October 2014 Newsletter


October 2014 Newsletter
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
October 2014 Newsletter
“Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush is afire with God; but only he who sees takes off
his shoes—the rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning
When we come for worship, do we see God, or do we pluck blackberries? Are we at worship to give
ourselves into God’s presence, or to take from God whatever we can get? People commonly view the
pastor and people up front as the actors in the drama of worship, with God, the Holy Spirit, being the
prompter, while the congregation are the spectators. This is hardly God-centered worship. God
honoring, life-giving worship occurs when the worshippers are the actors, the pastor and those up
front are the prompters, and God is the listener. This involves much more giving that getting on our
part. Our active participation determines what we receive, because you get out of something only as
much as you put into it.
This means preparation is required. At the beginning of our worship service, we prepare ourselves by
cleansing our hearts and minds through the confession of our sins and hearing the precious words of
forgiveness. Preparing ourselves, however, must begin long before this. When we get to the church,
we can meditate with God while inspirational music flows into our ears. Even before that, while at
home, we can read the lessons and have our personal devotions so we know what’s coming in God’s
Word. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in us and prepare us so our worship is a more meaningful, deeper
experience of God’s presence.
October 26th is Reformation Sunday. We celebrate the Church’s Reformation, because just as it
changed the Church 500 years ago, our Church is still changing today. Just as Martin Luther reformed
not only the Church’s practices to emphasize the true Word of God and stand on the Scriptures alone,
he also reformed the music and style of worship, making the congregation participants rather than
spectators; something we continue to do today. Are you here to worship God, or to pluck
blackberries? By his grace, God is still reforming his Church!
Pastor Kurt Wandrey
All are invited to attend the ordination of Pastor Gail Gutterud on
Reformation Day, Friday, October 31, at 6 p.m. at Peace Lutheran.
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
September 2014 Council Highlights
2014 projects’ update: Thanks to a generous memorial gift, we are now able to move ahead with the projection
system. We are finalizing the list and hopefully will be seeing the progress on this project in October. It has
been decided to postpone the storage building until the spring due to approaching cold weather.
Appointments for the Audit Team are still needed. Please prayerfully consider serving God in this capacity and
talk to a council member.
Please keep Pastor Wandrey, Pastor Gail, Steve Hagler, and Ruth Lieb in your prayers as they travel to Des
Moines, Iowa over the first weekend in October for the International LCMC Convention. It is exciting for them
to be refreshed and refilled surrounded by hundreds of others who are also actively serving God.
Please keep the Nominating Team in your prayers as they begin to look for those who are willing to serve on
Church Council for the next two years. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you in this way, and please let one
of them know.
God continues to pour His blessings over Peace Lutheran. This will again be seen as we join Pastor Gail at her
Ordination on Fri, Oct 31, at 6 p.m. followed by her Installation on Sun, Nov. 2, at our 10 a.m. Worship Service.
The Budget Team is beginning to look at our 2015 budget. Please pray about how God wants us to use His
Stephanie Lauritzen, Council President
Treasurer’s Report August 2014 ~ Submitted by Mike Hill
Balance Sheet: 8-31-14
Ministry & Facility-General Fund
All Designated Funds
Total US Bank Checking
$ 16,996
$ 43,082
US Bank Savings-Bldg Fund
Kootenai County Bond
Thrivent Mortgage Balance
$ 3,652
August Income & Expense: 8-31-14
Actual Giving
Actual Expense
$ 17,479 (Budget $16,790)
$ 15,148 (Budget $15,481)
YTD Income & Expense: (Jan-August 2014)
Actual Giving
$ 131,466 (Budget $134,320)
Actual Expense
$ 118,913 (Budget $123,847)
August Designated Funds:
Bob Bemis
Durf Fueller
Erica Moorhead
Funeral Reception Fund
Projection System
Designated Giving (Front Doors)
Project Fund (Front Doors)
Mile of Pennies (Front Doors)
424 (mic)
256 (Jan-May) 256
YTD Balance
0 (Project completed!)
2,677 (remaining for other project use)
Note: Overall YTD giving was $12,553 more than YTD expenses, and our actual YTD giving was only $2,854 less than
what we budgeted.
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Dear Peace Lutheran Family,
I was asked to write a sort of biography, and my first thought was, “Oh my goodness, where do I begin?”
I have been actively involved in the church all of my married life…53 years. We moved to CDA, Idaho, from
Thief River Falls, Minnesota in 1964, and joined Trinity Lutheran. We moved into our home, the one that we
currently live in here in Post Falls, in 1967. We then joined Calvary Lutheran where we were members for 43
years. I taught Jr. and Sr. High Sunday School for over 20 years, and became a Bethel Bible Study teacher and
taught the class nine times totaling 18 years. In January of 1996, I became the Parish Assistant at Calvary
Lutheran Church, Post Falls, and held that position until I retired in the fall of 2007. Or so I thought!!!
About three years later, God was on the move in unique ways in the lives of many of us from two
congregations, and He was moving in the heart of Pastor Wandrey as well. Things that we had gone through,
that at the time seemed harsh and difficult; I now know was truly just our awesome God using whatever means
necessary to accomplish His Will to establish Peace Lutheran Church. I have never been with a group of people
who have been more joyful, more generous with their time and talents, more willing to give back what God has
first given them, and more truth-seeking than this congregation.
But how did I get to this point? Two years ago in April I was at a district convention in Richland, WA, and
accidently went to the wrong workshop. It was concerning the LCMC Seminary called Beyond the River
Academy, and a seed was sown. This training is particularly geared for reaching out to small congregations who
are in crisis or to those who have left a congregation and are trying to establish a church…the kind of
congregations that don’t have many financial resources to pay pastors. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. My
husband, Myron, knew that I had felt called to go to seminary for more than 20 years, and doors kept closing.
When I shared with him that I felt like God was once again tugging at me, he was supportive from the start. It
took me more than two months just to complete the application because I had to keep pausing to “wait on the
Lord,” trying to make sure that I was hearing correctly, and asking Him if one of us was nuts????? Sorry God!!!
Three days after sending in my application at the end of June, I received a call from the head of the seminary
saying that he had my application in front of him, and that I would be starting immediately! I guess that at 69
years of age he didn’t want me to waste any time! I completed my classes the end of May this year.
Last year, while in the middle of my studies, I was asked to go to El Campo, Texas, to be the interim pastor.
After MUCH prayer, Myron and I accepted the call. We then had to postpone due to his upcoming surgery, and
finally realized that God was saying “No” to this call. When Pastor Wandrey asked me if I would be open to a
call from Peace Lutheran I was stunned. I had never thought about being a pastor at this congregation. We
already had a pastor! I really thought that God was moving me into the interim ministry, and about two months
ago I was asked to go to one of two congregations who were struggling. What a decision to make!! By this
time, Peace Lutheran had put together a call committee. Once again, I felt that I had to wait on God! There
were so many of you who spoke to me in tender ways; inviting me to stay at Peace Lutheran. You sent loving
emails and your children asked me to stay. There was never a doubt in my mind that this is where my heart is
and how much I love all of you…BUT I also knew that it was about obedience to God and to HIS call. When I
was given the scripture, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart,” I pondered
that for days. It truly began to fill me in a new way. It said to me, “Look to God and find joy, and He will create
in you the desires for the good things that come from Him.”
After receiving your call to serve you, it took us three days of prayers and we knew the answer. We told God
that “we will go if You want us to, but You know the desires of our hearts…You have given them to us.” He said
“stay.” So here we are!
(Continued on next page)
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Most of you who have been at the congregational meetings know that when the call was issued to me I was
given a week to decide, and told that if the answer was yes, I would start the following Tuesday, September 2,
2014. Whew!! Well, I said yes, and it has been a wonderful, nonstop, few weeks. I am so blessed to be able to
work with such a Spirit-filled staff! Pastor Wandrey has been a God given gift to me. Lynn, our secretary, and I
worked together for many years, and I have a deep love and respect for her skills and her heart. Ruth, our
music director, is so willing to do whatever will bless our worship experience, and Lisa, our custodian, is a
precious friend who apparently does her tasks as a ministry unto God. We are blessed here at Peace Lutheran!
A couple of items listed on my Letter of Call are very specific as to what this congregation feels is important to
our spiritual life together here: Shepherding our youth and families, and continuing a strong prayer ministry. As
the Mama Bird of the youth parents, who call themselves my fledglings or baby birds, I had already been active
with organizing youth activities. God had called me to that about a year and a half ago. I am blessed to be able
to continue that ministry, and also as a facilitator of Peace Lutheran Prayer Ministry.
Many of my hours will be performed from my home office for a couple reasons: First, there is no more office
space at the church; second, many of my hours are going to be evenings with youth meetings, youth
gatherings, retreats, meeting with families, as well as responding to prayer requests. And since I am only parttime, there is not much need for an office at the church at this point.
Final thoughts: Because we have had so many activities in September, we needed to postpone a couple
important things.
My ordination is scheduled for Reformation Day, Friday, October 31, 2014, at 6 p.m. and you are all invited. I
will have trick or treat candy available, costumes are not required…just joking!
My installation will be the following Sunday, November 2, during the 10 a.m. worship service.
You will see a new email account listed for me as pastorgail@peace-lutheran.com. You don’t have to wonder
which email address to use as both my old email and this new one are directed to the same account that I will
use for prayers and all other communication.
I am looking forward to the continued ways that God will move us out together to reach the lost. I am humbled
at His gift to me of all of you!
Associate Pastor Gail Gutterud
Emmett Paul Snyders Foundation
Diagnosed at the tender age of 10 months, Emmett Paul
Snyders courageously battled neuroblastoma for the
remainder of his life, with Jesus bringing him into His arms
only nine months later. Emmett's smile, love, and courage
inspired the Emmett Paul Snyders Foundation, established to
bring childhood cancer awareness to our community and
raise funds to directly benefit local area cancer kids and their
Thanks to PLC Youth, friends, and leadership for serving at
the Third Annual Emmett Paul Snyders Golf Tournament
fundraiser Sept 13, in support of this imperative cause.
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Ministry Teams in Action!
Property & Maintenance – PROJECT DAY - Saturday, October 4!
P&M Team is holding a Project Day for October 4, beginning at 9 a.m. to complete
important Church Home needs. We need to finish sealing the rock facing on our building,
and build a cover structure over our new A/C units for protection. Carpenters, please step up! Weeding and
outdoor/indoor cleanup are also up for grabs! If inside tasks are more to your liking, cleaning different areas
are appreciated since our custodian is on vacation. Jump in!
P&M Team meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Please come if you have a desire to help maintain
our wonderful facility. Important – Many exciting ideas have been proposed for our facility’s future
development. We need a plan for our site, so we would like 4-5 people to form a site planning team for this
specific purpose. If you are interested, please contact Lee Ely or Ken Birge.
Christian Education
 Sunday School for all ages is in session as is Confirmation class every Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
 Our Sunday morning Adult Bible class continues at 8:30 a.m. We are moving through an 8-week course
study entitled, “Forgiveness and Reconciliation.” Books are provided. Please join us! – Diann Wandrey
 The 10 a.m. Wed Serendipity Bible Study continues a scriptural study of Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Gail
facilitates. All are welcome to attend at any point!
 The Thursday Crossways Bible Study classes are underway at both the 1:30 & 6:30 p.m. times led by
Pastor Wandrey. The only time the class will not meet will be Thanksgiving and Christmas since both fall
on Thursdays this year. Come, and really learn the Bible!
From Your Stewardship Team…
Last month we talked about how God had blessed us by providing opportunities for service, and by
allowing us the resources to improve our physical plant. Obviously the Holy Spirit had entered our hearts, and
persuaded us to do what we knew was right. We have responded generously to the challenges since the
formation of Peace Lutheran.
OK. So where do we go from here? God’s work is never done. We are the “tools” He uses to accomplish
His Divine mission. Our Lord raises the bar for service as we grow in His grace. God also blesses us with a sense
of kinship with Him as we continue to serve our neighbors. How good we feel when we see that our efforts turn
out well!
The generosity of you, our church body, has enabled all of these good things to happen. You listened to
God’s call and answered it. Now we ask you to continue in that generous spirit. Pray with enthusiasm and
consider our newest blessing, our dear Associate Pastor Gail Gutterud. She’ll be assisting Pastor Wandrey in
many good works. As you complete your plan for giving, please give thought to increasing your pledge.
Thanks and God bless you,
Ray “Boomer” Danly, Stewardship Council Liaison
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----Want to know who’s doing what at Peace or which person to contact when you have a question?
Pick up our new, one-page PLC info sheet in the holder on the table. Keep it handy with your church directory!
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
YAP & Upcoming Events!
Sunday, Sept 28, at 12:50 p.m. – The youth would like to invite all congregational members to join them at
Regal Riverstone Cinema for the matinee showing of The Song, the next major motion picture to be released in
the increasing popular genre of Christian movies. Tickets cost is approx. $7.
Our next big event will be Harvest Festival, Oct 25, from 3-5 p.m. (please see the info on page 7)
In Nov, the group will be focusing on a meaningful Christmas program.
In Dec, we’re preparing for Advent and Christmas by attending Deck the Halls at Lutherhaven, Dec 12-14!
YAP Leadership Team: Maren Snyders, Tanya Frey, Pam Kirking, Valerie Christiansen, and Pastor Gail
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts
We continue to get an early start on our ever-growing outreach and participation in
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts program. We are collecting items
monthly for the shoeboxes. There is a display table in fellowship hall with a collection bin
highlighting the month’s shoebox item.
In OCTOBER we are collecting TOYS! – Stuffed animals, dolls, art supplies, musical instruments, yo-yos, jump
ropes, trucks, balls, games (that will fit in a shoebox), light-up toys with batteries, etc.
Remember, we are collecting items from ages two-adolescent. Please see the posted list for what is not
allowable to ship. The Dollar Tree is also great source for good gifts!
~Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts Program~
The YAP group will host the Shoebox Packing and Wrapping event on November 8, at 6 p.m. You are all invited
to attend this family oriented gathering. Come for a light meal provided by the YAP group, and stay to help
package up and wrap the gifts that Peace Lutheran families have donated throughout the year.
Please bring any Christmas wrapping paper that you have, scotch tape, scissors and help get these gifts ready
to be the blessings that they will be!!
– Diann Wandrey, OCC Shoebox Gifts Coordinator
LAM Christian Academy Night
at MacKenzie River Pizza Co.
Parents and staff at LAM Christian Academy
invite you to join us at MacKenzie River
Pizza Grill Pub in Coeur d'Alene on October
8, 2014, for a delicious way to support our
school! Cut out this voucher, and present
when placing your food order. Share this
news with friends and family! We will
receive 20% of your meal dollars. Thank you
for supporting LAM!
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Mark Your Calendar!
Hosting Family Promise Week
We look forward to the remaining week scheduled for this year on Nov 2-9. A volunteer sheet will be available
about mid-month. If you would like to be more involved in this outreach ministry by providing food, hosting or
staying overnight with our guests, please call Valda at 818-3146, or Jolene Pooley, 687-8371.
Ecumenical Food Kitchen
Peace Lutheran will be hosting the Ecumenical Food Kitchen at First Presbyterian Church on Nov 20. As in the
past, food donations and volunteers for serving will be needed. Kitchen help that day will serve from 10 am –
1:30 pm. More info will be provided as we move closer to the date!
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Christmas Stamp Camp
Saturday, November 22 * 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Peace Lutheran Church
Non-refundable fee includes:
8 Fun Christmas Projects * Snacks * Drinks * Door Prizes * Specials on Stampin’ Up!
merchandise valid only that day * Used Stamp & Supply Sale
*The Used Stamp & Supply Sale is a place where you can sell your used stamping/scrapbooking supplies for
FREE!! You just let me know you have items to sell and I will give you a number ahead of time to put on
each item with the price and then you come early to bring them on the morning of Nov 22, and we will get
them set out for sale.
*Call or email me today to save your spot. Please feel free to invite your friends and relatives as I NOW have
room for over 50 people! Please send a check for the nonrefundable fee directly to me at the address
Heather Westlake, Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator
323 S. Sandpiper Loop, Post Falls, ID 83854
(208) 773-2509
The “Spirit of Christmas” Holiday Bazaar – Dec 6, 2014
The organizing team of Cinda Fueller, Pastor Gail Gutterud, JoAnn Solberg, Caren Woods, Pam Kirking, and Jan
Johnson have are looking ahead! They have an ad on Craigslist under Events seeking vendors to rent a 6’ table
space for $25, with only TWO spaces left! If you or someone you know would like to rent space, please let the
team know ASAP. The $25 non-refundable fee is due before Sept 30. Suggested designation for the proceeds
will be used for improved altar lighting, with any remaining toward the dishwasher. Please call Co-chairs, Cinda
Fueller at 773-3025, or Pastor Gail at 773-4106 for more info or if you would like to be part of planning.
Reports Due…
As we journey into the last quarter of the year, it’s time to gather our thoughts about the year in review. This is
especially important for Annual Report writers/contributors. Reports for 2014 will be due Dec 15, in electronic
form via an email message or MS Word attachment. If you need help, please contact Lynn at 765-0727.
PLC Christmas Program
Youth and Family ministry are beginning to prepare a meaningful Christmas program for two presentation
opportunities on Wed evening, Dec 17, and Sunday morning, Dec 21. If you would like to become involved with
this wondrous Christmas tradition, please speak with Pastor Gail!
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
News & Events
Updated Church Directories are available on the table in the Fellowship Hall, and include all recent changes.
Copies of the October newsletter and calendar can also be found in the holder.
How can we say thanks? How about a great big round of applause for Valda Pfundheller, Becky Ellefloot, and
Cinda Fueller for organizing our Lifetouch Directory, working behind the scenes with online registration, and on
the front line to help the congregation make appointments and check in during the photo shoot. More thanks
to Tanya Frey who graciously took make-up photos for those folks that couldn’t be here. If you purchased
pictures, they should be arriving very soon, and we are expecting our directories in November.
We will say goodbye to our Family Promise on Sunday, and pray for their continuing success in this vital
program. Thank you to PLC hosts, food providers, overnighters, and laundry washers. Sincere thanks to our
congregational coordinators Valda Pfundheller and Jolene Pooley. Our final hosting week this year is Nov 2-9.
Peace Lutheran Church now has its own domain name! We’re transitioning from .com (commercial) on our
website in favor of peace-lutheran.chuch to better identify us! Thanks to Lee Ely for keeping his eye out for
availability, and acting quickly to secure our new name.
Work on the new Video/Projection System will begin this month. We are very excited about this enhancement
for our worship experience. With this new improvement comes the chance for volunteerism. After the system is
installed, training will be available for those who would like to work with the new software and computer.
Please contact either Ken Birge or Lee Ely to find out more about this amazing opportunity!
Pastor Wandrey, Associate Pastor Gail, BTRA seminary student, Steve Hagler, and our Minister of Music, Ruth
Leib, will be attending the International LCMC Gathering in Des Moines, IA next week. Please keep them in your
prayers for a renewing and uplifting experience, along with safe travels.
Mission & Vision Team will meet Wed, Oct 1, at 6 p.m. Please join them as we engage in community mission.
Fellowship Team is meeting today, Oct 5, at 9:30 a.m. Grab a cup of coffee and join in!
Youth Leadership Team is meeting Mon, Oct 6, at 6-7:30 p.m. at Pam Kirking’s home. All are welcome.
P&M Team gathers Tue, Oct 7, at 6 p.m. to discuss our building, property, and ongoing projects!
Project C.A.R. (Catch a Ride!) is going well! If you are in need a ride to Sunday Worship services, please contact
Margaret Nagel, Worship & Music Team, at 762-4720, or please inform the church office.
Game Day! Play the popular Hand and Foot card game and relax with friends. Bring snacks, soup, and/or
sandwiches to share during break time. Arrive any time between 1-7:30 p.m. on Fri, Oct 10 & 24. For fun!
The Mile of Pennies donations from June-Dec, are for a new storage building. Contributions so far total $103,
plus Sept $21 for a grand total of $124. Thanks for your support!!
Halloween Candy sales by the Youth are coming! The candy will have a special tag with PLC info, so as you pass
out candy this Halloween, you’ll be passing along the Word, and invitation to come and worship at PLC!
Thank you for your contributions to the Post Falls Food Bank in Sept, which totaled 139 lbs. The food bank
accepts food for our animal friends, and personal care items too like shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Thanks to Bill &
Jan Johnson for dropping off donations each week. Oct is Post Falls Food Bank month!
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
People stop worshiping regularly for a variety of reasons
which may seem valid at the time: a job change, a family
problem, anger at someone in the church, hurt feelings, or
maybe just too much else happening in our lives. So we
withdraw from the fellowship of the church without intending
to neglect worshiping God, but just to give ourselves a short
break. However, after a few weeks or months absence, we are
confronted with a re-entry problem, which requires a
considerable sense of commitment on our part to overcome.
Assuming that our reasons for staying away were valid at the time, are they still valid? Some people who
haven’t been to church for a while can’t even remember why they stopped coming. Often, the reason no longer
even exists. Don’t let anything get in the way of re-entry into God’s house and the Body of Christ, the Church.
Join us this Sunday! – Pastor Wandrey
Peace Lutheran has a Facebook page! It’s great fellowship! Stay in touch throughout the week and see
upcoming events at PLC and in our community! You do not need to be a registered Facebook user to view our
page, just go to the link provided below. Become a friend of PLC and invite a friend. Don't forget to "Like"
our page! Click and enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Peace-Lutheran-Church/508274532651932
STEWARDSHIP: The Importance of a Commitment
What is a commitment? A commitment is an expression of faith in God
for all the many blessings He has given us. A commitment is a discipline
for disciples’ giving. A commitment tells the Church what we think about
our God. It is our plan for putting our good intentions into good actions.
We make all kinds of commitments in our daily lives in order to live. How
much more important is our commitment to the living God! Our
commitment to God is a response to the commitment He has already
made to us. God created us, and our daily lives are evidence of that
sustaining miracle. Through his Son, Jesus, God redeemed us, and the
daily forgiveness of our sins attests to it. God has called us through his
Holy Spirit, and empowers his church for his purpose and mission. Peace
Lutheran Church is a living and growing proof of God’s commitment! Our
commitment is our response to all that God has given to us.
A commitment emerges into faithful giving. Scripture tells us, “The one who sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made
up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Pastor Wandrey
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
10:00 AM Sunday Ministry Servants for October
Wayne & Zala Neustel
Woody & Debbie Clouse
Glen & Missy Nungesser
Troy & Becky Hocking
Phone No.
Rick Straub & JoAnn Solberg / Barbara Hunley
Gary & Sharon Hoffman / Cinda Fueller
Valerie & Gabrielle Christiansen / Steve Hagler
Darryl & Tanya Frey / Verna Hamner
Communion Setup
Bill & Jan Johnson, Zala Neustel
Phone No.
659-1634 / 777-0888
667-6464 / 773-3025
509-255-9237 / 769-7912
777-7765 / 773-4150
773-9380 / 773-0083
Pat Woods
Ray Danly
Margaret Nagel
Paul Matthews
First & Second Reading
Is 5:1-7; Phil 3:4b-14
Is 25:6-9; Phil 4:4-13
Is 45:1-7; 1 Thess 1:1-10
Jer 31:31-34; Rom 3:19-28
Phone No.
Mackenzie Lauritzen
Maddie Lauritzen
Taten Gorton
Bethany Frey
Phone No.
If you have a conflict with the Sunday you are assigned, please call someone else on the list and
inform Lynn at the church office (765-0727) so the correct name may be printed in the church
bulletin. Thank you for serving, and to Marge Freligh who compiles our monthly list of servants!
Counters for October:
Oct 5
Oct 12
Oct 19
Oct 26
Cinda Fueller & Maggie Carlisle
Rozanne Ryle & Helen Darst
Maren Snyders & Valerie Christiansen
JoAnn Solberg & Barb Hunley
Needs at Peace: Paper Towels, Napkins, Tissues, Regular T.P. (no ultra-style please), C-Fold towels for the
bathroom dispensers (Costco), Small paper plates only (dessert/salad style), Small (2.5-3 oz) Bottles of Hand
Sanitizer (Goal – one for every pew before cold & flu season – Amen!).
Your gifts-in-kind are very appreciated, and donation receipts are always available!
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Community Events
An American Tribute
The Ensemble of the Northwest Sacred Music Chorale will perform its Second
Annual Free Will Offering Concert on October 18, at 7 p.m., and October 19, at 3
p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, Cd’A.
Crowd favorites include Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Sentimental Journey,
Chattanooga Choo Choo, God Bless America, and God Bless the USA. A portion
of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. Join us for a fabulous
concert as we pay tribute to our country and our Armed Forces.
3Cs (Cancer & Community Charities) will hold its annual Fall Fest at the Best Western Plus Coeur d'Alene Inn
at 6 p.m. on Sat, October 18, 2014. Tickets are $40 each which includes a buffet dinner and two drink tickets
for either beer or wine ($20 is tax deductible). There will be a live and silent auction plus lots of entertainment.
For reservations call Marcia Saunders (208) 773-4909, Publicity Chair Cancer & Community Charities.
October Birthdays
Frey, Darryl
Ely, Lance
Pooley, Randy
Ellefloot, Bill
Sorge, Janis
Carlisle, Bearl
Ellefloot, Becky
Gutterud, Gail
Clouse, Woody
Snyders, Madeline
Spangler, Cal
618 W Lariat Ct
5546 N Santa Maria Dr
10012 W Twin Lakes Rd
2521 E Lookout Dr
3655 N Sunapee Lp #57
1790 Bounty Lp
2521 E Lookout Dr
1756 E 12th Ave
303 E 1st Ave
18341 N Atlas Rd
8584 Salmonberry Lp
Post Falls
Coeur d'Alene
Coeur d'Alene
Coeur d'Alene
Coeur d'Alene
Post Falls
Post Falls
Phone Number
October Anniversaries
Valda & Brad Pfundheller
Richard Straub & JoAnn Solberg
13850 W Bodine Ave
8868 N Reed Rd
City, State Zip
Post Falls, ID 83854
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
We would like to celebrate your birthday and anniversary with you, but may not have it on record.
Please let Lynn in the office know about your special day so it can appear in our monthly newsletter!
This month we also celebrate the anniversary of
the Reformation (1517) on Sunday, Oct 26.
Be sure to wear RED to worship! Martin Luther was bodly
committed to truthful theology when he exclaimed,
“Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders.”
(Here I stand. I can do no other.)
Are you Luther bold in your faith?
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Fellowship for Oct-Dec 2014
Everyone LOVES to fellowship after worship. It’s a wonderful time to gather, visit, and
share what’s going on in our lives. It’s a comfortable time to sit down with a friend
over coffee and a treat. Your Fellowship Team is trying a new method where YOU
CHOOSE what Sunday you would like to provide and serve your fellow Lutherans. The Oct-Dec volunteer sheet
is out on the table – please pick your favorite Sunday to serve!
October Fellowship Volunteer List
Oct 5
Rick Straub & JoAnn Solberg
Oct 12
Caren Woods, Margaret & Daryl Nagel, Valerie Christiansen, Ruth Leib
Oct 19
Linda Bellows, Mike & Margie Hill, Charlotte & Alexis Newman, Zala & Wayne Neustel
Oct 26
Valda Pfundheller, Ardella Quaale, Katherine Featherstone, Judy Zeller
If you need to switch with someone please call them, then kindly inform the church office – thanks!
~Dwight Hoeck, our Thrivent Financial for Lutherans representative, will be with us Sun, Oct 12,
at fellowship to share some exciting news, and provide updates about Thrivent in 2015!
Member Prayer Needs:
Kit Carey, continued tests, hip pain
Caren Woods, shoulder surgery, Oct 13
Dawn Risley, healing for knee surgery
Golda Schrader, healing, foot surgery
We’re Praying For…
Please Remember Ministries We Share:
Camp Lutherhaven & Shoshone Mountain Retreat
LAM Christian Academy
Post Falls & Cd’A Food Banks
Jack Moorhead, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, radiation
Gerry Venishnick, PMR, stomach perforation
Del Gillam, Warren Ray, Alzheimer’s
Mary Wang, homebound
Berniece Wilson, heart issues
Coeur d’Alene Homes
Family Promise
Children’s Village
Requests for Family Members and Friends:
Dave Fritz (friend of Warren Murray), chemo & radiation treatments; Asher Clark (Pr. Jaynan Clark’s son),
longboard accident, brain swelling, pneumonia; Ryan Ringel (Connie Arthur’s son), heart issues; Ruth Lemm
(friend of Bill Arthur), healing, knee replacement; Leon Owens (Roxanne Helgeson’s brother-in-law), healing,
brain surgery; Jill (Gail Schoomaker’s sister), healing, heart/artery surgery; Hunter Beghtel (Joyce Beghtel’s
grandson), MRI testing, tumor; Infant Cole Shoquist & family (Bernita Carlson), recovering, colostomy; Chuck
Findlay (Joann Carlson); healing for blockage; Paul Johnston (Ken & Dee Johnston’s son), at home, continuing
PT; Tyrol George (Charlotte Newman), collapsed lung; Kristen Carey (Kit Carey’s daughter), continued vomiting,
hiatal hernia, kidney infection; Skip (Missy Nungesser’s uncle), chemo treatment; Kimmie M. (friend of Tanya
Frey), brain tumor surgery; Jeanette Brizendine (Verna Hamner’s sister), tumor surgery; Gary Hays (Susan
Schneidmiller), diabetic, leg amputation, two strokes, unable to speak; Jackie Vanhove (Becky Ellefloot’s cousin),
open heart surgery, in coma; Dick Hawley (friend of Ardella Quaale), cancer; Evan and Kim Crowther (Joann
Carlson), Evan, brain tumor; Seth & Joyce (Eunice Gillam’s brother & wife), back surgery, blindness improving,
Joyce, Alzheimer’s; Janet Low (friend of Betty Nomanson), complications with chemo treatments; Kyle Sauer
(Connie Arthur), severely burned in house fire, improving.
Prayer requests will be revised periodically. Please keep the church office informed of changes. Thank you.
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Italian Dinner - PLC Ristorante!
If you attended the Italian Dinner on Sept 20, I bet you were impressed! From the fine
ambiance, warm welcome and gracious service, the evening was a first class experience! Grazie!!
Thank you to Thrivent Financial for their $250 Action Team card support!!
Delicious Dessert
Mangia! (Eat!)
and Candlelight
Thank you to our
dinner guests!
WOW! $936 was raised!
Thank you Thrivent Financial!
Peace Newsletter
October 2014
Lutherhaven & Shoshone Mountain Retreat
Golden Agers’ Day Out – Oct 14, 10 am – 2 pm
Spend a beautiful fall day at Camp Lutherhaven! A one-day retreat especially for retirees, senior
adults and older adult groups; a great day during a beautiful time of year at camp! Gather with
old and new friends at your favorite camp! $12/person includes a terrific lunch and program!
Fall Cut, Crop, Craft & Quilt – October 17-19
We can't wait to see you this fall! Amazingly popular get-togethers for the "crafty" in all of us!
Register Today!
Bring your favorite crafting, quilting, and scrapbooking project and create together with new
camp friends! Pause for meals, worship, and devotions; otherwise the time is yours to craft! A
massage therapist on site (for an extra fee, paid directly to the therapist) will help you stay
relaxed and focused! Food, fellowship, and your favorite project…what could be more fabulous!
Deck the Halls 2014 – December 12-14 – A December Family Tradition for Over 16 Years!
What do parents say they want for their families?
+ To get unplugged and outdoors.
+ To "plug" into fun, safe, active programs, recreation, and games.
+ To connect with significant mentors and life values.
+ To drive their family's faith formation.
Give the gift of all that this Christmas at Lutherhaven's Deck the Halls: Family memories,
laughter, joy, creativity, friends, relationships, traditions, and faith!
One of our best and most popular events! Come with your houseful or bring along another family (or several!) and share
the joy of the season! Cookies, crafts, wreaths, wooden toys, carols, crackling fires, twinkling lights, hot chocolate, cider,
and all the trimmings of Christmas!
Camp Lutherhaven
Toll Free 1.866.729.8372
Local 667.3459
Shoshone Base Camp
Toll Free 1.866.729.8372 ext. 14
208.682-CAMP (2267)
8134 N Meyer Rd (at Prairie Ave & Meyer Rd)
Post Falls, ID 83854; Phone: (208) 765-0727
Website: peace-lutheran.church
Email: office@peace-lutheran.com
Sunday Worship at 10 AM
Pastor Kurt Wandrey
Associate Pastor Gail Gutterud