St. John’s United Church An Affirming, Fully Inclusive Ministry


St. John’s United Church An Affirming, Fully Inclusive Ministry
St. John’s United Church
An Affirming, Fully Inclusive Ministry
St. John's United Church, an Affirming Ministry of the United Church,
is an inclusive community of faith. In celebrating God's presence
by following Jesus' example of unconditional love, we strive to
accept and nurture each other as we are. We welcome the
ministry and participation of all persons of all ethnic and
cultural backgrounds, differing abilities, sexual
orientation, gender identity, race, age,
and economic circumstance.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Candle Lighting:
We light this candle to remind us that Jesus’ light is within us.
We give thanks for the light of Christ.
Call to Worship:
God of justice, awaken us, enliven us
Keep us ready, aware and present
Come let us worship God.
Hymn #79 MV “Spirit, Open My Heart”
Opening Prayer:
We are your people, O God
Called to do your work on earth
May your Spirit inspire, fill and encourage us
To do your work on earth
We are your people, O God
May we do your work on earth
Filled with courage, faith, hope and love.
-2Theme Conversation - Charlie Jensen
Hymn “This Little Light of Mine”
(Hide it under a bushel “No”; . . . let it
shine in my neighbourhood)
We light this candle to remind us that
wherever we go,
the light of Jesus is within us.
The light of Christ shines on.
(The children and youth may leave for
Sunday School)
Scripture Readings : Matthew 25: 1-13
1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
These are the words of life which in faith become the living word.
Thanks be to God.
Reflection - Carol Mathews
Hymn “Give Me Oil in my Lamp . . . Keep me Burning”
(Give me joy / keep me praising;
Give me love / keep me serving.)
Prayers of the People
Sung Lord’s Prayer #959 VU
Presentation of our Gifts and Offerings
Offering Hymn #135 MV “Called by Earth and Sky”
(We will stay seated and sing as the offering is received.)
Prayer of Dedication:
Loving God, by your generosity we have received all that we have and all that
we are. We offer these gifts in gratitude, trusting that your love will be
shared and multiplied through them. Amen.
Sending Forth
Song of Dismissal #214 MV “May God’s Sheltering Wings”
Thank you to the people whose last names start with the letters C, R, S and Y
for cleaning up after coffee today!
Please note that portions of the worship service are recorded and can be
found on our website
Worship Leaders: Joan Hibbard, Charlie Jensen
& Carol Matthews
Lector Reader: Carol Mathews
Attendant: Charlie Jensen
Greeters: Joan Baker & Beverly Shimazaki
Coffee Person: Isobel Gibson
Church School Coordinator: Shirley Jackson
Pianist: Ken Dalgleish
Choir Director: Janice Brunson
Office Administrator: Nancy Smith
Monday, November 10th, 2014:
Qigong cancelled this week.
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014:
Remembrance Day
Church office closed.
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014:
Membership Group - 7:00 p.m. - 6181 Baillie Rd.
Thursday, November 13th, 2014:
Centering Prayer in the sanctuary from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Come join us for a time
of silent prayer when we open ourselves to the transforming power of God’s
love. The best way to learn from Centering Prayer is to practise it.
-4Thursday, November 13th, 2014:
Choir practice - 7:00 p.m. If you like to sing, come out and join us.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Worship with us at 10:00 am. Lectionary Readings for next Sunday:
Judges 4:1-7; Psalm 123, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and Matthew 25: 14-30.
Messy Church is happening at St. Bartholomew’s Church in Gibsons from 4:00
– 6:00 pm. This is a program for families and individuals to get together to
learn more about God. The format includes crafts and other activities, a short
spiritual celebration and a meal. You are welcome to join us and share in the
evening. Please see the poster in the narthex for more information.
Friday, November 21, 2014:
Mark your calendars for our
upcoming Marvelous Mexican
Dinner happening here at St. John’s
on at 6:00 p.m. Come enjoy an
authentic Mexican dinner and
dessert. There will be entertainment as well as a unique “Fun &
Food” Silent Auction! Tickets $65.00 - include a tax receipt and
are available from Nancy in
the office or at The Blackberry
Shop and the Sechelt Visitor’s
Centre as well as online at
Only 80 tickets will be sold so be
sure to get yours early! Concerned
about the food being too spicy?
Speak to Cheryl Palm or Sherryl
Latimer about their tasting
experience. The food is not too
spicy but hot sauce will be
available if so desired!
We are looking for silent auction items for the Marvelous Mexican Dinner. We
would like items that are related to food and fun, for example, home made
preserves, yoga lessons, art lessons, golf lessons, a floral bouquet, . . . Please
contact Sherryl Latimer with your contribution ideas. Decorations are also
needed - sombreros, blankets, . . . Please drop off silent auction items and
decorations at the church office by Friday, November 14th.
-5Sunday, November 23, 2014:
Please plan to stay after church on November 23rd for an extended coffee
hour and special farewell tribute to Don and Patti Gunning.
Everything Belongs:
Interested to see how, when and why "Everything
Belongs"? A one night discussion on this short book
by Richard Rohr may shed some light. For more details,
speak with Lynda Kearns.
Gifts with Vision:
The Gifts with Vision catalogue
turns gift-giving into an opportunity
to do something extra for our
United Church partners through Mission and
Service. Your copy is available on the table in the
hallway beside the library.
News from First United: AVIVA! We finished in 13th place for the 2nd round!
We will know soon whether or not we made it through to round 3! Thanks for
We encourage you to hold the following people in the
light & love of God for healing of mind, body and spirit:
Pam Baird;
Kathy Bolton (living with cancer);
Richard Buller (Eric Tiessen’s cousin);
Jill Conway and family (grieving the loss of Jill’s dad);
Family & friends of Jessie Curwen (grieving her death);
Family & friends of Bob Darney (grieving his death);
Leo Davidson (living with cancer);
-6Jill English (Donna Currie’s daughter);
Family & friends of John Ford (grieving his death);
Ryann Ford (Fern and Jim Breadner’s granddaughter);
Leslie French (Jean Beadle’s niece dealing with cancer);
Sandra Johnson (receiving cancer treatment);
Denise Johnston (Joyce Rathwell’s daughter with health issues);
George Henderson (Jessie Oliver’s son-in-law, undergoing medical tests);
Jacquie Kernick (Ann’s friend with health issues);
Dayna Kingston (Lymphoma);
Doug Martens (Sherryl Latimer’s brother with cancer);
Frances Morrison (Sheila Pope’s mom);
Kathleen O’Hara (battling cancer) and her kids, Nico, Hanna & Gabriel;
Bonnie Parker (Colleen’s friend fighting breast cancer);
Susan Pogson;
Cheryl Porayko (Donna’s sister);
Donna Porayko (prayers for calmness);
Christina (Donna Porayko’s daughter recovering from a car accident);
Gerry Porayko (Donna’s brother);
Marion Proulx;
Caitlin Samson & Keith (grieving the death of Keith’s brother)
Rev. Ed Searcy (chemotherapy for multiple myeloma);
Eileen Shatford (undergoing cancer treatment);
Andree Steele (Val Marus’ sister-in-law dealing with cancer);
Rolf Stucky (recovering from a second stroke).
For those who are no longer able to attend and are still a part of our church
family: Marjorie Bazen; Marla Chatham; Carol Betts; Margaret Gemmell; Celia
Muncaster; Hazel Seeton; Betty-Mae Smith.
We pray for our ecumenical sisters and brothers in Gabon, Republic of Congo.
Sao Tome and Principe.
St. John's United Church
5855 Davis Bay Road
Sechelt, BC V0N 3A2
Phone: 604-885-9822