for Christian Formation for ages 3-adult downstairs in the undercroft.
Find us on Facebook by searching All Saints Episcopal Church Omaha!
visit our Web site: (Desktop Version) (MobileVersion)
Nov 11
11:30 AM Staff Meeting [L]
Nov 12
Nov 15
Nov 16
5:00 PM
1:00 PM
St Marys Guild [RC]
Exultation Ringers
1800’s Evening Prayer & Potluck
Youth Group
Celebration Ringers
Handbell Choir
Chancel Choir
First Communion Class
R-13 Sponsored Breakfast [UC]
Christian Formation for Everyone
Results from
Consecration Sunday
Percent of increase
5:00 pm – Saturday
8:00 am – Sunday
9:00 am – Sunday
10:30 am – Sunday
Thanks again to everyone who made Consecration Sunday a success! We not only
received increases in pledge numbers and dollars at each service, but we were blessed
with 17 brand new pledges for 2015. Because of your generosity, we are off to a good
start. If you have not had a chance to return your pledge card, please do so as quickly
as possible, the budget committee is already beginning their work. Also, thanks to so
many people who expressed interest in new ministries. We will be following up with
you very soon.
Christian Adult Formation
Sunday mornings -9:45 - 10:30 am
During November we will have two Adult Christian Formation offerings. You
are welcome to come to attend any or all of either series!
The Historical Journey of All Saints
Take a walk down memory lane! Come review with us the roots of our church and
explore what’s next. This offering will take place in the Activity Room.
November 9 - Transition from 26th and Dewey to 90th and Blondo presented
by Jean Lewandowski
November 16 - EFM and the Diaconate presented by Lynne Bacon
The Diaconate-what you always wanted to know about deacons and were afraid
to ask!
November 23 - What Comes Next? Presented by Father Mike Tan Creti
Behind every story, is a story? After every story, is a story that is yet to be told?
What is the story behind the “Great Crowd” and whose job is it to tell the yet-tobe-told story?
A Historical Journey through the Synoptic Gospels
By request from our suggestion box, Mother Judi will offer a class on the Synoptic
Gospels. Get an overview of the history and perspective of the writing of these
beautiful works. This offering will take place in the Library. Everyone is
welcome to attend one or all of the series.
November 9 – The Synoptic Problem and Gospel of Mark
November 16 – The Gospel of Matthew & the Q Source
November 23 – The Gospel of Luke & Special L & M
First Communion Classes for children
Mother Judi will be offering first communion classes on Saturday,
November 15th at 1:00 pm and November 22nd at 10:00 am. If you have any
questions or would like to register your child for one of these classes, please email
Mother Judi at or call the church office at 402-3938612.
In observance of Veteran’s Day, our All Saints Veterans are
invited to wear an American flag pin during worship services
this weekend. Please extend your thanks in honor of their
service to our country! You are encouraged to visit the
display in the narthex to read a list of our parish’s Veterans.
Your Rummage $$$ at Work
Thanks to your generous donations to the Trinkets & Treasures Rummage Sales,
St. Mary’s Guild was able to make more purchases for our parish. Our Music
Ministries received a 4' x 6' dry erase board with a music staff for the choir room.
Our Director of Music Ministries Dr. Laura Palmer and members of the choir are
very pleased with the new addition. Also, the Guild purchased two wrought iron
red benches for the outdoor entry to the narthex.
Faith, Football, and Food
Join us to watch the Nebraska Cornhuskers take on the Wisconsin
Badgers on Saturday November 15th at 1pm in the Retreat
The Men’s’ Ministry at All Saints will be hosting and sponsoring
Faith, Football, and Food and All are Welcome! We hope to see you there.
Save the Dates!
St. Mary’s Guild members Holly Killebrew and Dr. Laura Palmer with the new dry erase board.
Norma Naraine try out one of the new benches
1800’s Evening Prayer & Potluck
Wednesday, November 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Join us as we journey to the past, and experience worship
as it would have been 150 years ago! We will have a brief
service of Evening Prayer followed by an Old-Fashioned
Harvest Potluck. A meat dish is provided, but please
bring a side dish to share. 1800’s-inspired attire is welcome!
Pajamas from Santa !!!
Once again this year All Saints will have the blessing of helping
provide for the children enrolled in the after school program at
Miller Park during the holiday season. We would like, with your help, to furnish
each child and their younger siblings a new pair of pajamas ( or age appropriate
sleep attire ) . The tags with each child’s name/size are in the narthex. We will have
approximately 250 names this year, so thank you in advance for your help with
this very worthwhile project.
Monday, November 17th – Youth Adult Group Meeting
Saturday December 6 – Parents Day Out!
Babysitting will be provided by the J2A youth from 830-1230pm. More details
to come!
Sunday, December 7th at 5:00 p.m. —- A Festival of Lessons & Carols
Presented by the All Saints choirs
Sunday, December 14th at 9:45 a.m. — Christmas Pageant
Presented by the All Saints children and youth
Happy Bookers Reminder
The next meeting for the All Saints Women’s Book Club is
Thursday, Nov. 13, in the Retreat Center at 4 p.m. We will
discuss the book “The Invention of Wings” and also select
books for January to May 2015. Please join us. Contact:
Becky Connors,
All Saints Pictorial Directory
You have another opportunity to have your picture taken for the All Saints
Pictorial directory! During all the services on November 15th and 16th we will
have a photographer available to take your picture! You can also send a .jpeg
digital photo to Jeremy Vogt at
A Holy Eucharist with traditional Thanksgiving hymns
and liturgy, along with the Chancel & Handbell Choirs.
Worship will be followed by a Pie Feast! hosted by
the Handbell Choir. Look for a sign-up sheet in the
narthex to share your favorite pie!
*Please bring a non-perishable food donation for the Dean Fricke Food
Pantry ; Cash donations will also be acepted.
There are new pages on our All Saints website about Baptism in
the Episcopal Church and at All Saints. November 23 is the Feast
of Christ the King and the next Sunday to plan a baptism before January
January 11, 2015 (The Feast of the Baptism of our Lord) is the next feast
day to consider scheduling the Sacrament of Holy Baptism for your child or family
member. The required Baptism preparation class is scheduled for January 2 or 5th,
time to be determined.
All other dates on which to schedule a baptism are listed on the
website. Please contact Judy Stribley, Pastoral Assistant,,
with any questions you may have.
Calm, pleasant work atmosphere! Thoroughly enjoyable volunteer position!
Ability to read.
Familiarity with the Dewey Decimal System.
Knowledge of basic computer skills.
Desire to sustain an organized library.
Availability to work 1+ hours weekly.
Willingness to perform basic maintenance chores.
The All Saints Library is fully functional. Only weekly maintenance is now
required to keep this extraordinary facility operating as it should for the All Saints
community. “Be not afraid…for the LORD thy God is with thee…” and the
Librarian’s Handbook will guide you through any instructions you might need to
be comfortable in this position. If God is nudging you in this direction, please
contact any staff member.
This is your Library!
Thanksgiving Service
Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m.
Baptism at All Saints Episcopal Church