Weekend of November 8 & 9, 2014


Weekend of November 8 & 9, 2014
Weekend of November 8 & 9, 2014
5:25 Sanctuary
8:00 Chapel
9:30 Chapel
9:30 Sanctuary
10:55 Sanctuary
Kevin Cetroni & Bruce Fratanduano
Steve Carr
Glenn Mull
Rosemary Malnofski
Bill McKee
Emma Ahlborn
Seth Brantzeg
Isabella Eversmeyer
Kylie Smith
Juliet Simmet
We hope that you enjoy worshiping with us here today and will
experience God’s love to be real in song, fellowship and word.
Hopewell United Methodist Church
852 Hopewell Road, Downingtown, PA 19335
(610) 269-1545 Fax. No. (610) 269-3355
Email - Hopewell@hopewellumc.org Website - www.Hopewellumc.org
Join us in the Family Life Center (downstairs) for coffee, refreshments and lots of conversation between
worship hours. Meet the people who worship with you, greet old friends, and make new ones. Coffee
hour is for all ages - snacks for children will be offered as well.
Circle of Concern
New Concerns:
Ed Smegelski
- recovering from hip surgery
John Brown
- continued prayers as he battles cancer
Matt Helm
- prayers as he continues his rehabilitation
Prayers for those affected by the senseless tragedy at the Brandywine Y this past week
On Going Concerns:
Linda Hall
Wayne Lieby
Doug Mentzer
- continued prayers
- recovering at home
- recovering at home
Pastor Steve officiated the wedding of
Lisa Frank and Dave Mason
at Hopewell UMC on Monday, November 3rd at 4:00 pm.
Pastor Steve also officiated the wedding of
Michael Karpovich and Allison Sitzler on
Saturday, November 8th at 5pm in
Williamstown, NJ.
Please be in prayer for these new couples.
This Week’s Prayer Calendar:
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday -
Gratitude and blessings for our pastors
Recognition for teachers - especially our own preschool teachers
Gratitude for families and friends
Thank you to people who pray for others
Praise God for our College Ministry Team
Appreciation for Christ Servant Ministers
Thank God for all who lead and attend Planting Seeds
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This Weekend
Contemporary Services
“Who Am I??”
Psalm 51:10-12
Pastor Vicki, Speaker
Saturday, November 8
5:25 Contemporary - Sanctuary
Sunday, November 9
8:00 Traditional - Bower Chapel
Traditional Services
Assistance Fund Report
Luke 10:25-37
Jen Lisowski, Speaker
9:30 Traditional - Bower Chapel
9:30 Contemporary - Sanctuary
10:55 Contemporary - Sanctuary
The flowers on the altar in the Chapel
are in honor of God’s Faithful Servants,
the members of Helping Hands.
Given with gratitude by Betsy Boyd.
Next Weekend
Saturday, November 15
5:25 Planting Seeds Worship
Rally - Sanctuary
DS Dawn Taylor Storm
Bishop Peggy Johnson
Sunday, November 16
8:00 Traditional - Bower Chapel
9:30 Traditional - Bower Chapel
5:25 Planting Seeds Worship
Contemporary Services
“Spiritual Victories”
John 14:15-27, 15:1-5, 16:5-14
Scott Kuhnle, Speaker
Traditional Services
“Who Am I??”
Psalm 51:10-12
Pastor Vicki, Speaker
9:30 Contemporary - Sanctuary
10:55 Contemporary - Sanctuary
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Hopewell Weekly Calendar for November 9 through November 16, 2014
Sunday, November 9
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
Traditional Worship in Bower Chapel
Traditional Worship in Bower Chapel, Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Sunday School,
IGR Soup Lunch, Adult Bible Study
10:45 AM Adult Bible Study
10:55 AM Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Junior Church/Nursery
1:00 PM
Christmas Musical Rehearsal
2:00 PM
Men’s Basketball
4:00 & 4:30 PM
Youth Praise Bands
6:00 PM
Sunday Night Youth Fellowship, Children’s Choirs & Fellowship, Financial Peace, Legacy Journey
6:30 PM
Disciple I Fast Track
7:00 PM
Faith Quartet
Monday, November 10
9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Hopewell Christian Preschool
6:00 PM
Creative Arts
6:30 PM
Disciple I Fast Track, Young Adults, Finance Team
7:00 PM
Adult Bible Study, Cub Scout Pack 8, Care Team
Tuesday, November 11
9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Hopewell Christian Preschool
9:15 AM
Tuesday Morning Moms Group
9:30 AM
Disciple I
4:00 PM
Art Therapy Support Group
6:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery
6:30 PM
DACSL Volleyball
7:00 PM
SPR Team, Cub Scout Pack 8
Wednesday, November 12
9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Hopewell Christian Preschool
6:00 PM
Pioneer Club
7:00 PM
Praise Team, Church Council
Thursday, November 13
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
1:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Hopewell Christian Preschool
Women’s Bible Study
Disciple II
DACSL Volleyball, Divorce Care, Divorce Care Grad, Wesley Ringers
Financial Peace, Grief Share
Chancel Choir
Christmas Musical Rehearsal
Friday, November 14
6:30 AM
Men of Faith
9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Hopewell Christian Preschool
6:00 PM
Planting Seeds Prep
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Saturday, November 15
2:00 PM
5:25 PM
Planting Seeds
Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary
Sunday, November 16
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
Traditional Worship in Bower Chapel
Traditional Worship in Bower Chapel, Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Sunday School,
IGR Soup Lunch
10:45 AM Adult Bible Study
10:55 AM Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Junior Church/Nursery, Adult Bible Study
1:00 PM
Christmas Musical Rehearsal
2:00 PM
Men’s Basketball
4:00 & 4:30 PM
Youth Praise Bands
6:00 PM
Children’s Choirs & Fellowship, Sunday Night Youth Fellowship, Financial Peace, Legacy Journey
6:30 PM
Disciple I Fast Track
7:00 PM
Faith Quartet
Soup Lunch Sunday A variety of delicious soups and tasty hotdogs will be available
after the 9:30 am and the 10:55 am services in the FLC. Please note that your generous
Soup Lunch donations will help support the IGR’s 2015 Scholarship Program as well as
provide discounts for all attendees.
The Salvation Army wants you to ring the bell for Jesus at Stauffer's Market in
Guthriesville. We will be ringing the first, second and third weekends in December on
Fridays and Saturdays. Please sign up ASAP as spots are going fast - you’ll be glad you
did!! Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board across from the Donation Station downstairs
or call Sue Lehman 484-678-6789.
"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever" (Psalm 106:1)
As Thanksgiving approaches, let's pause to thank God for the many ways He
blesses us. Join us as we gather here at Hopewell UMC for worship on
Thanksgiving Eve (Wednesday, November 26, 2014) at 7:00
pm for a beautiful time of praise, Communion, and fellowship with our
Christian brothers and sisters from Downingtown UMC, Thorndale UMC,
Nantmeal UMC and Romansville UMC. Light refreshments will be served
after the service in the narthex.
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Tuesday Evenings 6PM
downstairs in the Café
This week’s program will be entitled “Give”.
Thursday Evenings 6:30PM
downstairs in the Café
Thursday Evenings 7PM
in the Lounge
Christian Art Therapy Cancer Support
Tuesday Afternoons 4PM
in Room Ruth
In addition to the CIRCLE OF CONCERN that appears in our weekly bulletin, Hopewell has a powerful
Prayer Chain ministry. Approximately 210 faithful and praying folks receive requests and pray over
them on a daily basis. The Hopewell Prayer Chain is managed by volunteer, Joan Stanford. If you have
a “heart for praying,” why not prayerfully consider if God is calling you to participate in this ministry? If the answer from God is YES, then contact Joan (jostnfrd@ptd.net) and have your name added to
the chain. On the other side of this, if you would like to post a prayer concern, you are most welcome to
send it to Joan at that same email address. At the heart of it all, we are a Praying Church!
Hopewell United Methodist Church Strategic Map/Long Range Plan
Create a seasonal Bible Study series once again.
Result: We are grateful to Pastor Steve for writing Advent Dreams, a new Bible study
curriculum and a new opportunity for us to grow in the Word. Based on the
four dreams in Matthew 1:18-2:23, participants will be looking at God’s dream
in giving the world Jesus. How do we fit into that divine dream for the world?
How open are we to God’s ongoing communication, perhaps even in dreams?
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Hopewell Student Missions Annual Auction
Saturday, December 6, 2014, 6:30 PM
Come join with us for an evening of fun and fellowship
while supporting student missions.
Hundreds of items and gift baskets
from local businesses and church members will be up for bid
in a combination silent and live auction!
A $5.00 admission includes
gourmet hors d’oeuvres, desserts and coffee bar.
Babysitting is also available.
Contact Maryanne Bishop
for information about donating or attending.
Ticket Reservations are NOW Available on our website!
Order now or pay at the door!
“Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’”
(John 20:21)
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Operation Christmas Child This year Hopewell UMC will once again participate in this “shoebox mission” by serving as a “relay center” for the community. During National Collection Week 11/17-23 our community will use Hopewell as the drop
off site for their filled boxes. Hopewell then “boxes the boxes” and ships them off to
the next stop. You can help to support this enormous effort in several ways: fill a shoebox yourself or with a group, volunteer for a shift during our collection week, or help
with transportation of boxes. We will also be collecting loose items which will be used
to fill boxes. These items can be placed in the large box by the OCC information table downstairs.
Suggestions are: school supplies, small toys, hygiene items, hard candy, gum, socks, sunglasses, hats, hair
accessories, jewelry. Please contact Julie Straub (610-268-1411) or Amy Straub (610-780-5518) with
any questions or to join us in this amazing mission!
The next opportunity for joining Hopewell UMC will be December 6/7, 2014. The membership
process consists of a series of three classes. Dates and times for the next series of classes are as follows:
Orientation class:
Membership class:
Follow-up class:
Sunday, November 23, 10:55-11:55 AM
Saturday, December 6, 8:30-11:30 AM
Sunday, January 11, 10:55-11:55 AM.
Please contact Lynne in the church office (610-269-1545 or Lynne@hopewellumc.org) if you are interested
in joining. Babysitting is available during all classes. If you would like to sponsor a new member by being
their Fellowship Friend, please contact Dan Hepner at 610-269-0158.
Ministry of the Month
We are grateful for the people of Hopewell who have answered the call to serve the 91 students attending
the Chester County Family Academy. This ministry team, working in tandem with the Chester County
Food Bank, ensures that these young children have nourishment each and every weekend.
With much appreciation for the time and energy with which they are serving,
Pam Johnson (team leader), Al Wright, Tom Grosse, Linda Grosse, Jill Loschiavo, Dara Roberts, Cheri
Miller, Diane Mowery, Maryanne Bishop, Mary Barringer, Diane Corle, Marley Caldwell, Karen Price,
Leslie Winters-Perme, Chris Munson, Krista Taylor, Patty Bartholomew and Tom Bartholomew
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Sunday School Classes for Adults
New people are always welcome!
9:30am in Adult Ministry Room B – The Psalms: Israel’s Hymnbook
Taught by Dr. David Frame.
10:45am in the Lounge – Revised Common Lectionary Readings
This week’s scripture (November 9th) is Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25; Psalm 78:1-7 (UMH 799); 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; and Matthew 25:1-13. Next week’s scripture (November 16th) is Judges 4:1-7; Psalm 123
and 76 (UMH 797); 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; and Matthew 25:14-30.
Facilitator is Joe Lisowski
10:45am in Adult Ministry B – Religion & Science: Pathways to Truth
Facilitators are Rob Chapman and Brian Oberholtzer.
Mentor Appreciation and Friendraising Event
Come for a Thank You or to Learn about
Future Mentoring Opportunities
Sunday, November 9th – 3-5pm
Central Presbyterian Church, 100 W. Uwchlan Avenue, Downingtown
Food - Fun - Fellowship
All are welcome!
A Note of Appreciation:
On behalf of the Peninsula-Delaware Conference and the residents of Somerset County (Maryland),
we thank you for your mission trip to help in the recovery from the disastrous effects of Hurricane
Sandy. Your skilled labor was a blessing from you to the residents that you helped. Further, we
thank you for the donation that you presented before your departure. Funding like yours will help in
the continuing recovery efforts that are ongoing.
Rev. D. Richard Walton, Sr.
Peninsula-Delaware Conference Disaster Response Coordinator
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Staff Team: Cheri Miller (cheri@hopewellumc.org), Patty Wiehler (patty@hopewellumc.org)
Katy Garner (katylgarner@hotmail.com)
Child Care is available for these Worship Services:
5:25pm (Saturdays) and 10:55 am (Sundays) – Room Mary
9:30am (Sundays) – Infants/Toddlers – Room Jerusalem
Two year olds – Room Mary
Sunday School @ 9:30 is offered for children ages 3 (by 9/1/14) to 6th grade. Room assignments
are posted throughout the church hallways.
Junior Church @ 10:55 is offered for children ages 3 (by 9/1/14) to 6th grade. Children should
proceed to worship with their families and then join our Junior Church leaders at the specified time in
the order of worship. Children can be picked up after worship in Room Adam (the church library).
THANK YOU for the donations for our SOCKTOBER mission!
Our goal was 500 pairs of socks from the Sunday school children,
but God is Good and we collected over 1230 pairs!!
Sunday School Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, December 14th, during the 9:30am
Contemporary service in the Sanctuary. The auditions for 5th & 6th graders will be November 9th during Sunday school. The rehearsals for the 3 year olds to 4th graders will be during Sunday school from
November 16th to December 14th. A full pageant rehearsal for 3 year olds to 6th grade will be Saturday, December 13th from 9:30 to 11:00am. We look forward to this time honored tradition of seeing
the children of Hopewell bring the story of Christ’s birth to life!
5th & 6th Grade Instrumentalists We are looking for 5th & 6th grade instrumentalists to play
at the 4 & 5pm Christmas Eve services. If you are interested, please contact Cheri Miller at
cheri@hopewellumc.org. Once there is a group formed, we will determine rehearsal dates.
5th & 6th Children’s Praise Band We are looking for singers, keyboardists, drummers, guitarists & bass players to lead worship during the 4 & 5pm Christmas Eve services. This group is different
than the Instrumental Group, but children can do both! Practices will be based on the availability of the
participants. If interested please email Cheri Miller at cheri@hopewellumc.org.
Children’s Choirs All children ages 3 years (by 9/1/14) through 6th grade are invited to participate each Sunday night as follows:
Cherub Choir (Preschool & Kindergarten)
Room Luke
J.A.M. Choir (1st-3rd Grade)
Room Ecclesiastes
God’s Children Choir (4th-6th Grade)
Thompson Music Room
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Staff Team: Cheri Miller (cheri@hopewellumc.org), Patty Wiehler (patty@hopewellumc.org)
Katy Garner (katylgarner@hotmail.com)
Sunday Night Fellowship All children, Kindergarten through 6th are invited to join us each Sunday night from 6 to 8pm for a time of fellowship with Christian friends and leaders. Each week the children gather for a time of prayer, educational games, topical discussions, hands-on missions, and recreation. Choir participants can join in at 7pm. Please join us...and invite a friend!!
Pioneer Club Join us for this mid-week program for children ages 3 (9/1/14) to 6th grade. We meet
on Wednesday nights from 6 to 7:30pm. You can join at any point during the school year. Registration
forms can be found in the church lobby, and on the church website. If you are interested in volunteering
to teach or help in a Pioneer Club class, please contact Cheri Miller at cheri@hopewellumc.org.
Mom’s Group is studying the book Chaotic Joy: Finding Abundance in the Messiness of Motherhood by Megan Breedlove. You can join at any time! We meet every Tuesday during the school year
from 9:15 to 11:15am. Child care is provided. This is a wonderful group of women who meet for Bible
study, fellowship and prayer support. Please contact Cheri Miller at cheri@hopewellumc.org for more
Upward Basketball & Cheerleading Registrations are now being accepted for the 2015 season
of Upward basketball and cheerleading for children ages Kindergarten through 8th grade. Detailed information and online registration is available at the Chester County Upward website at
www.upwardchestercounty.org. Contact Patty Wiehler in the church office with any questions.
Children’s Ministries Weekly Email If you would like to have information regarding Hopewell
Children’s Ministries sent to your email address weekly, please contact Cheri Miller in the church office,
or email cheri@hopewellumc.org.
6th Grade Parent & Child Meeting This meeting is to inform 6th graders and parents about the
6th Grade Bridging Program that transitions 6th graders from Children’s Ministries into Student Ministries. The meeting will be Sunday, November 23rd beginning at 10:45am in the Upper Youth
Space. Please join us for this special hour to learn more about this transitioning process.
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Director: Mike Banka, mike@hopewellumc.org
Assistant: Kristin Smith, kristin@hopewellumc.org
Youth Group - Sunday, November 9th
Come out and join us for Youth! Invite your friends!
6:00 PM - Basketball, hang out, snacks, games, etc.
7:00 PM - Worship and a message
7:30 PM - Small Groups
OCMD Youth Rally - Friday, January 9 - Sunday, January 11, 2015
This is an amazing weekend you do not want to miss!! See the highlight email for specifics OR go to the
Youth Retreat Page at www.hopewellumc.org for details.
Youth Auction
Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014 at 6:30 PM
Family Life Center at Hopewell UMC
To raise funds for mission work provided by the Youth throughout the year
We need YOU!! Youth, parents, leaders, friends, family - YOU!!!
Sign up on the Student Ministry's Event Registration at www.hopewellumc.org today!!!
Calendar of Events
Nov. 23rd
Dec. 6th
Dec. 12th - 14th
Dec. 14th
Jan. 9th - 11th
Jan. 23rd - 25th
Jan. 30th - Feb. 1st
Feb. 13th - 15th
Feb. 20th - 22nd
Mission Night - Thanksgiving Shopping
Youth Auction
Confirmation Retreat
Mission Night - Christmas Shopping
OCMD Youth Rally
Confirmation Retreat
Ski Trip
Confirmation Retreat
Shop With the Sheriff Please save Saturday, December 6th from 9:00am-3:00pm to help with the
“Shop With the Sheriff” event. The Chester County Sheriff’s Department will be taking the students
from the Chester County Family Academy to Wal-Mart to shop for Christmas gifts for their families.
Hopewell will be helping by providing lots of volunteers, lots of gift wrapping supplies, and lots of love
to make this a wonderful day for the CCFA children! If you can play games with children, help them
wrap Christmas gifts, assist with serving pizza, then THERE IS A ROLE FOR YOU TO PLAY. Please
consider joining us for all or part of the day. Contact: Pam Johnson (484) 886-9993 or
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A 4-Week Bible Study
Based on Matthew 1:18-2:23
In the Hebrew Scriptures, God says about his people, "I make myself known to them in
visions; I speak to them in dreams." Do you believe that God speaks to you in
dreams? In this season of Advent, together we're going to explore the Infancy narratives
as we find them in the gospel of Mathew. Advent itself we might understand as God's
dream for the world coming true: in the arrival of Jesus, the kingdom of heaven is at
hand. And yet, Matthew's story of Advent and Christmas is told very deliberately in a
series of four progressive scenes, each of which features a nighttime dream to human
beings... dreams which offer divine guidance, or warning from danger, or a challenge to
try something new. If Advent is God's dream coming true, we might ask: how do we
ourselves (and our church) live into God's dream, and does God today offer guidance or
protection or challenge to us in dreams?
Register online at www.hopewellumc.org
Classes starting November 20th and now forming for:
Sunday mornings
Monday mornings
Tuesday mornings
Tuesday evenings
Sunday evenings
Monday evenings
Thursday mornings
Thursday evenings
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A Sound Heard Far Away
Consecration Sunday
November 22/23, 2014
Ezra 3:1-5, 10-13 - “A Sound Heard Far Away”
Pastor Steve, preaching
Special Music - Personal Testimony
Children’s Creative Arts Drama
Commitment Cards returned during worship
You can also pledge on-line at www.hopewellumc.org/online-giving
Thank You Breakfast prepared with the help of Hopewell Youth
Stewardship Rally
Monday, November 17 - 6:30 - 8:00 PM
East Brandywine Fire Company Hall
Perhaps you’ve been approached by a member of the Finance Team to help us in this way. We’re looking for 30-some households to attend (more people, with spouses included). ‘Good-natured, generous,
fairly-industrious Hopewell people who commit to:
 Good fellowship
 Celebration of another terrific year of ministry
 Hearing a bit of “vision casting” which mentions our stretch projects in 2015 (support for new staff,
The Well, pipe organ repair)
 Commitment by attendees to touch - phone message? e-mail? Facebook? - seven (7) Hopewell
donors over the ensuing five days to say, “Thank You and please come to Consecration Sunday
worship next weekend.”
Service in the Connection in 2009, our Senior Pastor was elected to an initial three-year term
on the Board of Directors for the Eastern PA/Pen-Delaware Foundation. Investment management,
endowments, stewardship education, and Planned Giving opportunities are some of the services provided
by the Foundation for the churches and agencies of our two Annual Conferences. The Foundation Board
meets four times each year. Pastor Steve will attend a meeting of the Board in Lancaster on Wednesday,
November 12th from 2 to 6pm.
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Beyond the Walls - Year VII
A Capital Campaign
with a twist
Bower Chapel Organ Haiti
Bridge of Hope
Hurricane Sandy Relief
Camp Innabah
Maranatha Christian Academy
Good Works
Safe Harbor
Grace Café
The Well
South Africa, including our full-time
Annual Goal:
Total Received: $205,726
“Out of his anguish he shall see LIGHT.”
(Isaiah 53:11a)
Operations: Year to Date
Total Income Budgeted:
Actual Total Income:
Expenses Budgeted:
Actual Total Expenses:
November Designated Giving When it comes to having an opinion about bats and a few other
flying creatures, the scriptures are clear: these you shall regard as detestable; they are an abomination
(Leviticus 11:13). Modern folks are perhaps a bit more charitable in their regard for bats and the positive
contribution they make in the natural order - but certainly one feature still detestable about bats is what
they leave behind after they eat their fill of bugs and insects. It’s called guano among those who knows
these things…..and it’s a nasty, noxious mess in areas where bats have made their home for a while. On
the premises of Hopewell UMC, the Bower Chapel bell tower and the attic above Room Qumran are very
popular bat hotels and periodically, we need to pay a professional service (we don’t get a lot of volunteers
for this…) to come remove the layers of accumulated bat guano. For the first time in a decade this was
done last month, and the bill we received (actually, a bit less than the estimate) was nonetheless
$6,600.00. No kidding. So, perhaps you can help? It’s all part of the overall operational cost of running a large and effective church - but any contribution you make this month will reduce the amount of
budget dollars we need to commit to guano removal. So many opportunities to serve! Thank you for
your consideration. Received to date: $125.00.
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Please place your donations downstairs by the Family Life Center at the Donation Station.
Hopewell’s Backpack Team will be
assisting the children at our adopted school,
the Chester County Family Academy, wrap
Christmas presents for their families which
are being gifted by the Chester County
Sheriff’s Department and other entities.
The Backpack Team would appreciate your
donations of:
Christmas wrapping paper
Tissue paper
Ribbon and Bows
Christmas gift tags
Got Jeans?
Gently used jeans in teen and adult sizes
are being collected by Hopewell teen
Sammie Miller for distribution to
homeless teens all over the country
through the Aeropostale program. Let’s
help Sammie reach her goal of 200!
Goodwill stores always have a large
inventory of very inexpensive jeans.
Please place your jean donations at the
Donation Station before December 7th.
The College Ministry team is collecting goodies to send to our college students, a tangible way
to let them know that we are thinking of them and praying for them. Please consider donating:
Raman noodles
Microwave popcorn
Peanut butter
Cracker snack packs
Granola/Cereal bars
Microwave hot chocolate
Coffee singles
Tea bags
Microwave mac & cheese
Please place your donations in the College Ministries basket at the Donation Station.
Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets
We have the opportunity to answer Christ’s call to feed the hungry with Thanksgiving dinner food
baskets. Baskets will be delivered throughout our community to those living with HIV infection and
AIDS. Items needed:
Bags of stuffing
Cans of gravy
Cans of sweet potatoes/yams
Cans of green vegetables
Cranberry sauce
Boxes of macaroni and cheese, rice and mashed potatoes
Dessert ideas: pudding mix, Jello, small cakes or cookies
Or cash donations may be placed in the Older Adult Ministry/Peggy Puy mailbox outside the church
office or given to someone in the church office.
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