Non-EU QCF Examination Entry Form December 2014


Non-EU QCF Examination Entry Form December 2014
Non-EU QCF Examination Entry Form
December 2014
This non-EU examination entry form must be completed only by candidates
sitting ABE examinations outside the European Union (EU).
It must not be completed by candidates sitting examinations inside the UK, the
Republic of Ireland or other EU countries. There is a separate entry form for
candidates sitting examinations inside the EU.
Examination entry closing date:
Friday 3 October 2014
Entries received after Friday 3 October 2014 will be charged a late entry
fee of an additional £10 per unit
FINAL Examination entry closing date:
Friday 10 October 2014
Entries received after Friday 10 October 2014 or accompanied by insufficient
payment will not be accepted. Students will be sent a letter explaining the
reason(s) for rejection and the examination entry form will be retained by ABE
for record purposes.
Non-EU QCF Examination Entry Form December 2014
Business Management Pathway (BM Programme)
Please ensure that this form reaches the ABE office before the closing date: Friday 3 October 2014.
NEW MEMBERS - If you have applied for ABE membership please submit your examination entry form now. Do not wait until you have received
your ABE membership number.
This page must be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS and sent to ABE together with your selection of subject entries (page 3) and the
correct payment.
Family Name
ABE Membership No.
Given Name
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Full Address
Name of Town/City where you can sit the examination
Name of College where you are studying
• Payment must be made in £ sterling (GBP) by cheque/draft drawn on a UK bank, by postal order or by credit/debit card. Payment received in
other currencies cannot be accepted.
• Examination forms will not be accepted unless accompanied by the correct payment. Please write your full name and membership number on back of
cheque/bank draft. Cheques and bank drafts must be made payable to ABE.
• Faxed examination entry forms will only be accepted if payment is made by credit/debit card. Forms with photocopies of bank drafts/cheques will not
be accepted. Please do not both fax and post your examination entry form. Email examination entries will not be accepted.
Credit/Debit card payment form
I authorise you to debit my Visa/Delta/MasterCard/Maestro/Solo/JCB/AMEX account with the amount £
My card number is
Expiry date
Valid from
Issue no.
(if applicable)
Security Code (last three digits on signature strip on back of card).
Cardholder Name
Cardholder Address
Telephone no.
(UK address only)
Fax no.
Customer Signature
Annual Subscription /
Other Payments
Payment enclosed
Deduct from my card (see above)
Examination Fees
Total Payment
Deduct from the credit balance in my ABE account
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Non-EU QCF Examination Entry Form December 2014
Business Management Pathway (BM Programme)
To be completed only by candidates sitting examinations outside the UK, European Union and Botswana.
ABE Membership No.
Full Name
Please indicate which unit(s) you wish to enter by CROSSING the relevant box
Business Management Pathway
Level 4 Diploma - fee per unit £25
Extended Diploma - fee per unit
Introduction to Accounting
The Business Environment - £33
Introduction to Business
Organisational Behaviour - £33
Introduction to Business Communication
Quantitative Methods for Business Management - £33
Introduction to Quantitative Methods
Financial Accounting - £33
Marketing Policy, Planning and Communication - £33
Human Resource Management - £33
Level 5 Diploma - fee per unit £33
Corporate Strategy and Planning -£38
The Business Environment
Managing in Organisations - £38
Organisational Behaviour
International Business Case Study - £38
Quantitative Methods for Business Management
Optional units:
Financial Accounting
Principles of Business Law - £33
Marketing Policy, Planning and Communication
Managerial Accounting - £33
Human Resource Management
Economics for Business - £33
Optional units:
Managing the Customer Relationship - £33
Principles of Business Law
Entrepreneurship and Business Development - £33
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Finance - £38
Economics for Business
Project Management - £38
Managing the Customer Relationship
Strategic Human Resource Management - £38
Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Level 6 Diploma - fee per unit £38
Strategic Marketing Management - £38
Level 7 Diploma - fee per unit
Corporate Strategy and Planning
Strategic Business Management and Planning - £75
Managing in Organisations
International Business Case Study
Optional units:
Corporate Finance
Project Management
Strategic Human Resource Management
Strategic Marketing Management
No. of units entered
Total Payment
Please ensure that you have retained pages 4 and 5 containing
the regulations and timetable.
I have read and accept the ABE conditions and regulations
stated on this examination entry form.
Send to:
The Association of Business Executives
5th Floor CI Tower, St Georges Square, High Street, New Malden, Surrey KT3 4TE, UK
Print Form
f +44 (0)20 8329 2945
Page 3 of 5
Please do not submit this page of the examination entry form to ABE but retain
for your future reference
ABE Examination conditions and regulations - Please read carefully
NQF Business Information Systems (BIS)
Qualification titles
• The NQF BIS examinations were discontinued after December 2012
The titles of some of our qualifications have changed. Students registered before
January 2013 will be able to complete their current level with the previous titles
(Higher, Graduate, Graduate Integrated as applicable), but thereafter must
progress to the new title. Students registered after December 2012 will be
awarded the new titles. Please refer to the website for more details.
Level 4 Diploma progression
Access arrangements
(Reasonable Adjustments)
and replaced by the Management of Information Systems (MIS) pathway.
All BIS passes remain valid and can be used in place of MIS passes to
complete the equivalent MIS qualification. Students should consult the
transition arrangements on the Members Area for further information.
• Students must pass at least two Level 4 Diploma units by ABE examination
before progressing to the Level 5 Diploma. However, all four units must be
passed (as well as all eight Level 5 Diploma units) before the Level 5 Diploma
can be awarded.
Level 5 Diploma progression
• Students must pass at least six units in the Level 5 Diploma to proceed to
the Level 6 Diploma. However, all eight units in the Level 5 Diploma must
be passed (as well as all five Level 6 Diploma units) before the Level 6
Diploma can be awarded.
Level 6 Diploma progression
• Students must pass at least four units in the Level 6 Diploma to proceed to
the Level 7 Diploma. However, all five units in the Level 6 Diploma must be
passed (as well as all five Level 7 Diploma units) before the Level 7 Diploma
can be awarded.
Unit (subject) entries
• There is no limit to the number of units for which candidates may enter.
Do not enter for units whose times clash, as the timetable cannot be
Notification slip
• A notification slip will be sent to all candidates approximately two weeks
before the start of examinations. If you do not receive your notification slip,
you should print one from the ABE Members Area on the ABE website (see
below) or request a copy from the ABE office at least one week before the
start of the examinations.
You must take the notification slip to every examination you sit.
• Candidates may transfer their examination entry to the next session,
June 2015, providing the transfer request with £15 transfer fee is
received by Monday 10 November 2014. The transfer cannot apply to any
unit(s) other than the original entry.
• To meet its commitment to equality of opportunity, ABE will, as far as is
reasonably practical, endeavour to ensure access for people of all abilities,
irrespective of physical capacity, in order that all candidates receive the
same level of service and opportunity. Applicants for Reasonable Adjustments
should email the Quality and Assessment Department at
no later than Friday 3 October 2014, the closing date for examination
ABE Examination Regulations
(Conduct during the Examinations)
• Candidates must take their national Passport or National Identity Card or
Photographic Driving Licence to each examination and place it on their desk.
If candidates cannot or will not provide these documents when requested, it
will result in their examination script(s) not being marked. Repeated breaches
may lead to termination of membership of the Association.
• A candidate must not communicate in any way with another candidate
or any other person (except an invigilator) during the examination and must
not disturb other candidates.
• Candidates are not allowed to use mobile phones or similar devices for any
communication during the examination. Mobile phones or similar devices
must not be used as calculators. Such use will result in the cancellation of
ALL scripts from that examination session (ABE regards an examination
session as the whole week of the examination).
• Candidates are not allowed to have on their examination desk: books, data
tables, notes, paper, dictionaries (including bi-lingual or electronic) or any
other written material (even if it does not relate to the examination being
sat), EXCEPT where text books and notes are allowed and this is stated on
the question paper. The possession of such material during the examination
will result in disqualification from the examination.
• Candidates who fail to comply with the ABE Examination Regulations (Conduct
during the Examinations) will be disqualified and all their examination script(s)
from that session will be cancelled.
Notification of results
Non attendance
• Candidates will be notified individually of their examination results, normally
• Examination fees are not refundable. If a candidate fails to attend an
examination, the examination fee cannot be refunded.
• Examination results will not be issued to any candidate who owes annual
• In the event of illness, and upon receipt of a medical certificate
• Result slips indicate Pass or Fail and alphabetical grades (for details see the
and transfer fee of £15 by Friday 2 January 2015, the unit(s)
will be transferred to the next examination session, June 2015.
Transfers will not be accepted without payment of the £15 fee.
about two months after the examinations.
subscriptions or any money to ABE.
ABE website); it is not the policy of ABE to disclose the marks awarded.
• Award certificates are sent separately from result slips and should be
received within three months after release of examination results.
You should check the ABE website for rules on compulsory and optional units before submitting
your examination entry form.
Page 4 of 5
Please do not submit this page of the examination entry form to ABE but retain
for your future reference
December 2014 Examination Timetable
QCF Framework
1 December
Corporate Strategy and Planning
Information Systems Development (MIS)
Managing the Customer Relationship
Understanding Entrepreneurship (ENT)
Organisational Behaviour
Strategic Human Resource Management
Integrated Marketing Communications (MKT)
Accounting for Financial Managers (FM)
Introduction to Marketing (MKT and ENT)
Introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS)
2 December
Financial Accounting
Managing in Organisations
Principles of Marketing (MKT)
People Planning and Resourcing (HRM)
International Marketing (MKT)
Enterprise Start-up (ENT)
Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Operations Management
Personnel Administration (HRM)
International Business Case Study
The Business Environment
Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development (TTHM)
Business Plan for Enterprise Start-up (ENT)
3 December
Introduction to Accounting
Human Resource Management
Sales Management
Managing People (HRM)
Introduction to Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (TTHM)
Introduction to Business
Quantitative Methods for Business Management
Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (TTHM)
Contemporary Hospitality Management (TTHM)
4 December
Introduction to Quantitative Methods
Principles of Business Law
International Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (TTHM)
International Business Finance and Planning (FM)
Contemporary Issues in Marketing (MKT)
Systems Management and Internal Financial Controls (FM)
Introduction to Business Communication
Marketing Policy, Planning and Communication
Corporate Finance
Employment Relations (HRM)
Performance Management and Reward (HRM)
Strategic Business Management and Planning (PGD)
Information Systems for Strategic Management (MIS)
5 December
Marketing Information Systems (MKT)
Managerial Accounting
Project Management
Personnel Information Systems (HRM)
Information Systems Applications for Business (MIS)
Strategic Marketing Management
Human Resource Development (HRM)
Managing Organisational Change and Development (HRM)
Entrepreneurship and Business Development
IT in Hospitality and Tourism Operations (TTHM)
Economics for Business
(Previously Strategic Hospitality Management)
(FM) indicates specialist units in Financial Management Pathway of the QCF Business Management Programme
(MIS) indicates specialist units in Management of Information Systems Pathway of the QCF Business Management Programme
(TTHM) indicates specialist units in QCF Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management Programme
(HRM) indicates specialist units in QCF Human Resource Management Programme
(MKT) indicates specialist units in QCF Marketing Management Programme
(ENT) indicates specialist units in QCF Business Start-up and Entrepreneurship Programme
(PGD) indicates specialist unit in QCF Level 7 Diploma in Business Management