November 9, 2014 Volume 14, Issue 44 ~SUNDAY~


November 9, 2014 Volume 14, Issue 44 ~SUNDAY~
November 9, 2014
Volume 14, Issue 44
Sunday School 9:30am (Every Sunday)
Worship Service 8am & 11am (Every Sunday)
Men's Dept. Meeting (3rd Sun) After 11am service
Youth Service– Every 3rd & 4th Sunday (11am service)
WWAP Meeting(3rd Sunday) After Service
Minister Meetings (3rd Mondays) 7:00pm
Sunday School Meeting (1st Tues) 6:30 pm
Trustee Meeting (2nd Tues) 6:00 pm
Board of Christian Education(2nd Tues) 6:30 pm
Usher Board Meeting(3rd Tues) 6:30-7:45pm
Bible Study 12:00pm and 7:00pm (Every Wednesday)
Voices of Praise Choir Rehearsal 6:45pm
New Members Meeting (2nd Fri) 11:00am
Diaconate Meeting (1st Sat) 9:00am
AGAPE Choir Rehearsal (1st & 2nd) 1:30 pm
Little Spirits (1st & 2nd) 12:00 pm
Margie Williams Helping Hands (Every Sat) 8am-11pm
Rites of Passage Boys & Girls (2nd & 4th) 1pm-3pm
Believe Mime Team Rehearsal Every Saturday (4pm-6pm)
Rev. Herbert J. Carey, Pastor
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Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Read Acts 17:16-23. Athens, Greece, during Paul’s day, was the education capital of the world. In the midst of this
learning metropolis was a pagan culture that worshipped many different gods. There were statues of these gods
throughout the city. Now, the philosophers and critical thinkers of Athens would meet daily in the public square to
debate, discuss, and talk about anything and everything that was a topic of interest. The Stoics as they were called
believed that God was in everything. They believed that everything that happened in life was the will of God and
therefore must be accepted without resentment. They also believed that everything was cyclical. That is to say that everything ran in cycles. Everything that has happened in life had happened before. They said that periodically the world was destroyed and then re-created. The Epicureans in
the text on the other hand were a group that believed that everything happened by chance and death marks the end of all life. They said that the
gods were off in a remote area of the universe and they didn’t interact or even care about human life. They believed that seeking happiness or
pleasure was the primary goal of life. Enjoyment, contentment, and satisfaction should be sought after and obtained at all cost.
In a very real sense, that’s where a lot of us are today. Because no matter who we are, where we come from or what our childhood or upbringing
was, no matter what our level of education is or isn’t, no matter what our religious beliefs are or aren’t, everyone wants the better things of life. Everyone wants more from life than they actually have. The person without a house, car, bank account, good paying job or career wants desperately to
have them. While the people who have a house, car, bank account, good paying job, or career wants a bigger house, perhaps a summer home,
SUV, motorcycle, boat, BMW, and Lexis in the garage. Happiness, pleasure, and satisfaction are the most sought after and desired goals for most
of us.
These things are the driving force that will push people to do almost anything and everything to have them. These philosophers and critical thinkers
of Athens took Paul to a meeting place where Paul talked about Jesus and the resurrection. In Acts 17 verse 22, “Paul stood up in the meeting and
said: “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even
found an altar with the inscription: To an Unknown God. Now that which you worship as an unknown god is what I want to talk to you about.” These
educated and learned men understood that someone or something much greater than themselves caused the heavens, earth, and everything else
to happen. But, they weren’t sure or certain which god or gods produced this phenomenon. So, they worshipped many gods. And to make sure,
they didn’t miss worshipping the one true God, whom they did not know, they built an altar “To an Unknown God.”
In 12 Step recovery programs, they say that you must embrace a god of your own understanding to help you in your recovery process. You have
tried to stop drinking and drugging, over eating, gambling and sleeping around on your own many, many times and have failed. You can’t stop the
insanity! Therefore, you make a decision to turn your life and your will over to a “higher power” than yourself. A god of your own understanding; god
as you understood him to be. This concept is profound, simplistic, and beneficial. You can’t get out of the mess you in on your own; if you could, you
would have done it a long time ago.
You can’t break free from the bondage and grip of sin without God! The love of God, grace of God, and mercy of God will minister to anyone and
everyone seeking guidance and help. God will strengthen you and encourage you through all types of addictions, struggles, hardships, and pain for
while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. However, many of us still worship an unknown god because we don’t have a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ. We create and make god into whomever and whatever we please. He functions and operates the way we imagine that God functions
and operates. That god judges and blesses out of the context of our own understanding of who He is and not out of who God says He is in the Bible! And if the truth be told, many people in our churches worship an unknown God.
It is an unknown God and a god of their own understanding because if they knew the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, if they knew the God of
Joseph, Moses, Joshua, if they knew the God of Samuel, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and all the prophets and witnesses in the Bible, if
they really knew our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they would have reverence, love, and respect for all people and take care of the earth and environment in which we live. It is He who has made us not we ourselves. If we really knew the God of our weary years, the God of our silent tears, we
would have a holy fear about lying, gossiping, not supporting programs and ministries of the church, abusing and misusing people and the things of
God. Some of us unfortunately continue to worship an unknown god! The god of our own understanding. We read the scriptures, hear the sermons,
study the teachings and Word of God but our temperament, attitudes, behavior, and disposition goes unchanged. It is as if change and a new direction are just too hard for some people. Paul told both the Greeks and the Corinthian Church that the message of the cross is foolishness to those
who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
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For God says, “I will destroy all human plans of salvation no matter how wise they seem to be, and ignore the best ideas of men, even the most
brilliant of them.” … For the world through its wisdom did not know God. And God was pleased to offer salvation to the world through the foolishness
of preaching. Jews demand miraculous signs, wonders, and miracles and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block
to Jews and foolishness to gentiles.” You know, the human spirit every since the dawn of time has seemingly always inwardly sought to be the master of its fate. I did it my way. I will chart my own course and destiny. And we have desired everything under the sun. More of everything is the order
of the day. We want more of everything. No one prays and asks God to stop blessing them. No one says, “O Lord my God, I’ve got enough! Please
stop blessing me!” Oh no! Now, it’s ok to strive to have a good life for you and your family. It’s ok. Do the very best you can to get ahead in a Godly
manner. But you should never be envious or jealous of what someone else has. Use what God has given you wisely and learn to be content. What
you have might not be much. But it’s enough. What you have is enough to do all you need to do. The city of Jericho had fortified walls that were 25
feet high and 20 feet thick.
Soldiers standing guard on top of the walls could see approaching armies miles away. Jericho was a symbol of military power and strength. It was
also a symbol of idolatry and wickedness and God wanted it totally destroyed. But instead of attacking the city God gave Joshua another plan. God
told him this is what I want you to do. For six days, you are to march once around the city with seven priests blowing their trumpets. On the seventh
day, they are to march around the city seven times. On the seventh time around, the trumpets are to blast and they are to give a loud shout victory!
“It wasn’t much of a plan, but it was enough” for the walls of Jericho came tumbling down and they captured the city. The shepherd boy David went
out to face a nine foot tall giant named Goliath.
Goliath had a bronze helmet on his head and was dressed in armor weighing 126 pounds. He wore bronze shin guards and carried a bronze sword.
His spear was like a fence rail. It had a sharp tip on it that weighed 15 pounds. David went out to face this giant of a man with a sling shot and five
smooth stones. “It wasn’t much, but it was enough.” Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, David slung it and it split open Goliath’s forehead
and he fell to the ground. David took his sword and cut off his head. David didn’t have much. But it was enough. Peter and John were on their way to
the temple for prayer. A crippled man from birth sat in front of the temple gate and begged for money. When Peter and John approached, he begged
them. Peter and John looked straight at him and Peter said to the man, “Silver and gold, I do not have. But I will give you what I do have. In the
name of Jesus Christ, get up and walk.” “It wasn’t much, but it was enough.” Instantly, the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his
feet and he began to walk and praise God. Sin had separated us from God and we were doomed to send eternity in hell because God is Holy and
He can’t be in relationship with sin. Hell is anywhere that God isn’t. But out of God’s unconditional love for us, God sent His only Son to see about
us. He became human. In the 33 short years, Jesus performed 36 miracles, told 38 parables, prayed 19 prayers, delivered 16 sermons, fulfilled 37
prophesies, and made 45 predictions. He also healed 17 people, converted 27 souls, and rebuked 7 different kinds of demons. One man came to
seek and to save the lost and heal the wounded in mind body and spirit. Not an army of soldiers or a legion of angels. One Man! “It wasn’t much, but
it was enough.” During the course of His ministry, Jesus raised 3 different people from the dead and He was called 37 different names. Matthew
looked at Him as a King and Mark wrote about Him like He was a servant and Luke depicted Him as a perfect man. And John called Him the Mighty
God. One Man who was born of a woman! “It wasn’t much, but it was enough.”
He walked on water and had a few conversations with folks about the Kingdom of God. He talked to Nicodemus and told Him that He had to be born
again. He talked to the rich young ruler and told him that he needed to sell all that he had and follow Him. He talked to the Samaritan woman and
told her that He was the Living Water. It wasn’t much, but it was enough! The unknown God revels Himself in Christ Jesus. He loves us unconditionally and nothing can separate us from His love. One man died for the sins of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. One man was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace is upon Him and by His strips we are healed. One man suffered bleed and
died for all of us! That One man was God Himself and what He did was enough.
With Love
Pastor Herbert J. Carey
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Stewardship: Time, Talent, and Treasure
“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house…”
Malachi 3:10a
As the church fulfills its divinely ordained and established mission on behalf of individual believers, nations, an governments, the church must have resources. God expects those of us who
are members of the church to provide those resources from that which God has given us to
manage to take care of our daily lives. When the disciples told Jesus that the crowd of over
5000 persons who had gathered to hear him needed to be fed, the Lord told the disciples, “You
feed them.” The Lord says the same thing to us regarding the ministry needs of the church, “I
have already blessed you with what the church needs.
You provide for the needs of the church’s ministry out of the resources I have given to you.”
Tithing provides the church with the resources the church needs to do the work of the kingdom
both in the lives of individual believers as well as in the world. Often the ministry needs of the
church are compromised because of a lack of financial resources. Too often the church must
make a choice between ministry needs and administrative survival needs. Sometimes the
church becomes so involved in fundraising just to pay bills and stay alive that it has little energy, focus, and time left to do ministry and fulfill Gods vision for its life.
The church should not be seen primarily as a fundraising institution in competition with other
secular social service institutions but as a life raising, soul saving, mind transforming organism
that empowers the weak, frees the bound, equips the saints for ministry, and speaks truth to
power. The church is to be supported by the tithes and offerings of its membership who have
already been recipients of God’s largess. The foundation for giving as established by biblical
precedent before the law, and by the word of God after the law, is the tithe. When God’s people
tithe in thanksgiving and praise for what God has already done, the church will have adequate
resources to empower individuals and minister to nations and government.
We TITHE because the Lord expects us to support the church from the resources God has already given to us. We TITHE because the church needs resources to equip and empower
those of us who belong to it and to establish God’s kingdom in the world. We TITHE to relieve
the church of endless fundraising activities that divides and separate its focus and takes needed time and energy away from fulfilling God’s vision and mission for its life. We TITHE because
tithing opens the windows of heaven and brings overflow into the church as well as in the lives
of individual believers.
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Deacon Ida Burd
(206) 722-1090
Deacon Eleanor Lockett
(425) 204-8708
Deacon Lavern Peterson
(425) 255-8486
Deacon Chris Vinson
(425) 235-0082
Deacon Rose Filgo
(425) 204-6062
Deacon Dwight Graves
(253) 863-0423
Deacon Cheryl Graves
(253) 863-0423
Deacon Annie Smith
(206) 592-2886
Deacon Rick Wells
(206) 723-5958
Deacon Mavis Corsey
(206) 723-9736
Deacon Trolice Flavors
(206) 722-3146
Deacon Donald Jackson
(206) 772-4552
Deacon Lee Lawrence
(425) 277-1392
Deacon Adrienne Lawrence
(425) 277-1392
Deacon Alene Stephens
(425) 641-1207
Deacon McClain Cloy
(206) 324-0691
Deacon Barbara Jenkins
(425) 255-8534
Deacon Deborah Robinson
(253) 332-7451
Deacon Bobbi Sims
(206) 772-5172
Diaconate Chair
Carl Vinson
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(425) 235-0082
Email Etiquette
Since E-mail is not going away any time soon, it makes sense to develop some
ground rules for its usage. Here are some that we should try to follow:
1. Do not use E-mail for sensitive subjects or topics that may be especially susceptible
to misinterpretation.
2. Do not use E-mail if you are having a difference of opinion with the other person. It
is very easy to come across as curt or uncaring in an E-mail message. Schedule a
meeting with the person or pick up the phone.
3. Scrutinize the tone of your E-mails. Recognize that the receiver cannot hear your
tone of voice and may not spot irony or humor.
4. Don’t put anything in an E-mail that you wouldn’t want to read on the front page of
the newspaper or while sitting on the witness stand.
5. Be wary of forwarding E-mails unless you are certain that the sender would not
mind if the message were forwarded. I’ve received forwarded E-mails that contained
some rather personal comments in addition to the business content. I doubt if the author of the original message wanted me to know about her family situation.
6. Do Not default to “Reply All”
If it's good to reply, it should be better to reply to all; right? Yes, it is — but only if the
reply is really important to all the recipients. How often is that the case? Have you,
conversely, ever seen somebody reply to all by embarrassing mistake? That's why it's
best to use Reply to All cautiously.
7. If you want an E-mail to be regarded as urgent, then label it as such. Regard nonurgent messages the same way you’d regard regular mail and don’t expect a reply
within hours.
8. Beware of using text messaging abbreviations with people who might find it to be
unprofessional, confusing or abrupt. I recently received an E-mail from a customer
service department that was written in “textese.” I thought it was funny but not everyone would have that reaction.
9. Unless the person is on the other side of the world, the fewer messages, the better.
If you need to communicate so much with someone who is just down the hall, go see
the person.
10. Beware of rushed messages. Those are the ones you are most likely to regret.
11. Forgive notes that seem unpleasant or out of character. We all have days in which
we need people to cut us some slack. Unless it is extreme, don’t let one note ruin a
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Online Giving
You may now pay your tithes/offerings online with your debit card
through Pay Pal. Simply go to the churches’ website and click on
the Online Giving Tab and you will be directed on how to give
your gift.
Lost and Found
Are you missing any items?
We have several items in the office that are missing
their owners, please check with the office to see
if any of them belong to you.
Health Education Ministry
Mrs. Angela Youngblood who so graciously volunteered her services in ministry for
the Lord under the newly added Health Education Ministry. If YOU would like to
work with Angela in getting something started for MLK in the way of a Health Education Ministry this would be a huge blessing to our aging congregation!!!! Angela’s
email is
Thank you all for allowing the Lord to use you in service to His people. May God
forever bless you!
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Need help searching for Scholarships:
Meet at the MLK Jr. Learning Center
2nd and 4th Friday
November 14th & 28th
2:00 pm—3:30 pm
Other Christian Education Info:
College Knowledge Workshop November 22, 2014 @ 8 & 11 am Services for High
School Students (Grades 9 – 12) and families. Sponsored by Martin Luther King
Baptist Christian Ed Board and invited Community Churches…Facilitated By Univ. of
WA Office of Minority/Diversity Affairs Staff. Make This Workshop a High Priority and
Place it on your Calendar and sign up today (ASAP)!
IT Will BE Innovative, Interesting and Informative For High School Students, Especially Juniors/Seniors and Families!!! Remember This Info:
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014.
Time: 11 am – 1 pm
Place: Martin Luther King Jr. Baptist Church
Special Movie Nights To Be Announced...Our
Monthly Friday Night Movies Start In March.
Education Center/Library - Please Place Your
Request for Use of Center/Library On Our
MLK Calendar (Meetings & Special Programs)
Page 8
Hosted by Pastor Herbert Carey
Every Friday from 3-4 p.m.
Conference Access Number is 1-567-704-0264
Conference Passcode is 897700#
You will receive instructions once you have accessed the prayer line.
M.L.K. Church Library
MLK Library will be Open Every Sunday After 11 am
Service unless we have Special Planned Programs
Scheduled @ MLK after our 11 am Service.
WWAP are collecting donations for the Bridge Project. The program is in need of
your support to help the young women as the cold winter season approaches us. We
are asking that you help us with donating the following items: Scarves, caps/hats,
socks, gloves. They are also in need of toiletry items. We are asking everyone to
make a donation to support these young women.
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Little Spirit Ensemble
Rehearsals 1st & 2nd Saturday
@ 12:00pm
Youth Coordinator:
Treasure Robinson
Assistant Coordinator:
Elenora Northington
AGAPE Youth Choir
Rehearsals 1st & 2nd Saturday
@ 1:30pm
If you have any questions please
contact Sis. LaHoma Thomas
Youth Service is held on 1, 3, & 4th
Sundays during 11:00 a,m. service.
Believe Mime Team
The vision of BELIEVE Mime Ministry
(BMM) is to spread God's word throughout the community!
Our mission is to minister to the other Christians and non-believers and tell them all of the
wonderful things about Jesus Christ as we
bring this non-traditional art of Miming into
God's house to spread his word on every
occasion we get.
If interested, please call Deacon Rose Filgo
(Mime Team Coordinator) 425-204-6062
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Let’s keep the church secure
by following
these simple instructions:
 Only people who have been assigned both a key and a key code have permission to open
and lockup the church.
 If you feel you need a key please see me or Deacon Carl Vinson.
will be honored.
Not all requests for keys
 Please have your key code readily available when opening and locking up the church.
 Check all doors to make sure they are closed.
doors to make sure they are properly closed.
This may involve opening and closing some
 Always make sure the kitchen door to the outside and all the Fellowship Hall doors are
 Make sure you set the alarm when you leave.
then go silent.
The alarm will beep a series of times and
 Please do not give your key or key code to someone else.
If you should have questions or concerns regarding these instructions and/or need training on
how to work the key pad please contact me at (425) 443-2875 or in person. Remember we
should treat the church no different that we treat our homes (i.e. safe and secure).
Minister Ken Curl, President Trustee Board
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Pastor Carey & Diane Carey
Youth of MLK
College Students
Barbara Clark
Mother Louise Martin
Mother Young
Mother Joseph
Mother Holland
Mother Versie Hill
Sis. Princie Smith
Jarelle Marshall
Delores Baskin
Bobbi Pines
Sandra Hawkins
Barbara Williams
Willie Winston
Annie Laurie Peterson
Rev. Larry Harris
Rev. Shirley Harris
Enoch Robertson
Milton Ward Sr.
Betty Harris
Karen Grant
Angela Dampier
Jewell & Graves Family
Cynthia Rice and Family
Ben Geyen
Janet Hightower
Sis. Holmes & Sis. Scribes
Mary Trueblood
Deacon Rose Filgo & Family
Darnell Parker & Family
Mary Franklin & Family
Willie Winston & Family
Pat Lewis & Family
Deacon Trolice Flavors & Slade Families
Deacon Deborah and Treasure Robinson
Minister Michael Thomas
Penny Jenkins
Minister Leonard & Jan
Darius Johnson
C. Paul Thomas
Cheniqua Tappin
Deacon Phil Jones
Edwardo Taylor
Rev. John Oliver
Rev. Willie Crockett and Family
Yonna Berry
Jeanette Ward
Page 12
Visit us on the web at
Evergreen Association of American Baptist Churches
Evergreen Notes, the newsletter for member churches, ecumenical partners, national affiliates, and
friends of the Evergreen Association of American Baptist Churches, is published monthly. To read
the Evergreen Notes: please type the following address in your browser:
Office Hours for Pastor Carey
“Please Call for an Appointment”
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Baptist Church
4519 NE 10th Street Renton, WA 98059
Mailing: P.O. Box 2145 Renton, Washington 98056
Phone (425.255.1446) Fax (255.6228)
Please remember to have all announcements for
The Vine & Bulletin into the office no later than 3:00pm on Wednesday.
The Vine is a communication tool of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Baptist Church Family. The intent is to keep our members informed of the many
exciting things that are happening at our church.
Did you miss service or want to hear it again?
CD’s for 8am & 11am Sunday Services are available. If you would like to purchase a cd please
contact Sis. LaHoma Thomas at 206-715-3348 or by email
CD’s are $5 each
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