latest bulletin - All Souls Presbyterian Church


latest bulletin - All Souls Presbyterian Church
July 5, 2015
9:00 am
Welcome & Announcements
Prelude | Meditate on Colossians 3:12-17, pew Bible p. 844.
Call to Worship†
Psalm 98  Hymnal p. 820
Hymn No. 53†
Call to Confession
Confession of Sin
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Hymn No. 468†
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
Doxology† | Hymn No. 731
Commissioning & Benediction†
† Please stand as you are able.
Psalm 103:11-13
Our Father, help us to come to you with true humility, as we
gaze on your perfect holiness and great love for us in Christ.
His cross frees us to honestly face both our sinfulness and our
particular sins. We mourn our pride that keeps us from prayer.
We are grieved by our faltering love for you and our stumbling
trust in your Word. We too often walk by sight instead of
walking by faith in your sure and certain promises. We are
quick to feel the sting when others sin against us, but we are
slow to see our own sin against others. Our sinful self-focus
blinds us to your call upon us to love, forgive, and bear
patiently with the failings of our neighbor. Too easily we want
to justify ourselves instead of confessing our sins. Cleanse us
and renew in our hearts a felt sense of Christ’s unfailing love.
In His name we pray. Amen.
Silent Confession
Assurance of God’s Grace
Hymn No. 246
Confession of Faith†
Scripture Reading
Prayer for the Church
Hymn | Insert
Scripture Reading
Hymn No. 644†
1 John 1:9
Man of Sorrows! What a Name
Apostles’ Creed  Hymnal p. 845
Deuteronomy 6:1-9  pew Bible p. 130
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Colossians 3:12-17  pew Bible p. 844
Hidden Life in Christ…Putting On
May the Mind of Christ My Savior
Luke Herche, pastor  Brian Geier, guest speaker
Scott Morrison, worship leader  Joe Madden, music director
Cindy Morrison, piano  David Thies, piano
Bryce Thurston, prayer leader  Rachel Shafer, Scripture reader
8:30 am Fellowship
9:00 am Worship
6:00 pm Dinner & Prayer
See Announcements  217.766.2006
prayer requests: