‘Together We Journey with God.’ From the Principal … 6 November 2014


‘Together We Journey with God.’ From the Principal … 6 November 2014
From the Principal …
6 November 2014
‘Together We Journey with God.’
Last Thursday, our APRE, Tara Martin led a team of our teachers to present our Religious
Education Program for Validation. The day was extremely successful and our program was
validated by a panel of teachers and BCE personnel. Congratulations to Tara Martin. This has
been a long term project for Tara that has taken many months of long nights and weekends to
complete. Tara was joined in her efforts by our team which was Jo Bowman, Caralyn Luxton and
Brendan Gillespie. Well done and congratulations team!
Every Monday 2pm
Penola Centre
11 Nov
14 Nov
25 Nov
26 Nov
2 Dec
3 Dec
4 Dec
5 Dec
Remembrance Day
G20 (Public Holiday)
12 Night Theatre (Year
Movie World (Year 4)
Christmas Concert
Swim Carnival Yrs 3 – 7
Preps Big Day In
Seniors Assembly
Southbank (Seniors)
Graduation (Seniors)
School Holidays begin
12.00 noon (please make
arrangements to collect
your child / children by
This year at 11:00 am on November 11 (next Tuesday) we will pause for 1 minute of silence to
pay respect to those who died in World War I. At the time those who had experienced it
referred to it as ‘The Great War’ or ‘The War to End All Wars’ as the casualties on all sides were
so horrific. Unfortunately the lessons of this war were not learnt very well and there have been
numerous conflicts since.
The local RSL who support men and women who have fought for Australia have brought some
items along to school for sale to staff, students and parents. Should you wish to purchase them
please see the ladies in our school office. The items that are on sale include:
 Cloth rep poppies
@$2.00 each
 Small metal badges
@ 50 cents each
 Pens
@ $2.00 each
On Friday 14 November the heads of many governments, including own Prime Minister and the
President of the United States, will descend on Brisbane for a summit meeting. The Queensland
Government has decided that as there will be many streets blocked and other areas that people
will not be allowed to enter while the event is occurring, to declare a Public Holiday in the
Brisbane City Council area. This means that if a business/place of work is located inside the
Brisbane City Council controlled area it will be closed on that day. Our Lady of Lourdes School is
located in the MacGregor Ward of the Brisbane City Council and will be closed on Friday 14
November. The school will re-open on Monday 17 November at 8:30 am.
Today and tomorrow (Thursday 6 and Friday 7 November) I will be attending an Administration
Teams Conference. The Administration Teams from all Catholic Schools in this area will be
attending. While I will be there for two days Mr McInerney and Mrs Martin will be back at school
for Friday. I have asked Mrs Russell and Mr Gillespie to look after the school today while the
Administration Team is away.
Mark Badke
Term 4 Statement of School Fees and Levies
Due Date for Payment: 14/11/2014
Fee Statements were issued last week. If you did not receive your Fee Statement please email
treuter@bne.catholic.edu.au. Thank you.
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School
Like us on Facebook to receive updates
and community information.
Term 4
Tuesday 7 October - Friday 5 December
Term 1
Wednesday 28 January - Thursday 2 April
Term 2
Monday 20 April - Friday 26 June
Term 3
Monday 13 July - Friday 18 September
Term 4
Tuesday 6 October - Friday 4 December
Remember …
All parents helping out in the school are required to sign in and out at the office and wear a “PARENT HELPER BADGE”.
All grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. MUST have a Blue Card (from the Commission for Children and Young People and
Child Guardian. Forms can be obtained from the school office). All volunteer / parent helpers MUST have completed
the Student Protection Workshop on the school website and submitted the forms to the office.
From the APRE …
This year 11 November marks the 96th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War
(1914–18). Each year on this day Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11 am, in memory of those
who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. On Monday 10 November Year 4 Blue and Green will
lead the school community in a prayer assembly which will focus on Remembrance Day. On November 11
staff and students will pause at 11am to observe one minute’s silence.
Remembrance Day badges are available for purchase from the school office. Proceeds from the purchase of badges
support the work of Legacy.
Important information about the Seniors’ graduation has recently gone home to parents and carers of students in Year
5 and Seniors. Please check that you have received this information and replied to it as requested. Copies of the
information which has been sent home is available on the Skoolbag App. The App will also be used to keep families
informed of updates about the graduation. If you do not have the Skoolbag App, information about how to access it is
available in the newsletter.
Families who have children in Year 3 and upwards next year are invited to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation,
Eucharist and Confirmation. Please access the Parish website on olol.com.au and visit the “Sacramental Program”
under the heading “Sacraments”. Alternatively, you can access the Parish website by using this link.
The program will begin with an interview with Sister Stella. You will need to phone the Parish Office on 3345 3766 to
arrange your interview. Interviews start at the beginning of November. Please contact the parish office soon to ensure
that you get the time which suits you best.
Term 4 Liturgical Celebrations
Families and friends are warmly invited to join us for our liturgical celebrations.
Wk 7
20 November
OLOL Church
Wk 7
21 November
OLOL Church
Wk 9
2 December
Class & Celebration
Class Mass
Year 4
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Word
Year 1
Seniors Graduation
Wk 9
4 December
Wk 9
5 December
End of Year Mass
* Dates and times are correct as at 5-11-14. Any changes to these dates and times will be noted in the school newsletter.
Have a great week!
God’s blessings, Tara Martin (APRE)
OLOL’s very own App
Info/communication found quickly and easily
Make sure you’re a wise owl and have it
downloaded on your phone or tablet.
Search - our lady of lourdes sunnybank
Install, then open
Click OK to receive push notifications – this will alert you for reminders
Select MORE from the bottom of the app
Select SET UP, then toggle on the push categories that are applicable.
Ensure that push notifications are selected in your phone/device settings so that you receive the reminders.
Please note – for iPads, change the drop list to “iPhone Apps”. For step by step instructions please refer to the website
“click here to get skoolbag app on your phone”.
All excursion notes are viewable on the app, as well as other communications from school.
If you need assistance with downloading the app, please see Debbie in the office or uniform shop.
To give feedback about the app or website, please email Debbie at dpjohnson@bne.catholic.edu.au
Absences can be advised through the skoolbag app
Parent eForms > Absentee Note
This can be done any time of the day or night.
Forms and documents can be printed from the app if you access it from the school website – Skoolbag
Communication Centre at the bottom of the main page.
Add events directly to your personal calendar from our events or calendar.
No smart phone??
If you do not have a smart phone, you can choose to receive any alerts that we send out, by email instead. Go to our
school website – www.ourladyoflourdes.qld.edu.au
The skoolbag communication centre is at the bottom of the page. Click
“subscribe for email” and then you will be registered to receive any reminders
by email. Of course you can access all the content from this centre as well.
Forms and documents can be printed from this also through your printer.
Thank you to the parents and carers who are advising absences
through the app. Whilst the ladies in the office love taking your calls, the
mornings can be quite hectic in the office. Using the app to advise an absence
helps us serve you more efficiently when you’re in the office.
Student of the Week …
Congratulations to the following students:Maja Serek
Elizabeth Lahpai
Antonia Andrijevic
Sabrina Yong Gee
Rebecca Arnold
Marlee Small
Rosie Cole
Andrew Philip
Claire Dinh
Hannah Winkeler
Nikitha Laiju
Georgia Elekana
Rahni Prasad
Alex Surjaatmadja
Jason Loadsman
Joshua Gibson
Daniel Curti
Tara Atigi
Tahlia Chee
Gladvin Shiyans
Angelina Skubisz
Prep Blue
Prep Red
Prep Yellow
4 Green
Senior Blue
Senior Red
Senior Yellow
Active School Travel …
75 Walks … Eloise Bruback, Jason Loadsman, Cameron Loadsman
50 Walks … Kien Linehan
25 Walks … Keon Miller
Ice Blocks … James Podervin, Milla Small, Summer Bedington
Walking School Bus
 All interested parents are most welcome to attend
 NEW PRIZES available
Walking Bus every Wednesday from 8.05am
Woff Street Skate Park, Sunnybank
Looking forward to seeing you there!!!!
On wet days, please DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILDREN OFF AT THE PARK unless there are supervisors present.
(Walking under these wet conditions make pathways slippery and dangerous)
Jo Bowman (AST Coordinator)
REMINDERS: Parents of Prep students to stay with child until we have started to walk, on Buddy day and
Milo & Muffin day, not normal Wednesday
Our trip to Ngutana Lui
Year 3 went on an excursion to Ngutana Lui on Wednesday 29 October. We had four activities to do. Firstly my group
went to Brian for boomerang throwing. Brian threw one and it came back to him! Next we went to Eric for a talk about
weapons and he played the digeridoo. After we went on an exciting bush walk and Marlon (our tutor for this) told a
story about a Willy Wagtail. Our final activity was art and we dot painted turtles! Brain told us stories and much more. I
had lots of fun there and hope to go back soon!
By Jaida Allman 3 Blue
On Wednesday I went on a bus to Ngutana Lui. When I was there Year 3 and I got taught how to tell a story by dancing.
After that I was taught how to throw a boomerang properly.
When I finished that I was taught how to make a paper-fish and the best fishing spots and times. After that I went and
had lunch and a little bit of play.
Then I had lunch and some play. I went on a bush walk and saw a lemon plant and a soap plant. When we got back I
painted a turtle.
Then we went home.
Nicholas Fairweather Year 3Red.
On Wednesday we went on our excursion to Ngutana-Lui as part of our History Unit.
We went on the bus at 9am. It was steaming hot in the bus. Everyone was excited.
The teachers were Marlon, Brian, Robert and Eric. Marlon was funny. I liked Marlon.
The activities we did were the bushwalk, boomerang throwing Torres Straight Island culture, dance, weapons and art.
We got our faces painted by Marlon. The girls got three dots on each cheek and a dot on the top of their forehead. I
looked weird. The boys got a dot on their head, two on their nose and two on their cheeks.
It was very itchy and hot in the bus. At 2pm we left and got some playtime.
Cady Smith Year 3 Yellow.
During the year, our senior students took part in two Mathematics competitions. We are pleased to announce that
some of our students have performed extremely well and we congratulate them on their successes and all our students
for the persistence shown to be successful.
In the Australian Mathematics Competition held in late July, the following students achieved:
Distinctions: Year 6 – Joshua Santos (95 percentile), Nathan Hoang and Thomas Moses
Year 7 – Xavier Kwong (98 percentile) and William Land
Year 6 – Ryan Omanski, Elena Theckanath, Charlie-Louise Smith, Melanie Sii,
Hollie Thomas, Anita Chang, Antonio Pippia
Year 7 – Izabella Nguyen and Sarah Cabucos
Joshua Santos received the ‘Prudence Award’ for the school having attained the most correct consecutive answers.
Throughout the year, five Mathematical Olympiads were held and the following students achieved well in these.
Year 6 Highest score in Mrs Wilson’s group – Hayden Boyle
Year 6 Highest score in Miss Fadoulys’s Group – Anita Chang
Year 7 Highest score in Mrs Geraghty’s Group – William Land
The following students gained exceptionally high scores achieving in the top 25 percent of the competition: William
Land, Gladvin Shiyans, Xavier Kwong, Chyka Steer, Preston Lambert and Anita Chang.
William Land and Gladvin Shiyans also achieved in the top ten percent of the competition.
Chyka Steer, Charlie-Louise Smith and Isabella Miers also received ‘Encouragement Awards’.
Congratulations to all these students as they have worked particularly well throughout the year.
From the Tuckshop … (every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
TUCKSHOP ROSTER: Wednesday 12 November – Friday 14 November
Wed 12 Nov
Andrea Mercier, Cheryl Valle
Thurs 13 Nov
Natasha Zivec, Sara Andriani, Christine Anthony
Friday 14 Nov
Sue Muclar
From the School Shop …
SCHOOL SHOP ROSTER: Wednesday 12 November – Thursday 13 November
Wed 12 Nov
Kate Murphy
Thurs 13 Nov
Jane Bowey
The uniform shop closes for the year on 27 November – in 3 weeks
NOW AVAILABLE in new designs as well as some old favourites. Limited Stock
 Scrapbook Size - $2.20 each
 A4 size - $2.00 each
 Exercise Book size - $1.80 each
Please order/purchase/layby your uniforms for next year as soon as possible. If you order this year, you can be assured
of having what you need for the start of next year. We often run short of some items in the new year so purchasing
early helps us out with estimating what stock we need.
If you require uniforms in size 16 and above, please order this before the end of the year. We do not carry much stock
of these sizes and as our uniforms are made to order, we have minimum quantities that we need to order and it could
take 8 weeks or more.
We are happy to arrange a layby for you.
We do require a small deposit but you can pay what you can when you can and pick it up when it suits you.
Payments can also be made over the phone. If made to someone other than me, please email me and let me know.
Booklists will be sent home in the next couple of weeks. In addition to the booklist items, year ones will require:
 A blue school hat
 Chair bag
 Kit bag
 Pencil case
 Art smock
Debbie Johnson
School Banking Rewards …
Remember School banking is on a FRIDAY - Happy Banking
The Projector Cup & Sea Streamers are now available to order
Penguin Keyring
Whale pencil case
School BankingPlease remember to apply now for your school banking rewards- if you leave it too late the rewards won’t arrive until
next year.
The following students can apply now for a reward:Milla Small
Matthew Bozier
Ameila Manders
Jack Tignani
Olivia Miles
David Beetham
Florencia Nina Mao
Chiara Bozier
James Cajdler
Charlotte Floyd
Jack Power
Calista Lo
Angelina Tignani
Jacob Bozier
Vlyalini Kumar
James Humphries
Nicholas Humphries
Corey McSweeney
Joely Chapple
Hayden Ballard
Lucas Graham
Alexia Hatton
Paige Lambert
Emily Bates
Annette Chan
B Lambert
Jack Bates
Lyndsey Baker
Genevieve Cubilla
Students on 9 tokens- next bank you can earn a reward!
Abigail Bowring
ALexandra Vukelic
Mikita Smith
Alyana Ineleo
Madeline Ineleo
Laila Stojimirov
Anton Conty
P & F News
Ladies, it has been a few years since we had a get-together and it’s high time we all caught up. Let’s make a night of it
before another year has passed. Dinner, drinks and later, a dance if you’re up for it.
 The Glen Hotel
 7pm Friday 7 November
 RSVP by text to Kristina Allam 0439 669 303 by Wednesday 5 November.
I hope to see you all then.
Ladies, the year is almost gone and it would be great if we had a get-together. Let’s have some fun before another
year has passed. Dinner, drinks and catch up.
The Glen Hotel (The Deck)
7pm Thursday 20th November
RSVP by text to Karen Muller 0427 337 004 by Monday 17th November.
I hope to see you all then.
Sport …
Community News …
New members are most welcome, if you wish to join us please call Jenny Scodellaro 0402 457 462 or
MaryAnne Hiscutt 0413 199 974.
 Education in the Catholic tradition
 Co-educational College (Years 7—12)
 Enrichment and Support Classes
 Thriving Co-Curricular Program
 Nurturing Pastoral Care Program
 Dedicated “Mission Weeks”
Every student has the chance to shine
Accepting Enrolments Years 7—12, 2015 - 2018
Please contact our Enrolments Officer on 3347 9223 or email GomF@cvxmck.edu.au
We are a family based martial arts and self defence school based at the Paloma Reception Centre. We have been
teaching students from Our Lady of Lourdes and kids from the local area for the last 10 years. Classes are every Tuesday
or Thursday nights from 5.30pm. Catering for ages 4 and up.
Come along and join our family.