Document 6595697
Document 6595697
St Joseph’s Youth Groups NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Enquiries please call or email Sue Fraser 021 378 007 or ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH YOUTH MASS NEXT SUNDAY, 16 NOVEMBER, AT 7PM Youth Group Christmas Raffle Tickets on sale after 10am Mass TODAY $2 each or 3 for $5. Be in to win a “money tree!!’’ AUCKLAND DIOCESAN YOUTH MASS Sunday 30 Nov. at 7pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Patrick Dunn ST JOSEPH’S SCHOOL MASS Next Sunday 16 November at 10am CARMEL COLLEGE 2015 ENROLMENTS Carmel College is still able to accept enrolments at all year levels except Year 7 for 2015. Preference applications will be considered first and non-Preference will be wait-listed. Please make application through the website online facility at AT ST JOSEPH’S SATURDAY 29 NOVEMBER From 10am onwards ♦ Church Preparation for Advent ♦ ♦ Bring tools for Gardening and Cleaning Bring something to share for morning tea AVAILABLE FROM PARISH OFFICE DAILY MASS CALENDARS 2015 - $3.00 COLUMBAN CALENDARS 2015 - $10.00 ST VNCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS CARDS (Packs of 5 for $2.50) LEISURE CLUB Next meeting this Tuesday at midday on 11 November in the Flanagan Lounge. Phone Harold 479 4502. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Next meeting, Tues. 18 November at 10.30am. Manx/Polish commentaries (the latter celebrated 70 years since the Polish children arrived in Pahiatua.) Trading table, raffle, shared lunch EVERYONE WELCOME. MISSION STALL, Sunday 23 November. AUCKLAND NORTH ST VINCENT DE PAUL 2015 SUMMER CAMPS FOR Require a Minutes Secretary for 4 meetings a CATHOLIC YOUTH - 11-15 JAN. year. Please contact Peter Langton 486 6614. For Intermediate age up. SVdP is seeking volunteers for a number of A fun packed summer where Faith ‘n’ Fun is an key roles on the North Shore. Adventure! Google “Summit Camps Auckland” See Noticeboard for details and/or contact or email: Kevin Mulcahy Phone David & Manu 482 2414. CATHOLIC YOUNG PROFESSIONALS A Night in Paris! Formal evening of dinner, dancing, music & mingling at Parnell Jubilee Hall—Saturday, 22 November, 7pm-midnight. Tickets $50 ($90 for 2) - Book now: CATHOLIC DISCIPLESHIP COLLEGE GRADUATION ON SATURDAY 22 NOVEMBER at St Joseph’s Church at 2.30pm. You are invited to join us in the celebration of the graduation of our 5 students with a Mass, followed by afternoon tea. We look forward to seeing you there. DOVE CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP FOR WOMEN, NORTH SHORE Warmly invites all women to join in our end-of-year thanksgiving Mass, to be celebrated by Fr Martin Bugler on Wed. 19 Nov., 7.30pm—9.30pm at St Joseph’s Centre, 1 Fred Thomas Drive, Takapuna. Contact: Nanci 09 419 0348 PRO-LIFE MINI CONFERENCE Abby Johnson—former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-life advocate, Fr Jeremy Palman and Michelle Kaufman. Sat. 6 Dec. 2-5pm at the Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna. Free entry - koha appreciated. Refreshments served. Info. see or ph 0800 367433. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE A Book of Remembrance is at the front of each Church. To have prayers said for your loved ones during the month of November please write their names in it. CHRISTMAS MASS SINGING If you wish to join the groups of Carol singers for the Christmas Masses - 8pm Vigil (24th), Midnight or 9am (25th) whichever Mass suits - please let Fr Philip or Morna in the Parish Office know. FIT FOR MISSION A POOR CHURCH FOR THE POOR Pope Francis says: This is why I want a Church MASS OF REMEMBRANCE WITH which is poor and for the poor. BISHOP PATRICK DUNN We are called to find Christ in them, to lend our FRIDAY 21 NOV. at 7PM voices to their causes, but also to be their friends, St Mary’s Church, 117 Onewa Rd, Northcote to listen to them, to speak for them and to embrace For all mothers, fathers and family the mysterious wisdom which God wishes to share members who have suffered the loss of a with us through them. baby through miscarriage, still-birth or abortion. For further information see How does our parish measure up. How do I? or ph. 0800 367 5433. MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION Total collected to date is $2,312.40. Thank you for your generous donations. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 1ST RECONCILIATION - 2014 Instruction Classes: Wednesdays 12, 19, 26 November, 7.00pm Celebration of Sacrament: Wed. 3 Dec., 7.00pm Email: Website: SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMMES A brochure containing the information about our parish's Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (R.C.I.C.), Education in Faith (E.I.F.), Children's Liturgy and Sacramental Programmes is available at our Church's entrance and exit or at the Parish Office. 24-HOUR SILENT RETREAT—See Noticeboard 14 – 15 Nov. (Fri. 7pm – Saturday 7pm) Venue: St Francis Retreat Centre, Mt Roskill Advent: Through the Eyes of Thomas Merton Sr Colleen Leonard, SGS, 7 - 12 Dec. 2014 Booking is essential. Please ph. 09-625 6651 or for info. MASS ATTENDANCE—NOVEMBER COUNTING For diocesan planning purposes, the annual Mass count take place on the Sundays of November. EDUCATION IN FAITH – EIF The R.E. programme for Catholic children who attend non-Catholic schools. Next session is Sunday 16 November at 8.30am in the Admin. Block in St Joseph’s Primary School. Enquiries: Kristin Price phone 410 3701 or email: Please note that if you wish your child to be enrolled in the parish sacramental programmes it is important to also enrol and attend EIF classes. ST BENEDICT’S CHURCH, NEWTON 23 NOV. Solemnity of Christ the King at 7pm– please bring a candle for the procession 7 DEC. Dutch Christmas Service at 2pm Inter-denominational service followed by a social hour ph: Alice Henning 837 3444, email: CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEIGHBOURS Final meeting for this year this Tuesday 11 Nov. at 4pm at Methodist Church, Lake Road, Takapuna. You could be one of two “Observers”. Phone Matt 486-2788 (027 586 2788) or John 489-1039 (027 446 5329) for more info. NATIONAL DOMINICAN LAITY GATHERING, Auckland, 21-23 Nov. All laity with links to the Dominican family are welcome to join us for all or part of this weekend. For info. & reg. or ph. Susan Healy on (09) 817 6464. NEXT SUNDAY - 16 NOVEMBER MINISTERS OF THE WORD 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FIRST: 7.30am M. & A. Oentardi PSALM: 10am SCHOOL MASS SECOND: 7pm ML: G. Maramis, E. Fisk, J. Lalor GOSPEL: MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST 7.30am C. McLoughlin, J. Mackle, B. & E. Fong, G. Howley The book of Proverbs 31:10...31 127 1st letter to Thessalonians 5:1-6 MATTHEW 25:14-15, 19-21 REMEMBER IN PRAYER We pray for Rodney Rowlands whose anniversary occurs FOR THE SICK - Michael Maiquez, Oscar Victorino, 10am P. & J. Gunn, F. Fitzgerald, R. & B. Reinen-Hamill, L. Muliadi, Sapphire Ross, Peggie Joines, Sheila Squire, Esme J. & T. Szczepanski , Y. Le Feuvre Commissaris, Janina Collett, Emiliana Mendoza, Altar Servers: O. & A. Moss, D. Laracy Maisie Cate, Joe Gabriel, Lorraine Evans, Noelle McHugh, Noel “Owell” Cosio, Cynthia Rosales, 7pm O. Café, P. Kim, V. Castelltort , Rima Bennett, Maree Lochead, Sam Gabriel, Patricia S. Loka, M. Colita + 2 Ministers Dobbyn, Belinda Chamassian MERCY SPIRITUALITY CENTRE 2014 BISHOP’S CHRISTMAS CAKE This is a 104 The Drive, Epsom ph. 09 638-6238 or wonderful way to gift to family while also giving to the poor and needy. 1Kg cake is $39.99, 500g is $25 21 Nov. Retreat Day with Andrew Pritchard and the Gift Box $45. Orders and payments can be 22 Nov. Spirituality & Social Justice made online or by phone 299 3216, 3 Dec. Advent Retreat with Sr Helen Bergin or peter@aotea-baking See Noticeboard for full details. or www.caring ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH Fr Philip Sullivan Fr Elric Jorquia Presbytery Phone: 489 6338 Presbytery & Office: 10 Dominion St. Fr Martin Bugler (Milford 489 6543) Parish Office: 489 6486, 486 6767 Fax 486 6760 Parish Office hours: Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Email: Website: ST. JOSEPH’S TAKAPUNA Mass - Sunday 7.30am, 10 am, 7 pm - Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, 9.15am, Thurs. 12.15pm Saturday 9am, 3rd Sunday at 7pm -Youth Mass Sacrament of Penance - Saturday 9.30am and 5pm Exposition and Holy Hour - Every Saturday after 9am Mass Korean Community Mass - every Saturday at 7.30pm Filipino Community Mass - every 4th Sunday at 4.00pm Lady Allum Home - 3rd Tuesday of month at 11am ST. LUKE’S BELMONT Mass - Sunday and Thursday 10.30am ST. VINCENT’S MILFORD Mass - Sunday 9am, Monday to Saturday 10am Exposition and Benediction - every Friday 10.30-11.00am Sacrament of Penance - Friday and Saturday after Mass 9 NOVEMBER 2014 NORTH SHORE HOSPITAL MASS - First Sunday of month: 11.00am Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - the Pope’s own Cathedral - LITURGY OF THE WORD THE WORD THAT BREATHES LOVE The prophet Ezekiel 47:1...12 Life-giving water from God’s Temple - refreshing and healing the world PSALM 45 God is for us a refuge and strength, a helper close at hand, in time of distress, so we shall not fear though the earth should rock, though the mountains fall into the depths of the sea. The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within, it cannot be shaken; God will help it at the dawning of the day. The Lord of hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Come, consider the works of the Lord, the redoubtable deeds he has done on the earth. 1st letter to Corinthians 3:9...17 In the water of Baptism we became God’s dwelling place GOSPEL— JOHN 2:13-22 STONES ALIVE! A basilica is a Roman (pagan) building style. As Christianity grew, persecution ceased and churches were built, often the classical basilica style was adopted. The Laterani family once owned the land where this first cathedral was built … maybe in 324 … their name lives on in the many replacement buildings since. St John Lateran is the Cathedral Church for the Bishop of Rome - Pope Francis. The ‘Chair of Peter’ is there. Every parish church in the world may liturgically celebrate the anniversary of its opening and blessing. .. He spoke of the temple of his own body…! Last Sunday, ‘All Souls’, Devonport parish observed its 97th anniversary (1919). “MAY SONGS OF THE ANGELS WELCOME YOU AND GUIDE YOU ALONG YOUR WAY. MAY THE SMILES OF THE MARTYRS GREET YOUR OWN AS DARKNESS TURNS INTO DAY. EVERY FEAR WILL BE UNDONE AND DEATH WILL BE NO MORE, AS SONGS OF THE ANGELS BRING YOU HOME BEFORE THE FACE OF GOD.” © ROBERT J. DUFFORD OCP 1985 In 2016 St Joseph’s Church will be 50 years old. The Parish Council invites you to suggest ways to celebrate this jubilee year? Baptism consecrated us as the ‘Living Stones’ of God’s house. We rejoice to stand on this holy ground.