Sunday Worship 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM Saturday Work Day This Week's Events


Sunday Worship 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM Saturday Work Day This Week's Events
Sunday Worship
9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Announcements 10 minutes before worship
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
November 16, 2014
Saturday Work Day
This Week's Events
will be Nov. 15. Bring your
supplies starting at 8 AM. We'll be
working inside and out.
Sunday, Nov. 16
Worship Services
9 AM & 10:45 AM
Worship Update!
Confirmation Class
Due to scheduling issues, Pastor has delayed
the start of the Saturday evening worship
until January 10, 2015. Our 10:45 AM
Second Service will continue through
Tuesday's 2 PM Bible Study has resumed
at Jeanne Foster's home: 3402 N 157th Ave.
- Pebblecreek, Tuscany side
Bldg. B., Nursery: Noon
Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18
Psalm 90:1-12
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Matthew 25:14-30
Monday, Nov. 17
Quilting for Others
Fellowship Hall 9 AM
Check out Stage One of our new Playground
Tuesday, Nov. 18
Banquet Hall 8 AM
Wed., Nov. 19
Men's Bible Study
Fellowship Hall, 7 AM
Women's Bible Study
Fellowship Hall, Noon
Choir, 4:30 PM
Saturday, Nov. 15
Work Day
8:00 AM
DECEMBER 6, 2014
Please join us for an evening of devotions, music,
dinner and fellowship to help you prepare your
hearts for the Advent Season. Reservations will be
accepted after services or by calling the church
office. Cost is $18.00 per person with a portion of
the proceeds being donated to Phoenix Rescue
Mission. Dinner will be catered and will include a
main entrée, salad, dessert, coffee and wine.
Do you have Christmas dishes or china hiding away
in your cabinets? No? Something pretty and
disposable is OK too! Please consider volunteering
to be a table hostess. Hostess guidelines are
available at the signup table. Hostesses are
responsible for supplying the table settings for 8
and any table decorations (with lots of candles) to
make their table unique and festive! Black or white
tablecloths will be available OR you can bring your
own tablecloth, placemats, runners, and napkins.
Use your imagination and have fun decorating!
Sharing Thanksgiving Event will
be held at CELC on Thanksgiving
morning starting at 7 am, please
sign up on the sheet by Nov. 23.
Way to go -- we have 535 boxes
already -- keep 'em coming!
The CELC Book Club, along with the West Side
Stories Book Club, will be hosting a Christmas
Tea from 11 AM to 1PM on Dec. 13, 2014 in
Building A. This tea will include a presentation by
Shona Patel, author of Teatime for the Firefly.
A variety of sandwiches, desserts and teas will be
served. Everyone is welcome to attend. Tickets are
$10.00 and will be available on Sundays during
the month of November or from any Book Club
member. For more information, contact Ann Bruce
Worship Assistants for November 16
Music Director/Planner: Harriet Stubbs
Altar Guild: Elaine Carlson;
Margie Neumann/Carole Helland
Communion Bread Bakers: Paula/Rodney Royal
Assisting Minister 1st: Jeanne Foster
Lector: Ron Nawrocki
Ushers 1st: Ed Kroenig/Glenn Hultberg
Next Sun., Nov. 23
Christ the King
9 AM & 10:45 AM
Ezekial 34:11-16,20-24
Psalm 95:1-7a
Ephesians 1:15-23
Matthew 27:31-46
Click for CELC calendar
Benedictine Evenings
Prayers (Grey Robes)
meets the 1st and 3rd Monday in
Pastor's Office 6 PM
Blood Pressure Readings
2nd Sunday after 1st service
Book Club meets in classroom
"C" in Bldg. B the 4th Thursday
monthly at 2 PM
Quilting for Others
Every Other Monday
Aluminum Can Collection
Outreach Food Collection
Bring to Banquet Hall
any time!
Looking Ahead
CELC's donation this year
will be: stuffing
Sunday, Nov. 30
One Sunday Service
9 AM
December 6
Advent Candelight Dinner
5 PM
December 13
Book Club Tea
Usher 2nd: Jordan Sornsin
Greeters 1st: Pete & Karen Pedersen
Greeters 2nd: Nyle & Margie Neumann
Fellowship: Monday Bible Study
Accompanists: Harriet Stubbs,
Joe Burmeister, Elizabeth Banta, Darrel Bjornson,
Judy Ridgway, Judy Wandler, Stevie Henderson
Pastor: Jeff Gallen, Bill Miller, Seminarian
Gatherings At CELC
AA Meetings
Fellowship Hall,
Monday-Saturday, 6 PM
We lift up in Prayer
New this week in bold
Members: Floyd Behm, Jack Benston, Daniel
Butler, Mike Denny, Bob Foster, Mabe Foster, Val
Huber, Michael Jack, Paula Johnson, Betty Kramer,
Chuck Mast, Mary McDonald, Francia Mercado, Bill
Michaelis, David Riese, Lou Rice, Roy Rood, Paula
Royal, Mike Santel, Stevie Henderson, Jay Stocker,
Lura Stubbs, Robert Stubbs, Marci Tridle, Mike
Valabek, Ronnie Voll, Art Walberg, Bea Warmoth
Family & Friends:
Scott (Voll), Dyke family, Marlene, Vickie, Carson,
Michelle (Yost), Marion (N Neumann), Karen, Ellie
(Schroeder), Emily Madison, Wayne, Debi, Sergei,
Phyl (Armstrong), Shannon, Stephen (D/J Miller),
Peggy (Bruce/Sears), David (Crane), Nancy,
Christine (Fildes), Steve, Marge (Wandler), Zury,
Gardin Family, Wilkins Family (Cole), Nick,
Tyler, Forrest (Helland), Joseph (Semmler), Lavern
(Johnson), Odie, Larry (Carlson), Erik (Capelli),
Pastor Steve Bergeson; Rod, Lori (Wagner), Tom
(Gallen), Emily, Carl (Marquardt), Nissy (Mercado),
Nick (McGee), Alec Valdez (Haroldson), Sandy
(DuRand), Tim (Jenson)
Parents preparing for birth:
November: Jennifer Cole/Neil Stafford,
February: Ariana/Tristan van Hoorebeke
March: Zach/Andrea Gjestvang
All Cactus Conference Pastors & Churches
Bishops: Steve Talmage, Elizabeth Eaton
Seminary Student: Bill Miller
Church: Pan de Vida, El Mirage
Our Sevice men/women: John Buss+, Kyle
Stanford+ (Yost), Aaron, Devon, Mike, Andy, Ryan,
Steffan Shoffner (D. Miller), Aaron Kramer, Adriana
Van Wyk +serving overseas
The Buried Life Dug Up
Jesus' parable stirs us to think deeply about our
Alzheimer Support Group
Bldg. B, Classroom C,
1st & 3rd Mondays, 3 PM
Eve's Place
Bldg. B., Classroom C,
Tuesdays 9 AM-Noon
Goodyear Food Bank
Banquet Hall, MondayFriday, 9 AM - 1 PM
Grandparents Raising
Fellowship Hall,
2nd & 4th Saturdays, 9 AM
Hope Mental Illness
Bldg. B, Classroom C,
Mondays 5:30-7:30 PM
Weight Watchers
Fellowship Hall,
Thursday, 9:30 AM
River in the Desert
Worship: Bldg. B,
Sundays 1:00 PM
Living Covenant
Worship: Bldg. A,
Sundays 10:30 AM
Staff Listing
Pastor Jeff Gallen
Cell: 623-341-3712
Harriet Stubbs
Worship & Music;
investments, not of our finances, but of ourselves.
The businessman gives each of the three characters
in the story talents. The word talent means a very
large sum of money, something like twenty years of
wages. It is no accident that we use the word to
mean a particular ability, skill, or gift. Having a
particular talent is worth a great deal, whether it is
organizing, listening, creating, building, or healing.
The way we use the priceless talents we have is how
we invest ourselves in God's world.
In the parable, two of those entrusted with talents
use their gifts wisely and daringly. The third,
however, is afraid. He is afraid of judgment,
rejection, or failure. So he buries his talent. He
buries himself and hides and has nothing to give or
offer or live for. The story reveals the result of such
a buried life: bitter sadness, isolation, and regret.
How sad it is when we bury who we are and what we
have to offer the world.
How wonderful it is when God's grace helps us let
go of fear and anxiety so that we can joyfully and
freely give ourselves for the sake of God's world.
Jesus' parable may disturb us when we realize that
we too have been fearful and cautious in life when it
comes to investing ourselves in God's mission of
helping and healing. But the good news of God's
grace in Christ digs us out of our fear, transforms
any regret or sadness we have about our lives, and
opens up a new possibility for living boldly and
freely today.
Christ Jesus is God's self-giving for us and the
world, a valuable gift, a priceless investment, so we
can invest our priceless selves in the mission of
loving the world as God loves.
Christ Ev. Lutheran Church
We are a Christian fellowship reaching out to all
people so they might know God's LOVE for them!
Worship 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Sandy Wagner
Administrator; 623-932-2394
Charles Travis
Facilities, 602-689-2951
Lori Lermon
Sharoll Blodgett
Treasurer; 623-932-2394
Olga Blanchard
Parish Nurse
Jan Yost
Information Manager,
Instant Church
Directory - use your
Smart Phone to have
instant access to our
updated church
directory. Instant
Church Directory App
Join Our Mailing List
CELC Website
Office phone: 623-932-2394
Pastor's Cell: 623-341-3712
Ways to help CELC Shopping
CELC can benefit when you and your friends hop at and by going through our link on the
church website! CELC website (Look for the
amazon icon on home page!)
Good Search/Good Dining
funds can be raised for CELC by visiting and your simple daily actions - like
searching the web, shopping online, taking surveys,
dining out, playing games, and much more! Good
Search/Good Shop Link Good Dining Link
Thrivent Choice giving is also important way to
direct funds to CELC. Designate Christ Ev.
Lutheran Church as a Thrivent Choice gift recipient.
May the Peace of Christ dwell in your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
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Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church | 918 S. Litchfield Road | Goodyear | AZ | 85338