Church Announcements November 30, 2014
Church Announcements November 30, 2014
Church Announcements November 30, 2014 Licensing and Ordination Service Today at 3:30 The Women’s Ministry is calling sisters of all ages here at Tabernacle to come out and share your creative skills and talent on Monday, December 1st at 6:30 p.m. as we plan our Annual Women’s Day. This year’s theme is “Women with a Purpose” taken from Jeremiah 29:11. We are moving rapidly towards our annual day on Sunday, March 1, 2015. On December 1st Fitness Registration will take place in the Unity Hall Gymnasium for all Burlington County Residents. Come work out with a group of fitness enthusiasts and experience power healthy living— MAXIMUM EFFORT! POC: Tarae Morton @ 609-265-5522 TBC is looking for young adults interested in helping out with Unity Hall Gym Activities. Please come out for our meeting on Monday, December 1st at 7 p.m. For more information, please contact Trustee Darrell McMillion Registration for School of Christian Discipleship will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd and Wednesday, December 10th From 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm POC: Mary Dixon- 609-871-3649 The Christmas Card Station Is now Opened! The station is located next to the Chapel. There are mailboxes located throughout the church. Mail your cards early!! THANK YOU– CARD STATION VOLUNTEERS Christmas Program Rehearsals Saturdays-December 6th , 13th and 20th Christmas Party – December 20th Christmas Program- December 21st General Baptist Convention of NJ The Annual Worker's Conference of the General Baptist Convention of New Jersey will be held on February 6th & 7th , 2015. Please see Marian DeCosta if you are interested in attending this year’s conference or you can sign-up on the Christian Education Bulletin Board by December 1, 2014 The H.Y.P.E. Youth Ministry is having a basketball game against Bethany Baptist Church of Lindenwold, NJ on Friday, December 5th @6:00 p.m. We are asking that everyone bring an unwrapped gift and/or adult toothbrushes and toothpaste. The gifts and toothbrushes will be given to the children and parents at Cooper Hospital Children's Ward. Practice for all youth in grades 6-12 will be held on Tuesday, December 2nd & Thursday, December 4th @ 6:30 POC: Min. Marc Warren The Trustee Board’s Building Evacuation Committee will meet on Tuesday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m. POC: Trus. Widgeon The TBC Senior Christmas Luncheon will be held on Saturday, December 13th 12:00 -4:00 p.m. in the Dining Hall. The sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in the breezeway Training Saturday,December 13th 9:00 a.m. Members and friends are asked to donate a new, unwrapped toy for a boy or a girl, ages 3 months and up for the toy drive. Boxes are located near the front door of the main sanctuary and near the security desk on the lower level. Tuesday, December 16th at 3:00 p.m. In conjunction with the Christmas Food Basket Distribution. POC: Sis. Carolyn Saunders or Sis. Terry Weston Pastor Cory Jones and the Tabernacle Family, With warmest thanks, grateful hearts, and deep appreciation for your thoughtfulness in the passing of my sister Sally Dorsey. Dea. Joseph and Rosetta Evans No Eating or Drinking In the Sanctuary For your convenience We have diaper changing stations in the bathrooms & in the Nursery on the lower level Check out our website & bulletin for more information
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