Shadow of the Cross - Saratoga Federated Church


Shadow of the Cross - Saratoga Federated Church
Life in God w Life with Others w Life for Others
Mar/Apr 2016
Fed Family
Saratoga Federated Church Newsletter
From Pastor Gabe
Book Club
Daylight Savings Time
Healthy Life Groups
Grief Ministry Workshop
Good Friday
The Cove
Meet Kaity Weisenburger
Local Lenten Offering
Global Lenten Offering
Kids Choir Musical
25 Years of Service
8 Family Ministry News
Country Fair
VBS - Cave Quest
10 Serving in France
11 Men’s Ministries Breakfast
Women’s Fellowship Lunch
Important Dates
1 - Women’s Fellowship Lunch
12 - Country Fair
13-Time Change
19-Men’s Ministries Breakfast
25-Good Friday Service
27- Easter Sunday
3 -Grief Ministry Workshop
16 - Men’s Ministries Breakfast
30 - Downsizing Workshop
Looking Forward to Easter
It’s fun to look forward to
something…like Christmas morning, or
leaving on vacation, or your wedding day
or the birth of your child. I remember
the excitement and wonder I sensed as
a child at getting up early to watch the
countdown to a spaceship launch, or
rehearsing for a school play or concert,
or waiting to take cupcakes to school on
my birthday. There’s a lot of truth in the
saying, “Getting there is half the fun!”
Investing time or
money or energy into
something inevitably
makes it more meaningful
or valuable to you. You
somehow care more.
You get it. The outcome
affects you, touches you
and makes a difference
to you. In a way, taking
the time to observe Good
Friday can have that effect
on Easter.
On Friday, March
25, at 7:00 pm, we will
gather for worship and
remember the journey
that took Jesus to the
cross. We will have time
to let the events that took
place in the shadow of
the cross wash over us.
Music can speak in a
language all its own, and
we will hear the words
of scripture spoken in that universal
language, prepared by our combined
8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am worship teams.
This year we are partnering with friends
from Calvary Church, Los Gatos, as well
as student musicians from San Jose State
University. An interactive worship guide
will allow you to respond to the story in
your own private way and time. It will
really help you to look forward to Easter!
Bill Allison
of the
Fed Family Newsletter
From the Desk of Pastor Gabe
Book Club
The Book Club is reading
The Book of the Unknown
Americans by Christina
Henriquez. We will meet on
Thursday, March 17 at noon
in room 112 for a sack lunch
and discussion.
Our culture is enamored with
zombies at the moment. Some of the
most watched TV shows and movies
have to do with the walking dead. In
one sense, you wonder what society
has come to with such a preoccupation
with the undead, but when you think
about it, their interest begins to make
sense. Death is the ultimate threat
and biggest fear driving many lives,
so it only makes sense that people are
fascinated about the concept of some
form of resurrection.
Before the TV shows and movies of
the current era ever rose to popularity,
the Bible was filled with stories of
the walking dead. When we think of
resurrection, we tend to think only
of the stories of Jesus, but there are
actually numerous resurrection stories
found throughout the Old and New
Testaments. In the weeks leading up
to Easter, we will explore these lesserknown resurrection stories until we
arrive at the ultimate resurrection story
on March 27.
This is the story of a boy
and a girl who fall in love.
Two families whose hopes
collide with destiny. This
is an extraordinary novel
that offers a resonant new
definition of what it means to
be American.
For questions or more
information, contact Jeannie
Hilt at (408) 984-2266.
As we delve deep into this season of
Lent, I invite you to do a few things:
1) Consider the reality of resurrection.
Paul claims that Jesus’ resurrection
is the lynchpin of our faith. If Christ
has not risen, then we are fools to be
pitied. How convinced are you of the
resurrection? Where does it impact
your faith? 2) Consider the reality of
your own resurrection, both spiritually
and physically. The Bible calls us new
creations whose dead souls have been
revived. It also promises a full bodily
resurrection beyond this life. If that is
true, it should change your confidence,
hope and plans for this life, yet many
Christians keep walking through this
life like zombies without purpose
and joy.
Finally, I want you to consider an
invitation to be baptized on Easter
Sunday. In the past, we have offered
to baptize any who have made a
profession of faith to follow Jesus.
Jesus commands baptism in the
Great Commission, and at SFC, we
believe it is a highly important step
of discipleship in your faith. At its
core, baptism is a declaration that,
as you pass beneath the waters and
rise up again, you are raising from
death to your old self into new
life in Christ. Baptism is a step of
obedience for participants and an act
of encouragement and testimony to all
those who are watching. What better
day to be baptized than Easter Sunday!
Don’t put off this important moment
any longer.
Email Robyn Swan at robyn@ to sign up
for Easter baptism and get ready to
explore the stories of the walking dead
throughout the Bible.
Peace and Grace,
Gabe Gilliam
Daylight Savings Time
Spring Forward
March 13
Don’t be late to church!
Mar/Apr 2016
Planting Seeds,
Growing Healthy Life Groups
(part 1 of 4)
Thad Harris returned to SFC in
November 2015 to speak with us about
Life Groups. Drawing from the book
of Acts, Thad brought our attention to
four devotional habits that enable us to
be people of healthy, Christ-affirming
Life Groups rather than people just
going through the motions.
In Acts 2:42, Luke
describes how a crowd
of believers responded
to Peter’s teaching
from the Scriptures.
“They were
continually devoting
themselves to the
apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to
the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
How do we know if ours is a healthy
Life Group?
We each bring a mixed bag of
thoughts, feelings and beliefs to our
groups. When we pray together, let’s
ask Jesus to search us and help us
conform ourselves to his teachings.
What can we do within our group to
establish or renew health?
We can create, review or renew our
Life Group covenant. We can re-devote
ourselves to that covenant. We can
surrender our worldly concerns to the
urgings of the Holy Spirit as we study
the scriptures together.
How can we follow Jesus together?
By asking each other, “How have
you followed Jesus this week? What
did that look like and what needs
to change?” And by listening to the
response with our hearts open and our
minds free of judgment.
How can we support one another
through times of change and follow
Jesus above all else?
By being aware of our idols, the
unhealth that blocks our devotion to
each other and by humbling ourselves.
By weeping when others weep and
rejoicing when others
share their joy. By
keeping the praises
and petitions of others
in our daily prayers.
And by learning to
receive grace from
others, something our
independent natures
sometimes resist.
We are all sinners saved by grace.
Though we are sometimes pulled
away by self-interest and unhealth,
we continue to devote ourselves to
following Jesus. We pursue his teaching
together. When we invite the Holy
Spirit into our time together, we’re
not just study groups, gathering
knowledge, we’re Life Groups, living
into God’s plan for us.
This is the first in a series of four
short articles you will see in the
SFC newsletter over the coming
months. Each article focuses on one
of the devotional habits. Please join
us in discussing, praying about and
practicing these habits in your Life
Group. If you are not yet in a group
but would like to be, we encourage
you to contact Sally Bryant at sally@ or 408-867-1000
ext. 233.
Robin Shepherd
Grief Ministry
A Grief Ministry Workshop
will be held for five Sundays,
April 3 through May 1 from
4:00 to 5:30 pm in Douglass
Hall. The sessions will include
practical tools, stories shared
by those further along the
same road, spiritual guidance,
recommended resources and
fellowship with others living a
similar experience. While our
focus will be on bereavement,
the workshop will be helpful
for those recovering from other
forms of grief, such as the
loss of marriage, employment
or health.
Come for your own sake or for
the benefit of another. Care
recipients and care providers
will grow together. Consider
attending with a friend.
You may register for this class
by calling Peggy Beck, Grief
Ministry Coordinator, at (408)
867-1000 or by email to peggy.
Fed Family Newsletter
Saratoga Federated Church presents
a night of worship
Shadow of
the Cross
Music and writings through the ages echo the story of the cross
as we worship around that timeless reminder of Jesus and his love.
Friday, March 25 at 7:00 pm
Saratoga Federated Church
20390 Park Place, Saratoga, CA 95070
(408) 867-1000 ~
Childcare provided for children ages 3 months to 4 years
Easter Morning Services
March 27 at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am
Mar/Apr 2016
The Cove
Come visit the new Bridge Builder’s
classroom...The Cove!
Supported by the Family Ministry
team and funded by generous
donations, we have converted room
109 in Children’s Ministry into a
wonderful sensory and
learning room for all of our
Bridge Builders kids. We pray
it will be a place of sanctuary
and discipleship!
The room is equipped
with a wall of sensory items
to serve as a place for kids to
decompress or for our younger
9:30 am students to review
the stories taught in their regular
classroom. The rest of the room is
designed to look and feel youthful for
our 11:00 am teens.
This room was intentionally
designed to be a demonstration room
for community churches to visit and to
replicate. We are excited to imagine the
number of students who will be blessed
as a result.
A little bit about myself: I am
currently a student at San Jose
State, and I work as a Behavior
Interventionist with kids who have
special needs, which is a total dream
come true! I have been volunteering
with Bridge Builders for over a year
and have completely fallen in love with
the ministry and with the kids I get
to work with. I am so excited to begin
this partnership with Debbie and look
forward to everything that God will do
through this ministry.
May 7, 2016
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Volunteers arrive at 8:15 am
Families must RSVP. Don’t delay
as spots fill quickly.
Please RSVP to volunteer as soon
as possible, so we are able to accept as many families as would
like to come.
To register or volunteer, contact
Debbie Lillo at
or (408) 252-4160.
Join us for an Open House on
Sunday, March 20 from 11:00 am to
12:30 pm in Room 109.
Debbie Lillo
Meet Kaity Weisenburger
Hello! My name is Kaity
Weisenburger, and I am so proud to
be a new member of the SFC team! I
will be working with Debbie Lillo to
recruit and train volunteers, expand the
high school ministry and help plan the
quarterly respite events.
Bridge Builders
Respite Day
Debbie and I are so thankful to
our SFC Local Outreach Team for
generously providing a grant for the
Bridge Builders Coordinator salary.
Stop by the Bridge Builders Open
House on Sunday, March 20 to
welcome Kaity to the team.
Time to Downsize?
If you or your parents are thinking
of downsizing from the family home,
you know there are many obstacles
and decisions to be made. Saratoga
Federated Church will be hosting an
interactive seminar that will help you
make the best choice for your family.
The intended outcomes
for this seminar will be: open
communication channels between
family members about the difficult
decision to downsize, discuss
physical and psychological needs,
financial issues, legal considerations
and lifestyle, recognize the factors
in choosing a senior community,
understand the difference between
types of communities and gaining
knowledge of the resources available
to empower your move or stay.
Join us on Saturday, April 30, from
9:00 am to 12:30 pm in Douglass
Hall. Reservations may be made
by calling the Care office at (408)
867-1000 ext. 239 or email at care@
Fed Family Newsletter
Local Outreach Lenten Offering
The Nest
Human trafficking is an enormous
pressing issue in the Bay Area today.
With Super Bowl 50 taking place
in Santa Clara, a surge in trafficking
activity was anticipated. You may have
seen related articles in the newspapers
or reports on the nightly news.
You may even be aware of pending
trafficking charges involving two
Saratoga businesses - one merely steps
from the church.
Much is being done to identify
victims of trafficking and prosecute
the perpetrators of these heinous
crimes, but what happens to victims
who are rescued? Presently, the only
local answer for girls under the age
of 18 is The Nest, a home operated
by Advent Group Ministries with
additional support from Freedom
House. The Nest provides a safe, loving
environment where young girls who
have been sexually trafficked receive
the complex and lengthy physical,
psychological and spiritual help needed
for authentic healing and restoration.
The Local Outreach Team has
selected The Nest as the local recipient
of the 2016 Lenten offering and set
a goal of $20,000. Because there’s a
strong correlation between the quality
of the treatment environment and
the success of the clients, these funds
would be used to improve the home,
making it safer and more conducive
to healing: securing a new stove,
dishwasher and alarm system for the
interior and recreation equipment for
the garage.
A human trafficking task force of
adults and teens was formed at SFC in
2015 and has established an ongoing
relationship with The Nest. During the
fall Serve Sunday, task force members
showed volunteers how to make two
dozen comfy no-sew quilts for girls
at The Nest. In December, task force
members and their life groups adopted
the six current residents of The Nest,
fulfilling their Christmas wish lists as
well as providing some fun holiday
crafts. Each Sunday in January, task
force members manned a table in the
courtyard to raise awareness about
human trafficking and The Nest.
What a joy to serve our Lord whose
heart is to “seek justice and correct
oppression.” Isaiah 1:17. If you would
like more information about human
trafficking or are interested in joining
the SFC task force, please contact
Terri Goehner at terri_goehner@ or (408) 406-0259.
Global Outreach Lenten Offering
Pocket Testament League (PTL)
The Bible is restricted in China and
is sold in only a handful of church
bookstores around the country. In
spite of these restrictions, Pocket
Testament has received permission
from the government to legally print
and distribute pocket sized Gospels of
John. 2,500,000 Gospels were shared
last Christmas!
Through partnership with the
Chinese Christian Council, the pocket
Gospels of John are being shared oneon-one through their church network.
They have approval from the Religious
Affairs Bureau, meaning each Gospel
of John carries the precious “Approval
Code” from the government.
PTL is partnering with pastors
in Henan Province, population
90,000,000 people, about one-third the
population of the USA. This province
has 3,000,000 believers but only 250
pastors, or one pastor for every 20,000
believers. Last year they had 150,000
registered baptisms. God is doing
great things in this province, but they
desperately need the word of God.
Global Outreach hopes to raise
$20,000 of the $75,000 needed to
print 500,000 Gospels of John to be
shared in this province. This is an
historic opportunity to reach many of
the 1,000,000,000 people in China
who have never even heard of the name
of Jesus.
Mike Brickley of Pocket Testament
League will provide more information
on their work in China at a Go & Tell
on Sunday, February 28, at noon in
Douglass Hall. A light lunch will be
served. He’ll also provide information
about the opportunity to travel
with them to China this summer to
participate in distributing the Gospels.
If you would like to support either of these efforts, please write “Lenten Offering” in the memo line of your check or on
the offering envelope provided in the pews. Thank you for your support. Monies received in excess of our target amount
may be used for other outreach opportunities.
Mar/Apr 2016
Kids Choir Spring Musical
That Joe—he’s so dreamy! The year
is 1959, and at the family drive-in,
Papa Jake’s Fries ’n’ Shakes, things are
hoppin’! But favored-son Joe isn’t very
popular with his brothers and sisters.
When the patriarch of the family, Papa
Jake, gives Joe his prized leather jacket
and turns the business over to him for
the summer, things get gnarly. With
some “help” from his jealous siblings,
Joe finds himself unexpectedly aboard
a woody wagon headed to a faraway
land of sand, strange customs and
a Pharaoh ... er, Great Kahuna. The
ups and downs of the journey remind
Joe that God is with him, and the
hurricane force of a food crisis teaches
Joe and his reunited family the power
of forgiveness and points us all to that
other son sent to save - Jesus!
The SFC Kids Choir has begun
working on their annual Spring
Musical, Not Your Average Joe, which
they will present on Sunday, May
15, in both our 9:30 and 11:00 am
services. It’s not too late for others to
join in the fun. Kids Choir is open
to kids in kindergarten through fifth
grade. For more information, call
Diane Allison at (408) 867-1000 or
The classic Old Testament story of
Joseph is retold in the exuberant times
and music of the 50’s. It’s
surfer beats, leather jackets
and surfboards, but the
gospel truth remains the
same ... trust the Lord with
all your heart, because
God is always at work,
even in the tough times.
25 Years...Congratulations!
Congratulations and thank you, Ernesto! Ernesto Jauregui has
been faithfully cleaning and caring for us here at the church for 25
years. During that time Ernesto, has seen many changes here and at
home. Our campus has grown to include the addition of third floor
classrooms for youth, the Saratoga Avenue building for Care Ministry
and administrative offices as well as the old post office building. At
home, Ernesto and his wife, Maria, adopted
a newborn son from Mexico, named Efren.
Efren is now in the sixth grade.
Ernesto can be seen arriving early in the
morning five days a week to clean offices
before the preschool starts and the staff
arrives. He also comes in on Saturdays to
prepare our campus for Sunday activities. In
addition, Ernesto works evenings at Costco.
If you see Ernesto, please give him a big
thank you for 25 years of faithful service.
Jerry Bruce, Minister of Church Operations
Thank You
A delayed Thank You to all of you who
staffed the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle at
Lunardi’s in Los Gatos during December,
2015. The “Army” reported we came close
to duplicating last year’s total income for the
entire county. Although I was not given the
figures for just the income from Lunardi’s,
the input I received seemed to indicate we
more than held our own. This year, the
SFC participation increased for the fourth
consecutive year, allowing us to fully staff the
kettle for two additional days. The public’s
response to our involvement is always very
positive and rewarding. My prayers are that
we will continue to see more SFC folks
involved next year. Majors David and Gaylene
Yareley so appreciate your willingness to help
us help others!
Earl Thompson
Fed Family Newsletter
Family Ministries News
Village Preschool
Children’s Ministry
Spring is in the air, and we look forward to making kites,
windsocks, rainbows and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with
Irish Dancers. Having Easter just around the corner allows
for the children to learn and reflect about the Easter story,
emphasizing the promise of eternal life that God has given
us through his son, Jesus. When we share the story with
the children, you can always be guaranteed a new version
of how they relate it back to the parents. One precious
example, is how one child said, “Mom, did you know Jesus
died on the grass?” We are also busy singing and preparing
for our Spring Tea. What a special way to honor the parents
in our school!
Linda Kerin, Village Preschool Director
Every month, I have the opportunity of teaching the
Bible story for Village Preschool that follows their spiritual
curriculum. Each class comes to our chapel to hear a story
and learn a song or finger play to reinforce the story. Last
month, the story was about how Jesus calmed the sea and
how God can calm our fears when we are afraid. We started
talking about our fears and one child said they are afraid of
the dark. I told them that sometimes Jesus is called the light
of the world because he can bring light into dark places,
knowing well that this was most likely going to be over his
head. This little boy looked at me and said, “Oh, so I can
bring Jesus with me in a dark cave and he would light up
the way!”
As complicated as faith can be, God has a way of reaching
even 3-year-olds right where they are! We are fortunate to
partner with Village students and teachers to introduce
kids to Jesus and start to build a spiritual foundation in our
littlest ones! This is just one of the ways Family Ministry
partners with leaders and parents to leverage the influence
of our church in our community.
Sarah Silva, Director of Children & Family Ministries
High School
Junior High
Have you ever made pretzels? Well we did at MadHouse
Studio Nite. Since January, we have met every Wednesday
for dinner, games and fun activities, while students spend
the hour growing friendships and talking about God. Our
second lesson was on the Bread of Life, Jesus. As we were
baking the pretzel alphabet, one student exclaimed that he
was having a blast and asked if he could bring a friend the
next time. It’s so exciting to hear students wanting to share
their youth group experience with others.
Want to help with this Jr. High ministry? Join us on
Wednesday nights at 6:45 pm in the MadHouse. We are
looking for adults and high school leaders to assist with
activities, meals and to mentor our youth.
Yvette Lee, Director of Junior High Ministry
SFC strives to equip and deploy Kingdom Entrepreneurs:
and our students are rising to the challenge. D.J. Akers leads
a technology team that supports our student-led worship
band each Sunday morning. We have a team of students
who prayerfully select non-profit organizations for their
peers to support financially but also with practical gifts:
recently running clothing and book drives for victims of
Our students run our Sunday morning high school
program, but do so much more: coordinating the Mexico
Talent Show, mentoring middle school students during
their midweek and Confirmation programs. Many of our
teenagers volunteer in the Sunday School program. Hannah
Leonard has even taken a stand for her faith on her high
school campus as one of the leaders of the FaithWalk club.
You only need to look at our high school students to see our
church vision lived out.
Matt Hall, Director of Youth & Family Ministries
Mar/Apr 2016
Intergenerational Connections
Let me tell you why Jim Little is
one of my heroes! Back in 2000, Jim
volunteered to go on our Mexico trip.
According to Jim, Greg Davis invited
him to come and after using the excuse
that he was “too busy,” God convicted
him to go on the trip. Sixteen years
later Jim is our lead construction leader
and mentor to many of our teens
and adults. Jim said that one week in
Mexico was the most fulfilling week
of his life. As a builder of homes here
in Silicon Valley, building homes for
the poor was right up his alley. The
mission of Amor Ministries, to present
the gospel through practical needs,
convicted Jim. The yearly Mexico trip
is a reminder to him of God’s love and
grace for his people and that he was
created to do good works (Ephesians
2:8-10) and care for others. Mexico is a
very tiring experience for Jim with his
current health issues, but every year Jim
is the first to volunteer and the first to
encourage others to experience this lifechanging trip. Here is Jim’s highlight of
his yearly trip:
“One of the highlights every year is
the ceremony we do at each completed
home - when we pray with the
homeowner, give them a Spanish Bible,
the key to their new home and they use
that key for the first time. I think we all
have tears of joy. This is an opportunity
for the people of our church to make a
significant impact in the life of needy
families in Mexico. It is so tangible.
We leave them with a house! It is given
to them with love and in the name of
Jesus. I love being able to help make
this opportunity available to the people
from SFC who go to Mexico. It’s a
good thing for all of us to get tired for.”
I am so thankful for the work that
Jim does in Mexico but I am even
more excited to watch him care for our
teenagers. He is a patient teacher and
has had a great impact on our students
and adults. Jim is a role model of
intergenerational leadership, and I am
thankful for his commitment to leading
our team.
Tim Galleher, Family Pastor
Country Fair
Save The Date
June 13-17
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
PreK - Fifth Grade
Kids, go spelunking through dark
caves with Jesus as your light at Cave
Quest VBS! Kids will learn Jesus is the
one who lights our way and gives us
hope for each new day. Come dance
to fun songs, play games, make crafts
and adventure with Jesus as our guide!
Register online at
We would love your help to
make a greater impact on our
community. There is a place
for everyone on the VBS team!
Contact Sarah Silva at sarah@ for more
information or visit our website.
Saturday, March 12
3:30 to 8:00 pm
Carnival Games for the whole family
3:30 to 5:30 pm
Pony Rides — Petting Zoo — Dunk Tank
$1 per ticket or $25 for unlimited games
Tickets available at the fair.
Dinner ($20) provided by
By-Th’-Bucket Bar and Grill
5:00 to 6:00 pm
Kids’ Dinner ($5) ages 10 and under
Deadline to purchase Dinner Tickets:
Sunday, March 6.
Music by Sidesaddle & Co.
3:30 to 5:00 pm
A blue grass band to
entertain us during the afternoon
Line Dancing
7:00 to 8:00 pm
after dinner in Richards Hall
Pie Contest & Auction
6:00 pm
To purchase dinner tickets, learn more about the pie contest and
auction or to volunteer to help, please visit our website at
Saratoga Federated Church
20390 Park Place, Saratoga CA 95070
Proceeds benefit the SFC 2016 Mexico House Building Trip
Fed Family Newsletter
Serving In France: Listening To God
“Why are we only here nine days?”
my daughter asked within an hour
of arriving at Bridges of Life, a Youth
With A Mission (YWAM) base in St.
Hippolyte du Fort, France.
“Why don’t you ask me this again
at the end of nine days?” I replied,
thinking the answer might be different
after living in close community with
long days of physical labor in the
organic garden, washing dishes for
30 people several times, putting on
a puppet show and drawing with
homeless children and spending an
hour every morning in lively worship.
After nine days, our daughters,
then 12 and 14, still wanted to stay
longer. This trip was a transforming
experience for our family as our
daughters witnessed the active faith
of 20somethings from around the
world, who were organizing Justice
Acts International, planting a church
and building ministry plans. Our
family and the small team we joined
through Menlo Church served together
and learned about the rich history of
the persecuted Huguenots, French
Protestants, at the Musée du Désert
and visited a cave
where a church met
in hiding. For fun,
we jumped off 20foot rocks under the
Pont du Gard and
strolled through the
sumptuous outdoor
market in Uzès.
Now, we eagerly
look forward to
monthly updates
hearing how God is at
work in St. Hippolyte
du Fort. The
townspeople are invited
to the daily YWAM
worship services and
other events at the
chateau, and every
Friday the team
leads worship in the
Catholic church whose
doors open right into
the Friday outdoor
market. God is at work
in France!
We head back to
Bridges of Life June
16 to 29, 2016. Our
to serve together,
and wants to grow
in listening to God’s
voice and being
empowered to minister
to people in need. If
you are interested in
serving with us, please
contact me at kathy.
Kathy Kroesche
Note from Pastor Sally Bryant:
We have an active and engaged
congregation! The Kroesche Family is
one of many families in our church
who have served together as a family
on a short-term mission trip and found
it changed their lives. If you would
like more information on short-term
mission trips, contact me at sally@ or (408) 8671000 ext. 233.
Mar/Apr 2016
Men’s Ministries Breakfast
Saturday, March 19 at 8:30 am in Richards Hall
Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry
Do you want to slow down and not
be so harried about your time? If so,
this presentation is for you.
Come hear Jay Kim’s passion
for helping people discover
their best stories within
God’s unfolding plan in
this world.
Jay is teaching pastor at
WestGate Church in San
Jose and also serves on the
core leadership team of The
ReGeneration Project, a gathering
of pastors, theologians and creative
workers to inspire and equip new
generations to engage in the theology
of Jesus. Some of Jay’s work has
been featured in Relevant Magazine,
Burnside Writers Collective and the
Balance Podcast.
Jay is a graduate of Fuller
Theological Seminary
and lives in San Jose with
his wife Jenny and their
daughter Harper.
Tickets will go on sale
March 6, 2016 on the patio.
All men of the church are
invited to attend. Mark your
calendar now and bring a friend. The
breakfast will be in Richards Hall from
8:30 to 10:00 am. Tickets are $10 in
advance or $15 at the door.
Men’s Ministries Breakfast
Saturday, April 16 at 8:30 am in Richards Hall
Work-Life Balance in Silicon Valley
John Crawford is a dynamic
Christian and a member of Saratoga
Federated Church. You might
remember meeting John as he
coordinated the photo sessions for our
2015 church directory. He has been
active in numerous programs in the
Christian community throughout the
Bay Area.
John was born in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. He received a bachelor’s
degree in computer science from
Brown University, and a master’s
degree in computer science from
the University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill.
John joined Intel in 1977. He
retired in 2013 after a 35-year career
as a software engineer and computer
architect at Intel Corporation in
Santa Clara, California, advancing
to the position of Intel Fellow. He
was the chief architect of Intel’s
386 microprocessor and responsible
for defining the company’s 32bit architecture. He was also chief
architect of the 486 processor and
later co-managed the design of the
Pentium processor.
Come hear John’s story of how
he lived out his Christian witness
while being a leader in this fastpaced technical world, and how
he has transitioned into a hightech retirement.
Tickets will go on sale April 3, 2016
on the patio.
All men of the church are invited to
attend. Mark your calendar now and
bring a friend. The breakfast will be in
Richards Hall from 8:30 to 10:00 am.
Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at
the door.
Women’s Fellowship
Christine Burroughs, former
CEO of InnVision the Way
Home, will be the speaker
for the Women’s Fellowship
luncheon on March 1 at 11:00
am in Richards Hall. Her topic
will be “Trust in the Lord,
Heed the Call.” After building
and leading the multi-faceted
homeless agency for 24 years,
she has more recently been
part of a leadership team at
her parish that is addressing
the shelter needs of homeless
women by housing them in
their own sanctuary. It has
caused her church to become
“on fire for the Lord.” This
was in response to a plea
from county and city officials
for faith communities to
assist in the serious need
for emergency housing,
especially during winter
Ladies, you won’t want to
miss the April 5 luncheon
at 11:00 am in Richards
Hall featuring an all-music
program with Bob and
Becky Harrison, a vocal and
instrumental team well known
to many in our congregation
who have performed at
theater productions in the
area. Past programs with Bob
and Becky have delighted our
audiences with requests for
future performances, so don’t
miss it!
Sign up at the table on the
patio or with Nancy Kamalski
at (408) 255-3627 or
Want to reach others at SFC?
Our church database is readily
accessible from your mobile phone. If
you already have a login and password
just go to
mobile_login.php in your phone’s
web browser.
We encourage you to update the
information in your profile whenever
changes occur. If you need assistance
updating your profile, contact the
church office at (408) 867-1000 and
someone will assist you.
Save The Date!
All Church Retreat
August 26-28, 2016
Mount Hermon
Coming Soon!
Saratoga Federated Church
(408) 867-1000
Church Office:
20390 Park Place
Saratoga, CA 95070
Business Office:
14370 Saratoga Avenue
Saratoga, CA 95070
March Anniversaries
Jerry & Jill Houston Winston & Johanna Chew
John & Roz Fazio
Phil & Siggie Stillman
Bob & Linda Connors
Ron & Linda Ringsrud
Earl & Carol Thompson
Joe & Ruthanne Martinez
Tony & Jane Hoffman
Steve & Shirley Bragonier
Steve & Darlene Wood
Bob & Lauri Sutterfield
Marvin & Kelly Blough
Michael & Veronica Miller
33 years
47 years
35 years
35 years
36 years
22 years
43 years
1 year
36 years
33 years
33 years
31 years
20 years
37 years
April Anniversaries
Tony & Martha Gregory
Mark & Debbie Lillo
Peter & Carol Presunka
Mark van den Berg & Katey Kennedy
Mike & Jan Elder
Eric & Tracy Leonard
John & Soo Kim
Brent Fairbanks & Christy Rohrig
Phillip & Kay Abelar
Charles & Yvonne Goss
John & Norma Crawford
Sam & Lisa Owen
Alex & Ann Ross
Mark & Paula Draper
David & Julie Akina
David & Yvonne Wong
Life In God
Life With Others
Life For Others
Address Change
Keep in Touch
Terri Goehner
2003 Foxhall Loop
San Jose, CA 95125
Fed Family Deadlines
Apr 6, 2016
Jun 8, 2016
Aug 3, 2016
Oct 5, 2016
May/Jun Issue
Jul/Aug Issue
Sep/Oct Issue
Nov/Dec Issue