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Wyoming Homeland Security Training Program
Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy
November 2014
Security & Emergency Response Training
Center (SERTC)
SERTC has been awarded funding under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Homeland Security National Training Program through the Department of Homeland Security. This
funding provides financial assistance to our nation’s State, Local and Tribal emergency
response and preparedness communities to attend eight of our training courses begin- In this Issue:
ning October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015. The courses are applicable for responders
to apply using this funding:
Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Technician for
Surface Transportation (HWMDTST), 10-day, 80-hr
This course is academically and performance challenging. Designed to prepare participants
WHSTP Schdule......5
for the offensive measures necessary to mitigate a HazMat/WMD emergency, participants
respond and demonstrate proficiency with non-bulk and bulk packaging, rail cars, cargo tanks,
intermodal and
portable tanks, and techniques necessary to perform containment and confinement procedures. Participants develop and assist in the development of plans while functioning in an
incident command structure with the LMSTI course Participants. Balanced classroom and
field-work time maximize the
learning experience.
Highway Emergency Response Specialist (HERS), 5-day, 40-hr
This FEMA certified 40-hour course focuses on specific fundamentals and skills associated with an emergency response to a highway incident involving (HazMat/WMD) Highway
Emergencies. Participants are provided with detailed technical information on cargo tanks
(all types), intermodal (IM) portable tanks, freight vans, design and construction, non-bulk
packaging, and compressed gas cylinders. Participants are trained to be proficient in hazard
mitigation techniques for highway
transportation incidents, transfer procedures, grounding and bonding, and safety considerations, including extensive hands-on practice of actions and responses to simulated HazMat/
WMD incidents.
Tank Car Specialist (TCS), 5-day, 40-hr course
This FEMA certified 40-hour course is designed to address specific fundamentals and skills
associated with an emergency response to a rail surface transportation incident involving
HazMat/WMD. The TCS course will provide technical knowledge pertaining to tank cars,
including damage assessment, oversight for product removal, and movement of damaged tank
and other rail cars present. Participants will conduct site assessments of incidents, damage
assessments of the containers, and will conduct product removal using different transfer techniques on the various DOT containers used in rail transportation. The skills acquired at this
specialty course are above and beyond that of a HazMat/WMD technician.
Continued on page 3...
Test Your
The four-digit number found on placards
or orange panels that
is used to identify
the name of a material and its hazard
response information
is known as what?
Answer on page 6...
Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response
and Recovery MGT-324
March 10-11, 2015
Rawlins, WY
Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response and Recovery is a National Center for Biomedical Research
& Training (NCBRT) course that provides campus leaders; faculty governance; student governance;
campus law enforcement and security departments; campus health, medical, and mental health services;
campus public affairs; jurisdictional law enforcement and public safety agencies; and jurisdictional public
information officers with an understanding and ability to navigate difficult aspects of dealing with campus emergencies—whether human-caused or natural events including acts of violence. The course consists of small, problem-based, integrated group activities that require a coordinated, integrated approach
to solve.
Through tabletop scenarios, course participants will observe a developing incident and respond in a
manner consistent with currently established campus and jurisdictional emergency operations procedures.
Successfully preventing, deterring, responding to, and recovering from incidents in the campus community depends upon campus and community leaders recognizing the importance of an integrated approach beforehand. This holistic approach must recognize that successful nationally accepted emergency
management principles used during responses to high-consequence events also can and will work when
dealing with campus emergencies. Recent national events have demonstrated that campuses are not exempt from dealing with crises.
As these threats have increased and evolved, the US government has expanded its support of initiatives
to prepare federal, state, tribal, and local law enforcement personnel, in conjunction with the collegiate
community, to use an all-hazards approach when dealing with campus emergencies. Participants should
be familiar with their respective roles and responsibilities with regard to emergency preparedness planning, campus emergencies response, and related post-incident activities and consequences.
Professional Disciplines: Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Management Agency, Fire Service,
Governmental Administrative, Hazardous Materials Personnel, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Public
Health, Public Safety Communications, Public Works
When: March 10-11, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: Fire Station II
501 E. State St.
Rawlins, WY
To register for any of these classes, please go to http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com/
Continued on page 3...
STEPS Freight (Surface Transportation Emergency Preparedness and Security for
Freight by Rail or Highway)-Coming 2015
This course will train management and planning personnel from within a jurisdiction
or organization to prevent, manage, and assess the threat and vulnerabilities of freight transportation
Crude By Rail-Coming 2015
This program will provide the first responder basic knowledge, skills, and abilities to respond to incidents
involving Crude By Rail (CBR). The program is delivered over 3 days (24 hours) with over 60% field
exercise. The program covers: the history of crude oil, chemical and physical properties of the different
crude oil transported, basic site and damage assessment, tank car design and construction.
STEPS Senior (Surface Transportation Emergency Preparedness and Security for Senior
Officials)-Coming 2015
This course offers an executive level introduction to the roles and responsibilities of
preparedness, prevention, and response to emergencies involving surface transportation freight and
passenger systems. This course will provide a clear overview of freight and passenger system threats
facing jurisdictions/organizations of public and private officials and the organizational structure that
must be implemented according to the National Response Framework (NRF) in an incident
For more information, please contact Russell Clark at 307.358.1920 or russell.clark@wyo.gov.
Please note, these classes are in Pueblo, CO.
Community Healthcare Planning and Response to Disasters
The Community Healthcare Planning and Response to Disasters is a National Center for Biomedical Research & Training (NCBRT) course that provides comprehensive planning tools
to mitigate impacts on communities during large-scale incidents and examines the need for
collaboration among responders in a community-wide disaster response. It is taught through
a combination of facilitated discussion, hands-on training and traditional instruction. Recognizing that response to disasters differs by locale, the course can be tailored to local participant needs. Several activities rely on the varied expertise and experiences of the audience to
provide information about their planning considerations and response roles.
When: February 9-10, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: Hathway Building,
Basement Conf
2300 Capitol Ave
Cheyenne, WY
When: February 12-13, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: Fremont Co EMS
1052 Petersdorf Dr
Riverton, WY
To register for any of these classes, please go to http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com/
Incident Command System : Intermediate Ics-300
The Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents course provides training
on & resources for personnel who require advanced application of the ICS. The course expands
upon information covered in the ICS 100 & ICS 200 courses. This course is 18 hours long.
When: November 17-18, 2014
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: 84th CST
4600 Powerhouse Rd
Cheyenne, WY
When: November 19-21, 2014
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: Washakie Co Extension Office
1200 Culbertson Ave
Worland, WY
Instructors: Kimball Croft & Terry Wilson
To register for any of these classes, please go to http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com/
Incident Command System : Advanced Ics-400
The Advanced Incident Command System, Command & General Staff-Complex Incidents
course provides training & resources for personnel who require advanced application of the ICS.
The course expands upon information covered in the ICS 100 through ICS 300 courses. This
course is 14 hours long.
When: December 1-2, 2014
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: Sweetwater Co EOC
731 C Street, Suite 131 C
Rock Springs, WY
Instructors: Jim Mitchell & Rich Ochs
When: January 27-28, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: Wyoming FIre Academy
2500 Academy Ct
Riverton, WY
Instructors: Rich Ochs
When: December 4-5, 2014
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: Washakie Co Extension Office
1200 Culbertson Ave
Worland, WY
Instructors: Kimball Croft & Terry Wilson
When: January 28-29, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location: 84 CST
4600 Powerhouse Rd
Cheyenne, WY
Instructors: Kyle Higgins
To register for any of these classes, please go to http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com/
WHSTP Schedule
Class Description
Incident Command System: IntermediateICS-300. 18 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is located
at the Sweetwater Co EOC @ 731 C Street Suite 131 C. To register, please visit http://whstpclass- Rock Springs
Incident Command System: IntermediateICS-300. 18 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is lo11/17/14- cated at the 84 CST@ 4600 Powerhouse Rd. Please note this class is not open for registration till
11/18/14 11/10/14. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com
Enhanced Threat Risk Assessment. 16 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is located at the Jeffrey
11/18/14- Center @ 315 West Pine. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com
Incident Command System: IntermediateICS-300. 18 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is located
11/19/14- at the Washakie Co Extension Office @ 1200 Culbertson Ave. To register, please visit http://whst11/21/14 pclasses.eventbrite.com
Incident Command System: Advanced ICS-400. 14 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is located at
the Sweetwater Co EOC @ 731 C Street Suite 131 C. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses. Rock Springs
Incident Command System: Advanced ICS-400. 14 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is located at
the Washakie Co Extension Office @ 1200 Culbertson Ave. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com
Incident Command System: Advanced ICS-400. 14 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is located
01/27/15- at the Wyoming Fire Academy @ 2500 Academy Ct. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses.
01/28/15 eventbrite.com
Incident Command System: Advanced ICS-400. 14 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and is locat01/28/15- ed at the 84th CST@ 4600 Powerhouse Rd. Please note this class is not open for registration till
01/29/15 12/22/14. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com
Community Healthcare Planning & Response to Disasters. 16 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and
is located at the Hathway Bld, Basement Conf Rm @ 2300 Capitol Ave. To register, please visit
Community Healthcare Planning & Response to Disasters. 16 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and
is located at the Fremont Co EMS @ 1052 Petersdorf Drive. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses.eventbrite.com
Campus Emergencies Prevention Response & Recovery. 16 hrs. Class starts at 8:00 a.m and
is located at the Fire Station II @ 201 E State St. To register, please visit http://whstpclasses.
Anticipating Hazardous Weather & Community Risk, 2nd Edition IS-271.a
Anticipating Hazardous Weather and Community Risk, 2nd Edition is a on-line class that provides emergency
managers and other decision makers with background information about weather, natural hazards, and preparedness. This module offers web-based content designed to address topics covered in the multi-day Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness course offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
and the National Weather Service (NWS). The module also complements other onsite courses by those agencies. This training module covers; weather basics, weather forecasting, threats analysis and hazards planning,
and warning partnership information.
Note: This course is on a non-federal government website operated by the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education,and Training (COMET).
To take this class, please visit http://www.training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/courseOverview.aspx?code=IS-271.a
Wyoming Homeland
Security Training
Wyoming Law Enforcement
1556 Riverbend Dr.
Douglas, WY 82633
Russell Clark: Training Coorinator
Marty Roark: WMD Instructor
Emmalee Uhlich: Admin Specialist
Answer to Test Your Knowledge
The UN Identification Number
Upcoming Training
The classes listed below are in the works and will
soon be available for more information and registration. If you have any questions or would like to host
a class, please feel free to contact us.
Inland Search and Rescue Planning- May 4-8, 2015
If you would like to request a specific class or host
one, please contact Russell Clark or Marty Roark at