ESRC Satellite Applications Catapult Partnership Knowledge Exchange Fellowships


ESRC Satellite Applications Catapult Partnership Knowledge Exchange Fellowships
ESRC Satellite Applications Catapult Partnership
Knowledge Exchange Fellowships
Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Background ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Outcomes .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Eligibility criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Funding ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Person specification................................................................................................................................... 6
How to apply .............................................................................................................................................. 6
What we will do with your information .......................................................................................... 7
Assessment.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Grant and reporting requirements ........................................................................................................ 7
Timetable ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Contacts....................................................................................................................................................... 8
In May 2014, the ESRC and the Satellite Applications Catapult held a successful exploratory
workshop which demonstrated some of the wide range of methodological, theoretical,
technical, and potentially policy- and business-relevant research and applications that
partnership between our communities might unlock.
We now invite expressions of interest to help further develop this understanding. The
possibilities for connections and complementarity between our communities are extensive
and span the breadth of social and economic sciences. We wish to invite the creativity of
the UK’s economic and social science research community to help shape our next steps.
The purpose of these Knowledge Exchange Fellowships is to:
inform the funding partners’ understanding of some of the opportunities for the
development, uptake and application of social science to address the objectives and
possibilities presented through the work of the Satellite Applications Catapult. This
includes exploration of opportunities to link UK social science with the Catapult’s
principle users, national and international.
provide a bridge between excellent UK social and economic research and the
leading-edge satellite applications capability in the UK, for example by:
o applying Fellows’ particular social science research expertise to projects and
partnerships underway at the Catapult
o brokering new relationships between the social science community and the
Catapult business network.
The partners anticipate funding up to four Fellows, who will be in place, either full or part
time, for between three and six months each. The maximum amount available for each
Fellowship will be £50,000 at 100 per cent of full economic cost (fEC). Consistent with the
Research Councils' arrangements for fEC, the partners will contribute 80 per cent of the
costs (ie up to £40,000) and the remaining balance must be guaranteed by the Fellow’s
research organisation. Fellows must be able to commence work in early 2015.
Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 7 January 2015, and interviews are likely to
be held on 30 January 2015, at the Satellite Applications Catapult, Oxfordshire (see ‘How to
apply’ below). Expressions of Interest will only be considered from individuals meeting the
eligibility criteria.
The Satellite Applications Catapult is an independent innovation and technology company,
established and overseen by Innovate UK (previously known as the Technology Strategy
Board) to foster growth across the economy through the exploitation of space. It helps
organisations make use of and benefit from satellite technologies, and brings together multidisciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation environment. The
Satellite Applications Catapult is one of a network of centres established by Innovate UK to
accelerate the take-up of emerging technologies and drive economic growth. A not-forprofit company, it provides facilities, platforms and expert knowledge to enable the
translation of ideas from concept to market.
The ESRC is the leading funder of high quality, independent, basic, strategic and applied
economic and social science research and training in the UK, addressing issues of
importance to business, government, the voluntary sector and society more generally. We
aim to enable social science to provide business, policy makers and civil society
organisations with independent, high-quality and useful evidence to support decision-making
locally, nationally and internationally.
Working with the Satellite Applications Catapult has the potential to meet many elements of
ESRC’s overarching aims. It may:
offer new ways of conceptualising and undertaking social science research pertinent
to, for example, international development
assist social scientists in understanding and working with the complexities involved in
accessing and curating satellite data
drive the development of new tools and methods for social scientific enquiry and
enable scientists working in other disciplines to access tools and methods developed
by social scientists
expand our understanding of opportunities for business partnership in the use of
existing data and data visualisation
develop the Satellite Applications Catapult’s understanding of how social science
might be used to further the use of existing satellite applications and influence the
development of future applications
encourage exploration and co-production of knowledge between social scientists
and scientists from other disciplines around the use and re-use of satellite data, as
well as the linkage and co-analysis of such data with data from other sources and
across countries
utilise excellent research through Catapult-brokered partnerships.
The Fellows will primarily work to build their own and the funding partners’ understanding
of the opportunities that may be presented by focused future activity to bring our diverse
communities together. Specifically, the Fellows will produce short reports outlining such
opportunities which may relate to the examples outlined below.
This list is for illustrative purposes only. We anticipate receiving Expressions of Interest
in far wider range of fields. On awarding the Fellowships we anticipate Fellows refining their
plans as they develop their own understanding of the data and opportunities available at the
Data and data visualisation: How can the Satellite Applications Catapult’s data
and imagery be used for social science research? This might include small
demonstrations of the possibilities for specific social challenges or complement
existing research approaches. For example, can historical images of the movement of
refugees complement theoretical understandings of events that precipitate mass
Earth observation and environmental data: As technology for earth
observation rapidly develops, what can engagement with social science research and
existing social science datasets bring to this work to ensure multiple uses? What can
social science and social scientists bring to the interpretation of earth observation? In
what ways might governments use this data, for example to improve understanding
of climate change or environmental degradation? How might this data assist decision
making related to large-scale planning?
Trust, transparency and governance of data: What should informed consent
look like in relation to the use of personal data captured and transmitted by
satellites? What issues exist in relation to public understanding and acceptance of
satellite technology and data? What might be the costs and benefits of different
approaches to regulation? What are the ethical and security challenges associated
with enhanced access to high resolution satellite imagery (particularly near-real time)
and how should these be addressed? What further research is needed? What
unanticipated consequences might there be of satellite ownership by elite global
citizens when some states cannot afford to access them? What regulation might need
to be considered and how might we ensure responsible innovation?
Thematic exploration: What opportunities are there for social science, satellite
applications, data and imagery to impact on wider challenge areas?
o Security, conflict and transnational organised crime: This may link to disaster cycles,
maritime security, or long-term population movements. How might the availability of
data through satellites influence or change research approaches and international
policy and perceptions in these areas?
o Transportation of people and logistical systems for the movement of products: Can the
data available through satellite applications be used to reconceptualise systems for
transportation? This could include sustainable transport; focus on urban living or
rural sustainability; the effective planning and delivery of, and access to, services;
safety, and critical services. What might the availability of data from satellite
applications offer social science study in this area?
o Food supply and provenance of food: Food supply is a key challenge, cutting across the
food/energy/water nexus, smart land use and transportation. How might the data
available through satellite applications be used to research and manage the security
and resilience of food, commodity trading and insurance?
o Population dynamics: what might the use of data and imagery available through satellite
applications bring to social science research on, for example, migration, population
growth, urban/ rural development?
o Disaster cycles: for example, what can we learn from imagery and data available
through satellite applications that might change the way we understand behaviours
and systems for emergency relief and benefit aid delivery?
o Energy: for example, can we build different understandings of energy demand,
generation, supply and use, for example around smart energy systems, renewables,
natural resource management, or infrastructure, from satellite imagery and
o M-health and telemedicine: for example, with our understandings of uses of
technology, what might be the next steps for technical development of, for instance,
systems using satellite applications for diagnosis at a distance? What opportunities
for advances using medical health data might be possible using this data and
technology, and what sorts of roles and responsibilities should telemedicine and
satellite applications companies have in relation to this?
o Movement of organisms or information: what new understandings might social science
bring to data on, for example, the poaching of endangered species, movement of
people and associated spread of viruses and anti-microbial resistance, or the
movement of information and opinion?
o Remote and tele-education: what new opportunities are there for using satellite
applications for remote or tele-education, and, for example, what understanding can
social science bring to the development of new delivery systems to ensure quality,
support access to education, empowerment and entrepreneurial activities in
developing countries?
We anticipate all Expressions of Interest will consider governance in one form or another:
from governance of data and personal information through to how data and imagery
accessible though satellite applications could be used to inform, influence and monitor
decision-making and governance structures. This is particularly important as Fellows will be
required to develop ideas for the application of social science in the context of the Satellite
Applications Catapult to solve real world challenges. We welcome Expressions of Interest
that explore opportunities with an international dimension, and particularly those that look
to address opportunities and challenges for the global South or resource-poor governments.
On appointment, the Fellows’ specific programmes of work will be agreed in more detail
between the successful applicants and the partners. Programmes of work may cover one
discrete aspect of the above list, focus across multiple topics listed, or focus on other areas
not captured in this document but relevant to the expertise of successful applicants.
Fellows will have a range of opportunities to develop and share knowledge both within the
Catapult and with stakeholders in the academic, public and private sectors, and in civil
society. They will play a significant role in developing the partners’ ideas for future
partnership. Fellows will add value by acting as a bridge between the broader economic and
social science communities and the Catapult, and with international partners.
Fellows will be based at the Satellite Applications Catapult’s Oxfordshire offices for at least
part of their fellowships. Fellowships are anticipated to be full-time for three months or
part-time for six months although Expressions of Interest may propose alternative duration
and commitments to meet the specific circumstances of Fellows. Specific arrangements will
be agreed between successful applicants and the partners.
Fellows will be expected to fulfil the following outcomes over the course of their
Production of a short report, to the agreed specification of the funding partners, that
demonstrates the scoping work undertaken to meet their agreed focus area, and
provides a picture of opportunities for next steps for the partnership, including
potential international partnerships
Establishment of at least three new relevant introductions between social science
and business or government actors that strengthen relevant Catapult collaborative
projects and demonstrate future opportunities for partnership;
Promotion and application of the relevance of social science (including existing
ESRC-funded research) to the activities of the Catapult and its wider stakeholder
Work that could lead to academic publications or spin-out activities would also be
Eligibility criteria
Applicants must be resident in the UK and be employed by an eligible research organisation
(Higher Education Institution or recognised Independent Research Organisation) as stated in
the ESRC Research Funding Guide (
Applications from current ESRC award holders, or researchers employed on ESRC grants,
with will need to make clear how they would be released from their existing ESRC
commitments. ESRC will consider this on a case-by-case basis.
The partners anticipate supporting up to four Fellows. The maximum amount available for
the Fellowship will be £50,000 at 100 per cent of full economic cost (fEC). Consistent with
the Research Councils' arrangements for fEC, the partners will contribute 80 per cent of the
costs (ie £40,000) and the remaining balance must be guaranteed by the Fellow’s research
Eligible costs are set out in the ESRC Research Funding Guide (
Research Assistant costs will not be supported under this initiative.
Person specification
These opportunities are designed for people with PhDs in the social sciences and with some
post-doctoral experience, or demonstrable equivalent experience. Expressions of Interest
must demonstrate the applicants’ enthusiasm for exploring new areas, experience of (or
understanding of the complexities involved in) working with stakeholders within and beyond
academia, and experience in influencing senior stakeholders. The partners will consider
candidates from any disciplinary background within the social sciences.
Successful candidates will demonstrate:
• Understanding of the Satellite Applications Catapult’s work and aims
• An ability to bring fresh social science insights to the Satellite Applications Catapult
through their expertise, experience and connections into the research, policy and
practice communities
• Knowledge of major ESRC-funded, and other, investments and research groups in
areas relevant to their proposed approach
• The capability to function effectively in a business environment by working within the
culture, time pressures, and communication requirements
• Good people skills.
How to apply
An Expression of Interest should be sent as a single email attachment to by 16.00 on 7 January 2015. Expressions of Interest received after
this time will not be considered. An Expression of Interest should include:
Outline CV: not more than two sides of A4 in 12pt font;
Brief confirmation of applicant’s research organisation’s (including that of relevant
award holder) support for the application, on headed paper;
Free text discussion of issues and opportunities arising from the Fellowship, of the
applicant’s fit to the person specification, a proposed approach to bringing the
applicant’s existing academic experience to bear on the priorities of the Satellite
Applications Catapult and discussion of mechanisms for sharing relevant knowledge
between academic, business and government stakeholders: not more than two sides
of A4 in 12pt font;
Indicative costs: including estimated salary costs, estimated estates and overheads
(these should be provided by the applicant’s research office), and estimated other
Expressions of Interest will be acknowledged on receipt. Following assessment (see below),
shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview. Successful candidates will then submit
formal applications through the Research Councils’ Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system
( This will be through an invitation-only
call; guidance will be provided at the time of invitation.
What we will do with your information
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the personal information that you
provide within the Expression of Interest will specifically be used for the purpose of
administering the ESRC/Satellite Applications Catapult KE Fellows opportunity. It will be
viewed by those involved in commissioning the fellowships. This information will not be
used by us for any other purpose without your specific consent.
For further information on how your information is used, how we maintain the security of
your information, and your rights to access information we hold on you, please contact Joint
Information Services Unit
Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss the work with Satellite Applications Catapult
management; contact details are given below.
Expressions of Interest will be reviewed by a panel comprising senior representatives of the
ESRC and Satellite Applications Catapult, and independent advisors. Applicants will be
shortlisted and shortlisted candidates invited for interview. It is expected that interviews will
take place at the Catapult’s Oxfordshire offices.
The appointment will be offered on the basis of demonstrated fit to the person specification
and performance at interview.
Grant and reporting requirements
The Fellowship will be supported by a grant issued and managed by the ESRC on behalf of
the partners. See
Invitations to submit Expressions of Interest published - 7 November 2014
Closing date for Expressions of Interest - 16.00 at 7 January 2015
To be confirmed once Panel meeting dates are agreed:
Shortlisting. Shortlisted candidates invited to interview. Invitations to submit Je-S
applications and guidance sent to shortlisted applicants – w/c 19 January 2015
Interviews and decisions: date and venue will be circulated to all applicants as soon
as agreed - 30 January 2015
Grant offer and acceptance - early February 2015
Fellowship starts - late February 2015
For further information on the applications process or to discuss ideas, please contact:
• Satellite Applications Catapult
• ESRC contact