Realization of OFDM for Wireless Communications Using Matlab VIT
Realization of OFDM for Wireless Communications Using Matlab VIT
VIT University Vellore-632 014, Tamil Nadu, India. One Day Workshop on Realization of OFDM for Wireless Communications Using Matlab 21st November 2014 Organized by TIFAC - CORE in AUTOMOTIVE INFOTRONICS (Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) Co - ordinators Dr. K. Ganesan, Director, TIFAC CORE & Senior Professor, SITE Prof. Rajesh.N, TIFAC CORE TIFAC-CORE IN AUTOMOTIVE INFOTRONICS @VIT E State of the art advanced engineering centre for research, consultancy and manpower training in Automotive Infotronics is established at VIT University promoted by TIFAC (Technology Information Forecast and Assessment Council), under the Mission REACH program. Programme This workshop aims to understand the theory, algorithms, implementation and application of OFDM modulation and receiver synchronization techniques as well present case studies of cutting edge wireless standards that make use of OFDM which includes the following topics. Topics covered with hands on DSP OFDM OFDM Principles Practical issues with OFDM Propagation Channels OFDM Receiver Design Advanced and Emerging OFDM Architecture OFDM based Standards i) LTE Advanced ii) WiMAX Participation is open to: Engineers from Industries Faculties Research Scholars Students REGISTRATION FEES: Rs. 2000 per delegate from Industry Rs. 1500 per delegate from Institute (Faculty) Rs. 750 per delegate from Institute (Student & Research Scholar) Registration charges include Course Material, Lunch & Snacks. The number of participants is limited to 30 based on first come first serve. Payment through DD drawn in favor of “TIFAC CORE, VIT University”, Payable at Vellore. Venue: Room No. : 701, 7th Floor, Technology Tower, VIT University, Vellore-632014 Date & Time: 21st November 2014 : 09.30 – 18.30 Hours For further details please contact: Prof. Rajesh. N, TIFAC CORE, Cell: 7639897232 Format for Registration confirmation One Day Workshop on Realization of OFDM for Wireless Communications Using Matlab 21st November 2014 Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Designation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Organization: --------------------------------------------------------------------------Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone: -------------------------Mobile------------------------------------------------Fax: ----------------------------e-mail: ------------------------------------------------DD Details: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of the participant Please complete and mail or fax us above form before 19th November 2014 For details about our centre, visit our web site Registration form and DD courier to: Ms. R. Devaki Secretary, TIFAC-CORE, Room No.701, 7th floor, Technology Tower, VIT University, Vellore-632 014. Tel: 0416-2202381 Fax: 0416-2244797 e-mail: