Document 6592757


Document 6592757
President Obama and our country’s leadership - For our soldiers in Afghanistan: James Greenleaf; for those overseas:
Thomas Caspersen, for those in the States: Kyla Caspersen, Shelby Mrak, Justin Higgins, for those in the ReservesJonathan Ellis; Talitha Benz
Dr. Mike Chivalette; Margie Luehrs; Chrystle Vincent; Kristi Morlock; Doug Henry; Kim Heggins; Blenda Schultz; Pastor
Kelly Smith; Karla Regnier; Joshua Clemmons; Victoria Anklam; Gina Wilson; Ruth Heinitz; Mariel Deluna; Nancy
Schibler; Stacey Rodrigues; Pam Smith
Charlotte Morgan; Marjorie Britts– kidney cancer; Ralph Foskett; Pat Brown; Evelyn Asker; Linda WongFarenbaugh; Ellen Wong-Chin; Kelly Wong-Woo; Bob Kruger; Harriet Wu; Rochelle Brown;(friends of Toni
Joan Penrose; Liz Fosdahl; Gerry Luehrs; Scott & Cindy Suppus; Barb Arionus; Darlene Goldhammer; Madison
Edwards; Jan Curler; Rick De La Cruz; Matthew Geach; George Schurz; George Britts; Carole Adams;
Linnea Greer; Ann Olds; Bob & Rosalie Ellis; John Ohanesian;, Flynn Family, Melody Moore; Vivian Hunter;
and for all those struggling with infertility issues.
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church & School
17200 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, California 94580
Pastor Kelly Smith, Sr.
Church: (510) 278-2555
Church Office hours M-Th 8am-1pm
School: Preschool-8th Grade
Superintendent Dr. Michael Chivalette
School: (510) 278-2598
School Office hours M-F 7:30-4pm
Candice Luehrs Kofsky Due in March; Grace Ramos due in May.
November 2, 2014
Scheduled Ministry this Week at Calvary:
Today, November 2nd
All Saint’s Day
Communion Service
Monday, November 3rd
Wittenberg Bible Study
Wednesday, November 5th
Chapel (all are welcome to attend)
Prayer Quilt Ministry
Friday, November 7th
Wittenberg Coffee
Men’s Basketball
Sunday, November 9th
Traditional Service
Current Deficit Reduction
Worship Service Schedule
(Communion on 1st & 3rd Sundays)
9:00am Service
Although the readings appointed for each Sunday vary on a three-year cycle, today’s gospel is read every year.
It is a reminder that although we are weak in faith like Thomas at times, by the grace of God and the witness
of Scripture, we are able to confess Jesus “as my Lord and my God.” With that faith bestowed on us we are
able to share it, as the disciples did on Pentecost (in the reading from Acts). We are telling others about “Him
Flowers have been placed
on the Altar this week by
Phillis larson
who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood” (Revelation 1:5b).
SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION ~ As Lutherans, we believe that the Body and Blood of Christ are truly
present in, with, and under the bread and wine when we receive the Sacrament. We do not believe that the
bread and wine somehow mystically “change” into something other than bread and wine, nor do we believe
that the bread and wine merely “represent” Christ’s Body and Blood; rather we are bound by the words of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when He said, “Take, eat, this is My body” and “Take, drink, this is My blood”.
We believe and teach that when we receive the bread and wine, we are truly receiving the Body and Blood of
Christ (because of His divine words). We, therefore also believe the Sacrament of Holy Communion is more
than just a memorial, we believe it is Christ truly coming to us and offering His Body and His Blood in an
outward sign of His love for us and as an outward assurance of the forgiveness He won for us by His death on
the Cross. If you believe this and are baptized, and are repent of your sins, we would welcome you to
commune with us. If you are in doubt, please do not take communion until you have spoken to the Pastor or
an Elder. (White grape juice is offered for those who are unable to partake of the red wine. For identification,
the cups are placed in the center of the tray.)
GATHERING OF THE TITHES AND OFFERINGS is an act of worship that has been part of Christian
worship for decades. It is the Christian’s response to the generosity of God and a commitment made between
them and Him. At Calvary we have two ways to respond, by using the boxes at the entrances to the sanctuaryor by placing it in the plates as they are passed along the pew. Guest and Visitors – your attendance this
morning is offering enough for us, please do not feel obligated or pressured. Thank you for being here.
PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO sign our Friendship Pad. (The little red book at the end of each hymnal rack)
HEADSETS are available for the hearing impaired. Please notify a greeter or usher if you need one.
Giving Report
2014 9:00am -83
2014 $3,826.06
2013 9:00am -88
2013 $3,391.00
Service Participants
Elder Board
Preacher: Pastor Kelly Smith, Sr.
Dave Schultz
Organist: Pam Smith
Hank Blank – Reading’s & Children’s Message
Ushers: Stan Miller & Steven Ellis
Gerry Luehrs
Greeters: Bill & Virginia Oliver
Frank Mitchell II
Gatherers: John Green & Jacob/Jonathan Ellis
Stan Miller
Confession and Absolution
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Confession of Sins
LSB 733 sts. 1–3, 6
LSB 184
LSB 184
LSB 184
LSB 185
Service of the Word
Gloria in Excelsis
First Reading
Holy Gospel
Salutation and Collect of the Day
For All the Saints
Nicene Creed
Prayer of the Church
LSB 186
LSB 187
Revelation 7:9–17
1 John 3:1–3
Matthew 5:1–12
LSB 677 sts. 1–4
LSB 192
LSB 192
Service of the Sacrament
Poper Preface (Full)
Lord's Prayer
The Words of Our Lord
Pax Domini
Agnus Dei
LSB 194
LSB 195
LSB 196
LSB 197
LSB 197
LSB 198
Jesus Comes Today with Healing
LSB 620
Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray
Nunc Dimittis
Salutation and Benedicamus
Combined EOS
LSB 623
LSB 199
LSB 200
Glory Be to God the Father
How Was This …
Did You Know…….?
NOVEMBER 2, 2014
Jeremiah 32
2 At that time the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem, and Jeremiah
the prophet was shut up in the court of the guard that was in the palace of the king of
Judah. 3 For Zedekiah king of Judah had imprisoned him, saying, "Why do you
prophesy and say, 'Thus says the Lord: Behold, I am giving this city into the hand of
the king of Babylon, and he shall capture it; Jeremiah said, "The word of the Lord
came to me:7 Behold, Hanamel the son of Shallum your uncle will come to you and
say, 'Buy my field that is at Anathoth, for the right of redemption by purchase is
yours. ' 8 Then Hanamel my cousin came to me in the court of the guard, in
accordance with the word of the Lord, and said to me, 'Buy my field that is at
Anathoth in the land of Benjamin, for the right of possession and redemption is
yours; buy it for yourself. ' Then I knew that this was the word of the Lord….'
Jeremiah Is Known As…
When He Is Writing This He Is…
Sunday, November 9th our Preschool class will be doing Partners in Worship and we
are asking for people to bring a finger food dish to share following the service. We
would like you to THINK THANKSGIVIVNG, Pumpkin, squash etc. it can be a
dessert, appetizer or side dish. Bring a new recipe you want to try out before serving
it to your family or bring one of your favorites to share. Please put you name on your
dish so if anyone wants the recipe they will know who brought it.
The “Prayers” portion of our bulletins is being updated. If you know any of the
service men and women on our list, and know what branch of service they are in,
please let the office know so that it may be included.
Pastor will be scheduling home visits for Tuesday and Wednesdays. If you or
someone you know would like him to come by please sign up on the sheet in the
Narthex or call the office to schedule a time.
Craft Faire is scheduled for December 6th & 7th Please see attached flyer to reserve a
table or pass it along to a friend that may want to join in, as this is for the community
not just members of Calvary Lutheran.
Elders Meetings will be held on the last Monday of the month at 5:00pm in the
conference room.
Calvary Lutheran Church has registered with Amazonsmile and we are able to
receive 0.5% back on all purchases. If you shop on Amazon please see the
Amazonsmile link and choose Calvary Lutheran Church as the group to direct your
support to. It’s as easy as that. For more information please log onto to see how you can help support Calvary.
Change in office hours: To accommodate recent staff changes in the office the
church office hours have been changed to Monday through Thursday 8:00am –
1:00pm. The phones will continue to be answered and E mails checked. We are going
to give this a try to see how it works out, however it may change again in the future as
Have You Ever…
Right Of Possession And Redemption?
Does God Promise Us…
Just In This Section Of Jeremiah We Have…
In Your Life…
Cougars Corner
(What’s happening at school)
On Thursday, October 30st we will have our “Walk for Cans” which helps out our local food
banks. The students will collect donations in either cash or canned food for each of the laps
that they complete around our campus. If you would like to help out you can bring your
donations and drop them off in the office.
Our 1st Dinning for Dollars will be on Thursday, November 6th at Famous Dave’s Barbeque at
Southland Mall. Flyers will go out the week prior and if you present the flyer to your server
Famous Dave’s will donate 20% back to our school. Great food for a great cause and no cleanup needed.
For All the Saints
Calvary Lutheran Church
November 2, 2014
Sunday, November 9th our Preschool class will be doing Partners in Worship and we are asking
for people to bring a dish to share following the service. We would like you to THINK
THANKSGIVIVNG and bring a dish to share. (see Did You Know..???)
Our students have “adopted” a young girl from Ecuador named Angely. She is 11 years old
and the students here are sending her letters and pictures as well as supporting her through
ChildFund international. Our student Council has pledged to support Angely by sending her
their Chapel Offerings for the year. If you would like to help support Angley and put a little
something in the offering plate, please put a note on it that states it is for Angely or drop it by
the office. The students are very excited to help this young girl in need.
Remembering members of our congregation who have died since All
Saints Day last year and loved ones honored with Memorial Gifts this
Bob Dailey
Ken Wong
Cathy Poe
Pat Murphy
Frank Moyer
Adam Pye
“For all the saints, who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith before the world confessed,
Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!