Document 6594378
Document 6594378
KEPUBLIC OF LIBEMA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT PARKER BUILDING BROAD STREET MONROVIA, LIBERIA FOUR COMPA]YIES PRE QUALIFIED We are pleased to announce that the first stage of our "Two-Stage" Bidding Process has been completed, After a rigorous Prequalification process, the Ministry of Transport has shortlisted the below listed companies as being substantially responsive to the Prequalification criteria for the production and supply of License Plates and Stickers. MDMC Express Inc. Adjacent the Episcopal Church, Telecom Community Paynesville, Liberia Union Strong Group People Building, |ames N. Davies & Sons Inc. Somalia Drive, Freeway Axis Monrovia, Liberia Magna Diversified Corporation Congo Town, Benson Street Monrovia, Liberia Near German Embassy Monrovia, Liberia It can be recalled that on September 29,201,4, the publication of Bid information, "Invitation to Pre-Qualify" was published in two local dailies, lnquirer and FrontPage, as part of eight publications to be done in four different Newspapers over a period of three weeks. A formal cilrnmunication has been sent to the firms deemed substantially responsive to the Prequalification criteria, inviting them to purchase the actual bidding documents" The deadline for the submission of Bid is Novembe r L7, 201,4^ Signed Directo of Procurement Please visit our Website: www" mot,
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