Parish Bulletin St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church
Parish Bulletin St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church
e Parish Bulletin St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church 7 Church Street, Picton ON K0K 2T0 Web Site: St. Frances of Rome Church (Mission) 65 Belleville Street, Wellington ON K0K 3L0 Reverend Thomas J. Thazhappally, OSH Administrator Email: Office Hours: Tuesday to Thursday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Telephone: (613)476-6276 Fax: (613)476-7293 Office Email: WELCOME TO OUR PARISH COMMUNITY We extend a cordial welcome to all our visitors today. Please sign the register on the table in the vestibule. We are happy to have you with us. If you are staying with us, consider filling out a registration form which is available in the back of the Church. If you would like to get involved in this wonderful parish, glance over the names of the groups and ministries that are active here. We encourage your active participation. MISSION STATEMENT St. Gregory the Great is a Roman Catholic Church encompassing people of different ages, talents, and backgrounds. We are a faith community with a small town feel of welcome and hospitality. The mission of St. Gregory the Great Church is to respond faithfully to God's call as a Catholic Community through worship, fellowship, service and education. "Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist." - St. Gregory the Great. Parish Staff Secretary: Dona Geggie - Custodian: Donald Geggie 613-476-8213 Ministries, Committees, Groups Parish Pastoral Council Parish Finance Committee Mount Olivet Cemetery Parish Pastoral Care Team Junior & Senior Liturgy St. Vincent de Paul Committee Altar Servers Screening Committee Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Ecclesia Group Parish Choirs Catholic Women's League Legion of Mary Youth Ministry St. Gregory School 32nd Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday November 8 November 9 November 11 November 12 November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16 Barbara Lyons Leo Finnegan Jerry Ryan Shirley Slaven Danita Norton John Hallam Parish Office Eric Chapman Tim Ernst Parish Office Dirk van Binnendyk Greg Garrett David Bongard Maisie Cockurn Shirley Slaven Gail Mac Dougall Kevin Dorey (613)399-2005 (613)476-5714 (613)476-5564 (613)393-1100 (613)476-4751 (613)476-6837 (613)476-6276 (613)393-2987 (613)476-2159 (613)476-6276 (613)476-0194 (613)476-4148 (613)476-7632 (613)476-6313 (613)393-1100 (613)399-3439 (613)476-2461 SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 05:00 pm 10:00 am 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 02:00 pm 08:30 am 9:00 am – 9:30 am 33rd Saturday Sunday Chairperson Chairperson Contact Contact Contact Chairperson Contact Chairperson Chairperson Contact Contact Contact Contact President Contact Coordinator Principal Olimpio, Giuseppina & Giulio Pichini For all the members of the parish Tom & Bernice Bowler (Rememberance Day) Kirk Flemming Archbishop Francis Spence (Hallowell) Liturgy of the Word & Communion Exposition & Adoration SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 05:00 pm 10:00 am Gena, Pietro, Lucia Petrucci For all the members of the parish Sanctuary Lamp: burns this week for Judy Durant. Feel free to add a relative or friends name to the list in the book at the back of the church, indicating if it is for their intentions or in their memory. $5.00 donation is appreciated. Junior Liturgy: Parents/guardians are encouraged to bring their children to the 10:00 am Sunday Mass so they may participate in this important liturgy for young people. Welcome to our Parish Community: We extend a cordial welcome to all our visitors. If you are staying with us, consider filling out a registration card which is available at the back of the church and place it in the collection basket. For your convenience there are visitor offertory envelopes and also boxed sets of envelopes for the year, on the table at the back of the church. Priests’ Retirement Fund Collection, Nov. 8 & 9: We thank you for the generosity you’ve shown in the past and we hope you will generously support this year’s collection. Baptism: Congratulations to Kelton Michael Douthwright who was baptized on Nov. 1 at St. Gregory. Please keep Kelton, his parents, grandparents and sponsors in your valuable prayers. Papal Prayer Intentions: Pope’s Intentions: that all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mission Intentions: that young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Parish Intentions: that God will increase the physical and spiritual well-being of all parishioners and families. Parish Pastoral Council: We are preparing to reconstitute our Parish Pastoral Council. If you are a member of this parish and would like to volunteer for this ministry or wish to nominate a fellow parishioner, please complete the form, available on the table at the back of the church, and put it in the collection basket or contact the parish office, 613-476-6276. C.W.L. Christmas Dinner & Auction Nov. 27th: Gentlemen and ladies of the parish are welcome to come to our Christmas Dinner & Auction, at 6:00 pm at the Salvation Army Citadel, Elizabeth St. on Nov. 27th. Yes, men are welcome too! Tickets are available at the Religious Store, cost $15 each. Don’t forget your wrapped gift ($10) for the auction. Christmas Bazaar & Tea: St. Patrick’s & St. Mary’s CWL invite you to come out and browse the selection of crafts, preserves, baking for a loved one’s Christmas present. Then, rest after your shopping with a cup of tea, a sandwich and some treats. Try your luck at the Treasure Chest and entre the raffle draws. Come and enjoy the fun Saturday, Nov. 8, 10 am – 1 pm. Nativity Project Exhibition Nov. 20-23: Come to St. Paul the Apostle Church, Kingston and experience the traditions of Christmas through a time-travel-like journey from a humble manger in Bethlehem 2000 years ago to over 100 unique nativity scenes of different countries and cultures in modern times. For more information call 613-546-6900 . Weekend Collection: $3,029.00 Church Repair & Maintenance: $ 1,260.00 World Mission Collection: $1,010.00 November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (A) One church in every diocese, a cathedral, is associated with the bishop who presides over the life of the Church. The bishop has a throne (seat) in this church where the faithful and their pastor assemble to mark important celebrations of the Christian faith. Though cathedrals share the same functions as parish churches, they are, in a particular way, the focal point in each diocese. Pope Francis, the Bishop of Rome, also has a cathedral. However, this is not St. Peter’s Basilica, where the Pope often presides over many celebrations before immense crowds. Though this impressive architectural structure attests to the Pope’s pastoral primacy over the entire Church, his cathedral is the Basilica of St. John Lateran, whose dedication we celebrate today. We read this Latin phrase on the central fronton: Mater et Caput omnium ecclesiarum urbis et orbis, which translates as “Mother and head of all the Churches of Rome and of the world”. Here is a brief history. When the persecution of Christians ended around the year 320 AD, Emperor Constantine built a church on land belonging to the Laterani family and decreed it would be the seat of the Bishop of Rome. First dedicated to the Holy Savior, then to Saint John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, the Basilica is acknowledged as the oldest and most important church in the West. We celebrate the feast of its dedication or inauguration as the Mother Church. Four Councils have been held here and the current structure dates probably from the 17th century. The situation is worrisome today as we see our churches closed, sold, demolished, or used for means other than worship. We remember Jesus’ words: Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. St. John the Evangelist explained that the Temple referred to Christ’s body and that the Risen Lord is God’s presence among us. Now it is up to parochial communities to create initiatives when facing serious situations and have plans in place to guarantee their ecclesial existence. The actual structures, where local parish communities gather for liturgical prayer, are signs of the Church and God’s people. It is wise to save our churches, but it is even more fundamentally important to ensure their sustainability through practicing healthy habits for an evangelical life. Yves Guillemette, priest Translated by Honore Kerwin Borrelli