Document 6593698
Document 6593698
Opportunities to Serve Today November 9 6:00 PM – Evening Worship Service Monday November 10 Kentucky Baptist Convention Pastors Conference Today’s Worship at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 6-8:30 PM – Upward Registration (GCC) Tuesday November 11 – Veterans Day Kentucky Baptist Convention Business Session November 9, 2014 1:00 PM – Ladies Bible Study 6-8:30 PM – Upward Registration (FBC) 9:45 AM Contemporary Worship Service Welcome / Announcements ------------------------------Call To Worship --- Open the Eyes of My Heart Song ------------------------------ America the Beautiful Song --- Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Special Music ----------------------------- Karis Blanton Message ------------------------------------- Bro. Jim Yates Invitation ------------------------------------------------------------Offering --------------------------------------------------------------Closing Prayer ----------------------------------------------------- Wednesday November 12 6:00 PM – REFUGE 7:00 PM – A Call to Prayer for Revival Saturday November 15 9 AM-Noon – Upward Registration (FBC) Order of Worship Next Weeks Ushers/Children’s Workers: 9:45 AM 11:00 AM K Smith, J Miller, K Hall, K Wireman Nursery: Connie Hall Children’s Church: John & Kim Miller Nursery (Ages Birth – 2 Years) ______________________ nd Children’s Church (Ages Preschool – 2 Grade) Dan & Tonya Maynard 6:00 PM: Evening Service Bro. Russ Foster to Preach First Baptist Church Located at 87 Church Street in Lloyd, Ky. Pastor, Jim Yates Mailing Address Phone: (606) 473-0886 P.O. Box 1002 Email: Greenup, Ky. 41144 P 4 0114 20 Woorrdd iinn 2 g tthhee W Prreeaacchhiinng SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE (Children through Grade 2) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship Service Welcome / Announcements ------------------------------------Opening ------------- #630, America the Beautiful, V1, 3, 4 Call to Worship ---- #557, People Need the Lord, Chorus Hymn ----- #633, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, V1, 5 Offering --------------------------------------------------------------Ushers ---- K Wireman, R Mackey, K Hockley, L Frazier Choir Special ---------------------- Let’s Just Praise the Lord Special Music ------------------------------------- Karis Blanton Message ----------------------------------------- Bro. Jim Yates Invitation -------------------------------------------------------------Closing Prayer ------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to ………PRAYER MINISTRY……… To activate the prayer ministry for a special prayer request please call Keith and Mary Hall (473-5662) or Anne Mackey (473-1812.) Call between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM. For emergencies, you may call the pastor at any time. The Staff of First Baptist Church Jim Yates 833-2452 Pastor Russ Foster 473-0601 Associate Pastor of Music and Adult Ministries Justin Vansickle 465-1846 Youth Pastor Nancy Wright Bays 473-4770 Pastor’s Secretary (Volunteer) Crawford Scott Stevenson Staff Assistant (Volunteer) WELCOME VISITORS: Anne Mackey Please complete the information on the visitors slip located in the pew racks and place it in the offering plate. Thanks! Cindy McCullough Pianist Organist PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 932-4007 Today’s Message from Isaiah Steps to Revival Isaiah 40:3-5 REVIVAL SERVICES Start Next Week! SERVICE TIMES Sunday Morning Worship: 9:45 and 11:00 A.M. Sunday School: 9:45 and 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00 P.M. Wednesday Refuge Ministries: 6:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service: 7:00 P.M. Pastor’s Bulletin Blog 11 09 2014 Announcements (Announcements for next Sunday’s bulletin are due Thursday at 9:00 AM.) WELCOME to First Baptist Church! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us today. As our guest, we would like to have a record of your visit. Please fill out the visitor’s section of the Response Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate during the worship service. In one week we begin our Fall Revival Services with Jason Johnson. A few weeks ago we gave out prayer sheets for you to list folks you were praying for. I hope you been praying for our revival. The key to revival is prayer! Satan does not want revival to break out in our hearts or in our church and he will do everything in his power to hinder revival. But God’s power is greater if we call on Him. On Wednesday evening we will have a special Call to Prayer for our revival services. I hope you will join us if at all possible. Micah 6:6-8 says, “With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your god.” No amount of extravagance impresses God. He is far more concerned with your relationship to Him and to others. God knows the offerings will be appropriate when the relationships are right. As you give today, ask yourself if you’re trying to impress God. We are always grateful for your gifts, but we continues to place a greater priority upon your relationship to God and others. Seeking to please Him, Bro. Jim YANNIVERSARIES/BIRTHDAYS/BIBLE READINGS Sun, Nov 9 Lacey Hurst 11$1000.00 Jer 46-47 Heb 6 Mon, Nov 10 Jer 48-49 Heb 7 Tues, Nov 11 Sherri Short Chris Burton Jer 50 Heb 8 Wed, Nov 12 Jer 51-52 Heb 9 Jenson Smith Sharon Adkins Thur, Nov 13 Lam 1-2 Heb 10:1-18 Fri, Nov 14 Rick Mackey Lam 3-5 Heb 10:19-39 Sat, Nov 15 Addie Hogsten Mishawna Davis Eze 1-2 Heb 11:1-19 CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM If your child/grandchild has been given a part in the children’s Christmas program, please make every possible effort to have them at all scheduled rehearsals. Also, it would help if you would rehearse their lines with them. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Next Sunday will be Dedication Sunday for our Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes. If you are packing your own box, be sure to bring it for the dedication. FOODFAIR RECEIPTS If you charge a food purchase for the church, please be sure you submit the receipt. We have outstanding receipts for $40.95 dated 9/29 and $12.00 dated 10/1. Without the receipts we do not know if these are legitimate charges. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Ky. Baptist Conv. (B. Green) UPWARD Registration Fall Revival Tuesday Prayer Meeting No Wed. Prayer Meeting Christmas Banquet & Brass Clothing Giveaway Refuge Christmas Program Adult Christmas Program November 10-11 November 10-15 November 16-19 November 25 November 26 December 7 December 8-9 December 14 December 21 UPWARD REGISTRATION UPWARD registration is this week. Monday, November 10 will be registration at Greenup Christian Church. Tuesday, November 11 and Saturday, November 15 will be registration at in The Fellowship Center. We need help at all locations. See Russ or John for information. THANKSGIVING WEEK During Thanksgiving Week, our prayer service will be Tuesday instead of Wednesday. FLU SHOTS AVAILABLE A limited number of flu shots are available this morning in the Sunday School office. For the Record Preaching the Word in 2014 Last Sunday (11-2-2014) Last Year (11-3-2013) Sunday School: 83 Sunday School: 97 Worship Attendance: 85 Worship Attendance: 123 Offering: $3,679.09 Offering: $4,840.51 Undesignated: $3,504.09 Building Fund: $140.00 Oct. Offerings: $11,970.71 Oper. Chr. Child: $20.00 Oct. Expenses: $13,240.20 Refuge: $15.00 Budget Needed Weekly: $3,488.70 (based on 2013 budget) Fellowship Center Debt: $469,953.44 (as of 10/30/2014) Refuge Ministry Food Balance: $454 …speak the things that are proper for sound doctrine … Loving God Loving Each Other Offering Our Lives Yielding Fruit Discipling the Saints Titus 2:1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version