sheepfold express newsletter


sheepfold express newsletter
Sheepfold Ministry
Volume 22 / Issue 1
March 2015
Our mission is to be a Christ-centered
village dedicated to the development of
church and community through worship,
service, sharing, teaching and preaching.
Sheepfold Ministry
Open Letter From The Pastor
To My Beloved Tabernacle Family,
I greet you in the priceless and powerful name of Jesus Christ. It's hard to believe we are celebrating two years
as pastor and people. Torri, Dakota, and I are so grateful for the warmth and love we receive from our church
family. It is my personal goal to love the gift God has given me in Tabernacle and to serve with all I have. My
heart tells me that we can all testify, "Down through the years, God's been good to me!"
Tabernacle, in our two years together, God has blessed us to grow numerically and spiritually. In fact, TBC has been busy with a
variety of experiences. Wednesday night is a holistic blessing. The associate ministers preach impactful messages to start our evenings. Then, our Wednesday night instructors present informative and insightful lessons that biblically and spiritually strengthen us.
Wednesday night ends with prayer meeting. Truthfully speaking, prayer meeting has been so powerful that I know lives have been
changed when we leave the sanctuary! TBC, we encourage you to continue to strive in your Bible studies and to experience the spirit of God in prayer. When we study and pray, I believe God continues to show up in amazing ways. I've seen it at TBC. Through
God's grace we had thirteen individuals baptized on Resurrection Sunday morning! What a marvelous way to celebrate Jesus being
raised from the dead!
Not only has TBC been active internally, we have reached out externally. Our first Christian Education Conference attracted Christian educators from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. In addition, the Associate Minister Conference touched the lives of
one hundred ministers and gave them the tools to be more effective in their current environments. In May, we look forward to our
annual Mission Conference and are confident that people will get a broader understanding of local and global missions. In July, our
annual golf tournament publicly exhibits Tabernacle's dedication to the education of our youth. These internal and external ministries are a true representation of the spirit of Tabernacle Baptist Church and I believe they will be bigger and better in the future.
As we continue in our 92nd year of existence, I pray that God would bless each of us. We have ordained new ministers and deacons.
We have consecrated new deaconesses. We have added to the membership and the various ministries. This is a blessing! However, I
must quote our Deacon chairman Mark Jenkins. In his words to the new deacons, he reminded them, "You haven't arrived." This is a
critical lesson for us. As much as God has blessed us, we haven't arrived yet. In Philippians, Paul reminds us that we have "not yet
apprehended." In fact, our responsibility is to "press toward the mark." I'm excited about our future and I believe the best is yet to
come. Church, let's stay prayerful. Let's stay connected. Let's continue to walk in love. When we do these things, I'm confident God
will continue to elevate. I love you with the love of the Lord!
Your Pastor,
Rev. Cory L. Jones, D.Min.
I would like to thank everyone that has encouraged me and prayed for me during my first 3months as chairman. Along with getting
adjusted with my new position, I’ve done my best to continue to serve Pastor Cory and the members of Tabernacle. There have been
some issues along the way that had to be resolved, but with the help of my 1st vice and 2nd vice chairmen, Deacons Dave Burgess
and Al Jackson, we were able to get it done. I want to thank them for all their support and dedication. We have continued to work
with the Trustee Chairmen on making sure that Tabernacle continues to move in the right direction.
I also became a weatherman during this time frame. I was in constant communication with Pastor and Trustee Chris Taylor to make
the difficult decisions to close the church due to inclement weather.
There was a lot going on the during my first three months, however the best was yet to come when we ordained 9 new deacons and
consecrated 6 deaconess on March 29th. I am proud of all of them and know that they will be an asset to our ministries. As I said to
them, Paul states in Philippians 3:14, “you must press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”.
Deacon Mark Jenkins
Sheepfold Ministry
I greet you in the name of our risen Savior, Jesus, the Christ. The Board of Trustees of Tabernacle Baptist Church continues to labor
diligently in the vineyard to not only maintain, but improve the condition of our church home. To that end, we have completed two
major initiatives in our building in the intervening months since the last publication of the Sheepfold Express:
1. Casket lift;
2. Stripped, resurfaced and painted the gymnasium floor in Unity Hall (structured payment plan to minimize impact on cash flow)
We have also installed window panels in the rear entrance doors, replaced numerous overhead lighting fixtures in Gregory Hall area
and installed a new server. We are also in the process of upgrading the internet access points throughout our church.
Finally, with an eye toward reducing potential risk from future lawsuits, we are pleased to report that we have almost completed the
sexual harassment training seminars and background checks for volunteers involved with children. While we cannot completely
remove all risk, this training goes a long way toward protecting not only our church, but the next generation of worshipers at Tabernacle Baptist Church.
We thank you for your continued support as we continue to work in conjunction with the Board of Deacons and the ministries of our
church, under the leadership of our Pastor, Rev. Dr. Cory L. Jones, to save souls, nurture the saints of God and spread the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Your active participation is both solicited and encouraged as we strive to exemplify a Christ-centered village dedicated
to the development of church and community through worship, service, sharing, teaching and preaching. May God's grace, mercy
and favor overflow upon you and those you love.
Your fellow servant in Christ,
Christopher D. Taylor
Chairman, Board of Trustees
This issue of the Sheepfold Express newsletter marks the initial edition for 2015. We continue our quest to be a
Christ-centered village dedicated to development of church and community through worship, service, sharing,
preaching and teaching.
Since our last publication in August, 2014 we have welcomed approximately one hundred (100) new members,
baptizing nearly thirty (30). We celebrated Service of Ordination for three (3) ministers along with Licensing of
five (5) Ministers in Training. The Board of Deacons installed new leadership, Deacon Mark Jenkins, Chairman; Deacon David
Burgess, 1st Vice and Deacon Al Jackson, 2nd Vice. In addition, nine (9) Deacons in Training were ordained along with Consecration
of six (6) new Deaconesses. Tabernacle sponsored a very exciting spirit filled trip to the Holy Land and plans are underway for a
return visit.
As we continue to move ahead in 2015, we look forward to Pastor Cory’s Pastoral Anniversary celebration and our Mission Conference. Let’s continue to diligently and persistently study God’s word through our School of Christian Discipleship and the supplemental classes of Biblical instruction and continue to be supportive to our Associate Ministers as they bring the word each Wednesday night prior to our classes of instruction.
Thanks to the Board of Trustees and the Board of Deacons for the camaraderie and the respective commitment to be supportive of
our Pastor and his vision, our members concerns and our Church mission. Thank you as well Tabernacle family for the spirit of unity and love toward one another.
Thanks to all who submitted articles for this edition of the Sheepfold Express Newsletter. Our mission is to share information and
without you, our contributors, our publication would not be comprehensive. The desired method to submit your article is electronically, via email to either; or
Remember … “If your story is omitted, perhaps it was not submitted”. Thanks again and God bless all of you.
Deacon Bob and Deaconess Delores Preston
Sheepfold Ministry
Sheepfold Ministry
Sheepfold Ministry
My Journey as a
Deacon in Training
“So You Want to Be a Deacon”
Deacon Alan Johnson
Deacon Robert C. Powell
When I was asked would I
be interested in being considered as a deacon candidate I went to GOD
in prayer. GOD, through the Holy Spirit,
told me that you are thinking about Trustee but I want you to be a deacon. My
loving wife Carolyn told me that I had her
full support and she would help me whenever needed. Then GOD sent Jillian Hendricks to encourage me by telling that as
the names were being called she thought
Robert Powell would be a good deacon.
Then I tried to do a Moses and tell Deacon
Reid that I was concerned that I was not
Caption describing
because I needed a lot more study of
or graphic.
Reid put his arm around
me and said “brother, how much scripture
did Peter know when he was called.” He
got me with that one. Deacon Carl Jackson and Deacon James Johnson continued
to encourage and train me with the support
of the other Senior Deacons.
During this journey, GOD showed me that
this walk (deacon) is where my heart was
all along. Once again GOD confirms that
he knows us better than we know ourselves. We just have to be willing to trust
him. I know that challenges will come but
I am reminded of a sermon that Pastor
Cory preached from 2 Timothy 2:4 “No
one serving as a soldier gets entangled in
civilian affairs, but rather tries to please
his commanding officer. “ I seek to have
my actions always reflect the GOD I serve
and ask for forgiveness when they don’t.
Finally, this walk has been a blessing because the LORD gave me 8 brothers
(Alan, Marcus, Bill, Michael, Pete, Eric,
Al, and Russell) to join me on this journey. The spirit of brotherhood is strong
among us and I know I can count on them
when and wherever needed. I count it an
honor to be given the opportunity to serve
the congregation, Deacon Board, Pastor
Cory and Family, but most of all GOD as
a Deacon for Tabernacle Baptist Church.
Deacon Pete Green
Deacon Irvin Moore pulled me aside one
Sunday afternoon after service, to let me
know that the Deacon Board had been
watching me and then asked whether I had
any interest in joining them in their work.
I have to admit I was very surprised and
had my “Moses moment”. I thought, I’m
not the man for the job, you’re asking the
wrong guy. After all, I didn’t grow up in
the Church, only giving my life to Christ at
the age of 30. Further administration,
teaching and helps top my list of spiritual
gifts while evangelism, intercession and
mercy fall towards the bottom. Clearly, I
thought to myself, I’m not Deacon material. I don’t even really know what a Deacon does!
As suggested by Deacon Moore, I went to
the Lord to pray about the situation, consulted my wife and engaged in some study.
The Lord, through his Word led me to see
that He often called on people to fulfill
assignments for which they thought they
were not ready. The song “If You can use
anything Lord, You can use me”, was
placed on my heart. I thought perhaps God
was looking for me to step out of my comfort zone to tap into some of the other gifts
He has given to me, in order to better serve
Him. So I accepted the invitation to begin
a new journey.
Once the training began, there were times
when I definitely questioned whether I had
made the right decision. The more I
learned I often wondered how I could possibly live up to the responsibilities and
expectations of being a Deacon. However,
somewhere along the way, I realized at its
root, being a Deacon is about having a
willingness and heart to serve God. I meet
that criterion, so I have faith that God will
do the rest if I get out of the way and follow the steps He has ordered for me. Then,
when I thought about His grace, mercy,
and all that He has done for me and my
family, my angst and doubt dissipated even
The Lord has brought me a long way over
the past year preparing me to begin service
The deacons training was tremendous. We as a Deacon at Tabernacle Baptist Church.
bonded as trainees. We bonded with the
It’s a great responsibility and I realize that
senior deacons. We learned a new perspec- I still have much to learn as I embark on
tive and therefore appreciation of the inner this journey. I fully expect to experience a
-workings of our church and congregation.
The comment that sums up our training; "So you want to be a deacon!”
roller coaster of emotions along the way;
but that’s part of the growth process and
the Lord has surrounded me with eight
brothers to walk with me and group of
wise and committed senior Deacons to
provide support. I’m looking forward to
the journey ahead to see what amazing
things God will do.
My walk as a DIT
Deacon Russell B. Jordan, Sr.
From the moment I heard the words
"would you consider becoming a deacon", it seemed my life had been turned
upside down. There were many meetings,
much to study and learn, I was completely
removed from my comfort zone, singing
devotions, praying at alter call, and being
observed not just by the deacon board, but
by the entire congregation, all the time,
day after day, week after week, month
after month. The funny thing is, what I
thought was upside down is actually right
side up.
GOD has truly blessed me and my walk as
a (DIT) deacon in training has been one of
the most rewarding experiences I've ever
had. I truly want my life purpose to be:
God's man, In God's place, doing God's
work, In God's way. Thank you to my
Tabernacle family, each and every one of
you who had a kind word of encouragement, or a smile to brighten my day along
my way. I enter to worship and depart to
serve. God bless you, God keep, God
loves you, and so do I.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean
not on your own understanding. In all your
ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct
your paths" Proverbs 3:5-6
The Deacon In Me…
Deacon Marcus L. Williams
My journey as a deacon almost didn’t happen, when I was first asked I didn’t feel I
was ready. I was approached once again at
a later date and in between that time I can
honestly say God most definitely works in
mysterious ways; God sent me a sign I
couldn’t deny. Finally, I knew what God
had in store for my life and I accepted his
will to begin one of the most rewarding
journeys I could ever imagine.
I come from a family of servants to God;
my father and mother were Deacon and
Sheepfold Ministry
Deaconess; my sister was an active Deaconess (her Husband Deacon Perry Hill
recently deceased), and my brother who
served as a Pastor until going on to glory.
Most people expected this to happen in
my life but I didn’t. I am grateful for the
experience because it has changed my life
in such a positive way. My wife newly
consecrated Deaconess Regina Williams
has been supportive of my decision from
the start; she told me when I accepted this
call; "we are in this together", and as God
would have it, we have been blessed to
experience this new journey together and
I know that God has even greater things
in stored for us.
The journey has not been easy but as
Deacons in Training we received an
abundance of support from Pastor Cory
L. Jones, the Senior Deacons and in particular the Deacon’s training Ministry.
I would like to thank my fellow Deacons
in Training and offer them Congratulations. During our 14 months of training,
we learned to support and encourage each
other creating a bond which has allowed
us to grow into a brotherhood who are
dedicated to serving Christ and our
church community.
I am truly blessed to have been given this
great opportunity to serve. I don’t take
responsibility lightly as I am committed
to doing my part to advance the kingdom
of God here at Tabernacle Baptist
Deacon Michael Swoope
My walk as a Deacon in Training has
been a true learning experience, bringing
me closer to my Lord and Savior. I would
like to thank my teachers Deacon Jackson
and Deacon Johnson for the knowledge
and teaching they shared with us during
our classes. I would like to thank the Deacon Board for considering me as a Deacon in Training and for all the knowledge
they have given the trial Deacons during
our walk. I would like to thank Pastor C.
Jones for inspiring me to be a better servant in and out of the church. I would like
also to thank Tabernacle church and every member that encouraged me along the
walk. I would also like to thank my Deacon in Training brothers that have taken
this walk with me, they truly showed
brotherhood during my illness while we
were in training. I am excited to see the
path the Lord will lead each and every one
of us on as we become Deacons in the
church. And I would like to thank my family
for encouraging and supporting me during
my time as a Deacon in Training.
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and
where I am, there shall also my servant be: If any
man serve me, him will my father honor. John
Deacon in Training Journey
Bill Owens
I want to first take this moment to thank
Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I truly
believe that without my family and my
church in my life I would not be the human
being I am today. It was about five years
ago that I was first approached about becoming a Deacon at Tabernacle Baptist
Church. However, at that time I was not
ready to commit. My Lord in my daily prayers had a different answer for me.
Board for their observance of me and
subsequent invitation to be a candidate
for the Deacon Board. After much prayer and family discussion in January
2014, I indicated my willingness to
move forward with serving Tabernacle
in a greater capacity by joining the new
Deacon training class.
I must say the last 14 months have been
a wonderful experience as we individually and collectively learned and/or relearned the many passages and scriptures in the Bible that directly correlate
to the TBC Deacons actions and to
Kingdom building. The "Deacon In
Training" walk was very rewarding to
me as I learned the seen and unseen
daily activities, actions and protocols
required of all Deacons. I give thanks to
the TBC Deacon Training staff and to
the many TBC Deacons who thought it
not robbery to spend many Monday
evenings teaching and sharing the word
of God with us.
In Closing, I look forward to growing in
my walk with thee, carrying out all my
As years passed I was approached once
new duties as a TBC Deacon as well as
again about becoming a deacon and this hapanticipation of what the Lord has in
pened at the right time became by now I
store for the DIT Class of 2015. I am
have become more mature and, while I was
thankful to have trained with and alongalways considered a good person I had the
side such honorable and committed
desire to change my life and become a better
men. Lastly, I pay homage to my wife
man and to be available for others. With a
for our collective walk, our family, our
few days of serious thinking about what
ancestors and the many TBC members
would I have to contribute as a deacon and
who helped raise me in TBC over the
some discussions with my wife, my answer
years. Proverbs 22:6 KJV says "Train
this time was YES! It’s now time to take my
up a child in the way he should go; and
deacon walk.
when he is old, he will not depart from
it." Tabernacle, I am here ready to
The past fifteen months of my life have been
enriched and filled with the Holy Spir- Jehovah, our Lord, how excellent is thy
it. Sincere thanks to a few honorary deacons name in all the earth, who hast set thy glory
and the entire Deacon Board, my family, and upon the heavens! Psalm 8:1
church congregation all prayed and encouragement me through my walk. I will not let
god or you down. And while I am indebted Deacon Alfred Powell
to many for their assistance, a token list of
acknowledgement Deacon Carl Jackson, I would like to take this time to thank
Deacon James Johnson and Deacon Smiley. the Deacon Board for the critical trainAnd not to forget my eight brothers in ing provided to the new Deacons comChrist who walked this journey with me (so ing on board. A special thanks to the
you want to be a deacon huh?)
Deacons who sacrificed time with their
families and committed themselves to
teaching God's word and understanding
Deacon Eric D. Dennis
week after week. I personally am grateful for my growth in many areas such as
Tabernacle Baptist Church Family,
First I give an honor to God, from whom all prayer, family conflict related to communion and the serving of communion
blessings flow. I am truly thankful for our
Pastor Cory L. Jones and the TBC Deacon
Sheepfold Ministry
New Deacons and Deaconess
“ I Surrender All”
Acts 6:1-8
Timothy 3:1-13
Sheepfold Ministry
TRIP TO THE Holy land
To my most gracious pastor and First
Lady, Good morning,
I just want to tell you that I am so
grateful, to have you in my life. Your
kind blessings are even more than
anyone could expect.
You not only sponsored our tour, but you led, baptized, gave
mini-services and sermons, and with such kind expressions
and warm kindness.
Fear Not.
Joshua 1:9 “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good
courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed for the LORD
thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
When Carolyn and I made the decision to join Pastor Cory and
Sister Torri on the Holy Land trip many said don’t go. I was constantly reminded that based on the news coverage a trip to Israel
would be very dangerous and we should not go. In case you have
not watched our videos of the Holy Land Trip let me sum up the
Planning, guides, leadership, and fellowship- Blessing
Reading scripture at various biblical sites- Blessing
Worship Services- Blessing
Baptism in Jordan- Blessing
Boat ride on Sea of Galilee- Blessing (Did I tell you the
Boat was called FAITH)
Mt. Carmel, Mt. Beatitudes, Mt. Olives- Blessing
Renewal of vows in Land of Cana- Blessing
Western (Wailing) Wall- Blessing
Words can hardly express the joy, happiness and blessings
that I felt and continue to feel. The leadership and selflessness extended on our Holy Land tour, not only to the entire
group, but to my sister and me are incomparable. The accompanying pastors you chose were done so carefully. The
baptism, sites visited, music, scriptures, sermons, and general leadership, again, were just great --- The sites chosen for
us to experience, were so carefully chosen, plus we ate well,
from early morning to night. In addition to all of this, it was
wonderful to be part of 17 people who rededicated their lives
to the Lord you and others baptized us in the Jordan River. It
was also wonderful witnessing 7 of our couples renew their
wedding vows at Cana. Awesome is the only word to describe it all.
Even though I had travelled to Israel before, there was no
comparison. I knew that this trip would truly be an experience of a lifetime, and it was. It wasn’t just a tour, it was a
“real pilgrimage”. I only wish that any persons who did not
take the trip this time, would plan to go (with you and Torri)
on the next or next, for they really missed not only a treat,
but a blessing of a lifetime. And the great weather was a
And, without the help and assistance of our sisters and brothers, I do not know how I and others would have made it up
and down so many steps (as many as 100+steps and 80+
steps), --off the bus and at the various sites, over the rocky
turfs, or wherever assistance was needed. Everything was
just great.
Prayer in the Upper Room- Blessing
Communion at the Garden Tomb- Blessing
Many other experiences too many to name- Blessing
I thank GOD that we never saw the Israel you see on TV. I thank
GOD for Pastor Cory’s vision to take his willing congregation on
a pilgrimage. Most of all I thank GOD for the opportunity to
have an encounter with scripture like never before.
Deacon Robert Powell
God has truly blessed me, in particular, and I will remember
the kindnesses that both of you extended, for the rest of my
Thanks so much for you and First Lady, for truly “I am so
May you be continually be blessed,
Sis. Violet Melton
Sheepfold Ministry
Congratulations to Bryce Barron, Point Guard
for the Northern Burlington Greyhounds 7th
grade Basketball Team who had an undefeated
season. Bryce has also worked hard off the
court and earned all A's, having High Honors
for both the first and second marking period. He is the son of proud parents, Darrell Sr.
& Nemoy Barron.
Youth member and 10th grader, Mattison
Worthy received straight A’s for the 2nd marking period at Florence Memorial High School
in Florence, NJ. Mattison continues to make
her family so very proud of her achievements.
Elijah Davis, received meritorious honors for
the first marking period at South Hunterdon
Regional High School. Elijah is the son of Sis.
Tracy Davis.
Kennedy Warren, a 6th grade student at Wilbur Watts Intermediate school achieved honor
roll status with all A's and 1 "B." Her sister,
Makiah Warren, an 8th grade student at Burlington City High School, also achieved honor
roll with all A's and 1 "B." Both young ladies
have maintained honors and high honors
throughout their school years. Makiah currently starts for the Burlington City Girls Recreation Basketball league where they are currently undefeated at 6-0.
Makiah and Kennedy are the daughters of
Min. Marc and Kelly Warren.
Anisa Tyler, 12th grade BCIT student studying Sports Medicine, has been accepted to
Widener Univ. as well as Temple Univ. where
she expects to study Physical Therapy in furtherance of her goal of becoming a doctor of
Physical Therapist in her own private practice. Anisa also will be inducted into the National Honor Society on Feb. 11 just as she
begins her practice for the “O“ League Domination AAU Basketball team. As summer approaches, Anisa has applied to participate in a
Biomedical Research program to be held at
the University of Penn.
Tyler Mason, 7th grader at BCHS, is proudly
enjoying her first time on the Honor Roll and
continues to work hard to maintain her grades
and status. Tyler enjoys Praise Dance and
singing with the Youth Choir here at TBC and
also enjoys the Jump Rope Club at BCHS.
She’Ron Mason, 5th grader at Wilbur Watts,
has maintained her Honor Roll Grades and
also earned Perfect Homework in the previous
marking period. She’Ron continues to participate in the ELP Program for talented students
and serves as a Jr. Usher here at TBC.
We continuously thank God for His
Sydney Taylor received the Principal's
Award for Good Citizenship and her
3rd medal for gymnastics. Sydney is
the daughter of Trustee Chris Taylor
and Sis. Angie Taylor.
Way to go Sydney!
Congratulations to
Nicole Higginbotham, a senior honor student at
Burlington Township High School
who was awarded
the Advisory
Council on Women's " Outstanding Student of Burlington County Celeste Arties Award" by
the Burlington County Advisory
Council on Women and the Board of
Chosen Freeholders. Nicole was selected for this prestigious award because of her demonstrated excellence
in scholastics and leadership while
serving as a positive role model for
other young women through her dedication and interest in women's issues. Nicole is the daughter of proud
parents Deacon Russell B. Jordan, Sr.
and Trustee Nanette Jordan --Train up a child in the way he should
go, and when he is old he will not
depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Congratulations to Melanie Tulloch
for making the Dean’s List at Burlington County College for the Fall 2014
We’re thrilled to announce our fabulous ambassador who brings us sunshine even in snowy February! Kaitlin West is truly a jack of all trades!
She manages to juggle being a Community Advisor, Senior Leader and
Programming Assistant of Ambassadors, the president of her sorority on
campus, while keeping on top of her
schoolwork as Sociology major and
Spanish minor. Kaitlin truly shines in
her ability to make the best of any
situation with her infectious sense of
humor that brightens up the entire
room! Her tireless behind-the-scenes
planning for all the new hires for their
orientation this weekend has certainly
not gone unnoticed. The amount of effort
and dedication that Kaitlin has put into
this program since her freshman year has
made her a true super star and role model
to all the underclassman she meets.
We’re all extremely blessed to be able to
know Kaitlin and are SO appreciative of
the ways that she has left her legacy in
shaping this program for the better.
Kaitlin is the daughter of Trustee Keith
and Sis. Deldra West, Granddaughter of
Deacon George and Deaconess Doris
Robinson and Niece of Sis. Geneva
Our son Lewis J. Dixon, whom we are
very proud of officially, received his
Minister License from the American Baptist Association in October 2014. Currently a member of the ministerial team at
Kaighn Avenue Baptist Church, Camden,
New Jersey under the leadership of Rev.
Dr. Britt A Starghill. Minister Dixon will
officially complete his master in divinity
degree in 2016 from New Brunswick
Theological Seminary School. He will
begin the ordination process immediately
after successful completion of his master’s in divinity and then will embark on
his Doctoral pursuit in Organization and
Leadership. Congratulations!!!
Brother Lewis and Sister Mary Dixon,
Proud Parents
Jazmin Abad will complete her final
year of Undergraduate studies at
Montclair State University in May 2015. She
has by earned the Dean's
List honor from the College of Education and
Human Service for the
Spring 2013 and Fall
2014 semesters. Her
hard work and commitment to her studies are
reflected in her high grade point average.
Her parents, Carlos & Lori Abad, along
with her brother Jarren Abad and grandmother Comissa Chitty, are very proud,
and would like to congratulate Jazmin on
her accomplishment and wish her the best
in her future endeavors! Jazmin plans to
continue her education by attending an
Accelerated Nursing program in the fall.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to
those who are called according to His
purpose. Romans 8:28
Sheepfold Ministry
Kesa Mylan White, is
a freshman at American University in
Washington, DC. She
is majoring in International Relations and
minoring in Spanish.
She was recently selected to participate in
the Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) program. The program provides fellows with one-on-one coaching,
exposure to employers in their field, skill
development workshops, and an alumni
network during college. She is also a
member of the campus organization Top
Secret American University (TSAU).
This organization connects students interested in national security, counterterrorism, and intelligence issues. Kesa is
the daughter of Bro. Curtis and Sis. Kimberly White.
Christian was immediately admitted
to nine colleges and
universities. The
institutions include:
Delaware State University, University
of Maryland Eastern
Shore, Virginia Union University, Virginia State University, Bennett College,
Johnson C. Smith University, Talladega
College, Tuskegee University and West
Virginia State University. Presently,
Christian has not made a final decision
where she will attend but it will definitely be a historically black college or university.
Caia Dynae White, is
a 9th grader at Rancocas Valley Regional
High School in Mt.
Holly, NJ. She has
made the Honor Roll
the last two marking
periods, and currently
has a GPA of 3.95.
She is a member of the Key Club, where
she volunteers for local service projects.
She is active in church as member of the
Jr. Ushers, the Sight and Sound Ministry,
and the S.T.A.R.S. youth mentoring program. Caia is the daughter of Bro. Curtis
and Sis. Kimberly White.
Richelle Burkeen Wormley (Civil and
Environmental Engineer) was promoted
to the position of Director at the New
Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection (NJDEP). Her duties include
overseeing the enforcement of Air Pollution, Hazardous Waste, Underground
Storage Tanks and the Regulated Medical Waste regulations throughout the
state of New Jersey. She also oversees
the contracts and NJDEP delegated work
of the twenty one County Environmental
Health Departments. Richelle is the
daughter of Sis. Emmaleen Pinkney
On November 3, 2014,
Christian Whitaker
was informed she was a
2014 New Jersey Rising
Scholar. She attended a
recognition and awards
ceremony on the campus of the College of
New Jersey as a result
of this award. Activities included a breakfast reception and
listening to motivational speaker, Mr.
Nashad Warfield. After the motivational
speaker, she met with various admissions
professionals at the Malcolm Bernard Historically Black Colleges and Universities
College Fair. Christian was prepared
with her resume, school transcript and test
scores. The time was truly fruitful!
Christian is the daughter of Sis. Tiffany
Whitaker and granddaughter of Bro.
Albert and Sis. Arnette Peterson
Sean Brown a junior pre-med student
majoring in molecular and cellular biology has been named to the fall
2014 Dean's List of the Zanvyl Krieger
School of Arts and Sciences at Johns
Hopkins University. Sean is the son of
Trustee Sheila Brown and the late Reverend Vincent A. Brown.
Jocelyn Reuben is an honor student and
has maintained the honor status for the
first and second marking period. She currently is a member of the Jazz Singers,
Burlington Township High School Theatre production of TOMMY, and track &
field team for shot put and disc. Jocelyn
proudly serves as the second year president of the class of 2018.
Eddie Reuben is in his season of harvest.
As a senior football player of Burlington
Township High School, he has earned 1st
team all conference, 2nd team all county,
and 3rd team all group 4 honors. Eddie
has received numerous interests and has
gone official college visits. He has been
accepted to every college he has applied
too and now is considering the best financial package. Recently Eddie has been
selected to participate in the Adam
Taliaferro/South Jersey Football Coaches
Association Blue-White All-Star game on
July 2 at Rowan. In an effort to stay in
shape, he has joined the BT track team.
Eddie, at his first meet, medaled 2nd place
in the shoot put.
Jocelyn and Eddie Reuben, daughter and
son of Deacon & Deaconess Ed & Kim
Reuben and grand children of Sis. Corinne
Congratulations to Phillip James Dorsey
who will be attending Johns Hopkins University to pursue a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering this fall. Phil graduated from
Princeton University in June of 2014 with
a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree. He is the son of Judith
Williams Dorsey and the late James A
Dorsey III. Also, he is the great nephew
of Irene Bowles and Dolores Cephas. Best
wishes for continued success and all
thanks and praises be to God!
Players’ Black
Read In
Sheepfold Ministry
Angela R. Edwards, daughter of Bro. Andrew
and Sis. Marlowe Scott, who some may remember that she sang during the Scott’s marriage, has been blessed to add another dimension to her virtual home based business of
Angela’s Accurate Administrative Services.
Her newest venture is PEARLY GATES, LLC
and she has found a perfect niche for her skills
and experience with authors (and even Mom)
using her services. To God Be the Glory for
his blessings continuing for the family!
God’s Continuous Blessings!
We thank God for His many
blessings. We also wish to
thank Tabernacle Baptist
Church members for being a
part of helping our daughter
Forrestella Taylor,
better known as ‘Peaches’, to
become the person that she is
today. God blessed her to move
to Marietta, Georgia several years ago and to
On Saturday, March 7, the Burlington Twp continue her career in teaching. She taught for
Recreation League held it's annual Academ- several years, was Vice-Principal for several
ic All-Stars game and awarded its first ever years, and Principal for two years in Marietta
Middle School. God has blessed her to be
Vince Brown Memorial Award to the
appointed as the first African-American to
MVP. Vincent is still making a difference
in the lives of young people. He was instru- become principal of Marietta High School
starting in August of 2015.
mental in establishing this annual game to
We ask for your prayers that God will continpromote inclusion, self-confidence, and
ue to keep her and that she will continue to
inspire young people to strive for excellence in their academic study as well as the keep Him first in her life.
Deacon Harry Vereen & Deaconess Lula Vegame of basketball.
James D. Boyce, son of Bro. Andrew and
Sis. Marlowe Scott will receive the Bayaud
Enterprises’ Volunteer of the Year Award
in Denver, Colorado on May 6, 2015. The
award is for James’ volunteer support of
providing computer input for homeless
services in Denver in addition to working
and pursuing his musical interests. Before
relocating to Denver, James had joined
Tabernacle. This award ceremony is the
23rd annual MacDonald Family Tribute
Luncheon where the keynote speaker this
year is Olympic gold medalist swimmer
Amy Van Dyken-Rouen who sustained a
spinal injury and now uses a wheelchair.
More information can be found at
Sierra C. Dennis
Howard University ‘16
Civil Engineering/Environmental
On behalf of Wyoming EPSCoR
(Education, Outreach, and Diversity
Coordinator) and the Wyoming Center
for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG), Sierra Dennis has
been selected to take part in the 2015
EcoHydroGeophysics Summer Field
Course at the University of Wyoming
from May 17th through May 30th. The
selection process this year was
extremely competitive.
In addition, she has been awarded a full
grant for her participation. This grant
will cover her travel, housing in a UW
dormitory, all meals, and the costs of
group extracurricular activities.
Sierra will leave Wyoming, and head to
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for a month
long research experience with the Howard University Global Education and
Awareness Research Undergraduate
Program (GEAR UP). Please pray for
her increased knowledge and safe travels
as she embarks on her journeys.
See more at the link below.
We are proud of Sierra. Continue pursuing your passion and giving God
thanks for providing the way.
Deacon Pete Green was honored at the NJ
State Capitol, by the New Jersey State League
of Municipalities, on February 4, 2015 . He
Love, Mom and Dad (Deacon Eric and
was inducted in the New Jersey Elected OffiDeaconess Jackie Dennis) Siblings
cials Hall of Fame for 20-years of service as
(Khary and Janee’ Dennis)
an elected official. Deacon Green was also
honored by the Mayor and Council of Burlington Township, NJ with a 20-year badge as a
Kudos to Jordan Jackson for making the
HONOR ROLL for all three marking periods. Jordan attends Parkway Elementary
School in Mount Laurel, NJ where he is a
fourth grade student. His favorite subject is
math. Jordan is an active participant in the
school's Safety Program where he assists students to their school bus. His favorite sport is
football. Jordan is the grandson of Deacon
Carl & Sis. Marlene Jackson. Congratulations
Sierra C. Dennis, a senior at Howard
University majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineer, is one of four students selected to travel to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in June 2015 to conduct transportation research. The students will attend the University of Dar
Sheepfold Ministry
This is Sierra’s second trip to Africa with
GEAR UP. In June 2014, she spent the
summer at Bahir Dar University in Bahir
Dar, Ethiopia analyzing water systems. The
results of her research were captured in a 17
page document entitled “Estimation of Runoff and Peak Discharge to facilitate Rural
Development Using Statistical Analysis of
Watershed in Ethiopia”.
Sierra condensed her paper to a 1 page abstract and submitted it to the Emerging Researchers’ National (ERN) Conference. As
a result she was one of 500 undergraduate
students selected to present her research on
February 21, 2015 at the ERN Conference in
Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) held in Washington,
Sierra’s research abstract was also selected
for the 2015 National Council for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Conference.
NCUR stated in her notification letter, “ …
chosen from more than 3700 submissions,
your abstract demonstrates an unique contribution to your field of study and we are
pleased to offer you the opportunity to present your work to your peers, faculty, and
staff from around the world”.
The NCUR 2015 will be held at Eastern
Washington University in Cheney/Spokane,
Washington on April 16-18, 2015. See the
website for conference details. http://
Bishar Khary Jenkins, Jr., is a sophomore at Rutgers University in New
Brunswick, New Jersey. Bishar is a
Political Science major with a minor in
Criminology. He has been on the Dean's
List since his freshman year in college. His GPA is: 3.59.
During his freshman year in college, he
served as a Special Intern within the office of the New Jersey Attorney General
Division of Criminal Justice.
During the first semester of his sophomore year, he served as a Legislative and
Public Affairs Intern with the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) in Washington, D.C.
Bishar is currently serving as a Constituent Relations Intern in the Office of the
Governor for New Jersey.
Bishar is also serving as the Political
Action Chair for the Rutgers University
branch of the N.A.A.C.P and as a Tutor
for Expository Writing and English for
Academic Discourse I & II.
Bishar is the son of Sis. Stacey Tard and
the grandson of Deacon Elijah Tard, Jr.,
and Deaconess Juanita Tard.
As seen on Dennis Tunstall’s Facebook
Blessings to my husband, Russell B.
Jordan, Sr. who was ordained as a
Deacon on 3/29/15. Unlike a graduation or promotion, ordination is not
something achieved but rather is a
"Calling by God". But as for me and
my household we will serve the Lord.
~ Joshua 24:15 Your loving, proud and
supportive wife, Nanette
and Nicole
Congratulation to Andrew R. Preston
& Ashley A. Mallory on becoming
Mr. & Mrs.
Sierra, we continue to Praise God from
whom all our blessings flow! Proverbs 22:6
KJV says “Train up a child in the way he
(she) should go, and when he (she) is old he
(she) will not turn from it.”
We are so proud of who you are, whose you
are and the educated woman you have become! We pray that God will continue to
order your steps as you complete your academic Civil Engineering pursuits combining
your love for humanity and the love of our
environment. Remember, The Best Is Yet
To Come (TBIYTC)!
Parents: Deacon Eric & Deaconess Jackie
Siblings: Khary (Williams ’16) & Janee
(Cornell ’18)
Grandmother: Sis. Alavan DennisGreat
Aunt: Sis. Rosalie B. Burroughs
Dionne Higginbotham was a guest on
MSNBC's Melissa Harris Show representing Rutgers University on 3/29/15.
Dionne spoke on the topic of racism
on college campuses! Keep up the
good work, continue to allow God to
guide your footsteps. Love Mommy,
Today is certainly one of many proud
moments in my life.
Dennis Jr. Signed his Letter of Intent to
attend Towson University on a full athletic scholarship go Tigers — at Life
Center Academy.
Andrew is the son of Deacon Robert
and Deaconess Delores Preston
Sheepfold Ministry
Sheepfold Ministry
Congregational fitness
When God is in Charge
Without going into extensive details, I can remember when the founder of “Rae fit” was
training a few clients in a raggedy shack of a boxing gym or at “Pine Wall Park” in the
wee hours of the morning entertaining the bears and dears, charging a fee of $20.00 a
week per person. Yes, this was his only employment trying to support his family and not
give up on his dream to serve his community by exposing and instilling wellness as a
way of life. Never taking his few clients for granted he would with a constant praise to
God acknowledge his blessing for the few clients God has placed under his authority on
the road to wellness. In determination, patiently and faithfully believing that God would
provide a suitable location that he could render his Godly assignment free of charge.
God called a heavenly symposium on the matter, and the ethereal consensus commanding the flood gates of heaven to opened up and pour out blessings. Thanks be to God for
Pastor C. Jones and the leadership at Tabernacle Baptist Church for opening and allowing the members and community to utilized the facility in the mission of healing Gods
people. “Congregation Fitness” powered by Rae Fit commenced on April 1, 2014 free of
charge. Hand and hand , Gospel Aerobics and Congregation Fitness with strict obedience
under Gods authority has answer the call to spiritually, emotionally and physically lead
Gods people to wellness. Because of the dedication of these two programs, procrastination, low-self-esteem, attitudes of defeat are being replace with assurances of attainability
of dreams, affirming strengths, and self reliance just to mention a few.
On the Anniversary (April1, 2015) of Congregational fitness, we took a moment to reflect.
The realization of the amazing hand of God was very apparent. Approximately eight members are being certified as personal trainers, first time Marathoner in the mist, depression
can no longer be an option, members take on the challenge of pursuing personal dreams.
Yes, when God is in charge.
Congregational Fitness
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
“Kennedy Center
Willingboro, NJ”
Friday Boxing
6:00AM– 7:00AM
Sheepfold Ministry
Announcing the birth of
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
6LBS. 20 OZ, 20 INCHES
With love,
Announcing the birth of
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
6LBS. 20 OZ, 20 INCHES
With love,
Sheepfold Ministry
Board of Christian Education
Christian Education Conference
The Christian Education conference was
held March 13th – 14th and culminated with
the Booker T. Washington service on Sunday, March 15th. This was an exciting
weekend of training for the Tabernacle
community with the purpose of equipping
church workers for this present age.
Courses included:
 “How to Study the Bible”, Dea. Saul
Harris of St. Paul Baptist Church, Florence N.J.
 “Effective Use of Technology in Christian Education”, Mrs. Merrill Jean Bailey, Tabernacle Baptist, Burlington,
 “Parenting in this Present Age”, Rev.
Dr. Henry Rowlette, Tabernacle Baptist, Burlington, N.J.
 “Rethinking Christian Education”, Dr.
Edward Williamson, Pastor Bethel
Baptist Church-White Plains, N.Y.
 “Sensitivity and Discipline in the
Classroom”, Dea. Edward Reuben,
Tabernacle Baptist Church, Burlington,
 “Reaching the Hip-Hop Generation”,
Rev. Dr. Cory Jones, Pastor Tabernacle
Baptist Church, Burlington, N.J.
 “Urban Ministry”, Dr. Vernon Thompson, Pastor, Morris Chapel Baptist
Church, Philadelphia, Penn.
 “Administration of Christian Education”, Dr. Evan Spagner, N.J. State
Director of Education.
 “Developing and Maintaining a
Healthy Marriage”, Dennis and Lisa
Tunstall, Tabernacle Bapt. Church,
Burlington, N.J.
Bennett, Tabernacle’s Teacher of The
Month (March)
Christal has
been working
with the
nursery class
teaching God's
Word and coteaching with
Betty Luray and
Ann Whitman.
Christal has been a teacher- leader
collaborating with peers to bring God's
Word alive with technology.
The Sunday School seeks proven leaders like Christal with outstanding interpersonal skills who have a passion
for working with children, families and
community partners and who are committed to ensuring all students achieve
to learn God’s Word.
Serving a population as diverse as ours
requires creativity, commitment and
vision just like Christal exemplifies. Will you join us and become a
Sunday School teacher too?
Are you coming to Bible Study on
Wednesday night and leaving you
children/teens at home?
Bring them with you!
Here at Tabernacle Baptist Church
we have Bible Study for all ages.
Children Ministry
Pioneer Clubs, an age appropriate,
Bible Study for children 2-3 years
(potty trained) through 6th grade. A
structured learning experience designed to encourage children to place
God in every phrase of their lives.
Children experience a fun way to
study God’s Word, meet new friends,
play games, and participate in various
Wednesday-6:45pm –8:00pm
Wednesday Night
Come to Sunday School
9:30AM –10:45 AM
We have class for all ages
from nursery to adult.
Youth Bible Study:
7:00 pm—8:00 pm
The weekend was highlighted by our keynote speaker, Dr. Winfred Hope, Pastor of
Ebenezer Baptist Church in Athens, Georgia. Dr. Hope emphasized that the church
needs true Christians. We are given a
choice to be the salt of the Earth and to
fulfill the Great Commission: “Go ye
therefore and teach all nations”. Matthew
This conference challenged us to adjust in
order to serve this Present Age. We were
motivated to GO and TEACH everyone!
We hope to see YOU next year.
 Activity Director/Craft Person
Deaconess Marian DeCosta,
Assist. Director of Christian Education
 Love children
Middle School
7th & 8th grades
High School
Pioneer Clubs
Seeking individuals for the following:
Teachers and Helpers
 Love the Lord
For further information Contact:
Deaconess Delores Preston
Sheepfold Ministry
Graham, Quiana
Roy, Sharon
Greene, Theresa
Smith, Paulette
Keitt, Eric
Marshall, Ashanti
Fitzpatrick, Carol
Wise, Taliek
Brown Jr, Mr. George
Coney, Miss Kim
Johnson, Carolyn
Marshall, Valeria
Johnson, Mr. Harold
Price, Kyra
Reyes, Baysean
Reyes, Shamira
Troutman, Cheryl D.
Charles, Jacqueline
Dawson, Quiana
James, Kirk
James, Marcella
Jones, Tia
Jones, Toni
Slater, Eleanor
Strickland, Andre
Strickland, Andrus
Dickerson, Tanya M.
LeCompt-Yankson, Laura
Thompson, Alva
Hopkins, Kalynn
Hopkins, Mr. Leonard
McDuffy, Lillie Mae
Orney, Charles
Robertson, Brandon
Robertson, Tamiko
Owens, Kendall
Boynton, Sajada
Crudup, Murjani
Hill, Joe C.
Hosendorf, Elores
Mathis, Shaquanda
Moss, Joyce
Williams, Karen M.
Mathis, Jahki
Baker, Gwen
Jenkins Jr, Bishar K.
Lewis, Justin
Williamson, Mirosha
Clarke-Holmes, Roxann
Crudup, Andre
Quinn-Jinerson, Amiya
Rivera, Nilda
Crudup, Dedra
Tarty, Ilene
Felder, Erica
Williams Verdier, Sophia
Jackson, Juanita
Plowden, Darrell
Knight, Cheyenne
Todd, Barbara
Lane-Archer, Crystal
Blevins, Janette
Bradley, Jarrell
Bradley, Karen
Frisby IV, David A.
Hagans, Eddie Mae
Herrington, Lee
Hughes, Zarria
Knox, Wanda
Smith, Aaron
Wise, Emani
Wise, Monte
Wise, Nasier
Jackson, Lillian
Burroughs, Yvette
Hayden, Geralene
Walker, Persephone
APRIL 25, 2015
12:00 PM—3:00 PM
Sheepfold Ministry
Structure of the Sheepfold
The membership of Tabernacle Baptist Church
consists of twelve (12) Districts. One or more Deacons arc assigned to each District. Member families or households within a
district are assigned to a Sheepfold Each Sheepfold is assigned at
least one Sheepfold Leader. When a person unites with Tabernacle
Baptist Church, he or she is placed into a Sheepfold. A member
who is away in college or the military is assigned to the Sheepfold
of Hope.
Purpose of the Sheepfold Ministry
The purpose of the Sheepfold Ministry at Tabernacle Baptist
Church may be summarized into four (4) areas:
Being your friend: they will listen to your troubles and
concerns and try to assist you in whatever way possible.
Giving support in times of crisis: they may be able to
help you through a crisis by listening and giving support
or referring to someone or some local agency that can
help you.
Answering questions: they can provide you with answers
about your faith or about your church.
Fellowship: they can help you with your fellowship with
other members of the church.
Finding ways for you to serve in the work of the
Church: they will tell you of ways you can serve in accordance with your several abilities.
Praying: they are there for you to pray for and with you.
Your Sheepfold Leader assists and works with your DeaBecome acquainted with the organizational structure, facilities, con in helping you. From time to time your Sheepfold
Leader will be contacting you to find out how you are
and programs of the Church.
doing, to lend support and to find ways to assist you.
Get involved with Bible Study
Your Sheepfold Leader will also keep your deacon informed.
Participate in ministries of the Church
Fellowship: By helping members
Know other members of the Church
Get involved in planned activities of the Sheepfold Ministry
Support In Time of Crisis:
Providing assistance to the member or member's family during a
crisis in the family.
Keeping in touch with the member and helping the member feel
that he or she is a part of the "Church Family".
Celebration: Acknowledging birthdays, weddings, graduations,
How Can Your Pastor, Deacon and Sheepfold Leader
Your Pastor and Deacon are ordained officers of the church.
They are committed to helping you and your family. They
want to make sure that every member and family in our
church experience the love and support of the whole congregation. You are the only one who can answer the question of
how your pastor and deacon can help you. Here are some
ways they can help you:
Visiting you or your family: make visits to your home in
times of sorrow or sickness and may make visits to the hospital.
Witnessing to unsaved family members: they are concerned that every member of your family accepts Christ as
his or her Savior.
Rejoicing with you and your family: they will share your
joy when you celebrate important events or accomplishments
in your life.
Being a part of the Lord’s Sheepfold
Is a very blessed thing.
Because our Redeemer Jesus
Is the Keeper, Savior and King!
When we are lost, Jesus finds us.
He picks us up and carries us back.
With Him as Protector and Leader
No good thing shall will we lack.
He is tender, gentle and kind
He loves us and calls each by name;
Surely Jesus knows the pastures we need
To maintain our naïve and earthly frames.
We can sleep peacefully at night
Under the Shepherd’s watchful eye.
The dawning of each new day
Guarantees that He is still nearby.
Do not be caught outside the Sheepfold
There are dangers and death out there!
Come and stay safely inside with us
Until we transcend to Eternity in the air!
By Sis. Marlowe Scott - February 2015
Sheepfold Ministry
Burlington City
David Burgess
Elijah Tard
Dale Smiley
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Claudine Conaway
Hilda Timbers
Burlington Twp.
Russell Jordon
Al Jackson
Samuel Thomas
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Mattie Kitchens
Joan Bennett
Lori Ingram
Connie Tyler
Barbara Thomas
Teresa Braham
Camden City
Philadelphia, PA
Unassigned Areas
Camden County
Maple Shade
Mark Jenkins
Irvin Moore
Joseph Houston
Joseph Moore
Marcus Williams
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Alavan Dennis
Rev. Melinda Bradbury-Walls
Linda Richardson
Vivian Crowell-Schley
Delois McCormick
Rosalie Burroughs
Thelma Moore
Bernice Pires
Minnie Moore
Browns Mills
Edgewater Park
Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Ft. Dix
Marc Stephens
Alfred Powell
Robert Powell
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Alma Baker
Henrietta Cleveland
Marlowe Scott
Andrew Scott
Victoria McGee
Frank Ealy
James Johnson
Charles Loftland
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Penny Jones
Terri Weston
Nicodemous Charlene Harris-Jenkins
Nancy Johnson
Ann Whitman
Henry Whitman
Sheepfold Ministry
Mount Holly
Mount Laurel
Ronald J. Moffitt
Eric Dennis
William Owens
Carl Jackson
James Lockley
Michael Swoope
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Willingboro Twp.:
Country Club Park
Twin Hills Park
Rosalind Lockley
Eleanor Wilburn
Doris Robinson
Marjorie Barnett
Kassandra Keitt
Betty Laurey
Betty Williams
Robert Williams
Marlene Jackson
Willingboro Twp.:
Buckingham Park
Hawthorne Park
Douglas Baker
Joe Davis
Benjamin Whipple
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Julia Hamlett
James King
Angeline Parrish
Wellington R. Mahoney
Brenda Hicks
Carolyn Plummer
Barbara Dillard
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Harold E. Espy
Rev. Eured Snell
Andrea Moffitt
Cheryl Davis
Margaret W. Jackson
Ann Giles
Willingboro Twp.:
Fairmount Park
Somerset Park
Arthur Bernard
Joseph Evans
Willie Reid
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Mary Ham
Irene Johnson
Corrine Maddred
Sheepfold Ministry
Willingboro Twp.:
Garfield East Park
Robert Preston
Ed Reuben
Elrich “Pete” Green
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Kim Reuben
Marian DeCosta
Shirley Powell
Denise Whipple
Delores Preston
Willingboro Twp.:
Garfield Park
Garfield North Park
Deer Park
Millbrook Park
Pennypacker Park
Rittenhouse Park
Samuel Coleman
Derrick Wynter
Carson Burton
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Violet Melton
Eva McDowell
Gilda Jackson
Ruthie Brito
Lenora Williams
Lewis Dixon
Mary Dixon
Ida Bright
Marlyn Benn
Bertha Smith
Noel Gibson
William Scott
Harry Vereen
Alan Johnson
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Barbara Baltimore
Heidi Washington
Lula Vereen
Betty Dutton
Pauline Gibson
Marie Scott
Sheepfold Name & Leaders
Ruthy Leach
Nursing Homes
Etta Brown
Watch Care
Mary Ann Smith
(History of the Church)
Nancy Johnson
College Students
Sheepfold Ministry
John 14:1-6
September 2014— March 2015
Joseph Mulligan
Lenora Price
James Simpson
Waverly White
Rhonda Outler
Mary Curry
Sheepfold Ministry

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