Church Announcements April 5, 2015
Church Announcements April 5, 2015
Church Announcements April 5, 2015 Pre-Baptismal Class Every 3rd, 4th & 5th Sunday at 9:30 a.m. during See any Deacon for more information Sunday School Los Angeles Trip August 14th - August 19th final payments due by Monday, June 15th! Payments can be made in the church office. The Burlington County & Bethany Church School/BTU Congress Sign up on Annual Skating Fellowship the bulletin Monday, April 6, 2015 board Delanco Skating Center downstairs 6:30-9:00 p.m. / Skates $3.00 POC: Deborah Jumpp for more information Classes for SCD/Pioneers/Bible Study Easter Break April 5th – April 11th classes will resume on Sunday, April 12th Church School will continue Pastor’s Aide Annual Day Sunday, April 12 3:30 p.m. Guest preacher Rev. Simeon Spencer Union Baptist Church Trenton, NJ Cheerleaders Dust those pom-poms off! Come out & cheer Over 30 vs. Under 30 Basketball Game Saturday, April 12 3:30 p.m. See the bulletin board for more information Salvation Army Youth Camp Registration (Ages 7-12) Saturday, April 25th 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Willingboro Public Library Bring shot records/medical forms needed to attend camp Audit Committee 1st Quarter Audit All Treasures & Boards Submit your financial books Trustees Office By 9:00 a.m. Saturday, April 18th LIGHT Widows & Widowers Support Group Next meeting Friday, April 24th 6:00 p.m. Guest speaker – Sis. Edie Marshall Bethany Baptist Church Lindenwold, NJ Topic “Living an Abundant Life” POC: Sis. Terry Stanton & Sis. Donna Patterson Female Seniors graduating this year who are planning to enter two or four year college/university Applications are due Saturday, April 25 In the church library Newly Ordained Deacons Consecrated Deaconesses Sincere thanks & appreciation for the outpouring of love & support shown to us Sunday. We look forward to our spiritual growth, serving you, Pastor Jones & the community for years to come Love, Your Faithful Servants Dear Tabernacle Family God knew what I needed most He called on your kind heart Thank you for all the calls, prayers & words of encouragement during my father’s 3yr illness & recent passing Heartfelt thanks, Charlene Barnes To my Tabernacle Church family Thanks to all of you for all the expressions of love & concern shown during my recent illness. I am eternally grateful & thanking God for you Deacon Lockley To my TBC Family Thank you for the fellowship & attendance for my mother’s home going services March 7, 2015 God Bless You Brother Samuel Fullwood Many thanks to you my dear Tabernacle Family Many thanks for the condolence, prayers, cards, gifts, resolution & words of encouragement during the passing of my mother. I received strength from my Lord & Savior & my Tabernacle Family God bless you all Ernest Frager & Family Get the latest updates on what’s going on at TBC Like us on Facebook: Tabernacle Baptist Church Follow us on Twitter: @tabernacle1923 Instagram: tabernacle Baptist Vine: @tabernacle1923 Snapchat: @tabernacle1923 Ministry Leaders! If you have upcoming event Details & flyers that you would like publicized on TBC’s social media Accounts please contact Genel Wright Join the Prayer line every Monday 5am-5:30 am call 712-432-1500 access code 655824 • TBC Radio Broadcast every Friday • 6:30am-7:00am • WiFi 1460 AM •Get TBC text message • Text 40518/Tabernacle/Send/Y TBC Here’s a nutrient fact There are 267 calories 1 cup of ice cream The calorie breakdown 46% fat / 47% carbs / 7% protein Think twice before you have that Cup of ice cream Check out our website & bulletin for upcoming events Pastor
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