Shiloh Yellow Pages - Shiloh Baptist Church
Shiloh Yellow Pages - Shiloh Baptist Church
Shiloh Baptist Church VISION STATEMENT: The vision of the Shiloh Baptist Church is to be a family of believers making disciples to transform the world for JESUS CHRIST. MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Shiloh Baptist Church is to equip people to love GOD and their neighbors. Listen online at— June 19, 2016 – Third Sunday † Father’s Day To Shiloh Baptist Church Liturgy, Praise & Worship Deacon of the Day Director Betty L. Young Deacon Ernest Fuller / Deacon Michael Staton 8:00 am 11:00 am Call to Worship/Invocation Deacon Deacon (All Stand & Please no Walking nor Talking) Scripture: Psalm 43 (All Stand & Please no Walking nor Talking) SCRIPTURAL RESPONSE TO WORLD “EVENTS:” [Trenton, San Bernardino, Orlando, etc...] ACTS 5:29 => “We must obey GOD rather than men.” [GOD is Sovereign & Providential...] ======================== “PASTOR’S” BIBLE STUDY: Next class: Wed. June 22, 2016 at 6pm in the Woodson Rm. For the remainder of 2016, the focus of study will be “The Bible & Mental Health: What Does IT Say?” ======================== NOTES ON LITURGICAL CALENDAR: “Post-Resurrection Season.” — 7 Sundays after Resurrection ======================== CELEBRATION OF JESUS’ BIRTH [12-25-15]: Advent [4-wks] - described above AND Epiphany [6-wks] - focuses on JESUS as “Light of the World!” CELEBRATION OF JESUS’ DEATH & RESURRECTION [03-27-16]: Ash Wednesday/Beginning of Lent [1-day] - focuses on the traits of humility and submission toGOD; Lent [40-days] - continues the focus on introspection and subjection to GOD through fasting; Palm Sunday (Begins Holy Week) [1-day] - focuses on the “triumphal entry” of JESUS into Jerusalem; Good Friday [1-day] - focuses on JESUS’ great sacrifice of body and blood for the salvation of theworld; Resurrection Sunday [1-day ] - focuses on the climax of JESUS’ earthly work and victory overdevil; CELEBRATION OF THE HOLYSPIRIT [05-15-16]: <= [Pentecost Sunday]*** Pentecost Sunday/Season [1-day/7-Suns.] - focuses on the “birth of the CHURCH” in the Book of Acts. ”PARA-CLETE." is the word used to identify THE HOLY SPIRIT and define HIS work in and among the Body of CHRIST. This word is a Koine Greek word and its root meaning is a legal one of an "advocate," "advisor," or "counselor." Other synonyms include, but are not limited to: (1) counselor, (2) comforter, (3) consoler, (4) caretaker, etc… The key work of THE HOLY SPIRIT is to (1) indwell CHRISTian believers, (2) bring back to their remembrance the teachings of JESUS as CHRIST & MESSIAH, and (3) to lead CHRISTian believers to appropriate and apply the teachings of JESUS! ======================== REFLECTIONS ON MASS SHOOTING: ======================== Like most Americans, I remain shocked by the tragic and traumatic massacre at a Gay Nightclub in Orlando, Florida last Sunday! I add my voice to the chorus of American and World Citizens who condemn this particular act of cowardly terror and the general campaign of terrorism around the world. Whether it is ISIS in the Middle East or the KKK in the United States, acts of hatred must be called-out and condemned! Lastly, we the orthodox, evangelical, mainstream CHRISTian Church must not segregate its advocacy when it comes to issues of “minorities” and thus we must condemn this act and all others acts of terror and hatred against our brothers and sisters who are gay and lesbian. ======================== JUNE, 2016 DATES:*[Rqstd. To Minister: Choir(s) a/o Prz.Tm(s) + Nurses + Ushrs + Offcrs + Mmbrs.] ======================== 22nd [Weds] => 7:00 pm... Pastor DLA preaching at Miracle Pentecostal Church for their 10th Pastoral Anniversary 7 Summer St., Trenton NJ 26th [Su] => 8/11am…]PastorDLA present, but] The Rev. Floyd Thompkins, Jr. Dir., Ctr. for Innovation in Ministry, San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Francisco, CA In Jesus’ Name... Welcome Sister Carmen Brown Birthday Greeting General Church & Seasonal Ministry Announcements “Man of the Year” Presentation (11 am only) Congregational Hymn “Blessed Quietness” #385 Liturgical Dance Trustee Aide Addie Lane Deacon Intercessory Prayer Deacon [“...approach the Throne of Grace with confidence…” (Hebrews 4:16) Assume Your Posture of Prayer!] (General and Living Memorials) Praise & Worship † Sermonic Selection Dismissal of Children for Youth Church THE WORD OF GOD PREACHED REVEREND DR. DARRELL L. ARMSTRONG Invitation to Christian Discipleship & Church Membership (All Stand & Please no Talking) Tithes/Offerings (We humbly and faithfully offer our financial tithes to GOD...Deut. 14:22 & 29) Doxology “All Things Come of Thee” 8 a.m. Baby Blessings Thomas E. Duoe, Jr. 11 a.m. Kapri Kaniyah Hollis Jacob Paul Johnson Amari Cole Howard Benediction SPECIAL WEEKLY SERVICES WED. June 22, 2016 - 6am Morning Glory Service: Reverend Thomas Wilson FRI. June 24, 2016 - Noon Worship Service: Minister Ann Marie Latty LECTIONARY READINGS: (1) I Kings 19:1-15a COLOR: GREEN (3) Galatians 3:23-29 (2) Psalms 42 & 43 (4) Luke 8:26-39 Announcements must be submitted to the Director of Communications, D. Sumners, by COB Monday at or mailbox #25