Bulletin - St. Andrews Presbyterian Church


Bulletin - St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
50 6.3 89.7 707 • 506 .382 .72 34 • F: 5 06.3 88.7 157
www.standrewsmoncton.net | kreplin@nb.aibn.com |
January 25, 2015
Can we help?
Welcome and Announcements
Praise Time………………….Cornerstone
..…………….……………………Your Great Name
..…………….……………………Mighty To Save
Call to Worship:
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of
our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its
shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. ~Hebrews 12:2
Teach Me O Lord
Children’s Hymn…………………..I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
Time with Children:
Natacha Allen
Harry Kim, Leo Kim, Tara Mann
Ella MacPhail
Nicholas Galushko
Community Breakfast – February 7th
Prayer of Approach
Ministr y of Music
Sun., Jan 25
Tues., Jan 27
Wed., Jan 28
Fri., Jan 30
*Children ages 3-Grade 5*
Hymn…………………………… Sing Them Over Again To Me
Sermon: Passing Along Your Faith
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Bruce Fawcett
Tithes & Offerings ~ Freely you Received | Freely Give
Doxology…………………………He Has Made Me Glad
Hymn………………………………One Race, One Gospel, One Task
Commissioning Hymn…………….’Follow Me’ The Master Said
To greet you this Sunday: Dean Meadows
Distributing Bulletins this Sunday: Jerry O’Connell
Attending Elder: Oakley Allen
Coordinator: Ronnie Meadows
St. Andrew’s will once again be a hosting a
community breakfast on the first Saturday of each
month (til April), from 8-11 am. Pancakes, Ham,
Bacon, Panfries, Scrambled Eggs,
Homemade Baked Beans, Toast, Coffee, Tea & Juice.
Adults $8.00, Children 10 & under $4.00, Family of 4 $20.00
Mark Your Calendars – Monday, February 9th
Please Plan to attend a baby shower at 7pm on
Monday, February 9th for Joshua and Veronica
Forgeron (Twins of Tradina and Darren). The
twins are 8 months old now and would take
clothing 18 months and larger.
You could help by bringing something for the
lunch!! Thanks and for further info please
contact Jeanie Williston
Know… Grow… Show…Christ
Name: ___________
Address: _______________
Phone: _______________
Email: ________________
I would like:
Prayer about:
A phone call
A visit
Offering Envelopes
Information about Jesus
"It is not so much the case th at God has a mission fo r
his church in the worl d, as that God has a church fo r
his mission in the wo rld. Mission was not ma de for
the church, the chu rch w as made for missi on
-- God's mission."
Christopher Wright, The Mission of God
Contact Us
Martin Kreplin
Phyllis Nowlan-Corey
Administrative Asst.
standrews@nb.aib n.com
Laurie Kammermann
Coordinator of Music Ministries
Brenda Smith
Contact Church office
Melissa Steen
Director of Youth & Family Ministries
standrewsyouthand family@bellaliant.com
Don’t forget to check our website out…
You may want to join others in prayer before the service.
Please go to the Ministers’ Meeting Room
at 9:30am on Sunday mornings.
Please pray for Rev. Dr. Martin Kreplin as he prepares
Next Sunday's Sermon Series:
Series: The Essential 100 Challenge
Sermon: Is Forgiveness Possible? For Me?
Please pray for the work of the Holy Spirit through
the faithful proclamation of the word.
Nursery Caregivers--the more the merrier!
There is a sign-up sheet on the table where the mailboxes are!!
For more information, please contact Madeline Graham.
Please Note: More help is needed in the nursery…youth, ladies
and men are welcome as 3 volunteers are now required….
Catechism Question
What is prayer?
Prayer is praising God, giving thanks for all His blessings, listening to His
still, small voice and seeking His will.
To whom should we pray?
We should pray to God only.
Please be advised that you will no longer be called on Sundays when
cancellations or postponement of worship will take place. Please either
check our website at www.standrewsmoncton.net or call the church at
389-7707 to hear the recorded message. Seldom is it necessary to
cancel or postpone due to weather, but it does happen occasionally.
Please make safe, responsible decisions.
The picture taking for the photo directory is continuing and progress
is being made. Many thanks to those who have made and kept photo
appointments. If you have not yet done so and would like to be
included in the directory, please contact David Eagles after church.
The remaining available dates are January 28 [Weds], 29 [Thurs],
30 [Fri] , and 31[Sat].
Know… Grow… Show…Christ
Christian Education:
1) Adult Christian Education Class: Sundays following worship
Facilitator: Bill Ross – has begun a new series called Overcoming
the World, Being a Christian in a Post-Christian World. Learn how the
victory of Christ and His truth apply to the struggle of Christians as they
live in this world. This group meets in the Meeting Room.
2) E100 Discussion group meets every Sunday morning following the
Morning Service (11:30 am -12:30 pm). If you are involved in the E100 Bible
Reading Challenge, we would love to have you attend. Come and share your
insights. Liz Wall and Elizabeth Eagles facilitating. Please note: There is no
E100 Discussion group this morning.
3) Young & Older Children in Worship (YCW): For children aged 3 years
through to Grade 5, children are invited to continue worship during the
regular Sunday worship service. Children are dismissed after the “Time
with Children” and the “Younger Children in Worship” go to the CE rooms;
the “Older Children in Worship” go to the meeting room.
4) Pioneers Program is for children ages 4 through Grade 6 and offers Bible
exploration and application, memory verses, learning through
activities, games, and songs in a non-competitive and fun atmosphere.
(Wednesdays 6 pm – 7:30 pm - Located in numerous rooms throughout
the building).
5) Youth Group: Sunday night meeting with games, snacks, and Bible Study,
here at St. Andrew's from 6:15 to 8:15.
Please Stay, we will be showing the video of 'The Great Gift
Exchange' musical this Sunday, (Jan. 25th), during second hour.
I hope that all who were involved in the musical will come so
that we can celebrate their hard work and talent! Everyone in the
congregation who would like to see the 'encore performance' is
also warmly welcome to come and support the cast and singers
as we enjoy their presentation again.
Mark your Calendars….February 20,
Annual meeting starting at 7pm…
Please Plan to Attend!!
Know… Grow… Show…Christ
President and Vice-Chancellor
Professor of Leadership and Religious Studies
Dr. Fawcett was appointed as the 8 President of Crandall
University in 2012. He ho lds a B.A. from Atlantic Baptis t College
(now Crandall University), an M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell
Theological Seminary, and a Th.M. from Harvard University. He
completed a Ph.D. at the University of Wales under the
supervision of noted empirica l theologia n Leslie J. Francis.
An ordained Canadian Baptist minister, Dr. Fawcett served for
hometo wn of Moncton, New Br unswick. He taug ht Greek and
Religious Studies part-time at Crandall and later served as the
founding director of Crandall’s Youth Leadership Program.
From 1999 until 2008 Dr. Fawcett served on the staff of the
Conventio n of Atlantic Baptist Churches. As the Convention’s
first Director of Youth and Family Ministries, he developed
training programs for youth leaders, and provided leadership to
the Springforth youth conference and Tidal Impact, Canada’s
largest youth mission program. He later served the Convention
as Director of Communicatio ns, Associate Executive Minister,
and Acting Executive Minister.
Dr. Fawcett began teaching at Acadia Divinity College of Acadia
University in 2000 when he was appointed as the founding
Director of the Youth Ministry Program. He was appointed as a
tenured Associate Professor of Leadership in 2009 and served as
Director of Doctoral Studies and as Academic Dean. He has also
taught as a visiting lecturer at a variety of colleges and
seminaries in North America and overseas.
Dr. Fawcett is the author or editor of nine books includ ing the
recently publis hed Faith and Educatio n: A History of Crandall
University. He is the author of academic articles and book
reviews tha t have appeared in a variety of journals including
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, The Journal of
Youth Ministry, Pastoral Psychology, The Journal of Research in
Christia n Educatio n, and The Journal of Youth and Theology.
He is a frequent speaker in churches and in a variety of other
settings including retreats and conferences and has served on
many boards in the non-profit sector.
In his spare time he enjoys travel, podcasts, British and
America n mystery and espionage novels, the mus ic of U2, and
long walks with his wife. He and his wife are the proud parents
of two young adults.
Building Christian Community:
Faith is not only “taught,” but is “caught!”
Coffee & Conversation: Following worship, enjoy conversation
with others, meeting those new among us,
catching up with friends and encouraging one
another in the faith. Stay as long as you would
like. If you feel that you can be a part of this
important ministry, please let Alison Geldart
know or sign up on the sheet at coffee and
conversation. If you haven’t participated before
we can match you up with someone who is
familiar with the kitchen.
Out To Lunch Program: Consider taking someone home or out to
lunch in order to get to grow deeper relationships and to encourage faith development.
Annual Meeting -- Reports 2014
Reminder that all reports need to be submitted to Phyllis
either by email standrews@nb.aibn.com or written by
Monday, February 2nd!! ~Thanks!!
Love is in the air! We are having a
Valentine’s Party on Saturd ay, February 14th.,
from 2-4 PM, at the church,
and Everyone’s Invited. All ages. Make plans to
attend. Invite a friend. There will be games,
crafts, snacks, etc. More details to follow.
Your, Family, Fellowship & Evangelism Committee
Joint Board and Session Meeting will be held On
Tuesday, January 27 at 6pm followed by Regular
Session meeting at 7pm…in the meeting Room!!
Know… Grow… Show…Christ