THE PARISH OF ST. PIO OF A Rev. Msgr. Leonard F. T Pastor Deacon John H. Hanna, Pastoral Associate Fr. Frederick Kochan, Weekend Assistant Ms. Nancy Grodberg Faith Formation Coordinator Ms. Dee DeTuro Asst. Faith Formation Coordinator Sr. Simon Robb, RSM Director Elder Care Ministry Lavallette Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs. 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 103 Washington Avenue • Lavallette, NJ 08735 Phone 732-793-7291 • Fax 732-793-8204 • Web: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday—5 P.M., Sunday- 8:00 & 10:30 A.M. Daily Mass 8 A.M. Monday thru Friday Saint Bonaventure Chapel (Rte. 35 N & Washington Avenue, Lavallette) Daily Mass 8 A.M. Mon. thru Fri. - St. Bonaventure Chapel (Rte. 35 N & Washington Avenue, Lavallette) St. Anthony Novena Tues. after 8:00 A.M. Mass Miraculous Medal Novena Thursday after 8:00 A.M. Mass Confession every Saturday evening 4:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. Sacred Heart Novena 1st Friday after 8:00 Mass Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month after the last Mass. Families must be registered in the parish. Arrangements must be made in advance. Sponsors are required to present a letter of eligibility from the parishes in which they are registered and active. Sacrament of Marriage The scheduled times for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage are: Friday evenings at 4:00 P.M. or on Saturday at10:00 A.M. or 2:00 P.M. To celebrate a marriage at Saint Pio Parish you must be a registered and active parishioner for two years before the marriage date (one year prior to setting a date and one year prior to the date of marriage). PARISH OF ST PIO OF PIETRELCINA, LAVALLETTE, NJ Saturday, November 8 5:00 pm Catharine McCue & Dorothy Hickey— Dot Hickey Sunday, November 9 8:00 am Robert Trunk—Family Mary Vergari—Tom & Maureen Daisy McSherry —Joe & Eva Damato John Vinciquerra—Bart & Theresa Coleman 10:30 am Brian Cox—Patty Narciso Monday, November 10 8:00 am Mark Travers, Sr.—Mark, Brenda, Matt & Tara Tuesday, November 11 8:00 am Bob Rehm—Bart & Theresa Coleman Wednesday, November 12 8:00 am Nicholas Chomuk—Stiles Family Thursday, November 13 8:00 am Barbara Viviano—Gary & Gerry Adams Friday, November 14 8:00 am Bob Rehm—Gus Bruns Saturday, November 15 5:00 pm Albert DeSousa—Wife, Ann Sunday, November 16 8:00 am Mary Vergari—Doris & Thomas Patrick Bob Rehm —Maureen & Tom Loretta Rom—Samantha Uber & Wade Rudolph Nicholas Chomuk—Bart & Theresa Coleman 10:30 am Patrick Narciso—Daughter, Patty To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven ...a time to be healed Names will remain on our sick list for one month, after which time they will be removed, unless notified by family. Rosangela Zaccaria, Nicholas Meola, Katherine Sandy, Ray Minneci, Betty O’Shea, Ginny Stefanacci, John Kelly Heavenly Father, on this day, help us remember those who gave of themselves to keep us safe and secure. Enkindle in our consciences a desire to serve those who served their country selflessly. Give us the grace to aid those who have given aid and protection to us and others both here and overseas. Let us never forget the causes for which they fought or the bravery they showed on the battlefield. May we always be mindful of those who paid the price for our freedom, just as your Son gave his life to free us from the bondage of sin. Amen. The Church Sanctuary Lamp burns from November 8th to November 15th in loving memory of Eugene Castellone requested by the Castellone Family CELEBRATION FOR MONSIGNOR TROIANO’S 35TH ANNIVERSARY On December 1, 2014, Msgr. Troiano will celebrate his 35th anniversary of ordination. The Rosary Altar and Holy Name Societies jointly invite all parishioners to an open house celebration luncheon after the 10:30 am Mass on Sunday, November 23rd. This celebration will be held in the parish hall and ALL ARE INVITED. Please come and wish Msgr. congratulations and enjoy a delicious meal with fellow parishioners. Week of November 1/2 Closed due to Sandy $6,437.50 $6,161.25 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA The Knights of Columbus, Council 8415 congratulate the following members who received their 4th Degree at a Exemplification Ceremony on Nov. 2, 2014. Gary Adams, Patrick Asay, John Bowes, William Burns, John Coghlan, William Haight, James Peeney. Anyone interested in joining the Knights of Columbus Council 8415, please visit our website ( for information. …”Keep Christ in Christmas” support the Knights Christmas Cards sales in the vestibule after all Masses. Prices are $8.00 & $11.00 per box. The Rosary Altar Society is sponsoring their annual “Operation Santa USMC—Stocking Stuffers” for our Service Women & Men. A box will be provided in the parish center for all your gifts. Some items needed: Protein bars Packaged nuts Tuna in foil Lip balm Nail clippers Nerf balls Eye drops Shave cream Toothpaste Toothbrush Fruit snacks Soccer balls Tylenol, OTCs Gatorade mix White heavy boot socks Small gifts to exchange Batteries, AAA,AA9volt Beef jerky, canned Knit caps-muted colors DVD’s & CD’s new/used Disposable camera Defensive Driving Class Monday, November 10th & 17th, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. (6 hours over 2 days). The instructor is an AARP certified instructor in the new class. Price: $20.00 or $15.00 for AARP member with card. Call Jack McCormack 732‐830‐4787. Seats are still available. It is imperative that you bring your drivers license. The Holy Name Society is sponsoring a bus trip to the Christmas Show at the Tropicana in Atlantic City on December 1st. Cost $25.00 per person which includes the bus, show and slots voucher. Call Joe Pagliuca 732-8410616 for reservations. The bus leaves at 9:30 am. Something New or Gently Used With the colder months approaching the St. Pio Parish Faith Sharing Group is sponsoring a new or gently used any size Coat, Gloves and Warm Caps Drive. Please bring your donation to any Mass the weekend of November 15th/16th. Members of the Group will be in the entrance to accept your donations. Arrangements have been made with the St. Vincent de Paul Society to distribute all coats, hats and gloves at no charge. The Rosary Altar Society of St. Pio Parish invites all parishioners and friends to the Annual Advent Party Monday, December 8, 2014 1:00 to 4:00 PM Aqua Blu Restaurant Price $32.00 Start your holidays off at a fun party. Entertainment by Buddy Flip Comedy Services. Tickets available in the office or call Donna Hanna 732‐854‐2286 QUIET BY THE FIRESIDE DECEMBER 10TH This evening will provide the busy person an opportunity to contemplate Jesus, the Incarnate Word, through reflection in a prayerful environment. Christmas sing along & refreshments after program. Arrival: 5:00pm; departure: 8:00 pm. Presenter: Sr. Brunilda Ramos, MPF, Sr. Dolores Bianchi, MPF. Cost: Donation. Please call St. Joseph By the Sea 732-892-8494. November 9, 2014 Faith, Hope, and Love at Life’s End: A Catholic Perspective on End‐of‐Life Thursday, Nov. 20th, 9:00am—2:30pm St. Robert Bellarmine 61 Georgia Rd., Freehold, NJ 07728 Sponsored by the Department of Pastoral Care and the Office of Worship. The cost $10.00 includes a light breakfast and lunch. Registration forms in St. Pio office or register online at Did you know that in our country, compared to 50 years ago, there are 20,000 fewer priests and 129,000 fewer religious sisters? At the same time, the Catholic population has continued to grow steadily. Many factors have contributed to the decline: growing secularism, a lengthened period of adolescence, attitudes about celibacy, etc. During Vocation Awareness week, please pray that young people in today’s society will hear and respond to God’s call. And do your part to encourage them to consider the priesthood and religious life. Join the invisible Monastery Pledge to pray for vocations at the international web site: It was inspired by a 2012 document from the Congregation for Clergy urging Catholics to “organize and ‘invisible monastery’ in which many persons, day and night, are committed to continuous prayer for priestly vocations.” A remark from Pope Francis, “Behind and before every vocation to the priesthood or to the consecrated life there is always the strong intense prayer of someone: a grandmother, a grandfather, a mother, a father, a community...Vocations are born in prayer and from prayer; and only through prayer can they persevere and bear fruit.” Trenton Diocese Our Promise to Protect The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica ʺWhen he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they came to believe.ʺ Jesus predicted his resurrection in todayʹs Gospel. But it wasnʹt until after the disciples witnessed the miraculous event that they realized what he had been talking about. At the time, Jesusʹ words seemed mysterious, even confusing. Those who heard him understandably thought his reference to ʺthis templeʺ was about the Jewish house of worship. But it wasnʹt. He was talking about his body. This only became clear later. As the saying goes, ʺhindsight is twenty-twenty.ʺ How often do we find ourselves in the midst of a situation that doesnʹt make sense at the time? We question the ʺmeaningʺ of a sickness, a lost job, a betrayal, or a disappointment. But then, after time has passed, we can begin to see it from another angle. In fact, many times we begin to see how good came out of these tough situations. St. Paul says, ʺWe know that all things work for good for those who love God,ʺ (Rom 8:28). Sometimes itʹs hard to trust in Godʹs promises, especially when his plan seems mysterious or confusing. But just as the disciples learned that Jesus knew what he was talking about, we can believe that too. He tells us that he is ʺthe way and the truth and the lifeʺ (Jn 14:6). Although the way may seem indirect, Jesusʹ perspective is bigger than ours. He knows how to lead us to the fullness of life, in this world and the next. The path may not be one that we would choose. Even Jesus had to journey through the cross before his resurrection-the temple of his body was destroyed before it was rebuilt. But looking back, itʹs obvious that Godʹs plans really do work out for the best. ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc