9am Mihi whakatau at Te Papa/Te Hau ki Turanga whare 9.30am
9am Mihi whakatau at Te Papa/Te Hau ki Turanga whare 9.30am
TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 Te Hau ki Turanga Wananga 9am to 1pm, 8 November 2014 7 November 2014 Whanau will be staying at Taraika Marae, Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Wellington 8 November 2014 9am Mihi whakatau at Te Papa/Te Hau ki Turanga whare 9.30am Kai 10am Wananga begins 1. Presentation by Te Papa Team: a. Timetable and consequences i. “Immediate” return of whare ii. Return by 2019 b. What is involved in the testing of the original pane c. What is involved in the testing of the heke: i. State of whare during heke testing ii. Replacement of 4 heke d. The team and the involvement of women in the testing process e. General matters 2. Te Hau ki Turanga Trust: a. General update since May 2014 Wananga b. Overall tikanga for the whare c. Support for women involved in testing process d. Support for the whare remaining open with replacement heke and testing process e. Involvement of Rongowhakaata during the testing process through a Rongowhakaata carver f. Next steps 3. Closing Karakia and blessing of the Whare for testing works 12pm Lunch 1pm Rongowhakaata departs Te Papa Can whanau attending please register with Sammy Jo Matete (Ph: 0800 766 469 or trust@rongowhakaata.iwi.nz) for accommodation (Taraika Marae) and/or catering. The background information follows. Any queries on this pack can be sent to willie.teaho@icsolutions.co.nz or mobile: 021768462 prior to the wananga. Further information can be found at the Rongowhakaata website and Facebook page. Layne Harvey, Chair 1|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 Te Hau ki Turanga Trust Minutes Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa Library 10.08am, 24 October 2014 Present: Layne Harvey (Chair) and Miria Pomare – online Tutekawa Wyllie (Deputy Chair), Jimmy Whaitiri and Robyn Rauna In Attendance: Willie Te Aho (Secretariat) - online Karakia: Tutekawa Apologies: Motion 1: That the apology from Angus Ngarangioue be received Moved: Layne Seconded: Robyn CARRIED Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Motion 2: That the minutes of the meeting held 25 September 2014 are a true and correct record. Moved: Robyn Seconded: Tutekawa Matters Arising: CARRIED There were no matters arising. Secretariat Report: A. Background Information Motion 3: “That the Te Hau ki Turanga Trust trustees (“trustees”): a. Receive the e-mails from the Te Hau ki Turanga Trust (“the Trust”) Secretariat on 29 September 2014 and 1 October 2014 that were sent to all trustees; b. Receive the response from Te Papa Tongarewa (“Te Papa”) to the questions raised at the last trustees meeting held on 25 September 2014; c. Note that all recommendations are based on Rongowhakaata Deed of Settlement (“Deed of Settlement”), the Rongowhakaata Claims Settlement Act 2012 (“the legislation”), the Te Hau ki Turanga Deed of Trust (“Trust Deed”), the Funding Agreement signed between the Trust and the Minister, the e-mails from the Trust Secretariat on 29 September 2014 and 1 October 2014 that were sent to all Te Hau ki Turanga Trust trustees and the response from Te Papa.” Moved: B. Robyn Seconded: Layne CARRIED Wananga at Te Papa – 8 November 2014 Motion 4: That the Trust support the wananga on Te Hau ki Turanga taking place at Te Papa on 8 November 2014 with: a. the same format as the wananga held on 10 May 2014; 2|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 b. the issues outlined in the Te Papa report and this report being discussed; c. Te Papa funding the bus and the catering at Te Papa; and d. all other costs, consistent with the wananga on 10 May 2014, being met by the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust (“RIT”). Moved: Robyn Seconded: Jimmy CARRIED Miria Pomare in attendance. Motion 5: That korero before the wananga and at the wananga confirm that with the appropriate karakia taking place: a. the whare can remain open while the heke are being tested and eventually restored; and b. women can work on the testing, restoration and reconstruction of the whare. Moved: Robyn Abstentions: Seconded: Miria Tutekawa CARRIED 1. Tutekawa noted that he abstained because he believes that the overall tikanga of the whare needs to be sorted. Although there have been wananga, no one has stood up and said “this is the tikanga of the whare”. The secretariat noted that this will be an issue for the upcoming wananga. C. Ownership of Te Hau ki Turanga Motion 6: 1. “That the trustees note that under the Deed of Settlement Te Hau ki Turanga is not the full house as it appears in Te Papa but the original parts that were taken from Orakaiapu in 1867 which is less than 60% of the full house as it appears in Te Papa. 2. That the trustees note that the owner of Te Hau ki Turanga is the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust as noted in the Deed of Settlement and legislation. 3. That the Te Hau ki Turanga Trust seek either: a. The agreement of the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust and the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust to transfer the Te Hau ki Turanga title from the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust to the Te Hau ki Turanga Trust; or b. The agreement of the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust and the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust to seek a binding vote from all registered beneficiaries over the age of 18 years of age on whether or not the title for Te Hau ki Turanga is transferred from the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust to Te Hau ki Turanga Trust”. Moved: Robyn Seconded: Tutekawa CARRIED 1. It was also noted that: a. The trustees need to receive the full inventory of what was taken from Orakaiapu; b. A repatriation plan needs to be developed with Te Papa as a part of the Relationship Agreement which covers: 3|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 i. The repatriation of original parts back to Te Hau; ii. The repatriation of non original parts from Te Hau to the hapu that the parts were gifted from; iii. The repatriation of other Rongowhakaata taonga in other museums around the world back to Rongowhakaata; 1. With the need for internal protocols for taonga where they are claimed by hapu or whanau. D. Immediate Return of Te Hau ki Turanga to Turanga Motion 7: 1. That the trustees: a. note that under the Deed of Settlement signed by Rongowhakaata and the Crown, Te Hau ki Turanga can be returned earlier with the agreement of Te Papa; b. note that the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust ownership of Te Hau ki Turanga is limited to the original parts that were taken from Orakaiapu; c. receive the report from Te Papa; d. note the view of Te Papa that the non original parts of the house will require consultation with other Iwi before being removed and, due to other commitments, any de-installation would not be able to be addressed until April 2015; e. agree that a full discussion with Te Papa on the timing of immediate return of Te Hau ki Turanga and the consequences of that return take place at the agreed wananga to take place at Te Papa on 8 November 2014. 2. That the trustees reconsider the option for an immediate return of Te Hau ki Turanga to Turanga after the wananga on 8 November 2014 once the full consequences have been appreciated by the whanau who attend the wananga. Moved: Robyn E. Seconded: Miria CARRIED Alternative Option – Return to Orakaiapu Motion 8: That the trustees: 1. note that in the Funding Agreement signed on 18 August 2014 there is a requirement to identify another site other than Waiohiharore. 2. agree that a discussion take place with the owners of Orakaiapu 2 block to discuss the possibility of Te Hau ki Turanga returning to Orakaiapu where it was taken from in 1867. Moved: F. Robyn Seconded: Tutekawa CARRIED Permanent Onsite Rongowhakaata Carver at Te Papa Motion 9: That the trustees: a. agree with the principle that a Rongowhakaata carver participate in the testing of the pane and heke to ensure a transfer of knowledge to Rongowhakaata and to ensure Rongowhakaata tikanga is observed at all times with respect to Te Hau ki Turanga; b. note the view of Te Papa to a Rongowhakaata carver overseeing the testing of the pane and the heke; c. agree that a discussion take place with Te Papa staff on 8 November 2014 with regard to: I. the testing of the pane; II. the testing of the heke; 4|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 III. IV. V. VI. the making of 4 replacement heke; the resourcing that Te Papa can contribute to this work; and the resourcing that the Trust may have to contribute to this work. agree that the trustees make a decision on funding and the carver at the final trust meeting on 24 November 2014 when the Trust funds come off investment. Moved: Robyn 1. 2. Layne gave his apologies for the rest of the meeting as he is in the middle of a hearing that he needs to return to. Tutekawa took the Chair. THKT Trust Elections and Appointments Motion 10: That the trustees: 1. note that under the Trust Deed all trustees and secretariat appointment come to an end in December 2014. 2. note that the 3 Iwi appointments (Ngai Tamanuhiri, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga a Mahaki) to THKTT, as approved in July 2011 and Trust Deed, will be completed by 6 December 2014. 3. note that the THKTT trustees will, at their first meeting in December 2014, appoint their Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretariat. 4. agree that the process for the 3 Ngati Kaipoho representatives will be the same as 2012 with: a. Public notification to confirm: b. Date of hui to appoint trustees c. Voting by: d. Those who are registered with the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust; e. Are over the age of 18 years of age as at 1 November 2014; f. Have Ngati Kaipoho noted as their hapu on their registration form. g. Nominations from the floor by 2 eligible voters h. Chaired by the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust Chair or Deputy Chair i. Scrutineered by Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa 5. subject to the availability of the Manutuke marae or alternative venue, the Ngati Kaipoho election date be 1pm on 6 December 2014. Moved: H. CARRIED The trustees asked that there be transparency with all appointments. The secretariat reiterated that Kiwa will be approached to lead this work because he is the coordinator of the carvers within the conservation plan that has been approved by the trustees. This approach will be openly outlined at the wananga. The trustees will then make a final decision at the meeting on 24 November 2014 once we have both the feedback from Te Papa on resourcing and the outcome of the wananga. 11.05am G. Seconded: Miria Robyn Seconded: Tutekawa CARRIED The Role of RIT with Te Hau ki Turanga Motion 11: 1. That the trustees agree that the report from the Trust to the AGM next month include the statement that since 2011 the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust that has provided over $200,000 to ensure the progress of issues relating to Te Hau ki Turanga Trust including: 5|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 a. The legal drafting costs for the establishment of the trust; b. The costs of the hikoi to Whakatane, Rotorua and Wellington including transport, accommodation and meals; c. The costs for all other trustee meetings including telephone conferences; d. The fees for Jody Wyllie through two contracts (feasibility and conservation plan & funding agreement) including travel to and from Wellington; e. The costs for the wananga at Te Papa in May 2014 and the related travel and accommodation for whanau and presenters; f. The costs for the wananga on 8 November 2014 in Te Papa and the related travel and accommodation for whanau and presenters. 2. That the trustees report to the AGM that the Trust has completed over the past 2 years: a. Established the separate legal entity for Te Hau ki Turanga in accordance with the Iwi determination in July 2011 (December 2012); b. Viewed firsthand and discussed with key people the different models of whare protection and kaupapa promotion particularly at Mataatua whare, Te Puia and Wharewaka (April 2013); c. Received all the detailed background from each of these examples – including budgets through to insurances for Mataatua whare (August 2013); d. Completed a conservation plan for Te Hau ki Turanga (December 2013); e. Completed an independent feasibility study which identifies options for Te Hau ki Turanga (April 2014); f. Completed a funding agreement for administration, specific site options and part conservation plan (August 2014); and g. Continuously, throughout the past 2 years, met with the Minister, MCH officials and Te Papa officials as well as maintaining a communications plan with our whanau through wananga, hui a iwi, AGMs, web site and Face Book. Moved: Jimmy I. CARRIED Relationship Agreement Motion 12. That the trustees note that the Relationship Agreement with Te Papa will be considered at the next Trust meeting after the upcoming wananga. Moved: Robyn 1. Seconded: Miria Seconded: Miria CARRIED In response to questions Willie noted that some Relationship Agreement options that will be considered will include Tamaki and Whakatane (with respect to Mataatua whare). General Business It was agreed that the outcome of this meeting will be outlined to the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust and Iwi Trust. The focus will be on the ownership issue and seeking agreement to either (1) the agreed transfer of title or (2) agreement that this issue be put out to the registered beneficiaries for those over the age of 18 years to make a decision. The next meeting will be held at 5.30pm in Rotorua on 24 November 2014. The venue to be confirmed. The meeting closed with a karakia from Tutekawa at 11.18am 6|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 Joint Meeting of the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust/Iwi Trust and Te Hau ki Turanga Trust 11.25am, 24 October 2014 TROTAK Board Room Present: A quorum from the Te Hau ki Turanga Trust and the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust/Iwi Trust In Attendance: Willie Te Aho (online) and George Brown Agreed Motion: The Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust/Iwi Trust and Te Hau ki Turanga Trust agree: a. When the options regarding the return of Te Hau ki Turanga are put to the registered Rongowhakaata beneficiaries over the age of 18 years, the Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust and the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust will also seek a binding vote from all registered beneficiaries over the age of 18 years of age on whether or not the title for Te Hau ki Turanga is transferred from the Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust to Te Hau ki Turanga Trust. b. The Rongowhakaata Settlement Trust will lead the ratification process due its legal ownership of the Te Hau ki Turanga, but this will be done in collaboration with the Te Hau ki Turanga Trust. Moved: George Ria Seconded: Tutekawa Wyllie CARRIED 7|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 From: Rhonda Paku [mailto:RhondaP@tepapa.govt.nz] Sent: Monday, 13 October 2014 11:52 a.m. To: Willie Te Aho Cc: Arapata Hakiwai; Carolyn Roberts-Thompson Subject: Response to issues raised by Iwi - next steps for THKT Kia ora Willie With a fresh pair of eyes today, I’ve had a chance to ‘tidy up’ the responses I sent to you last Friday night. I hope this makes it in time for your consideration and happy to get your feedback and comments at your soonest convenience so I can turn it around within your timeframe. Noho ora mai koe Mauriora Rhonda Paku – Ngāti Kahungunu| Tuhoe| Ngāti Ruapani Deputy Kaihautū | Senior Curator Mātauranga Māori NEXT STEPS FOR TE HAU KI TŪRANGA IN RESPONSE TO ISSUES RAISED BY RONGOWHAKAATA IWI 14 October, 2014 1. Resourcing a carver to oversee testing work on the pane 2. Firstly, for Te Papa to have a carver from the iwi to oversee the mahi being undertaken on the pane, is ideal and we welcome the opportunity to discuss this further with the iwi – we have a modest resource in our budget for this kaupapa and will be happy to have a discussion about how an iwi observer could be supported in this phase of work and what resource is needed. However, to help clarify those discussions, it is important to understand the work to be undertaken on the pane and other whare components (because it is likely to be similar). The reason for the testing and analysis in this phase is to: a. Identify the different paints b. Identify the pigments and binders used c. Identify the different layers of paint d. Identify and document the patterns underneath e. Discover the extent of original paint left f. Discover the condition of the original paint. 8|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 3. Examination of the paint that will be done at Te Papa includes passing the pane with different types of light for in-depth information that cannot be detected by the human eye; a. Raking light photography b. UV photography c. IR reflectography 4. A small sample of the paint will also be removed from the pane to be sent away for testing. Initially the work on the pane and other elements will be intermittent as the testing has to be conducted at other locations/ institutes where their laboratories are better equipped for this level of testing than ours (i.e., at GNS and Victoria University and possibly laboratories over in Australia). It may be several weeks before we get the results back – but our colleagues at the other institutes should be able to give us timeframes once we get underway. 5. In our planning process we had allowed for 6 months in total for the testing of carvings and the heke. We had also allowed for another 2-3 months to develop treatments to remove the paint with - we may have to develop a number of treatments depending on the outcome of those results. 6. Therefore the role of the iwi observer may be fairly minimal in this phase. The removal of a sample from the pane will be relatively straight forward and likely to take no longer than a day. However, the opportunity will be for the iwi observer to examine the carving in more detail. 7. It is also possible that as well as having oversight of the sampling and testing of the pane, the role of the observer might include, the following tasks; a. Assisting collection managers in the handling of the pane; b. Documentation of the work on the pane (including the option to photograph or film it; or be on hand while one of our in-house photographers records the process); c. Assisting with the removal of the first few heke and replacing them with the heke that the iwi will have made in the interim; d. Full knowledge transfer between Te Papa staff and iwi observer and shared experience (which enhances their own knowledge) with Te Papa’s team. 2. Ability for Te Papa to return Te Hau immediately (the soonest that this can practically be done) and the consequences; 8. In responding to this question the most important matter for Te Papa is ensuring that we have completed full diligence in terms of our responsibilities as the National Museum of New Zealand; that we have at least met our legal, cultural and professional obligations under our Act, our Collection Management Policy and the Code of Ethics & Professional Practice. 9. The non-original components are actually part of the national collection and would therefore need to be deaccessioned. On a tikanga level, we will want to ensure that the process upholds the mana of the whare and the non-original components of the whare too– which we recognise is a key concern for us all as we work through the challenges ahead. So full consultation with the other iwi will be essential. 9|Page TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 10. Also, Te Papa will want to be sure that when the whare leaves our guardianship it is looking its best and is well packed and prepared for the journey home; that all other iwi relationships are intact and that we understand what our ongoing obligations and responsibilities are to each other and the whare. 3. Response #1 –Immediate return: No testing or paint conservation work is undertaken 11. Te Papa is committed to ensuring a robust and full consultation with other associated iwi who contributed elements to the house be undertaken before deinstallation of the Whare to determine the future of those elements. However we cannot pre-determine the time that will take. 12. At present museum staff are fully committed to a very full exhibition programme as well as research, publications, presentations, other iwi negotiations etc. For the next 6 months, the compliment of staff needed to help de-install the whare, clean each element and do basic repair work (e.g., replacing paua eyes) then pack and crate the house for the journey home, are all engaged with the development of significant exhibitions especially our WW100 exhibition, Gallipoli – The Scale of Our War, the 175th Anniversary of the Treaty and our 4th season of ‘Nga Toi’ as well as others. This means that we do not have staff or enough space available to take the whare down and do the cleaning and repair work. Staff will be busy on these projects until early next year – approximately Feb-March 2015. 13. We also will need to prepare a dedicated space to undertake this work in – our labs and conservators are fully utilised with exhibition work at present. Adequate space will need to be negotiated with appropriate Managers. 14. We welcome iwi involvement wherever practically possible but this mahi cannot be done without Te Papa staff. Te Papa has legal considerations as well as technical and logistic challenges to consider as the Whare is in a public gallery, surrounded by other taonga, may require heavy equipment, health and safety planning, and will need to be carefully managed as each piece is removed and taken for cleaning and packing etc 15. Each component needs to be cleaned, checked for repairs, repaired, packed and crated (or put into specially designed containers) – this process will be done carefully and every effort will be made to ensure that each piece is photographed and documented in our system. 16. Key risks are that the house returns in an undesirable state; that relationships with other iwi become fractured; damage to taonga as a result of pressure to rush the process, missed opportunities for further research. 4. Response #2 – Retain the ‘Status quo’ –: Whare components treated returned by 2019 17. This response follows the plan outlined to iwi in July 2014 and allows Te Papa to complete the required tasks outlined in the planning document, in a timely and carefully managed process – ensuring that we meet our commitments and obligations while also maintaining ‘Business as Usual’ for Te Papa. a. Allows for robust consultation process with all other iwi/ parties; b. Allows for a process that is inclusive of and responsive to iwi at each stage; 10 | P a g e TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 c. Ensures the process is well recorded and maximises opportunities for further research (e.g., Derek Kawiti and 3D imaging) d. Is included in business plans across Te Papa e. Allows other sources of funding to be sourced to support the treatment phase of the plan which will reduce the time to remove the paint from carvings 18. The preferred option for Te Papa is the second response. We acknowledge that this may not be the desired option for some iwi members, but Te Papa must follow due process and with the involvement of our most experienced staff. 5. Other matters 19. HUI - Thank you for confirming the dates 7 – 9 November for the planned return of Rongowhakaata to Te Papa to hold their final wananga in the whare before testing commences. It is possible that the house may not accommodate the size of the group in which case, we can organise for part of the meeting to be held in another room at Te Papa but we will need to book these spaces and organise catering as soon as possible as time is short. 20. Let the iwi know that unfortunately they will not be able to stay in the house or in Te Papa on these dates. We have already agreed to hold the Maori Market Fashion Expose’ here that week so the marae will have a full length catwalk in it until Sunday 9th. The show is running on both Friday and Saturday nights of the weekend Rongowhakaata plan to be here and they anticipate a large public audience. 21. Please inform your members we have budgeted to support this event - $5,000 (incl GST) – in May a similar contribution assisted to cover the cost of the bus and catering while here. Finally, will the hui be recorded? If we were given approval by iwi and had the resource available, could Te Papa record the hui or aspects of it e.g., the presentations? We would be keen to discuss this further with you. 22. KARAKIA It is important that the whanau all understand that the purpose for the karakia is primarily so that we can begin to remove heke for them to be tested – not to close or deinstall the whole. In previous discussions we asked if the iwi were happy for the whare to remain open while testing is being done and we note that they agreed for it to remain open. As much as is practically possible, we will follow that but if our team become concerned about the structural integrity of the whare, we will review that decision with iwi. 23. REPLACEMENT HEKE - For health and safety reasons, we would prefer not to remove any of the heke until after iwi have departed. We could do a symbolic removal of a bolt or other such and have a member of the iwi do this. a. Can you please confirm whether replacement heke will be made before the iwi come down –in previous discussion we were informed that 2 – 4 replacement heke could be made and brought down. We advise that if this is still possible, that whoever is going to be responsible for making them, come down ASAP to measure the heke etc. 11 | P a g e TE HAU KI TURANGA WANGA – 8 NOVEMBER 2014 24. WAHINE INVOLVEMENT - Can the iwi confirm whether or not they will allow wahine to work on the whare – this will raise some issues I’m sure, but our Te Papa conservators with the technical expertise are all wahine and Dean, as you know, is not employed by Te Papa (though we know he’s keen to contribute in whatever way he can). Also the testing may be conducted by women who do not work here. 25. RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT - Is there an expectation from iwi to see a draft Relationship Agreement at the hui? We are pressed for time at the moment but ideally, this will have been completed before work on the house commences. 12 | P a g e