A Message from the Principal/Vice Principal


A Message from the Principal/Vice Principal
Principal: Candide Sitko
Vice Principal: Paula McIntee
91 Bunting Road, St. Catharines, ON L2P 3G8
Tel.: 905-684-9461
Website: http://jeannesauve.dsbn.org
Follow us on Twitter:@JSVSauve
Issue #8
April 2016
A Message from the Principal/Vice Principal:
Continued from last month - an excerpt from...
"Growth Mindset and Grit: Building Important Foundations for Literacy Learning and Success at Home"
by Laurie Elish-Piper
All families can help children develop a growth mindset and grit. Doing so does not require a college
degree, knowledge of algebra, or even fluency in English. It just requires that families model, encourage,
and reinforce a growth mindset and grit (Fink, n.d.).
To help children develop and maintain a growth mindset, parents can remind their children of a time when
they learned something new that was challenging for them. It may have been when they learned to ride a
bike without training wheels, to swim, to play the piano, or to memorize the multiplication tables. Families
can discuss how "getting good" at something takes time and effort. In this conversation, it's important for
families to talk about how making mistakes, practising, and "sticking with it" contribute to successful
learning of challenging skills, tasks, or content. When children get frustrated by a challenging task, family
members can prompt them to tell themselves things such as "This is hard, but if I stick with it and practise,
I will get better." Family members will also want to discuss their failures and help their children see that
failure and setbacks are normal and useful parts of learning. It's important for family members to discuss
how they (and their children) can learn from failures to enhance their learning in the future.
Families can also support their children by helping them embrace frustration and modeling resilience
(Fink, n.d.). While parents often want to jump in with a solution as soon as their children experience a
challenge or struggle, this is a perfect time to foster perseverance. Parents can help children think through
their next steps so they have a plan for overcoming the challenge.
In addition to family members sharing their own experiences, children's literature can be used to help
children understand the importance of a growth mindset and grit. By seeing characters deal with
frustrations and persevere toward long-term goals, children will have more role models for developing
these important character traits. Classic books such as The Tortoise and the Hare (Pinkney, 2013) and
The Little Engine that Could (Piper, 2012) highlight the persistence and grit of main characters. In
addition, the picture book Thank You, Mr. Falker (Polacco, 1998) demonstrates how Trisha is encouraged
by her teacher to persevere, work hard, and use her talents to accomplish her goals. Biographies are
helpful for getting children to understand and embrace the notion of grit, and they provide excellent
models of resilience. Salt in His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream (Jordan & Jordan, 2003)
highlights the challenges Michael Jordan faced and how he developed patience, determination, and a
commitment to hard work. Many biographies of famous people, such as Abraham Lincoln, Jackie
Robinson, Helen Keller, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, and Bill Gates, demonstrate how resilience,
perseverance, and grit helped them reach their goals and succeed.
While it may be difficult or uncomfortable for parents and teachers to discuss their struggles and failures
with children, it is essential for helping them understand that everyone experiences challenges and must
work hard to accomplish their goals. Furthermore, by giving children (and their families) insights into the
important attributes of a growth mindset and grit, we can increase the likelihood of learning,
accomplishment, and success for all children.
What an amazing day! Students were so excited!
On Friday, April 1st, our School Advisory Council held a Dance-a-thon to raise money
for our playground. Our Student Council thought it would be a great idea to add
more excitement by having a beach theme with hula hoop and limbo contests. It was a lot of fun.
Our SAC members and volunteers sold glo-sticks, popcorn, and beverages, and
organized a draw for numerous fabulous prizes based on the money raised by each
Although we do not have exact numbers, we are thrilled to announce that the
Dance-a-thon raised over
$5 000 for our playground. Way to go, Royals!
A huge thank you goes to our School Advisory Council members and parent
volunteers who helped to make this day such a success!
Congratulations to Mme Frie's class who raised $757 and therefore, will be receiving a pizza party!
The March events and recognition assembly will take place on Friday, April 8th at 9:45 a.m. Parents, as
always, are welcome to attend.
Mme Barker
Jaden H.
Madeline D.
Elsie B.
Mme Frie
Colton D.
Kilah K.
Allan G.
M. Kitcher
Ever P.
Sara M.
Zagros A.
Mme Ritchie
Abby C.
Zanyar P.
Dawson C.
Mme Black
Tia S.
Lauren F.
Zariné Z.
Mme Cirasuolo
Camille C.
Ashley S.
Hayden T.
Mlle Mercier
Eduard K.
Miriam F.
Mollie R.
Mme Winkler
Blaze Z.
Audrey S.
Maya H.
Mlle Di Franco
Morgan B.
Sara Z.
Addy L.
Mme Miller
Cassidy R.
Addison K.
Ambar F.
Mlle Violante
Simonne L.
Amelia H.
Norah H.
Mme Kubarakos
Emma C.
Leen K.
Arleigh K.
Mme Nasser
Cadence K.
Lexi P.
Eliza K.
Mme Armstrong
Olivia T.
Jenelly S.
Matthew T.
Mlle Harcombe
Kathryn C.
Phoenix S.
Madeline C.
Mme McKenzie
Sammy L.
Chiara G.
Nigel S.
Mme Taubeneck
Sarah D.
Colin W.
Meghan C.
M. Whidden
Nancy Q.
David F.
Bronte R.
M. Caza
Thomas B.
Evan L.
Julia M.
Mlle Christie
Liam D.
Shawn C.
Kalyna K.
Mlle Schram
Orian F.
Frankie R.
Aidan M.
M. Donato
Viviana C.
Sol W.
Aidan L.
Mlle Klassen
Taylor G.
Domingo O.
Ahmad A.
Mme Zamprogna
Selah W.
Mariam A.
Bryn L.
PLEASE NOTE: A copy of our Awards Program along with the criteria for these recognitions can be found on
our website. Hard copies are available at the office.
Congratulations to our tech team finalists who earned bronze medals
earlier in the month while competing against the Board's best
qualifiers in the Design & Technology District Championship at the
DSBN headquarters. Here, the team designed and constructed a
cable car that could ascend a cable of variable slope in a test of time
and endurance. Congratulations on your efforts and accomplishments!
Vous nous rendons très, très fiers et fières ici à l'école Jeanne
Les membres étaient: Danielle C., Jacklyn W., Liam B., and Griffin M.
Congratulations to the winners of the DSBN Concours d'arts oratoire on February 24th. We are excited and
proud to announce that Ashley M. - Extended French Category and Avery F. (Immersion Category) will be
representing Jeanne Sauvé at the 2016 Provincial Concours d'arts oratoire at York University's Glendon
Campus in Toronto on Saturday, May 14th. The concours is organized by the Ontario Modern Language
Teachers' Association and Canadian Parents for French (Ontario). We wish you great success at the
competition. Bonne chance les filles!
The second Scholastic Book Fair of the year will take place from Tuesday, April 12th
to Thursday, April 14th. The book fair will be open at both breaks for students to
purchase books, and will be open after school until 4:30 p.m. Please come and support
our book fair. For every $1.00 spent, we earn 60 cents towards the purchase of new
books for our library and classrooms.
Jeanne Sauvé's cast of Camp Rock: the Musical has been working tirelessly to put our
show together! Thank you to all our teachers, parents, and our School Advisory Council
for helping out with donations, raffles, sewing, organization, and more! We are so lucky
to have your support! Our shows will run May 10, 11, and 12th at 7pm, with doors opening
at 6:30pm.
Ticket sales will begin on School Cash Online April 1st. Tickets are $5 for seniors (65+) and children under 8,
and $8 for general admission (ages 8-64). Seating will be first come first served, but we will be having a
special "front rows" draw for those who would like to get a seat specially reserved in our first two rows.
These draw tickets will also be on sale online for $2 each or 3 for $5. Popcorn and juice will be on sale at our
performances before and during intermission at our evening performances.
As another fundraising effort to offset the costs of our musical, look out for special raffle tickets on sale by
our cast members for your chance to win a hoverboard, FitBit, or a Henry of Pelham winery tour and tasting
for 4 people!
Thank you to the generosity of our community partners.
At Jeanne Sauvé, we are creating an atmosphere of grace and
gratitude. The grade 1 classes sang a song at the last
assembly to present the idea of looking for and appreciating
those that help us! In our gym, we have the word MERCI
taped on our bleachers. As the children write thank you notes,
we will fill in the word MERCI to show how much we appreciate all that we have at Jeanne Sauvé!
"When you are looking for goodness ... you will find it happening everywhere!"
Earth Hour, a global movement to bring awareness to climate change, took place with events
celebrated around the world on March 19, 2016. The grade two and grade five students
created Earth Hour posters for the City of St. Catharines, many of which were
on display at City Hall. Congratulations to Addison L. in grade two for winning
prizes for her Earth Hour poster submission! On Thursday, March 24, beginning period three
and lasting for one hour, staff and students at Jeanne Sauvé celebrated Earth Hour in their
classrooms by taking part in activities that didn't involve using lights, electronics, or
Wow, March went by SO fast, but we managed to squeeze in a lot! Before March break we
had a jersey day to show off our favourite teams and fill the school up with spirit!! We had
some rivalries, but it was all in good fun. Our varied interests really shone through - which
is great.
We kicked off the week after March break with a crazy hair day! It was so cool to see such
a variety of wacky and creative hairstyles displayed by the students! We had hair done up
as birds' nests to celebrate spring, hair done up as cupcakes - a delicious idea, and we even had hair that,
somehow, stood STRAIGHT out! So much fun.
Looking ahead to April…
The Student Council has been planning tons of fun spring activities! Starting on April 8th, we have a fun
“Retro” or “Blast from the Past” spirit day. We’re looking for everyone to come to school dressed in an outfit
from their favorite time period (example: disco, sixties, twenties, eighties). As usual, we're looking for 100%
participation from every class and we're hoping we can achieve our goal. And again, please don’t buy a costume
- be creative with whatever you have in that old trunk in the attic or basement.
The 18th to 20th we will have a delicious candy jar and students can guess how much candy is in the jar. It will
be 25 cents a guess. The student with the guess closest to the actual number of candies in the jar will win the
whole jar (to be shared with parents, of course ;) )!
On the 21st, Student Council members will be helping with the “Bag2School” drop off. Please don’t forget to
bring your bags in. We look forward to hauling hundreds of crammed bags that evening!
On the 22nd, we will be painting flowers and fun things on the faces of the grade 1s and 2s for Earth Day.
They will be painted by the grade 8 volunteers, as we did last year. A permission form will be going home prior
to this event.
We have a fun packed month ahead of us!
Submitted by:
Isabelle M.
Prime Minister
Jeanne Sauvé Student Council
Natalie W.
Minister of Communications
Jeanne Sauvé Student Council
On March 3rd, students and teachers celebrated a traditional winter Québec Carnaval, Jeanne
Sauvé-style. As the snowflakes were dancing outside, we had a perfectly, magical winter day.
Our students enjoyed both outdoor and indoor tradition-based carnival activities. While in their
JSV colour groups (including students from grades 1-8), students participated in the following activities:
crêpes, snow sculptures, broomball/shlockey, canoe races, mask-making, traditional bal masqué dance, and
toboggan/sled races. Smiling faces, laughter, and teamwork were witnessed by all. It was an incredibly
successful day with teachers and students heading home looking forward to a good night’s rest!
The grade five students in Mme Armstrong’s
class enjoyed a visit from Bravura singer, Mr.
George Masswohl. The students listened as he
read the story “What Can You Do With An
Idea?” and shared his acting, singing and life
experiences with them.
Due to March Break, no meeting was held during the month of March. However, we would ask that you mark
THURSDAY, APRIL 21ST on your calendars and come and join us at the Bag2School and BBQ/Ice Cream
event (more details below).
Our next School Council Meeting will take place on Monday, April 18th, 7:00 pm in the Learning Commons.
All parents are welcome to attend and babysitting is provided.
Dear Parent / Guardian,
We are pleased to announce that Jeanne Sauvé has organized its second
annual clothing collection with Bag2School to raise funds for the school.
Bag2School provides free fund raising for schools, churches, and sports
organizations and, since its inception in 2001, has helped raise over
$20,000,000 in Canada, USA, Great Britain and Holland.
By getting involved with this clothing collection you have an opportunity to
help raise funds for your school as well as helping the environment by
diverting unwanted textiles away from land fill sites. In addition, it will help
raise the students’ awareness of the benefits of the 3 “R’s”—Reuse, Recycle
and Reduce.
Please donate any unwanted clothing plus any hats, belts, purses, footwear (tied in pairs please) and soft/stuffed
toys. To help raise the maximum funds for your school, please ask your relatives, neighbours and friends to go
through their closets too – a team effort makes all the difference!
Please bring your bags to Jeanne Sauvé School and enjoy a bbq and ice cream truck hosted by the School
Advisory Council to benefit our school initiatives (Playground, Technology, Sports Equipment and
Subsidized School Activities).
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2016 (day before Earth Day) 3:30-6pm
Bag2School will help you to raise funds by paying your school $200/ton.
The Goal: to beat 3.75 tons!!!
Visit www.bag2school.ca for more information
A Point to Ponder...
"Don't promise when you are happy.
Don't reply when you are angry and
don't decide when you are sad."
- Ziad K. Abdelnour -
...Mme Frie, Mme Barker et Mme Ritchie for organizing the after-school Art Club.
...Mme Huisman for running the Chess Club.
...Mme Huisman for organizing and running the Silver Birch and Red Maple Book Clubs.
...Mme Frie for organizing a well-received Mad Science opportunity. We have over 90 students registered!
...Mlle Schram and Mme Taubeneck for coaching our junior boys' basketball team.
...Coach Thompson and Mmes Miller, St. Amand and Barker for coaching our junior girls' basketball team.
...Mme Cirasuolo for teaching our kids the importance of recycling via the Recycling Club.
...Mlle Christie, Mlle Schram, M. Whidden and M. Kitcher for organizing an Intermediate Badminton Club.
...Mmes Barker, Frie, Black & Winkler for running intramurals for our primary students.
...Mmes Cirasuolo, McKenzie, Taubeneck, St.Amand & M. Whidden for running intramurals for our jr. students.
...Mme Lelievre-Rienas, Mlle Bedford and Mlle Desjardins for running intramurals for our int. students.
A Public Health registered dental hygienist is scheduled to visit our school April 26 and 27th, 2016 to
provide dental screening to students in grades 2, 4, 6 and 8 and other children as required under the Health
Protection and Promotion Act.
During this time the registered dental hygienist will perform a visual inspection of each child to determine
his/her dental needs. Parents will be contacted if their child requires immediate dental care. Public Health
dental programs may financially assist children who do not have access to required dental care.
Please contact the Public Health dental program for any of the following:
 If you do NOT wish your child to participate in the dental screening.
 If your child is not in one of the targeted grades and you would like him/her to
Call the Dental Health Information at 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6074 ext. 7399 or email
Tooth decay is the number one chronic disease of children. Tooth decay can lead to pain, infection,
difficulties eating, speech problems, self-esteem issues, decreased school attendance and poor overall health.
 Niagara Region Public Health (NRPH) screens approx. 25,000 students each year in elementary schools
 38% of these students have tooth decay, which is unacceptably high
In the 2014/2015 school year, over 25,000 school-aged children were screened by Public Health. 39% of
those school-aged children were identified as having tooth decay. Tooth decay is the number one chronic
disease of children. Untreated tooth decay can lead to difficulties eating and sleeping, self-esteem issues,
decreased school performance and attendance, pain, discomfort, infection and poor overall health. Given the
long-term consequences of tooth decay, early preventive care is critical in the younger grades.
1. Regular brushing and flossing: Ensure your child brushes their teeth twice daily using a pea-size portion
of fluoride toothpaste, as Niagara’s community water does not contain fluoride. Younger children require
help from an adult until they are able to do an adequate job.
2. Healthy lunches and snacks: Parents are reminded about the importance of a healthy diet and limiting
sugary snacks and drinks. All students have access to water stations (fountains) where bottles can be
refilled throughout the day.
3. Mouth guards: If your child is participating in an organized sport it is highly recommended that they get
a custom-fitted mouth guard to protect their teeth.
4. Regular dental examinations: Dental examinations at regular intervals are important to prevent or
identify dental problems early so they can be treated. Public Health provides a variety of dental
programs and services to eligible children and youth 17 years of age and younger.
For more information or to see if your child qualifies, please call the Dental Health Line at 905-688-8248 or
1-888-505-6074 ext. 7399 or visit www.niagararegion.ca/health.
We continue to stress the importance of having indoor running shoes available
to wear for PE classes. It presents an unsafe situation when children arrive
with improper footwear. Any help in ensuring your child has proper footwear is
Has your child lost their Royals PE equipment? Perhaps a trip to the lost and found is in order! Shirts and
shorts that are properly labelled have a much better chance of being returned to their owner. Also, please
have your child check with one of the PE teachers as we have collected and washed some PE shirts without
Tae Kwon Do continues to happen during the first break on Tuesdays. It’s been great to see our student’s
gaining confidence and skill one kick at a time!
Intramurals continue to be a popular choice during the nutrition breaks, allowing students of all ages the
opportunity to get some exercise and have some fun. The intermediates enjoyed European Handball, congrats
to the mixed team 6 (Griffin, Bella, Sarah N, Nate, Alex, Flo, and Marshall) on their gold medal win! It's
great to see students come out and have some fun. During the month of April, all intermediate students are
welcome on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the second break to come out and practise their track and field
Grades 1 and 2 have been enjoying some parachute activities, while students in grades 3-6 are enjoying some
basketball, volleyball and floor hockey. What a great way to have some fun, in a less competitive environment!
Congratulations to the following students who have been recognized for their positive efforts and
achievements in physical education classes throughout the month of March:
Zacharia B. 1B, Olivia T. 1F, Ethan A. 1K, Isabella R. 1R, Noah H. 2B, Caiden K. 2C, Miriam F. 2M, Allegra D. 2W,
Emma G. 3M, Aiden L. 3V, Emmett C. 3D, Gabby B. 4K, Sofie A. 4N, Rayan E. 5A, Sahara D. 5M, Nolan T. 5H,
Emily W. 6T, David F. 6W, Lauren W. 6/7C, Stefani M. 7C, Danielle B. 7S, Natalie W. 8D,Terrance W. 8K,
Nate B. 8Z
The gym has been very busy every morning at 7:15 a.m. thanks to Mr. Haeni and his
crew of teachers who are preparing our students for their upcoming gymnastics meets!
With almost 100 gymnasts participating, it is very exciting to see all the flips, splits,
vaults and leaps! Thank you to all who tried out for the team and we wish those moving
on to the meet in April the best of luck! Thank you to Mme Zamprogna, Mlle
Desjardins, Mlle Harcombe, Mme Barker, Ms. Rusnak, M. Caza and M. Kitcher and of
course Mr. Haeni,for volunteering their time to support these athletes!
Jeong’s Family Tae Kwon Do instructors have spiced up our primary intramural program with a unique course
called “World Class Kids.” All participants are thoroughly enjoying the course, which incorporates physical
exercise with life lessons. Class #1 was Focus; Class #2 Co-operation; Class #3 Self-control; and Class #4
(April 5 and 8) will be Respect. Parents please remember the Graduation Ceremony will take place Saturday,
April 9 at Jeong’s Family Tae Kwon Do, 210 Glendale Ave., from 2-3 p.m. A great big thanks to Jeong’s Family
Tae Kwon Do for donating back the registration
fees to our school, for a total of approximately
The junior boys' basketball season has started and team
members Colin, Cole, Riely, David, Matthew, Marco, Sammy,
Brycen, Ben, Aaron, Owen and Rian have been working very
hard since the beginning of February to prepare for the
tough competition they will be facing. The boys were very
successful in their pre-season tournament, making it all the
way to the silver medal game. We have also played a few
regular season games in which the team has shown an
unbelievable level of sportsmanship. We are proud of the
progress the boys have made and their willingness to work
hard is greatly appreciated by the coaches. We are looking
forward to the rest of the season! Allons-y les Royals!
Congratulations to the junior girls' basketball team who have had a very successful
season so far! We have had great ball handling by Bea and Lauryn, super rebounding by
Claire, Cassidy and Ally, excellent shooting by Violet and Shelby; great defense by Grace,
Eva and Ella and excellent overall leadership and basketball skills by Megan! Watching
you come together as a team and encourage each other to achieve your goals accounts
for our accomplishments! Thank you to Mme Miller for coaching us and we wish her the
very best with her own new little basketball!
Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 2:15 p.m. Mark this date on your
calendar! Please join us for Jeanne Sauvé's Rankin Cancer Run Kick-off
Assembly! If you have a Rankin Run t-shirt from a previous year, we'd
love to see it! You’ll see why you and your family and friends should be
involved in this incredible community event.
Rankin Cancer Run Date: Saturday, May 28th at 10 am.
Come and celebrate the 13th Anniversary of the DSBN Road Race, sponsored by the Meridian Credit Union!
Happening Sunday, April 24th, 2016 at the DSBN Education Centre in St. Catharines.
1k Fun Run and 5k Road Race for everyone!
Price is still only $10 for students under 20 and $20 for adults 20+!
The day includes:
Barbecue for participants
Prizes for top finishers in each 5km age category
Fun Fair with Niagara Inflatables
Chip Time Results for 5km race
T-shirts for all who pre-register
Top school participation prize
Registration forms have been sent home or can be found at www.efnniagara.ca.
Come join in the fun!
The Jeanne Sauvé track and field date for this year is Wednesday, May 4th, 2016. All students in grades
4-8 will participate in this event which will be held at the Niagara Olympic Club. Sign-ups for events will take
place during the first week of April and optional training practices will be offered during break times. Please
listen to the announcements and check our website calendar for more information. We are very excited about
this event and hope that any appointments, etc. be scheduled on a different day.