St. John’s United Church


St. John’s United Church
St. John’s United Church
An Affirming, Fully Inclusive Ministry
St. John's United Church, an Affirming Ministry of the United Church,
is an inclusive community of faith. In celebrating God's presence
by following Jesus' example of unconditional love, we strive to
accept and nurture each other as we are. We welcome the
ministry and participation of all persons of all ethnic and
cultural backgrounds, differing abilities, sexual
orientation, gender identity, race, age,
and economic circumstance.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
“Preach the gospel at all times,
if necessary use words”
St. Francis of Assisi
Candle Lighting:
We light this candle to remind us that Jesus’ light is within us.
We give thanks for the light of Christ.
Introit #493 VU vs. 1, 4 “Today I live, but once shall come my death”
Call to Worship:
“Love” is a verb.
A moving word; a dancing word; a transforming word.
“Love” is a verb.
A singing word; a sharing word; a living word.
“Love” is a verb.
“Love” is God’s word. Love is God’s word alive in our lives.
“Love” is a verb.
We come to receive God’s love so that we may share it.
Let us love God.
Let us love our neighbour as ourself.
Let us worship God who is Love.
-2*Hymn #333 VU “Love Divine”
Opening Prayer
*Hymn #98 MV “Like a River of Tears”
Theme Conversation
Love the Lord your God with all your
Love the Lord your God with all that you are.
We light this candle to remind us that
wherever we go, the light of Jesus is within
us. The light of Christ shines on.
(The children and youth may leave for Sunday School)
Hebrew Scripture: Deuteronomy 34: 1-12
Psalm 90 (adapted from Psalms for Praying, by Nan C. Merrill):
Eternal and Immortal One, you have been our refuge in all
Before the mountains were brought forth,
Before you had formed the earth and the world,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are God.
When our days on Earth are ended,
You welcome us home to your Heart,
where time is eternal and days are not numbered.
You gather those who love You
as friends returning from a long journey, giving rest to their souls.
You anoint them with the balm of understanding,
healing wounds of the past.
For our days on Earth are a mystery, a searching for You,
a yearning for the great Mystery to make itself known.
The years pass and soon the Harvest is at hand,
a time to reap the fruit of one’s life.
Teach us, O Beloved, to honour each day
that we may have a heart of wisdom.
Have compassion on your servants.
Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
-3Gospel: Matthew 22: 34-40
These are the words of life which in
faith become the living word.
Thanks be to God.
Anthem “Stand By Me”
Charles A. Tindlay
Reflection: A Good Death
*Hymn #493 VU “Today I Live”
Minute for Mission
Presentation of our Gifts and Offerings
Offering Hymn #581 VU “When We Are Living”
(We will stay seated and sing as the offering is received.)
Prayer of Dedication:
Gracious God, we offer these gifts in gratitude.
May they be used to proclaim your love and our love
for our neighbours near and far. Amen.
Prayers of the People
Sung Lord’s Prayer #959 VU
*Hymn #703 VU “In the Bulb There is a
*Sending Forth
*Song of Dismissal #214 MV “May God’s
Sheltering Wings”
Please note that portions of the worship
service are recorded and can be found on
our website
Worship Leader: Janice Young
Lector Reader: Jim Chisholm
Attendant: Don Currie
Greeters: Bill & Nancy Climie
Coffee Person: Joan Hibbard
Church School Coordinator: Shirley Jackson
Pianist: Ken Dalgleish
Choir Director: Janice Brunson
Office Administrator: Nancy Smith
*Please Note… The chairs do need to be put away today.
*Thank you to the people whose last names start with the
letters A, J, L and M for cleaning up after coffee today!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Lectionary Readings for Next Sunday:
Revelation 7: 9-17
Psalm 34
1 John 3:1-3
Matthew 5: 1-12.
Reflecting On Assisted Living
Next Sunday’s worship service will also be exploring
End of Life issues. Gerry Latham will offer a reflection
on lessons learned while supporting a friend dying of ALS.
A Question & Answer with Gerry will follow the service.
Please see our website for links to some helpful resources.
-5Monday, October 27th, 2014:
Qigong from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.
For more information, contact Cathy Poole.
Study Group at 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 30th, 2014:
Centering Prayer in the sanctuary from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Come join us
for a time of silent prayer when we open ourselves to the transforming
power of God’s love. The best way to learn from Centering Prayer is to
practise it.
*Choir practice - 7:00 p.m. If you like to sing, come out and join us.
There will be a Celebration of Life for Bob Darney on Sat., Nov. 1st from
noon - 4 p.m. at the Senior’s Activity Centre in Sechelt. All are welcome.
Membership Group - Please speak to Janice
Young or Joan Hibbard if you are interested in
discovering what it means to be a member of the
United Church of Canada and may be
considering joining St. John’s United Church.
There will be 3 sessions of exploration Wednesdays Nov. 12, 19, 26 at 7:00 p.m. at 6181
Baillie Rd.
The U.C.W. have 2015 Canadian Church
Calendars for sale for $7.
The U.C.W. is also asking for donations of
medium-sized clear water glasses. Any
extras in your cupboards? Please consider
donating them to our kitchen.
Message from First United: Right now our most urgent needs are for
towels, mugs and bike locks! Don’t forget to keep those votes coming in!
Saturday, December 13th, 2014 - Last year’s
cookies were fantastic and the desire from the
community is very clear. We sold out again!
Please start thinking about what you would like to
bake . . . . More details to come in early November!
6 -
We encourage you to hold the
following people in the light
and love of God for healing of
mind, body and spirit:
Pam Baird; Kathy Bolton (living with cancer);
Richard Buller (Eric Tiessen’s cousin);
Jill Conway and family (grieving the loss of Jill’s dad);
Family & friends of Jessie Curwen (grieving her death);
Family & friends of Bob Darney (grieving his death);
Leo Davidson (living with cancer); Jill English (Donna Currie’s daughter);
Family & friends of John Ford (grieving his death);
Ryann Ford (Fern and Jim Breadner’s granddaughter);
Leslie French (Jean Beadle’s niece dealing with cancer);
Patrick Godwin (recovering from knee replacement surgery):
Sandra Johnson (receiving cancer treatment);
Denise Johnston (Joyce Rathwell’s daughter with health issues);
George Henderson (Jessie Oliver’s son-in-law, undergoing medical tests);
Jacquie Kernick (Ann’s friend with health issues);
Dayna Kingston (Lymphoma); Doug Martens (Sherryl Latimer’s brother with
cancer); Frances Morrison (Sheila Pope’s mom);
Bonnie Parker (Colleen’s friend fighting breast cancer);
Susan Pogson; Cheryl Porayko (Donna’s sister);
Donna Porayko (prayers for calmness); Christina (Donna Porayko’s daughter
recovering from a car accident); Gerry Porayko (Donna’s brother); Marion
Proulx; Caitlin Samson & Keith (grieving the death of Keith’s brother) Rev.
Ed Searcy (chemotherapy for multiple myeloma); Eileen Shatford
(undergoing cancer treatment);
Andree Steele (Val Marus’ sister-in-law dealing with cancer);
Rolf Stucky (recovering from a second stroke).
For those who are no longer able to attend and are still a part of
our church family: Marjorie Bazen; Marla Chatham;
Carol Betts; Margaret Gemmell; Celia Muncaster;
Hazel Seeton; Betty-Mae Smith.
We pray for our ecumenical sisters and brothers in
Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Maldives.
St. John's United Church
5085 Davis Bay Road
Sechelt, BC V0N 3A2