This Week ... – 15 November


This Week ... – 15 November
This Week
9th – 15th November
Chepstow Methodist Church
Albion Square
Minister: Rev Andrew Webster
7.00 – 9.00 p.m.
10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
Parents and Toddlers
10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
10.00 - 12.00 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
Parents and Toddlers
House Group at 37 St George Rd –
Wesley Guild – Sarah O'Connor
Wednesday10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
2.45 p.m.
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
7.00 p.m.
Parents and Toddlers
Women’s Fellowship – Margaret Harvey
House Group at 47 Wyebank Rd
9.30 a.m.
11.00 -11.30 a.m.
11.45 - 12.20 p.m.
12.30 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
Bible Study – Youth Room
Prayer Group
Mid Week Worship
Lunch Club
House Group – 37 Normandy Way
10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
10.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Parents and Toddlers
Food Co-Op
Mount Pleasant House, Mount Pleasant,
Chepstow NP16 5PS
Telephone: 01291 622100
Church web address:
Sunday 9th November 2014
Church web address:
Worship Today
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Rev Andrew Webster
Rev Andrew Webster – Holy Communion
Isaiah 49:8-16, Matthew 5:9
Arthur & Ethel Clarke
Andrea Godfrey & Ann Jones
We extend a very warm welcome to all who join us in worship today.
If you are a visitor or have recently moved into the area,
Please make yourself known to the Minister, a Steward or the
Person sat next to you.
Tea & coffee will be served, in the hall, after the 10.30 Service;
The Beacon Coffee Shop
Open: Monday – Wednesday & Friday
10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
All activities at Albion Square unless otherwise stated.
Worship Sunday 16 November
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
M Gray
Bob Goody
John & Eileen Westlake
Catherine & Justin Cooke
Large print books and a hearing loop are available.
Please ask a steward
Introduction to Worship
The Lord reigns for ever
The Lord never forsakes those who seek Him
Please remember in your prayers this week all who are housebound and no
longer able to worship with us also – Peter Steed
Long-term prayer concerns will be covered by the Church prayer groups. If anybody
requires prayer after either service, for themselves or for another, please ask a steward,
who will arrange it for you.
Cleaning – Sarah Foster
This Week’s Church Flowers are in memory
Congratulations to Doug Stevens who celebrates his 90
Birthday on 14
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes - Thank you to so many of you who
faithfully make up shoeboxes each year. If you need a 'flat pack' box to
assemble, they are available in the Foyer for a 30p donation. Leaflets with labels,
and all the information for suggestions on content, payment etc are also
available in the Foyer. Please bring the shoeboxes into Church BY Sunday 9th
November. Any questions, please ask Hilary or Russell Collins
Diary Dates
Tuesday 11th November – 7.30pm - The Wesley Guild – Sarah
O’Connor from the Fabulous Fish stall in Chepstow Garden
Centre will be talking about fish and demonstrating how to
cook it. Please join us in the Beacon (note change of venue) for
what should be an interesting, entertaining and informative
evening with plenty of opportunity to sample various types of
cooked fish. Open to everyone who would like to join us.
Wednesday 12th November – 2.45pm - Women’s Fellowship –
Margaret Harvey. Open to everyone who would like to join us,
not only Women’s Fellowship members.
Thursday 13th November - 9.30am - Bible Study - In the youth
room. All welcome.
Average weekly offerings – average for the year to 31st August 2014 was
£1,081. Receipts in the year just covered our costs (£87,000) with approx.
£2,000 to spare! We give thanks & trust in God’s Provision. For further
information on Church finances please contact Sue Chimes (Treasurer).
Friday 14th November – 10.30-11.30am – Food Co-op Scheme.
Collect and order your next bag of veg &/or fruit &/or salad) for
the following week. For more information please speak to Lesley
Finnie or Pauline Davies.
Magnet Magazine: Subscriptions are now due for those who wish to receive the
"Magnet" in 2015. Please contact Heather Knight for details. New subscribers
very welcome.
Friday 14th November - 7pm for 7.30pm - 20 Year Alpha
Celebration - At this Church. If you have been a guest on the
Alpha Course over the last 20 years you should have received an
invite; please can you reply letting us know if you are coming or
not. If you haven’t received an invite and have done the Course do
contact us as our list may not be complete. Vera & Brian (620643)
The Beacon will be offering a selection of lovely Danish pastries on Friday 14
November, so why not come in and enjoy a danish and a hot drink for only £2
look forward to seeing you, Debbie.
Friday 21st November - 7.30pm – Street Pastors 4th
Anniversary Celebration Service - Chepstow Methodist Church
Come along and help us celebrate. All Welcome
Email list for directory – I am trying to update the Church Directory to include
email addresses. If you would like me to include your email address please let
me know asap. Thanks Hazel Williams
Saturday 22nd November 1st - 9:30 to 1pm - Chepstow Boys &
Girls Brigade Coffee Morning - Cake & Book Stalls. Please help
us with our fundraising by coming along to join in the FUN.Bring
Cake and Stall donations to the Church Hall from 9am onwards
on the day.
Follow us on Facebook or use the web page to keep up to date.
If you have anything you wish to be included on the notice-sheet, please contact
Hazel Williams preferably by e-mail
By Thursday @ 6pm
Do you know anyone who is sick, bereaved or in need of a visit or flowers?
Or has moved to this area or Church?
If so, please contact Elena Johnson or Kathy Griffin
Thursday 27th November – 7.30pm – Commissioning Service
for our new CAP Debt Centre Manager - at Chepstow
Methodist Church . There will be refreshments afterwards and a
chance for people to talk to Lynn as well as information on all the
things we do as Churches Together in Chepstow & District.
Churches Together invite all our congregations to support this
important milestone in our joint ministries.
Saturday 29th November 2014 - 10am to 12noon - Training
session for CAP Befrienders at Chepstow Baptist Church. This
is for all people interested in being befrienders to CAP clients or
able to support in some other way with social events, birthday
cards or doing a food shop with a new client. Everybody welcome!
Saturday 6th December – 3-5.30pm – Messy Church – Come to
Messy Church!! When families come together, enjoy being
together, make things together, eat together and celebrate God
together!! Bring your friends and their families too!! For further
details contact Angela Horder – (07843 788534)
Sunday 7th December - 4pm – Annual Bi-lingual carol service.
Our guests this year are the children's choir from The Dell School,
Welsh Street, and Ysgol-y-Ffin. The offertory will be donated to TyHafan. A warm welcome to all, Light refreshments will be served
after the service, and donations of mince pies will be appreciated.
Many thanks
Rhagfyr 7ed am 4 yp. yn yr Eglwys hon, cynhelir ein
gwasanaeth carolau dwy ieithiog. Ein gwesteion eleni yw, cor
plant o ysgol y Dell, ac Ysgol-y-Ffin, Bydd eich rhoddion da at TyHafan. Croeso cynes I bawb. Bydd lluniaeth ysgafn ar gael wedi'r
gwasanaeth, a bydd eich rhoddion o "mince pies" yn
dra diolchgar. Diolch o galon
Tuesday 9th December – 7.30pm - The Wesley Guild are having
their Christmas Dinner on at the Village Inn, Sedbury. Cost
£20 for 3 courses or £16 for 2 courses. Please do join us. Menus
can be obtained from Margaret or Keith Harvey and bookings to
be made by Tuesday 25th November.
Saturday 16th November – 9am – Sons of Adam Men’s
Breakfast – All welcome for a good old Full English. Please let
Tony Williams know if you are going.
Sunday 14th December – 4pm – Christian Motorcyclists
Association Bristol Branch Carol Service – St Peter’s Church
Lawrence Weston.BS110QE. Hot drinks and snacks from
3.30pm. Contact Tony Williams for more info.
Friday 18th September - Sunday 20th September 2015
Sidholme Weekend Away. Thank you to everyone going on our
church weekend for prompt response. Everyone going Has now
paid their £20 deposit, more details at the end of January.
Christian's Against Poverty (CAP)
Lynn has now been trained as a debt coach. We have a dedicated prayer group
that meets every first Monday evening of the month. There are also a number of
people who have expressed an interest in being debt coaches. Some have come
from other Churches and two from other groups of Churches. A number of
people have also volunteered to bake cakes that Lynn and the befrienders can
take on their first visit to new clients. Lynn is now spending a month contacting
potential referrers. We hope to see our first CAP client on or around the 10
November. Thank you all so much for your continued support. If anyone else
would like to offer to help or want more information please contact either Isobel
(620409) or Lynn (07539477286)
Chepstow foodbank - The next Tesco foodbank collection is Thursday 27 th
Saturday 29 November. If you are able to give just an hour of your time at some
point over these 3 days to help out, please contact our foodbank co-ordinator,
Sarah Coleman (07931911869/ ..... you may get
a bit cold (November weather!!) but your heart will be warmed by the amazing
generosity of the people of Chepstow at this time.
at, where you will also find the latest
Back to our week-in, week-out is a list of food items that are most
needed at the moment to keep our shelves well stocked: Tinned Potatoes,
Tinned Carrots, Tinned Sweetcorn, Tinned Sponge Puddings, Dried Mashed
Potato, Instant Noodles (for those with limited cooking facilities), Treats eg.
Crisps or Chocolate (if families are struggling to provide the food basics, treats
are often impossible to buy...and we all enjoy a treat every now and then!)
As ever, thank you so much for your continued support. I am always amazed
every Sunday morning when I see yet more foodstuffs in the collection box.....not
wanting any recognition for what they do, people just quietly and faithfully pop
something in wonderful! Hilary Collins