The Epistle


The Epistle
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
The Epistle
Stewardship Update
We are off to a good start for our 2015 Stewardship Drive. So far, 219
households have pledged $658,268. Of those pledges:
28 New, $34,975
75 Increased, $36,083
23 Decreased, $15,344
93 Unchanged
We hope for over 400 pledges totaling around $1.2 million to keep us at
our current level of ministry.
If you haven’t pledged, please return your card by mail or in person. You
can also pledge online from the home page of our website If
you would like to pay by credit or debit card, Suzi Freeman can set that up:
442-7373, extension 811, or email her at
Only Five Sitting Days and 44 Appointment Slots
Left….Schedule Your Pictures Today!
Remaining dates for the photo shoots are:
Nov 11 - Nov 14 (Tuesday - Friday):
2:30pm - 8:50pm
Nov 15 (Saturday):
10:00am - 6:00pm
You'll receive a free photo directory and free 8" X 11" photograph of you
and/or your family. Visit to set up your own
appointment. It’s a great opportunity for a family portrait! If you need help
scheduling, contact parishioners Matt (719-331-8847) or Pene (719-3318331) Musial, who have been volunteering their time to help in this project.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
224 N. East Avenue
PO Box 1190
Fayetteville, AR 72702
Office (479) 442-7373 Fax (479) 442-7375
A Greeting
to Our Visitors
We are delighted you
have chosen St. Paul’s
Episcopal Church as your
place of worship today. We
extend to you a warm
welcome and offer you a
variety of opportunities for
spiritual growth in
worship, study, service and
If you are new to our
community or you are
looking for a “church
home,” please sign our
guest card and place it in
the alms basin.
If you are a visitor,
please be our guest. When
the plate is passed during
the offertory, feel free to
leave your wallet in your
pocket or purse. Our
regular members contribute
generously to St. Paul’s
ministry and are delighted
to host you today.
Later, if you make St.
Paul’s your church, we’ll
ask you to contribute to our
common work.
Worship Schedule
 Sunday Holy Eucharist: 7:30 am, 8:45am 11:00am
 Wed. Holy Eucharist,: 10:00 am
 Wed. Evening Eucharist: 6:15pm (dinner @ 5:15 )
 Morning Prayer, Mon–Fri 8:00 am
 Evening Prayer, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 5:30 pm
Centering Prayer, Mon-Fri 8:30 am and 4:00 pm
Community Meals Needs your Help
Today at 10:00 AM,
Please pick up a turkey in the kitchen freezer, cook, slice
off the carcass and return to the kitchen Sunday,
November 23rd for our Community Meals Thanksgiving
Feast on Monday November 24.
Also, we would welcome home baked desserts for our
guests to enjoy. Thank you all for your continued support
of this most important Ministry!
Presentation in Men's Prison
A team of St. Paul's Prison Stories leaders visited Randall
L. Williams Correction Center in Pine Bluff last Monday to
give the male inmates a presentation of Prison Stories,
words from women in our Fayetteville NWA
Corrections Center. Many of the men in prison probably
victimized women in scenes similar to those narrated in our
presentation. The program was received with tremendous
attention and respect.
Thanks to Kathy McGregor, the acting team - Jonny
Schremmer, Suzanne Stoner, Arianne Ellison, Jocelyn Morelli, and
Jules Taylor, and to the writing workshop team of Matt
Henriksen and Katie Nichol.
Walk for St. Jude’s –Come walk with us! We give
thanks for our own Eleanor Suttle, who was treated
for Retinoblastoma at St. Jude's when she was just a baby.
Join our team to walk for St. Jude’s Hospital Nov 22th or just donate:
CEO Needs Volunteers
Cooperative Emergency Outreach, Inc (CEO) is open
Mon-Fri from 1-3p. Volunteers are needed in the Food
Room to help bag groceries for clients. Contact Michele
DelSol at 283-9270. Volunteers are also needed to
interview clients and process their requests, both on a
regular basis as well as a substitute basis. Contact Amy
Field at 790-0827 or
Angel Tree for Community Meals
Keep an eye out for the Community Meals Angel
Tree in the welcome center after Thanksgiving. Take an
angel, and help purchase a few items for one of our weekly
guests at our Community Meals Luncheon. Each guest will
receive a gift bag with three gifts: Something warm, an
personal care item, and a treat.
Lowell is out of town this weekend, but will
be back next week to continue his Bible
study series on The Epistles of St. Paul
with the Epistle to the Romans, St. Paul's
most extensive theological writing. If you've
never studied it, here's your chance. In the
Parish Hall next week
Practicing Presence Class discussing
David Frenett's excellent book The Path of
Centering Prayer: Deepening Your Experience of
God, meets in the library.
Parenting Class book study for
parents: Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, by
Becky Bailey, in the Green Room across
from the Nursery.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, Nov. 16 -- Celebrate Mary' Miller's
20+ years of service on our staff with a big
"Thank You" party and Festive Reception after
the 8:45 & 11:00 services.
Sunday, Nov. 23 -- The Ozark Highlanders will
play at our annual St. Andrew's celebration at the
8:45 and 11:00 services.
Sunday, Nov. 30th (Advent I) Advent Lessons
and Carols, 5:30 PM in the church. MultiGenerational Advent Wreath Making and Soup
Supper in the Parish hall, immediately after
Lessons and Carols.
Wednesday, December 3
St. Nicholas Night. Come eat dinner at 5:15, then
attend church, where we will have a special visit
from St. Nicholas. Children leave their shoes in
the hall to be filled with a sweet surprise.
Sunday, December 14 St. Lucy Day. St. Lucy
tells her story at the 8:45 service, and then
delivers Lucy Buns to the children's classrooms
during the 10:00 hour.
Thursday, December 18
Christmas Pageant Practice, 5:30 in the church,
followed by a pizza party in the Parish hall for all
Sunday, December 21, 4:00 PM
All children are invited to be in the
Monday, December 22
Blue Christmas, a quiet pastoral service for those
who are grieving this holiday season. 7:00 PM in
the church.
St Martin’s University Center
Children’s Ministries
Dinner Tomorrow! We have almost 100 people
attending our twice monthly home-cooked meals at St.
Martin's every 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00 pm. Each
Thursday, Rev. Lora Walsh leads evening prayer at 8:00
PM. Students, young adults, faculty and interested
parishioners invited and WELCOME!!
Sunday School Fall Semester We have 5 classes of
Christian Formation for our youngest members. Join
us upstairs during the 10:00 hour.
Music at St. Paul’s
November 9-16
Sunday– November 9 Pentecost 22
8:15a.m. St. TNC & St. D Rehearsal
8:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m. St. Paul Choir Rehearsal
11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
1:15 p.m. St. Dominic Choir and St. Paul Choir
leave for Subiaco Abbey.
3:00 p.m. Rehearsal at Subiaco
4:00 p.m. Requiem by Gabriel Fauré sung in the
Abbey Church
Tuesday – November 11
3:30 – 4:15 p.m. Cherub Choir
(K-5 & 1st grade boys and girls)
Wednesday – November 12
4:00 – 5:15 p.m. St. Dominic Choir
(7th -12th grade boys and girls)
5:50 p.m. Change Bell Ringing Rehearsal
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. St. Paul Choir
(9th grade up & Adults)
Thursday – November 13
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. St. TNC Choir
(2nd - 6th grade boys and girls)
Sunday– November 16 Pentecost 23
8:15 a.m. St. TNC & St. D Rehearsal
8:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m. St. Paul Choir Rehearsal
11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
If you are interested in singing in the choirs,
call Charlie at 442-7373 or 409-5679!
Choir Camp 2015 - July 19 -25 at Subiaco!
Green Atrium: Preschool (age 3-4)
Yellow Atrium: Kindergarten
Purple Atrium: Grades 1-2
Peach Atrium: Grades 3-4
Blue Atrium: Grades 5-6
Volunteers welcome!
Children’s Chapel is held every Sunday during the 8:45 and
11:00 AM services for grades 3 and under.
8:45: David McMath 11:00 Molly Rawn
Youth Ministries
Today: Gender Groups! Middle School/Jr. High meets
from 5-6:30 and Senior High meets from 6-8. Girls will
meet at Mt. Sequoyah at 370 N. Williams Dr. and boys will
meet at St. Martin’s at 814 W. Maple St.
Dinner will be served..
Faith Stories: Wed., 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Confirmation Retreat: October 25-26
Jr. High Lock In: November 15th @ St. Paul’s.
Happening #32 Nov 14-16 Register:
There will be no Faith Stories (11/26) or Gender
Groups (11/30) the Week of Thanksgiving break.
Ranked in Top 5 in the Episcopal Church
Chosen for a national study of 40 Best in all denominations
Bookstore Now Has
Thistle Farm Products
We now have a wonderful assortment of products created
by the women who participate in Nashville's Magdalene
House ministry. Your purchase of Thistle Farm products
helps give jobs and income to these women as they heal
from lives of prostitution, trafficking, addiction and life on
the streets. Love Heals!
Praying for the World, at noon weekdays
12:00 - 12:30, Monday – Friday in the church. Prayers and
Silence. Feel free to come and go. We join our prayers to the
stream of prayer being offered continuously all over the world
for "all those who, in this transitory life, are in trouble, sorrow, need,
sickness, or any other adversity." (BCP, p. 329)
You may add a name to the Prayer List by emailing
or by calling 442-7373 x 10. We customarily keep people on the prayer list for four weeks.
Homebound and other parishioners living with extraordinary challenges remain in our prayers.
Those who are ill or have other needs: Tony Stankus, Kay Field, Barry Herzog, Mark Powell, Robert
Ryder, Norma Posey, Ronnie Bell, Elmo Hicks, the Corwin family, Cathy Gordon, Alicia Moody,
Wilson Bynum, David Hinson, Darryl Pearson, Alice Pearson, Terri Hedrick, Holly Adams, Kaye
Bernard, Cody Clark, Dorlana Crowell, Louise Childers, Paul Dixon, Jane Steinkraus, Jane Hankins, Jen
Cole, Bob Reilly, Alex Ruiz, Myles Criss, Missy Leflar, Alan Long, Jim Sims, Murray Smart, Joyce Jones
Cater, Linda McBride, Ginny Radike, Elizabeth West, Rob Billingsley, Sandra Carlisle, Donna Trumbo,
Ashley Smith, Mary Ann Reilly, Aaron Weaver, Hannah Dodson, Constance Phillips, Patti Estes, Jean
Market, Billie Vanneman, Judy Carey, Rebecca Atwood, Larry Pleimann, Kay Trumbo, Lynn Burnett,
Jonathan Perry, Bicky Higgenbotham, Theresa Garrett, Catherine Crews, Loyce Coolidge, Linda
Johnson, Ruth Sallis, Larry Jones, Barry Bennett, Lynn Rogers, Jenise Huffman, Barbara Woody,
Nicholas Evans, Annette Koonce, Mary Sims, Gladys Ball, Herb Lewis, Carolyn Banks, Anne Thomas,
Helen Burris, Norma Cumpston, Mary Lou Shivers, Hope Deen, Kyle Berry, Martha Granger, Dave
Williams, Mike Reilly, Dorothy Lynch . . . and for all those who have been wounded in body or spirit
through warfare, violence, or oppression.
Those who are expecting babies: Kari & Derek Harms, Kate & Kin Hood, Hannah and Will Clark,
Martha and Brad Palmer, Meredith and Kyle Brunen. Lauren and Lance Stokes ... and we pray for all
those who wish to become parents.
Those who have died: Brittany Maynard, Robin Mitchell, Tom Lonon
Those who have died in the service of our country: Jordan Spears, Sean Neal, Christopher Kalafut
Birthdays: Becky Witte, Taylor Whitmore, Steve Adams, Sally Harms, Susan Ball, Joe Bearden, Scott
Hall, Aisling Gibson, Ashton Milford, Jessica Killenbeck, Payton Fant, Jack Morrison, London West,
John Gore, Charles Shelley, Sallie Langford, Lauren Wright, Dana Mayfield, Mera Bartholic, Angus
Ramsey, Rick Maxwell, Landon Evans, Timothy Adam, Marci Jennings, Ella Kate Lewis, Jack
Anniversaries: Pattie and Rick Osborne, Debbi and Mike Mohler
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for Trinity, Pine Bluff, St. Andrew’s, Rogers, and Formation
Programs for Clergy.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for Bermuda and the Rt Revd Nicholas Dill.
+We pray the entire prayer list each weekday in Morning Prayer. Please join us.+