European Alert Horizon 2020 – SME Instrument
European Alert Horizon 2020 – SME Instrument
E uropean Alert Horizon 2020 – SME Instrument Horizon 2020 offers a wide range of support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In view of the fact that SMEs play an important role in the structure of the economy, the European programme places special emphasis on supporting the participation of these entities in research projects and stimulating their innovation and potential for commercialization of products and services. Under Horizon 2020, SMEs have access to multiple sources of support, including the dedicated SME Instrument. This form of support is intended to stimulate innovation of enterprises by providing them with funds for research projects in a number of key (from the point of view of the current needs of Europe and the member states) disciplines, as well as support during the demonstration and implementation. I. Goal and beneficiaries Phase I - Feasibility assessment Goal: support for R&D, high-risk research and stimulation of significant innovation carried out by SMEs. Total budget: EUR 26 557 000 Beneficiaries: SME enterprise (no consortia required). The SME instrument has been divided into three phases, which vary in terms of the scope and form of support. Applying for support under Phase I and Phase II is independent of each other. II. Dates in 2015 Planned call for proposals dates: from 18.12.2014 to 16.12.2015 Support for i.e.: • • • • • • • identification of technological and commercial potential, risk assessment market research searching for partners, IPR management, feasibility study, preparation of the draft budget. Support: lump sum of EUR 50 k Project duration: 6 months Cut-off dates: • 18.03.2015 • 17.06.2015 • 17.09.2015 • 16.12.2015 Phase II – Innovation project Total budget: EUR 233 701 600 Support for i.e.: • prototyping, III. The thematic areas of support in 2015 • pilot lines, • testing, • • • • • • • • scaling-up, • validation for market replication. • • • • • • biotechnology, protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures, breakthrough innovation in the ICT sector, SME business model innovation, innovative mobile e-government applications, innovation research for transport, nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies, validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices, eco-innovation, food production and processing, low carbon energy system, R&D in space, development potential of the oceans, seas and coasts. Support: EUR 0.5 – 2.5 M Project duration: 12-24 months Phase III - Commercialization No direct financial support. Indirect aid in the form of supporting activities such as training, networking, mentoring and coaching, access to venture capital funds. How can we support you? Deloitte R&D GI We create competitive advantages We identify possibilities of financial support • We recognize funding potential of business development costs and indicate new sources of support • We select aid instruments in a form that best suits your needs: subsidies, tax reliefs and incentives, preferential loans • We co-create regulations and give recommendations concerning the public aid system in Poland. Therefore, we possess the most updated and complete information on investment financing and ongoing business. We show opportunities We bring out your potential New funding sources Ongoing costs might be eligible Tax optimization Potential for innovative activity Fresh view on eligibility of experimental development costs • Maximization of funding opportunities in 2014-2020 • Management of the innovative activity in order to increase company’s revenue • Increase of the company’s value by means of an appropriate system of intellectual property protection • Reduction of company’s development costs through use of the existing potential Our team means: More than projects implemented for clients active in the Polish market 300 60 More than experts in Poland 6 billion Nearly PLN funds in form of grants and zonal tax exemptions More than specialists In 50 We cooperate with: MoID, MoE, MoS&HE, PAED, NCRD, PAI&FI as well as with regional institutions. 800 different countries See what we see Please visit our website:, where you can find more information about the possibilities to co-finance investments from European funds and other support schemes. R&D GI Team – Contact Magdalena Burnat-Mikosz Partner Vice President of the Board phone: +48 (22) 511 00 65 e-mail: Office in Warsaw Office in Cracow Ewa Rutczyńska-Jamróz Senior Manager phone: +48 (22) 511 08 35 e-mail: Monika Krześniak Manager phone: +48 (22) 511 04 10 e-mail: Michał Turczyk Director phone: +48 (12) 394 43 38 e-mail: Krzysztof Senger Senior Manager phone: +48 (22) 348 37 63 e-mail: Agata Kurcewicz Manager phone: +48 (22) 511 07 50 e-mail: Bartosz Trojnar Manager phone: +48 (12) 394 43 15 e-mail: Office in Poznan Magdalena Cybulska Manager phone:+48 (22) 348 33 42 Natalia Wojciechowska Manager phone: +48 (22) 511 03 27 e-mail: Jagoda Aleksandrowicz Manager phone: +48 (61) 882 42 12 e-mail: Katarzyna Berbeć Manager phone: +48 (61) 882 42 23 e-mail: Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. 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Please see pl/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. © 2014 Deloitte Poland. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited