weekly bulletin - Hopewell United Methodist Church, Downingtown
weekly bulletin - Hopewell United Methodist Church, Downingtown
Weekend of December 27 & 28, 2014 Greeters 5:25 Sanctuary 8:00 Chapel 9:30 Sanctuary 10:55 Sanctuary Kevin Cetroni & Bruce Fratanduano Steve Carr Rosemary Malnofski Patty Miller Acolytes Maya Feliciano Emma Ahlbom Isabella Eversmeyer Kylie Smith We hope that you enjoy worshiping with us here today and will experience God’s love to be real in song, fellowship and word. Hopewell United Methodist Church 852 Hopewell Road, Downingtown, PA 19335 (610) 269-1545 Fax. No. (610) 269-3355 Email - Hopewell@hopewellumc.org Website - www.Hopewellumc.org COFFEE AND FELLOWSHIP Join us in the Family Life Center (downstairs) for coffee, refreshments and lots of conversation between worship hours. Meet the people who worship with you, greet old friends, and make new ones. Coffee hour is for all ages - snacks for children will be offered as well. Page PRAYER NEWS Circle of Concern Sue Lehman - at home following double knee replacement surgery Elayna (Cheryl & Eric Querey’s 9yr old) - continued prayers Sam (Sue Campbell’s dad) - diagnosed with liver cancer which has metastasized Dave Durbanis - continued prayers for healing Gertie (Nancy Yarnall’s mom) - in hospice care Linda Hall - renewed prayers Family and friends of DHSWest student, Andrew Specht, grieving his sudden death Pastoral Happenings: In order to help resource local churches, Pastor John Neider will be leading worship on Sundays at Christ United Methodist Church in Brookhaven, PA from February through June, 2015. The current pastor of Christ UMC is prematurely retiring and the district superintendent asked if we could help during this time period. John will still lead Celebrate Recovery and bible studies during this time at Hopewell and you will see him at worship here at our 525 service. Please keep John and the congregation at Middletown: Christ UMC in your prayers during this transitional time. This Week’s Prayer Calendar: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday - Cancer victims and their families For generous hearts Prayers for our hurting world Thanking God for blessings of the past year Thank God for new beginnings! For the employees of ‘Made by Mosaic’ in South Africa A spirit of Welcome within the life of our church Page 2 HOPEWELL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WORSHIP SCHEDULE This Weekend Saturday, December 27 5:25 Contemporary - Sanctuary Sunday, December 28 8:00 Traditional - Bower Chapel *9:30 Traditional - Sanctuary one service only 1st Sunday after Christmas All Services “Hope Has Arrived” Luke 2:22-40 Pastor John, Speaker 10:55 Contemporary - Sanctuary Baptism Opportunity The Baptism of the Lord will be celebrated on the weekend of January 10-11, 2015. This is a great opportunity to mark the sacrament of baptism within our worship services. Pastor Amy will be preaching at each hour. If you (Hopewell UMC members) have a child for whom this opportunity would be meaningful and timely, please contact Lynne in the church office at Lynne@hopewellumc.org or 610-2691545. Next Weekend Saturday, January 3 5:25 Contemporary - Sanctuary Sunday, January 4 8:00 Traditional - Bower Chapel Epiphany Sunday All Services “Open House” Ephesians 3:8b-10a Pastor Steve, Speaker 9:30 Traditional - Bower Chapel Holy Communion 9:30 Contemporary - Sanctuary 10:55 Contemporary - Sanctuary Page 3 Hopewell Weekly Calendar for December 28 through January 4, 2015 Sunday, December 28 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:55 AM 2:00 PM 6:30 PM Traditional Worship in Bower Chapel Worship in Sanctuary, Sunday School, Advent Dreams Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary Men’s Basketball Disciple I Monday, December 29 6:30 PM Disciple I Fast Track Tuesday, December 30 9:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Disciple I Celebrate Recovery - Serenity Prayer Volleyball practice Wednesday, December 31 7:00 PM Praise Team Thursday, January 1 Happy New Year Friday, January 2 6:30 AM Men of Faith Saturday, January 3 8:30 AM 5:25 PM Men’s Discussion Group Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary Sunday, January 4 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:55 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Traditional Worship in Bower Chapel Traditional Worship in Bower Chapel, Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Sunday School Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Junior Church/Nursery, Adult Bible Study Haiti Team Meeting Men’s Basketball Youth Praise Team Youth Fellowship, Crocheting Group Disciple I Pastoral Evaluations The Staff-Parish Relations team celebrates the completion of annual evaluations for each of our five (5) appointed pastors. In that process, each employee solicited input from fourto-five reviewers from the congregation, plus the Senior Pastor. If the evaluation form was forwarded to you on behalf of a particular pastor, Thank You for this valuable feedback. In January, similar evaluations will be conducted among the many lay employees. At Hopewell UMC, we strive for excellence and this regular “performance review” is an important part of that process. Page 4 Hopewell Christmas Caroling - A Celebration! Sunday afternoon, 79 Hopewell Christmas carolers visited 27 of our members (older adults, long time Hopewell members, and some with health concerns). Our visits included those at Tel Hai, Simpson Meadows, Freedom Village, Heatherwood and Hickory House Retirement Communities, Adult Services Care Centers, Assisted Living and Nursing Centers. At each stop, we presented a festively decorated gift bag that held love-filled handmade ornaments and letter from Hopewell’s children. Bus drivers were Jeanie Ringsdorf, Kate Eversmeyer, Alan Hodge, and Kurt Thompson. Song Leaders were Vicki Pry, Maryanne Bishop, David Frame, and Ellie Thompson. All did a spectacular job again this year, and we’re so very grateful that they use their gifts in this way. Most of our carolers stayed to enjoy pizza dinner in the FLC when the buses returned to Hopewell. A special thanks to Women’s Ministries for managing that aspect for us this year! Puerto Rico Mission Trip, February 3 - 17, 2015 Camp Corson, named after a former Methodist bishop, was founded many years ago to aid the people that live in the small village of Memeyas, located in the tropical rain forest area of the island known as Jayuya. Throughout the years the camp has served as a youth camp, a hurricane shelter and a community center. There is also a small medical clinic located just above the camp that also serves as a dental clinic The camps’ main building is located near the top of a steep hill down a narrow road below this clinic. A small house that was built for a caretaker to stay in is located next to the main barracks. The remaining structures are located downhill (emphasis on "hill") from the barracks and they include a cabin for a visiting doctor, a main pavilion (that also houses a kitchen and cafeteria), four small cabins that can be used by visiting families, a chapel, a concession stand, and at the very bottom of the camp is a basketball court, pool area and pavilion located in a large clearing. Several years ago Hopewell donated the funds needed to construct the pool pavilion, which has a plaque bearing the name "Hopewell Pavilion" on it. All of these structures and grounds require constant maintenance, which is typically performed by volunteers. The camp is owned and operated by the Methodist Conference of Puerto Rico. If you would like more information about this mission trip, please contact Paul Zmich, 610-383-4253. Hopewell United Methodist Church Strategic Map/Long Range Plan Goal: Establish a Hopewell UMC “face” (presence) in the community. Result: On Christmas Day, we welcomed the community to Hopewell to celebrate the birth of our Savior. What a joy to share fellowship, a traditional Christmas dinner and a carol sing-along with our neighbors who might otherwise may have been eating alone, or not at all. We are grateful for the many people of Hopewell who shared their abundance, time and Christian love in this ministry! Page 5 A Great Beginning - Bower Chapel Renovation Project Renovation of the Bower Chapel began with the removal of the pipe organ for rebuilding. The refurbished instrument will include a handsome façade and an additional solo stop.* In early January, work will begin on the new chancel configuration. It will include hardwood flooring and a more flexible furniture arrangement. The budget for this project is $150,000, of which we have received $122,000 in pledges and donations. Thank you for your generosity. Look for a memorial fundraising campaign in the near future. Page 6 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Staff Team: Cheri Miller (cheri@hopewellumc.org), Patty Wiehler (patty@hopewellumc.org) Sunday School on December 28th will be a combined age class. We will be meeting in the FLC. Join us to ring in the new year with a message, some mission work and some fun!!! Child Care is available for these Worship Services: 5:25pm (Saturdays) and 10:55 am (Sundays) – Room Mary 9:30am (Sundays) – Infants/Toddlers – Room Jerusalem Two year olds – Room Mary No Junior Church on Sunday, December 28th. No Children’s Choirs on Sunday, December 28th. No Sunday Night Fellowship on Sunday, December 28th. Pioneer Club Join us for this mid-week program for children ages 3 (9/1/14) to 6th grade. Our next meeting is January 7th. We meet on Wednesday nights from 6 to 7:30pm. You can join at any point during the school year. Registration forms can be found in the church lobby, and on the church website. If you are interested in volunteering to teach or help in a Pioneer Club class, please contact Cheri Miller at cheri@hopewellumc.org. Children’s Ministries Weekly Email If you would like to have information regarding Hopewell Children’s Ministries sent to your email address weekly, please contact Cheri Miller in the church office, or email cheri@hopewellumc.org. Clearly, the extensive pipe organ re-building project and the upcoming chancel area renovations in the Bower Chapel will require some modest adjustment in our normal worship flow on Sunday mornings in January and February. The Church Council on December 10th heartily accepted the proposal from the pastoral team that we continue to offer two, weekly traditional style worship services and that we use Room Qumran (the “other half” of the Chapel space, when the doors are open) as the site for those services. This should allow for the highest number of regular worshipers at Hopewell UMC to continue in their preferred style and hour of worship. Obviously Room Qumran may not comfortably host the same number of worshipers as the full Bower Chapel does - so the Sundays in January and February may be an occasion for some regular “9:30” attendees to make a gracious choice to come earlier (8:00 AM) or to try the more contemporary-style service in the main sanctuary. The first Sunday January (1-4-15) will be the last Sunday prior to the start of the chancel renovations, and will likely be the last Sunday for use of the Bower Chapel for a while. We expect the renovations to be completed and the organ re-installed by the first weekend in March. Thank You for your spirit of cooperation during this transitional time as Hopewell makes a major investment in outstanding traditional worship for the foreseeable future! Page 7 YOUTH MINISTRIES (Grades 7-12) Director: Mike Banka, mike@hopewellumc.org Assistant: Kristin Smith, kristin@hopewellumc.org MS and HS LIFEGROUPS will NOT meet during the week of December 29th. NO SUNDAY NIGHT YOUTH on Sunday, December 28th. LAST CHANCE!!! OCMD Youth Rally - Friday, January 9 through Sunday, January 11, 2015 This is an amazing weekend you do not want to miss!! See the highlight email for specifics OR go to the Youth Retreat Page at www.hopewellumc.org for details. Total cost is $155. You must REGISTER and submit a $80 NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT - both are due by DECEMBER 31st! Parents - Help Needed We need your help with Sunday night snacks. If you are able to provide tasty treats for our weekly meetings, sign up using this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c4cadac23aafe3-sunday. Thanks for your ongoing support! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dec. 28th Jan. 9th - 11th Jan. 23rd - 25th Jan. 30th - Feb. 1st Feb. 13th - 15th Feb. 20th - 22nd No Sunday Night Youth OCMD Youth Rally Confirmation Retreat Ski Trip IGR Confirmation Retreat YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Contact Person: Amy Banka (amy@hopewellumc.org) College Students, visit us on January 4th and 11th during the 9:30 a.m. and 10:55 a.m. contemporary services so we can send you back to college in prayer and with your care packages. We look forward to seeing you over the Christmas break! Monday Night Young Adults Study We will not be meeting on December 29th and January 5th. See you on January 12th! Page 8 ADULT MINISTRIES Contact Person: Deb Boyd (boyd@hopewellumc.org) Current Adult Sunday School Classes New people are always welcome! 9:30am in Adult Ministry B, taught by Dr. David Frame, retired United Methodist pastor and Ph.D. in Biblical Literature December 28th and January 4th – No class Starting Sunday, January 11th - Reading the Bible as an Adult: Types of Biblical Criticism. We are often introduced to the Bible through childhood experiences in Sunday School. Years later, many of us are still reading the Bible on the basis of this early conceptual framework. This course is designed to acquaint you with modern developments in biblical criticism. You will learn about the ways scholars now approach a text; perceive facets of a biblical passage that you may have never considered before; and learn about sources available to help you respond to the Bible in a more informed fashion. As a result of this 5-week course, you will hopefully find many new levels of meaning in the sacred Scripture. 10:55am in the Lounge, led by Joe Lisowski, jlisowski239@comcast.net Sunday, December 28th – session four of Advent Dreams Sunday, January 4th – Revised Common Lectionary Readings Men’s Ministry Study Opportunities Monday Mornings – 7:00 AM at the Cracker Barrel – currently studying the Book of John. Contact Pastor Dan (dan@hopewellumc.org) Friday Mornings – 6:30 AM at Hopewell – Men of Faith. Contact Scott Rafferty (scott.rafferty@verizon.net) Saturday Mornings (except when there is a men’s breakfast) – 8:30 AM at Hopewell, room Adam – currently studying “Making Sense of the Bible” by Adam Hamilton. Contact Rob Chapman (rob.chapman627@gmail.com) Page 9 A Sound Heard Far Away Consecration Sunday November 22/23, 2014 Ezra 3:1-5, 10-13 - “A Sound Heard Far Away” 158 pledge cards have been received. Thank you. If you have not already done so, please return your commitment card today either by mail or drop it in the church office. If you prefer, you can also pledge for 2015 through our website: www.hopewellumc.org. Our stewardship campaign runs through the end of the year. Please contribute to its success as you are able! End of Year Giving and IRS Regulations Past giving records indicate that many of you have made contributions, either as special gifts or to fulfill pledges, as the end of the year approached. Therefore, we would like to remind you that in order to comply with IRS regulations any gifts to Hopewell that you would like to have included on your 2014 giving statement for income tax purposes, must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2014. If you are planning to put your gift in the offering plate at a service, it must be included no later than one of the services on December 28th, 2014. Thank you for your attention to these details and also for your gifts. Generous giving is obviously a hallmark of the Hopewell congregation. Rule #1: the general rule. IRS regulations specify that ordinarily, a contribution is made at the time delivery is affected. The unconditional delivery or mailing of a check which subsequently clears in due course will constitute an effective contribution on the date of delivery or mailing. According to this language, a check (payable to the church) dated December 31, 2014 but physically delivered in January of 2015 is deductible only on the donor’s 2015 federal tax return. This rule is true even if the donor actually wrote and dated the check on December 31, 2014 and he or she did not deliver the check until 2015. Rule #2: the exception. The only exception to the general rule is for a check that is dated, mailed and postmarked in 2014. Such a check is deemed to have been given in 2014 even if the church does not receive or cash the check until January 2015. To insure the deductibility of your church contributions, please do not file your 2014 income tax return until you have received a written acknowledgement of your contributions from Hopewell. If you file your tax return before receiving a written acknowledgement of your contributions from Hopewell, some of your contributions may not be tax-deductible. Year-end contribution statements will be mailed at the end of January. Senior Pastor Away The Mortons are in the Poconos this weekend as Pastor Steve enjoys the first of his five vacation Sundays for the 2014-15 Annual Conference year. He will be back in the office on Thursday, and will be preaching at all of the worship services next weekend. Page 10 FINANCE Beyond the Walls - Year VII A Capital Campaign with a twist Bower Chapel Organ Haiti Bridge of Hope Hurricane Sandy Relief Camp Innabah Maranatha Christian Academy Good Works Safe Harbor Grace Café The Well South Africa, including our full-time missionary Annual Goal: $275,000 Total Received: $232,750 “Out of his anguish he shall see LIGHT.” (Isaiah 53:11a) Because of your generosity to the Beyond the Walls campaign in 2014, Hopewell UMC was able to send financial gifts to our local ministry partners here at Christmas! Good Works $3,000.00 Safe Harbor $3,000.00 Grace Café $3,000.00 Camp Innabah $5,000.00 Bridge of Hope $3,000.00 was already sent on Extraordinary TUE (11/18) December Designated Giving A brand new missionary partner for Hopewell UMC this fall is a Christian agency called Coatesville Kids to College, whose mission is to support, tutor, and nurture students K-12 so they perform better in school and become well-equipped to be successful in college some day. Currently the afterschool program runs out of Olivet UMC in Coatesville. Though there is help from the School District, a major need for Coatesville Kids to College is transportation. An appropriate 12-passenger van has become available, and Hopewell UMC along with another church in the area will provide the necessary funds: $1,250.00. Your designated giving in December will help. Thank you for that holiday spirit of giving which will serve the families of Coatesville through advanced efforts in education all year long. Received to date: $1,226.00. Children’s Ministries Goal for 2014: 22,000 Received year-to-date for 2014: $18,077 Your designated gifts help to support the regular budgeted children’s programs which happen out of Hopewell UMC. Page 11 DONATION STATION Please place your donations downstairs by the Family Life Center at the Donation Station. THANK YOU! Clothing for the Children of Haiti The need for clothing in Haiti is dire. Hopewell’s Stitchers Ministry has been very busy sewing a BIG batch of dresses and britches for the Haitian children, so busy that they need to be re-supplied! The Stitchers have used up all of the donations received earlier this year from the generous people of Hopewell. This clothing will again be delivered by the HUMC Haiti mission team, in February 2015. Please consider donating: Colorful Cotton Jerzees or Gildans T-shirts (small and medium Youth sizes) 24-inch colorful bandanas Bridge of Hope works to prevent homelessness for single mothers and their children living in Chester and Lancaster counties. Mentoring groups assist and encourage women toward self-sustainability. We can help with donations of: Gas Cards, especially from Wawa and Giant Cleaning Supplies - All-Purpose Cleaners, Dish Detergent, Scrubbers/Pads, Paper Towels, Handi-Wipes, Trash Bags, Bleach, Antibacterial Wipes Laundry Supplies - Detergent, Dryer Sheets, Fabric Softener, Stain Remover Toilet Paper, Tissues, Light Bulbs, Diapers (3+), Pull-ups (3T and 4T) BOOKS—To promote literacy and reading as a family activity, Bridge of Hope is offering each child whose mother commits to reading aloud to him or her on a regular basis a new book each month. Currently, it needs new or very gently used board books; preschool books; elementary books, and teen books. Pet Food and Supplies Many people are struggling financially and cannot afford to feed and properly care for the pets they love. By donating pet food and supplies, you can help keep pets at home and out of shelters. Dog and Cat food Treats and toys Cat litter Bedding Page 12 Collars and leashes Grooming tools