
November 2, 2014
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
522 East Flournoy Lucas Road
Shreveport, Louisiana 71115
(318) 798-1887
Reverend Philip F. Michiels, Pastor
4 pm
Litany of the Saints, #796
Refrain: Shepherd me O
God beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from
death into life
Eagle’s Wings, #611
I Am the Bread of Life,
8:15 am, 11 am, 5 pm
All Souls Day
THE WEEK AT St. Elizabeth Ann
Seton, November 2—9
 Sunday, November 2
Scripture: Wisdom 3:1-9; 1 Cor 15:51-57; John 6:37-40
Masses: 4 pm +Angel Vallillo/8:15 am Parish
11 am +Jeremy Larson/+Megan Rogers/5 pm +Pete Danna
Daylight Savings Time ends
Feed My Lambs
9:30 am, GIFT
9:30 am, History of the Catholic Church in the Burleigh Center
9:30 am, Adult Faith Sharing in the Burleigh Center
9:30 am, Christian Initiation in Library House
4 pm, High School Choir in the church
 Monday,
November 3
November 4
Scripture: Phil 2:1-4; Luke 14:12-14
7:30 am, Mass in the Chapel, +Connie Wall
9:30 am, Mass at Live Oak, +Ray Talbot
5:30 pm, Elementary Choir in the church
6:30 pm, Middle School Choir in the church
6:30 pm, St. Vincent de Paul in 7th grade classroom
7 pm, Scouts in the Library Building
7 pm, Knights of Columbus in the Burleigh Center
Litany of the Saints, #796
 Tuesday,
Refrain: Shepherd me O
God beyond my wants,
beyond my fears, from
death into life
Eagle’s Wings, #611
Scripture: Phil 2:5-11; Luke 14:15-24
9:30 am, Mass at The Glen, +Mildred Schenk
6 pm, Grief Support in the church
6:30 pm, Bible Study in the Burleigh Center
8 pm, Alcoholics Anonymous in the Library Building
Blest Are They, #659
I Know That My Redeemer
Lives, #854
We invite EVERY HOUSEHOLD in the parish to set
aside a few moments to reflect on the question
during the course of the week.
Theme: .Everyone who believes in the Son will have
eternal life and I shall raise them up on the last day.
This Week's Gospel Reading: John 6:37-40
THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: O Death, where is
your victory? Christ has conquered! Do you
find comfort and home in these words?
 Wednesday, November 5
Scripture: Phil 2:12-18; Luke 14:25-33
7:30 am, Mass in the Chapel, SI: Craig Seal/+Scott Brown
9:30 am, Bible Study in the Burleigh Center
1 pm, Yarn Angels in the Burleigh Center
6:30 pm, choir practice in the church
6:30 pm, HS Youth Fall Series at Youth House
 Thursday, November 6
Scripture: Phil 3:3-8; Luke 15:1-10
10 am, St. Anne’s in the Burleigh Center
6:30 pm, Bible Study in the Burleigh Center
 Friday,
November 7
Scripture: Phil 3:17-4:1; Luke 16:1-8
8 am, First Friday Adoration in the chapel
 Saturday, November 8
Scripture: Phil 4:10-19; Luke 16:9-15
6 pm, Out & About Dinner Club at El Petrillo
 Sunday, November 9
Scripture: Ezek 47:1-12; 1 Cor 3:9-17; John 2:13-22
9:30 am, Religious Educations sessions
4 pm, High School Choir in the church
Saturday: Donald Ashley, Alisha Crowder,
Thomas Green, Melanie Jones, Beverly
Robertson, Brielle Welch
Sunday: Jim Chiartano, Jeff Cowan, Laura
Derbonne, Casey Hyde, Spencer Johnson, Mary
Jones, Brookie Walker
Monday: Madeleine Boyter, Nicholas Collins, Harris Griffith,
Allison Hammond, Charlie Hart, Elizabeth Kleinpeter, Ben Nguyen,
Mike Riddick, Cary Santoro, Clay Tillman, Karen Tucker, Donnie
Tuminello, Lucien Welch, Elizabeth Wuellner
Tuesday: Susan Burk, Jeanne Clark, Kenneth Derbonne, Brant
Goyne, Sara Riddick, Lynne Strader, Reed Vento
Wednesday: Lingay Davis, Somar Fleming, Grace Jensen, Webb
Mullin, Sara Procell
Thursday: Roy Brandhurst, Thyra Caverly, Seraphina Domeier,
Jackson Fletcher, Patti Kelly, Wendy Kilpatrick, Michael Robinson,
Sam Sardisco, Lindsey Wargo
Friday: Richard Aycock, Marti Carmouche, Dominic Cordaro,
Susan Hayes, William Leone, Brittany Nguyen, Chi Nguyen
Please pray for our sick who are listed on our
prayer wall.
Linden Adams, Dennis, Peter &
Timothy Banks, Michael Bargmann, Oscar & Tina Betancourt, Marc Bradle, Jeffrey
Bragg, Rodney Brown, Terry
Christiansen, Mark Church,
Kenneth & Trisha Cobb, John
Michael Cockerham, Jack Delo,
Todd Derrick, Michael Farley, Nicholas Godfrey, John
Graham, Randy Green, William, Diana & Waverly
Hock, David Hume, David Jeansonne, Melanie Jones,
Chuck Kelly, Tiffany Krebsbach, James Languirand,
Aaron & Joe LeBlanc, Andrew Ligon, Alex & Jessica
Luyando, Janeen Mathies, Scott Maytan, Somer McFarlain, Jay Mitchell, Sean Murphy, Robert Nordberg, Chris
Occhiuzzo, Mitch Rambin, Joseph Roe, Dana Romero,
Tyler Sheets, Brandon Sieve, Beau Skonieczny, Ben
Smith, Bradley Stevens, Matthew Titus, Joseph Torma,
M. T. Turner, Danny Vento, Scott Wilson, Jonathan Wyche, Josh Yarbrough, Dennis Zabka
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Wall of Remembrance
During the month of November we
remember those who have died.
Bring a picture of your loved one for the
wall and put their name in the Memorial
Come and See! Have you ever thought about priesthood or
religious life? Then join us for an informative day at Our Lady
of Sorrows Retreat Center (103 Railroad Ave. St. Martinville)
on Sat. Nov. 29 from 9 am to 3 pm. Topics treated will include: discerning a vocation, various vocations, nuns and consecrated virgins, religious brothers, and much more. Mass will
be celebrated at noon. There is no cost and no registration is
required. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Participants under
18 years of age should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For more information call Fr. Champagne, CJC at (337)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
First Friday, November 7
8 am – 5 pm
Chapel in the Burleigh Center
Save the Date: Bishop Michael Duca’s 5th Annual Pro-Life Banquet Witness for Life March 11,
2015 at the Bossier Civic Center. Father Jonathan
Morris is the keynote speaker. Banquet begins at
6:30 pm. There will be informational booths, entertainment, and book signing opportunity with Father
Morris before the Banquet. Doors open at 5 pm.
Tickets are $60. For more information contact
Benediction is at 5 pm
Sign up in the foyer
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Christmas shipment pack date Saturday,
The Shreveport Chapter of Operation Support Our Troops
(OSOT), Inc. will be packing Christmas boxes on Saturday,
November 8. Our chapter has been asked to send goods to 850
soldiers this year at Christmas. We will not be doing the
Christmas stocking collection this year. To bring Christmas
smiles to the faces of 850 soldiers, the Shreveport Chapter
would greatly appreciate EVERY SEAS parish family to donate
one or more items for us to pack/ship. Deadline for all items to
be placed in the blue recycling container outside of the church
building is Friday, November 7 by 5 pm.
Good items to purchase/donate:
Instant hot chocolate mix/coffee, tea, creamer/sugar
Instant oatmeal/grits
Ramen instant soup (NOT PORK FLAVORED)
Tuna in foil packs
Tube socks
Non-aerosol athlete foot medication
Small games (unwrapped) & puzzle books
Blank Christmas cards to send to their families (not overtly
religious themes)
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study: Our scripture study/
faith sharing group meets every Sunday at 9:30 am in the left
side room of the Burleigh Center. Newcomers are welcome to
all these offerings – you will find fellowship as well as plenty
of coffee and Holy Angels cookies! Facilitator: Ajay Jawahar
History of the Catholic Church (Part 1) The Church started
with a handful of people in an upper room in Jerusalem and
now is over a billion strong. How did this happen? Join us this
fall as we return to the early years of the Church and explore its
rich history- from the first Pentecost, through the spread of
Christianity to Rome and beyond. Sundays at 9:30 am in the
Burleigh Center center room; Contact Michelle Brown for more
info mdbrownjd@bellsouth.net
RCIA, Sundays, 9:30 am in Library Building. Facilitators:
Deacon Mike Whitehead and Vicki Gorham
Grief Support, Tuesdays, 6 pm in Church sanctuary. Facilitator: Cathy Cobb
Wednesday Morning Bible Study, 9:30 am in Burleigh Center. Facilitator: Cathy Cobb.
Great Adventure Bible Studies
***Gospel of Matthew Study at 6:30 every Tuesday in the Burleigh Center
***Bible Timeline Study – starts 1-8-15 at 6:30 every Thursday
in the Burleigh Center
The Bible Timeline is the recommended study to begin the
Great Adventure Series. It sets the foundation for all the other
studies we go through. The recommended donation to participate in one of the studies is $50 which includes a study
binder. The binders must be preordered so please RSVP if you
would like to attend. For more info or to sign up please contact
Cameron Dean, 734-8848, cmdean.mail@gmail.com or Amy
Dean, 455-0606, deanandcrew@aol.com
Handmade Christmas cards and/or artwork made by children
notes/letters of appreciation & encouragement
monetary donations to help defray shipping costs (checks
should be made to OSOT, Inc)
For more information about you can help the Shreveport chapter of OSOT, Inc., contact Shirley Olivieri-Mathies at 219-7488
(best time 8-11 pm). On behalf of all deployed troops and their
families, thank you for your ongoing support of this project!
High School Bible Class
Sundays at 9:30 am in the youth house!
Elana and Brian Davidson have volunteered to teach a class on
Sacred Scripture on Sundays at 9:30 in the youth house for our
High School youth. Brian, who is working on a Master’s in
Pastoral Ministry from the Loyola Institute for Ministry Extension program, and Elana, who serves as Faith Formation Assistant and has coordinated Christian initiation for children in the
parish for the last seven years, will help our HS youth understand how God is revealed in Sacred Scripture, give background information on the Bible, delve more deeply into the
Old and New Testament, and understand how Scripture is relevant in our lives today. All HS youth are welcome! For more
information contact Elana Davidson 934-2895, epdavidson1969@yahoo.com
High School Fall Series
Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm in the youth
Wednesday evening series on the Mass – 6:30 pm: This fall,
Mrs. Amy Dean has volunteered to lead a 7 week series on the
Mass for our High School students on Wednesdays from 6:30
– 8 pm, beginning NEXT Wednesday, October 29 and ending
Wednesday, December 17 (no session the week of Thanksgiving). They will gather in the youth house. The kids will be invited to consider what they are already experiencing when we
gather for Mass and to ponder what that experience means.
Mrs. Amy will lead our youth in better understanding the
structure and meaning of the Mass, forming and cultivating
attitudes that help them celebrate it, and developing skills that
promote their “full, conscious, and active participation” in the
Mass. This series is intended to serve as both a supplement and
a complement to our High School Bible class which meets
Sundays at 9:30 am in the youth house. All high school students are invited to participate and to invite a friend. For more
information, please contact Mrs. Amy Dean at 455-0606, dean3 andcrew@aol.com
What’s Up in the Parish
Sunday Scripture study group meets at 9:30
am in the Burleigh Center - all are welcome!
Sunday Morning Study: facilitated by Michelle
Brown at 9:30 am in the Burleigh Center. History of the
Catholic Church (Part 1) The Church started with a
handful of people in an upper room in Jerusalem and now
is over a billion strong. How did this happen? Join us this
fall as we return to the early years of the Church and
explore its rich history- from the first Pentecost, through
the spread of Christianity to Rome and beyond. Any
questions, contact Michelle at mdbrownjd@bellsouth.net.
St. Vincent de Paul meets Mondays, 6:30 pm in
the 7th Grade Building; for more info contact Carl Bigner,
Alcoholics Anonymous meets Tuesdays 8 pm
in the Library Building; for more info contact Bob, 3931400.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study, 9:30 am in
Burleigh Center. All are welcome. For more info contact
Cathy Cobb
Yarn Angels meet Wednesdays, 1-3 pm in the
Burleigh Center; they make hats and lap blankets for
those in need. Yarn or monetary donations are gratefully
accepted. If you want to knit for charity and don’t know
how to crochet or knit, they will teach you. All are
welcome! For more info contact Marie Vallillo, 797-9582.
Knights of Columbus meet Mon., Nov. 3, 6:30
pm to pray the rosary; 7 pm for the meeting in the
Burleigh Center; Everyone is invited to pray the rosary
and is not limited to K of C members. For more info
contact Eduardo Gonzalez-Toledo, 797-6067.
St. Anne's Circle meet Thurs., Nov. 6, 10 am in
the Burleigh Center. We would love to have YOU join us!
Please contact Kathy Cobb at 455-9172 or
kathylittlejohncobb@comcast.net for more information.
Out and About Dinner Club for ages 20’s, 30’s
and 40’s meet on Sat., Nov. 8 at 6 pm at El Petrillio on
Youree Dr. Please RSVP with Denise Jensen by text at
780-8744 or email at denisejensen@hotmail.com.
Our Lady's Ladies meet Wed., Nov. 12 at 6 pm
at Monjuni's Restaurant, Louisiana Ave. Please call Mary
Ann Milligan at 564-1491 if you would like to join us
Youree Fellowship meet Nov. 20, 6:30 pm in the
Burleigh Center for dinner and presentation. RSVP Mary
and Dwight Prevost 746-6707. For more info call Ann
Weeks, 797-3757. Everyone welcome
Ellerbe Fellowship meet Thurs. Nov. 20, at 6:45
pm at the home of Bill & Claire McDonald. For directions
and information about the group, please contact Iris
Poche at the following: 798-5833, or ipoche42@att.net
Card Day” sponsored by our Young at Heart, is
Tues., Nov. 28, 10 am in the Burleigh Center. Bring your
lunch. Get your group together and come for fun,
fellowship and cards.
For more info contact Ruth
Saucier, 797-9876.
“Young at Heart” will not meet in November due 4
to Thanksgiving Holiday. The next meeting is Thurs.
Dec. 4 at 6:30 pm at East Ridge Country Club. For more
info contact Ray Vallillo, 797-9582.
What’s Up Elsewhere
St. Catherine’s St. Vincent de Paul Food
Pantry continues to operate and in need of volunteers. Call
Martha Pasquier, 925-6418, for more info.
Protecting God’s Children session is scheduled for
the following dates:
** Nov. 12; Dec. 10; Jan. 14, 6 pm, Catholic Center
All employees and volunteers with or responsible for children,
who have not yet done so, are required to attend. Concerned
parents, grandparents and other adults are strongly encouraged
to attend. To pre-register, go to www.virtus.org, click
“Registration” on the left side of the screen, and follow the
instructions in the middle of the screen. Onsite registration is
also available
St. Joseph Catholic School will have their Fall Open
House Tues., Nov. 4, 9 am -11 am; Thurs., Nov. 6, noon-2
pm; Sun., Nov. 9, 1 pm-3 pm. For more info contact the
school office, 865-3585. St. Joseph Families cookbooks have
arrived! The cost of the book is $20 each. If you buy 5, you
will get a 6th book for free! You can get your cookbook by
camille_jones@bellsouth.net. . Please make checks payable to
St. Joseph PTO.
The Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows will hold The
Love of Christ Impels Me day of reflection for young ladies on
Sat., Nov. 15, 8 am – 5 pm at their convent, 9894 Norris Ferry
Road. For more information email them at vocations@ols.org.
The Poor Man's Supper is Sun., Nov. 23, 5:30-7
pm at First Methodist Church. This is the annual fundraiser for
Christian Services and they rely on donations for the soup-andbread meal rather than selling tickets. For more information
contact Dotye Sue Stanford at 841-8208 or
Our own Dorothy
Jarzabek will be awarded the Sister Margaret McCaffery award
for her service with St. Vincent de Paul.
Girl Scout Troop 1120 Craft Fair @ St. Mary of
the Pines Church, Sat., Nov. 29, 9 am – 2 pm. Those
interested in renting booth space may call 686-6113 for more
Thanksgiving Baskets!
Make this a truly thankful Thanksgiving by sharing
with others! The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(SVDP) will give you all the information you need to
prepare and deliver a basket, or if you prefer, SVDP
will prepare a basket for you to deliver at a cost of
$40. If you are unable to personally deliver your gift,
SVDP will deliver the basket you have purchased or
prepared. Members of the Society will be at all
Masses on the weekend of Nov. 8 & 9. The Society
is truly thankful for your continued support in helping
those less fortunate than ourselves.