ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWMARKET SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2016 S T . A NDREW ’ S P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH 484 Water Street, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 1M5 Phone: (905) 895-5512 Website: Minister: Rev. Dr. Neal Mathers Email: Associate Minister: Rev. Laura Duggan Email: Director of Music: Edward F. Luka Office: THE CHURCH GATHERS Organ Prelude Lighting of the Christ Candle Announcements Call to Worship Hymn #439 “When in our music” Prayer of Approach, Confession & Lord’s Prayer (Sung) Assurance of Pardon/Passing the Peace (Please greet one another) Contemporary Hymn “In Christ Alone” (Getty/Townend) Page 1 T HE C HURCH H EARS G OD ’ S W ORD Children’s Story Presentation of Offerings Solo: “It is No Secret” S. Hamblen (Karen Shepherd) Doxology (Hymn #661 vs.1) / Prayer of Dedication Scripture Reading Genesis 41:1-41 (Blue pg. 44: Gold pg. 48) Matthew 5:10-12 (Blue pg. 7: Gold pg. 5) Hymn #25 “As longs the hart” Message Overcoming Obstacles #6 Patience THE CHURCH RESPONDS TO GOD’S WORD Pastoral Prayer Hymn #712 “Arise, your light has come” THE CHURCH RETURNS TO THE WORLD TO SERVE Benediction Organ Postlude Copyright Information: CCLI #752773 Page 2 Our Vision To share, show and speak about the love and joy of God. Welcome! A special welcome to those who are worshiping with us, especially for the first time. Please sign our guest book in the foyer and introduce yourself to Neal and Laura. Fellowship Time Follows Worship St. Andrew’s is a community. You are invited to join us downstairs following each worship service for a time of friendly conversation and refreshments. Hosts this week: Janet Thacker & Glenda Finlay Next week: Ilka Tews & Elizebeth Allsopp Worship Time 10:00am (with nursery and church school) Hearing Assistance Devices & Large Print Bulletins Please request either from one of the ushers. An elevator is available. Page 3 Greeting Elder and Ushers Our greeting elders welcome you and are always available to answer any questions you have about St. Andrew’s. Greeting Elder Today: Chad McCleave Next Sunday: Heather Cromie Ushering this week Team 5: Don McCallum, Walter Harasym, Paul Weaver, Ripley Maddock Ushering next Sunday Team 4: Chad McCleave, Anthony Samuel, Cory Philip Today: Mike Bennett Tech Booth Next Sunday: Debbie Mathers Children’s Program Information Children’s Bulletins [for ages 4-6 & 7-12], are located at the entrance to the Sanctuary. They usually contain activities based on the Scriptures used in worship today. If you are a guest you may wish to accompany your child to their Church School class, following Children’s Time. As part of our “Leading with Care” policy, parents are asked to pick up their children from their classes at the end of the Service. The Nursery: Downstairs off the main hallway. Our Summer church School Programme Has Begun! Children ages 3 and older are invited to take part in a “One Room Church School” for the Summer months. We will meet in the classroom off of the Church Hall. We are a “Leading with Care” community. Page 4 E.P.I.C. Worship Wednesdays at 7:15 August 17 & 24 E.P.I.C. Worship is a 45 minute midweek worship service that is Experiential, Participatory, Image Driven and Connected. This is worship where you experience the presence of God in new ways; where you participate actively in worship; where images and video are used freely; and where you feel a new connection to God and to your fellows worshippers. EPIC worship is held in 6-8 week series in July/August, October/November, March/April. All are welcome! Furnace Fund Update The goal for our furnace fund is $10,000 (for two new furnaces at $5000 each) To August 7 we have raised $6,550.75 Thank you for your generosity! Donations can be made through your church envelopes and marked “Furnace”. Thank you to Christine Samuel for teaching Church School today! S UMMER CHURCH S CHOOL Join us this summer for our “One Room Church School” Long weekends are “Movie and Popcorn” Sundays Page 5 T ODAY W ORSHIP 10:00 AM W ELCOME! T HIS W EEK (Laura is on vacation until August 21) Tues Aug 16 Prayer Shawl Group 1:00-3:00pm (Lounge) Wed Aug 17 E.P.I.C. Worship 7:15pm -All Welcome! Thurs Aug 18-21 Camping Trip at Awenda Provincial Park Most of our programs and ministries are taking a well deserved summer break and will resume in September. L OOKING A HEAD Aug 24: E.P.I.C. Worship 7:15pm (Wednesday) Sept 5: Sept 11: Labour Day Holiday, Office Closed Re-Covenanting Sunday. Corn Roast following worship at St. Andrew’s. Please bring a salad or dessert, corn is provided. Thank you! Sept 18: Sept 24: Oct 2: Regular Church School Classes Begin Our annual St. Andrew’s Golf Tournament at Kettle Creek. Come and enjoy the fun! Worldwide Communion Sunday Oct 9: Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday Oct 21&22: Creative Retreat, Scrapbooking & Cardmaking Fun Oct 23: “Let My People Sing” Hymn Sing Event. Page 6 The Loaves and Fishes Growing Project continues through the summer. Please speak to Merv Jessop for more details. “ F L AT J e s u s ” i s B a c k ! This summer, you are invited to have fun with a “Flat Jesus” again, or for the first time. Pick up your copy of “Flat Jesus” from the Children’s Education Resource table. Colour the picture of Jesus and take him with you. Take pictures at home or wherever else you spend time. Send them to the Church and we will create a bulletin board again to remind us that Jesus is always with us. Happy Travels! Jesus was with us at our “Surf Shack” Vacation Bible Camp!
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484 Water Street, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 1M5
Phone: (905) 895-5512
Minister: Rev. Dr. Neal Mathers
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