TBC Connection


TBC Connection
For SUNDAY July 5th, 2015 to SUNDAY July 12th, 2015
Weekly Calendar
Connection Sunday– July 5, 2015
SUNDAY, July 5th
8:45 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Sunday School
Worship Service
Nursery available infant to age 3
(Cobb Prayer Corps)
Sunday Summer Picnic (TBC Park)
Connection Sunday (Brumbaugh Prayer Corps)
MONDAY, July 6th—July 13th
Mission Brooklyn—Youth Mission Trip
6:00 PM
SATURDAY, July 11th
9:30 AM
3:00 PM
Missionary Prayer Meeting
TBC Puppet Practice
Overflow Practice
July 14th
July 17th & 18th
Elder/Deacon Meeting
Training for Perspectives
July 18th
Women’s Make It/Take It
July 26th
TBC Mid-Annual Meeting
July 27-30th
July 28th
John 3:16—Youth
Elder Meeting
August 2nd
Connection Sunday
August 2nd
Guest Luncheon
August 9th
Promotion Sunday
August 11th
Elder/Deacon Meeting
August 15th
Music Retreat
August 21st - 23rd
New Life Ranch Youth Retreat
August 23rd
Community Outreach Weekend
August 25th
Elder Meeting
September 6th
Connection Sunday
September 6th
Guest Lunch
September 7th
Church Office Closed - Holiday
September 8th
Women of the Word Begins
This month we are discussing portions of Acts 3, Romans 1 and
Acts 17 tracking with some of our recent sermons. If you are not
yet involved in Connection, check the map in the foyer for groups
that meet or call the church office. If you cannot connect with
others due to scheduling issues, then please consider taking some
time to ponder the questions below on your own. The goal of
Connection is meeting with other believers, looking to the Word
for answers, building each other up in the Lord and growing in our
relationships with one another. Please contact your flock elder or
the church office if you are not yet “connected” and interested in
either finding or starting a group. May the Lord richly bless our
“connection” and may we honor Him in our fellowship together
around His Word!
Acts 3, Romans 1:1-6, Acts 17:22-34
Discussion Questions
1. What was the result of healing of the lame man in Acts 3:1-11?
2. How was the lame man healed according to Acts 3:12-16 (6-7)?
3. What message does Peter deliver to those witnessing this healing
miracle in Acts 19-26?
4. What is the gospel? (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) Why do believer’s need
the gospel?
5. What is the purpose of the “gospel” according to Romans 1:5?
What should be the result? (Romans 1:16-17, 3:23-24, 5:20-21,
Ephesians 2:8-10)
6. How does Paul describe the purposes of God in Acts 17:24-31?
7. What does Paul say that God commands in Acts 17:30? What
should the motivation be for response to Paul’s message delivered in
Full notes from TBC sermon transcripts are available in the foyer in printed
form or from the TBC website at www.tulsabible.org in downloadable PDF
format (from the Home Page or the Resources tab, select Recent Sermons)
Pray For Those Who Serve
Elder of the Week:
Auditorium: Pastor Phil Martin, Elder
Overflow: Don Dunn, Elder
Deacons of the Week:
July 5 - July 11: Chris Hitz, Mike Leatherland, Harold Bradford
July 12 - July 18: Bill Thrutchley, Matt Miller, Tom Neils
OFFERING FOR June 28, 2015
MTD Gifts
Monthly Budget
YTD Offering
YTD Budget
$ 93,895
$ 98,998
$ 501,947
$ 587,500
Pray for the Muslim World During Ramadan
“30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World” continues to give us a
greater understanding for Muslims as they observe the Islamic
month of Ramadan. Let us finish strong as we pray for them during
this month.
TBC Students and Grads
Summer Bible Reading Plan, 2015
Week of July 5 - July 11
Nursery Volunteers Needed!
We need a few extra helpers in the nursery. Volunteers only serve
one service a month. For information contact Karen Hicks at
karen@tulsabible.org or 918-499-1513.
7/5 - Sunday - 1 Corinthians 9-12
7/6 - Monday - 1 Corinthians 13-16
7/7 - Tuesday - 2 Corinthians 1-4
7/8 - Wednesday - 2 Corinthians 5-8
7/9 - Thursday - 2 Corinthians 9-13
7/10 - Friday - Titus 1-3
7/11 - Saturday - Romans 1-4
Mother/Daughter Make It/Take It
Missionary of the Week
Mothers and daughters join us on Saturday, July 18th to make a
simple gift to take to a homebound or older TBC saint. We will meet
in the Lighthouse Flock Room at 9:00 a.m., enjoy a devotion, get a
few conversation ideas, and make a simple gift. At 10:00 a.m. we will
depart to deliver our gifts, and be finished by 11:00 a.m. This is a
great opportunity to share in ministry with your daughters. Don’t
have a daughter who can attend? Bring a friend or come alone, and
we will send you with someone to visit. Please RSVP to Precious
Adams by Monday, July 13th, so we will know how many gifts we
will need to make and how many visits to schedule. This might
develop a friendship that would result in follow-up visits. Don’t miss
this opportunity to minister and teach your daughters to minister.
We would like to ask for a $2 donation per person to help with the
cost of the gifts.
Got Camel's Milk? This month I got to meet the camel that I
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the
fatherless and widows . . .” James 1:27
Thank You—The Bartlett Family
Dear Tulsa Bible Church Family,
Your demonstration of love through the beautiful basket of
flowers at Mom’s service was greatly appreciated. We are so thankful
also, for making the reception after the service so special. We
recognize there was lots of coordination and effort provided by
Tulsa Bible friends of mom. She lived a full and wonderful life. She
will be missed, but we celebrate her Heavenly “home-going.” Your
support and helpfulness is a blessing for which we are grateful.
The Bartlett Family
Kyle and Vanessa Jones
In His Image, Kapsowar, Kenya Africa
bought from a patient awhile back to help him pay his hospital bill and
yes she had a baby! It may sound strange to us in the west, but camel's
milk is quite a delicacy to the Pokot so guess what our patients at the
clinic are getting these days? Tea with camel's milk! What a fun blessing
that came out of a desire to help a needy patient get home. The Pokot
clinic is going very well and we are hoping to finish the registration
process this week which will allow us to start taking patients that have
the national insurance which covers their inpatient bills and maternity
delivery cost. We pray this will really help the Pokot to be able to better
access the facility.
The school project is coming along great thanks to many people's
generous donations so thank you. We are looking at the final designs
and hope to break ground before the end of the month. The next
school year starts in January so we hope to start by then. I went to visit
the Ministry of Education department last week and they were very
Back in Kapsowar things are also going quite well. We love our work
at the hospital which includes teaching medical students from around
the world as well as the Kenyan nurses and nursing students. Vanessa
also has quite a ministry in our home with an open door policy and
good home cooking that welcomes them all.
Thank you again for what a great blessing you are to our family and
feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions or would like
more details.
Blessings, Kyle Jones DO
In His Image International
general announcements
Short Term Missions Trips
Sarah Baker
June 6-6 weeks
Natalie Clements &
Constance Harp
IT Project, California June 6-7 weeks
Lillian Wetzhold
New York, NY
6 weeks
Bethany Willson &
Lindsey McCloskey
Mid-June-3 weeks
Mandy Hicks
New Life Ranch
Summer 2015
Mission Brooklyn (Youth) Brooklyn, NY
July 6-13
For information about short-term Missions at TBC, please contact
Bob Clements.
Pastoral Staff/Ministry
Jim Johnston: Senior Pastor/Teacher,
Paul Elliott: Pastor of Global Outreach, ext-224,
Kade Goforth: Pastor of Music/Worship, ext-201,
Phil Martin: Pastor of Shepherding, ext-230,
Andrew Moss: Pastor of Student/Family, ext-206,
To join the church-wide email list: visit www.tulsabible.org and look for the “TBC Today” link.
Topics covered are: urgent prayer requests, weather related church closing, and other important announcements.