The Morningside Messenger We Make the Road By Giving November 2014


The Morningside Messenger We Make the Road By Giving November 2014
November 2014
Morningside UM Church
PO Box 3076
Salem Oregon 97302
(503) 364-5013
Fax: (503) 371-2083
The Morningside Messenger
Return Service Requested
We Make the Road By Giving
by giving of our prayers
December 11th
9:00 am
by giving of our presence
by giving of our gifts
by giving of our service
Office Manager :
Christian Education:
Family Programs Director:
Youth Ministries:
Youth Program Intern:
Chancel Choir Director:
Praise Band Leader:
Rev. Wendy Joy Woodworth
Jacque Bailey
Jacque Bailey
Mary Ellen Eichelberger
Mary Ellen Eichelberger
Caiti Roberts
Rebecca Harper
Sam Kinney
Jan Nelson
Brace Langenwalter
Teresa Stewart
Tim Bulletset
Noemi Morales, Nina Berger
Veronica Hoelscher, Silva Ochoa
By Giving of Ourselves
Fall Stewardship 2014 at Morningside UMC
Celebration Sunday on November 16
with a 10:00 Blended Service followed by lunch.
Together we make the road and walk the road by giving
out of the abundance that God has given to us.
An abundance of grace and faith …
an abundance of talents and gifts …
an abundance of love.
New Roads Reflection
Youth Calendar 6th –12th Grade
We have a few more weeks in our first section of our year long quest for spiritual
formation guided by Brian McLaren's book, We Make the Road By Walking. The
overall theme of this first quarter is "Alive in the Story of Creation." We have been
journeying through Genesis and soon will be guided by some of the stories from
I am coming to realize that the story of creation is not just the first couple chapters of
Genesis, but includes all of these beginnings that happen as the God-Human
relationship is formed and developed. Sometimes the story is beautiful and intimate,
such as God making clothing for Adam and Eve and then dressing them. Other
times it is filled with pain and confusion, such as the various stories of sibling rivalry
that lead to acts of murder, trickery for a birthright and blessing, and selling a brother
into slavery.
Yet in the midst of the beauty and intimacy, the pain and the confusion, is God
continually reaching out to be in relationship with the beings who God created in
God's image. I continually hear God working through the stories trying to have the
people embrace the gift of life. I hear God calling the people to realize they are
blessed in order to be a blessing. I hear God challenging the human family to seek
reconciliation rather than retaliation. I see God lead the people to freedom and patiently help them see that they are free physically and spiritually. I see God bringing
forth wholeness. I see God creating new possibilities and new beginnings. I see
God alive in the story of creation and beckoning us to be alive in the story as well.
The challenge is for each one of us to reflect on how we are to be alive in the story
of creation. Here are several questions to guide us:
Do I really embrace the gift of life and see myself as created in God's image?
Do I bear God's image as I engage in my everyday life?
Do I experience God's blessing and realize that I am sent out to be a blessing?
Do I believe it is not too late for my brokenness, for our brokenness to be made
Do I experience the freedom that faith offers?
Do I trust God's abundance enough to give of myself?
What a gift God offers us, to be “alive in the story of creation!”
November Notices:
We are selling Willamette Valley Pie Company's pies until November 2nd!
Order a pie directly from the youth at church on Sunday or fill out the form on the
bulletin board in Herman Hall. Check out the mission trip bulletin board in
Herman Hall. It has information about the trip and a list of ways you can help!
You can hire youth for yard work, dog walking, baby sitting, and/or hanging
Christmas lights. All money made will directly support the mission trip.
November Schedule:
*Nov 2nd- Pie Fundraiser! This is the last day for pies. We will sell orders at
church from 10 am-1 pm.
Nov 9th– Come join us for games, snacks and a discussion about thanksgiving!
Meet in the youth room from 1:00-2:30 pm.
*Nov 16th- FUN DAY! We will be going bowling! Arrive to the church
by 12:30 and expect to be back by 3:00 pm. Please wear comfy clothes.
Nov 23rd- Micro Mission! More details to come.
Nov 30th- Cancelled due to Thanksgiving
November Birthday’s
1 Ken Bulletset
2 Don Pitt
3 John Ahlen
Keli Davenport Silver
4 Joe Benninghoff
5 Tamara Funk
6 Chris Scofield
Mikala Silver
9 Nyzelli Anderson Mashadda
11 Sandie Pattison
12 Colleen Heitmann
14 Lorene Volmar
Lynne Barkley
15 Kelly Raths
17 Diane Rolph
Kelly Freels
18 Jan Wetherbee
Paula Kent
21 Teresa Stewart
22 Pixie Rose Savage
23 Richard Reid
25 Glenn McCall
John Lee
26 John Estelle
28 Beth Taylor
Rosie Smith-Munson
November Anniversaries
17 Bonnie Garcia &
Karen Thornberg
22 Ellis & Lois Sanders
News & Events
2014 Advent Booklet – Christmas Carols
Task Force Addresses Children’s Community Outreach Programs
For several years Morningside has served our community through our Parent’s
Night Out and Kid’s Klub programs. We are currently in transition with staffing
and are taking a fresh look at these programs. To give us time to adequately examine the issues, we are taking a short break. A task force has been formed to
begin this important work and has made a commitment to continue children’s
community outreach again in January of 2015.
During this break we are asking members of the congregation to weigh in with
their thoughts about how we can improve what we do and how to create a
sustainable ministry. We plan to have a questionnaire for you that will help us do
that. If you are unable to pick up a questionnaire at church, please contact Chris
Kester at or Lynda Sloan at
----------------------Thank You
Dorothy Green would like to thank all the workers who came to her home on
Sunday, October 19th to do yard work. Everyone did a wonderful job and she
would like to express her appreciation to everyone who helped.
------------------------Thank You!
Many thanks to my wonderful Morningside family for all the cards, phone calls
and other forms of encouragement during my time facing medical issues and now
my ongoing recovery. It’s heartwarming to know so many people care (or at least
pretend to!!) Huge thanks to the “Road Angels” who transported me to my
infusion sessions seven days a week for six weeks! You’ve no idea what a help
that was to me and my daughter. Thanks to Glenda Melton for coordinating all
that! Special thanks to Ed Olson and Royal Tarter, who have kept me nourished
with lunches and fattening desserts! Al of you are truly special in my life. God
bless you all. Thanks! Arlen
----------------------Salem Family Literacy Program, helps teen moms get their GED while
providing child care for their children, ages 0-3 years. With the cold weather
ahead, these women are in need of coats both for themselves (all sizes wanted)
and their babies. Additionally, providing diapers can be a hardship for these
young mothers. I will be collecting donations of coats (used is okay!) and diapers
at the church nursery. Any and everything you can spare is greatly appreciated.
For more information please contact me, Laura Cullen, at
(Laura Cullen, one of our nursery/child care staff, has shared the following need
with us, which is on behalf of her other part-time employer.)
Christmas Carols - the music, the words, their meaning. Christmas songs can stir in
us a multitude of feelings, such as peace, joy, spiritual warmth, anticipation, a
sense of belonging, or something even more profound. Do you have a most favorite
or meaningful Christmas Carol that touches you during the holiday season? I invite
you to share your story about the Christmas Carol that means most to you –
religious or secular – and why.
There are hundreds to choose from, but here are a few ideas to get you started:
“I’ll Be Home for Christmas”
“Joy to the World”
“The Holly and the Ivy”
“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”
“Little Drummer Boy”
“Do You Hear What I Hear?”
“White Christmas”
“Silent Night”
Please submit your story (400 words or less) by email to Lorene Vollmar at no later than Monday, November 17. Advent booklets will
be available beginning the 1st Sunday in Advent, November 30, and will be free to
members of our church family. If you have any questions, please contact Lorene.
Morningside UMC and Marriage Equality
On October 5 we took time after each service to discuss being a Reconciling
Congregation and our response to Oregon’s new law allowing all couples to legally
marry in the state of Oregon. The Reconciling Committee is requesting that the
congregation adopt a policy which will permit the option of Morningside UMC being
used for weddings of same sex couples. Any wedding that takes place will be at
the discretion of the pastor. When the discussion was brought to a close, the vast
majority of those gathered expressed openness and readiness to take a
congregational vote on the matter. The vote will take place on November 23 by
secret ballot.
If you are not able to be in church that day, but wish to vote as an active
member or participant at Morningside UMC, you are invited to do so by either
mailing in your vote or dropping it by the office. Ballots will be available for
those people November 9.
In order for this policy to be adopted, there will need to be an 80% approval.
News & Events
New Roads in November
Worship and Group Themes
Children’s November Program
Each Sunday in November, children are encouraged to participate in Bell Choir at
10:30 am, meeting in room 203 upstairs, and then attend the early part of worship
with their families at the 11:00 am service. Early in that worship hour, we’ll gather
up front for Kids’ Konnection, and then go upstairs as a K-5 group for morning
class, or for children 4 and younger, to the downstairs Nursery for active child
care. Stewardship Sunday, on October 16, will be the one exception to our
routine. On that day, the Bell Choir will not meet, but other events for children
will happen as usual. Following worship, all children are invited to attend the
Appreciation Luncheon with their families.
November 2: All Saint’s Day
“Rivalry or Reconciliation”: Genesis 32:22-33; 50:15-21
November 9:
“Freedom!” Exodus 1:1-14; 3:1-15
November 16: Stewardship Celebration Sunday
“We Make the Road By Giving” Deut. 24:19-22
“Getting Slavery Out of the People” Exodus 20:1-21
November 23: Thanksgiving Sunday
“From Ugliness a Beauty Emerges” Deut. 7:1-11 and Psalm 103
November 30: First Sunday of Advent
“Promised Land, Promised Time” Luke 1:67-79
Small Group Schedule
New Roads Coffee Chat: November 4 and 18 at 2:00
We gather at Panera Bakery. Leadership: Pastor Wendy
New Roads on Tap: November 5 and 19 at 6:30
We will gather at Santiam Brewing, 2544 19th St SE, Leadership: Pastor Wendy
New Roads Bible Study: Sunday Mornings at 10:00, Nov. 2, 9, 23, 30
Stop by Coffee Hour and to the Fireside Room for a Bible Study.
Leadership: Mary Ellen
New Roads at Night: November 2 and 16 at 6:30
We gather at the church, the Fireside Room
Leadership: Mary Ellen and Glenda Melton
Thursday Afternoon and Friday Night at the Movies:
Reminder to Families and Children
The children’s Bell Choir always welcomes new members! We meet at 10:30 am
on Sunday mornings in the upstairs gathering/music room, #203. We’ve been
invited to ring during worship on Christmas Sunday, December 21, and new robes
are being made for us to wear. No prior experience is required. We’d love for you
to come and learn along with us. If you would like to learn more about the
program, talk with Brenna Norval, Lura Morris, or Mary Ellen.
----------------------Christmas Advent Festival ~ Advent Abend
Christmas craft making fun for all
Come and Frost cookies, make ornaments and gifts,
create wreaths and seasonal decorations, and enjoy.
Sunday, November 30th, 12:00 ~ 3:00 pm
Morningside United Methodist Church
“A River Runs Through It” (PG)
November 20 at 1:30 and 21 at 6:30 in the Fireside Room
This film, based on an autobiographical book by Norman MacLean, center on
brothers Paul and Norman, the sons of a Presbyterian minister living in Montana.
Norman is the responsible son; hard-living Paul is the rebel. What unites the
MacLean men is their mutual love of fly fishing. This film parallels the family
dynamics we see throughout the biblical story.
A lunch fundraiser is available,
bring your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors!
All are welcome at this intergenerational event.
News & Events
All Church Conference
Our annual All Church Conference will be on November 17th beginning at 7:00
pm with our District Superintendent, Rev. Peg Lofsvold. Prior to that meeting,
SPRC will meet at 6:30 pm.
-----------------------Senior Connection
Senior Connection will not meet in November.
------------------------------Join the Garden Party
On Saturday November 1st everyone is welcome to participate in the
monthly Trustee garden party from 9:00 am —12:00 pm.
------------------------------UM Men
Morningside United Methodist Men will meet on Monday, November 3rd at
10:00 am in the Fireside Room. The program will be presented by George Rolph.
Everyone is welcome, refreshments will be available.
------------------------------Keystones Circle
The Keystones will meet Monday, November 3rd at 1:00 pm in the Fireside room.
------------------------------Disability Connections
DCT will meet in the Fireside Room on Tuesday, November 4th at 2:00pm
-------------------------------UM Women
United Methodist Women’s Exec Board Meeting is Monday, November 17th at
1:00 pm.
The November 18th Methodoers Group Meeting will be held at 10:30 A.M. in the
Fireside Room. (If you have never been in a Women's Small Group, come and
visit us, guests are welcome.)
-------------------------------Food Bank Food Drive
Be thinking about the food bank this November and look for a bulletin
board and table mid-month with suggested items to donate.
News & Events
Holiday Craft Fair
November 7th & 8th . . .It is 10:00 –5:00 on Friday, November 7th
and 9:00 ~ 4:00 on Saturday, November 8th. UMW will have a
Sweet Shop bake sale table. The Jewelry Jamboree and the Sweet Shop sale
proceeds will benefit Morningside’s kitchen remodeling fund. If you enjoy making
cookies, candy or other baked goods, there is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board
in the hallway .( You do not have to be a member of UMW ) Also, sign up to join
the fun and help out during the sale. Then, com on over to the sale ready to do
your holiday shopping for sweets, jewelry, aprons, doll clothes, greeting cards,
lamp shades, paintings, woodwork and much, much more. The Jewelry Jamboree
includes over a thousand new items! Back by popular demand, Tamale Pie Lunch
served both days 11:30am to 1:30pm. Pumpkin pie, sandwiches, soup and
other foods available for sale. .
We still have tables available to rent for the Craft Fair, contact Phyllis
Boston to reserve a table.
----------------------Successful Sunday of Service
A huge thank you to all who participated and helped plan our Sunday of Service on
Oct. 19th. After our worship service and hearing the challenge of being sent out
based on the story of Abram and Sarai, we engaged in many service projects.
Dorothy Green is very grateful for the work crew that helped with her yard work
and Kathy Kleen and the school children in her neighborhood are grateful that the
path to their school is now clear of ivy. 12th street looks a lot cleaner and our
property got ivy removed! We made 52 full health kits for UMCOR, sent numerous
toiletry items to the Jason Lee Food Bank and sent 50 pairs of underwear and 33
pairs of socks to Morningside Elementary School. Flower arrangements were
created using pumpkins and brightened the day of residents at 3 different care
facilities. We worshiped all morning through song, word and service! It looks like
our next Sunday of Service will be in the spring, possibly May 31.
Our youth will be selling Poinsettias for the Advent Christmas Season as a
fundraiser for their mission trip. Sales will begin the later part of November. The
Poinsettias will adorn our sanctuary December 21st through December 28th. You
are invited to take your plant home after the Christmas Eve services.
Watch for order forms in a few weeks.
November 2014
1 Fall Back!
Day Light Savings Time
9:00 am Garden Party
2 Communion Sunday
7 UMW Craft Fair
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am Adult & Youth Education
10:30 am Children’s Bell Choir
11:00 Traditional Worship
11:15 am Children’s Class
12:15 pm Ed. Ministry Team Mtg.
6:30 pm New Roads @ Night
10:00 am UM Men
1:00 pm Keystones
7:00 pm SPRC
2:00 pm DCT Meeting
2:00 pm New Roads
Coffee @ Panera
6:30 pm Finance Meeting
9:00 am Staff Mtg.
11:00 am Salem Clergy Mtg
12:00 pm Capitol Colloquy Mtg.
3-5:00 pm Holiday Craft Fair
10:00 am Al-Anon
9 Ballots available for All Church
Vote on Marriage Equality
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am Adult & Youth Education
10:30 am Children’s Bell Choir
11:00 am Traditional Worship
11:15 am Children’s Class
10:00 am Blended Worship Service
10:30 am Children’s Bell Choir
11:00 Stewardship Celebration
10:15 am Children’s Class
6:30 pm New Roads @ Night
23 All Church Vote on
6:30 pm Worship
11 Veterans Day
7:00 pm Choir
6:30 pm New Roads on Tap @
Santiam Brewery
13 9:00am Newsletter
9:00 am Staff Mtg.
Deadline! Email Articles to:
10:00 am Al-Anon
6:45 Middlers
9:00 am Staff Mtg.
9:00 Newcomers
1:30 pm Movie Matinee
10:00 am Al-Anon
1:00 pm UMW Exec Mtg.
6:30 pm SPRC
7:00 pm Charge Conference
10:30 am Methodoers Mtg.
2:00 pm New Roads
Coffee@ Panera
6:30 pm CERT
30 Kairo Soup Kitchen 12:30-3:00 1 December
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am Adult & Youth Education
10:30 am Children’s Bell Choir
11:00 Traditional Worship
11:15 am Children’s Class
12:00 pm Advent Abend Festival
2:00 pm DCT
2:00 pm New Roads
Coffee @ Panera
6:30 Finance Meeting
10:00 am UM Men
1:00 pm Keystones
7:00 pm SPRC
6:00 pm Trustees Work Mtg
7:30 pm Trustees Mtg
Marriage Equality
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:00 am Adult & Youth Education
10:30 am Children’s Bell Choir
11:00 Traditional Worship
11:15 am Children’s Class
12:15 Foundation Meeting Rm 201
8 UMW Craft Fair
7:00 pm Choir
7:00 pm Choir
6:30 pm New Roads Movie
9:00 am Staff Mtg.
Thanksgiving Day
Office Closed
10:00 am Al-Anon
10:00 am Al-Anon
9:00 am Garden Party
6:30 pm New Roads on Tap @
9:00 am Staff Mtg.
6:30 pm New Roads on Tap @
Santiam Brewery
7:00 pm Choir