Bayview Community Center 2014 Center November 2014


Bayview Community Center 2014 Center November 2014
Bayview Community Center
Center November 2014
By Jackie Lloyd (683-1680 or
PO Box 121
November marks the beginning of our Holiday Times. It also marks the beginning of LOU’s 4 season. We
are very excited to see our old friends and hopefully new ones as well. We are continuing to serve a free lunch
each Wednesday at noon unless otherwise noted. This month we will have one exception which is November
26th, Thanksgiving week. We are very excited to offer each of you a free Thanksgiving Dinner to be served at
Mario’s Mexican Restaurant between 11am and 3pm on the 26 th. Mario has offered his space, his services and
his home cooking in conjunction with LOU for the event. The traditional turkey and stuffing will be served with
all the sides along with dessert and a soft drink. Beer and wine will be available to be purchased.
Thank you so much to Mario and his family for his service and for being a great addition to the community.
The menu for LOU this month is:
November 5th Smoked/baked chicken, rice, veggie, salad, dessert and beverage
November 12th Taco Salad and taco bar, etc
November 19th Meatloaf, mashed taters, etc.
November 26th Thanksgiving Wednesday at Mario’s
LOU is a volunteer program, many hands are needed for set-up, clean-up, food prep, and dessert making.
Please contact me if you can help at 683-1680 or email
Please remember that we continue to offer other free programs for you to enjoy. Yoga continues to offer
sessions on Monday and Thursday mornings at 10am. Zumba will continue through this month on Wednesday
9am and Saturday at 10am and Pinochle is on Thursdays at 7pm. New members are more than welcome. The
Friday night movies will be on the 7th featuring “12 years a Slave” and the 21st featuring “Philomena”.
Movies start at 7pm. Finally this month, Karl Andreasson will be offering an intro to Tai Chi which is free and
will be held on Saturday the 8th, 15th and 29th at noon. All are welcome and loose clothes advised.
A big thank you to Linda Hackbarth who has presented the Community Center with a historical photo of
Bayview taken circa 1930. Linda was given this photo by Chester and Georgia Hattenburg whose family
member had ties to the community during that time. The photo was taken by Ross Hall a well-known photographer from Sandpoint. She has had it beautifully framed and now hangs in the main entrance hall at the Center.
Linda has given so much to this community especially in her historical chronicling of Bayview. Thank you
again. Bayview is blessed to have you.
Kudos to Jenny Prince and her host of volunteers and especially the EE DAH HAW members for the garden
clean-up and winterizing. It has been a particularly beautiful garden season. Shame on you, if you have not
taken the time to visit this place of tranquility and beauty. A quick note here to let folks know that the board
voted in September to reduce the cost of the memorial wall plaques back to their original cost of $250. If you
have any questions please feel to call me.
Did you know that there has been a recent break in on Lyvel Street this past month and, in addition, Chuck
Waller’s winch was stolen from his trailer which has been parked in the lower lot of the Center. If anyone has
information regarding these thefts please contact the Sheriff’s department.
Finally this past month we have said goodbyes to two well-loved residents. We mourn the passing of Bear
Rose and Ollie Olson. On behalf of the entire community we offer our deepest sympathies to their families and
hope that time and friends will help in their healing.
Bayview, ID 83803
Editor: Norma Jean 683-1980 email:
(held at the Community Center unless noted)
Mon 11/3
Tue 11/4
Wed 11/5
Fri 11/7
Sat 11/8
BAB Board Meeting
Chamber Board Meeting
(Chuck Murray’s house)
LOU Baked/Smoked Chicken
Wed 11/12
All Day
Friday Night at the Movies “12 Years a Slave”
Bible Chapel Men’s Breakfast
Introduction to Tai Chi (free class)
55+ “Salmonfest”
Ollie Olson Memorial, Pot luck lunch, all invited
Veterans Day
BAB Meeting
Chamber Meeting
LOU Taco Bar and Taco Salad
Sat 11/15
Introduction to Tai Chi (free class)
Tue 11/18
Wed 11/19
Bayview Water & Sewer Board Meeting (office)
Bayview Community Council Meeting
LOU Meatloaf
Thu 11/20
Fri 11/21
Timberlake Fire Commis. Meeting
(Athol Fire Station)
Friday Night at the Movies “Philomena”
Wed 11/26
Thanksgiving Dinner at Mario’s (see flyer)
Sat 11/29
Introduction to Tai Chi (free class)
Sun 11/9
Tue 11/11
Ongoing Events
Mondays 10am
Wednesdays 9am
Thursdays 10am
Saturdays 10am
Bayview Bible Chapel Services
AA Meeting
Tai Chi 1
Advertising Rates
$50 (12 issues) 2. x 3.5”
$7 (one-time) 2. x 3.5”
Can be seasonal & altered as needed
20 words or less $3 per/mo
Additional words 10¢ each
Add one photo for $1.00
FREE Lost/Found Ads
Mail checks to:
Bayview Chamber of Commerce
address below & above.
Bylines are published at the
beginning of the month. Please
submit articles no later than —-
November 24th
for the December 14 issue.
Mail: Bayview Chamber of
Commerce, P.O 121,
Bayview, ID 83803
Articles provided herein are by local
citizens and reflect differing
views. Articles are to inform and not
necessarily the views of the Editor
or the Bayview
Chamber of Commerce.
For more information:
Many thanks to Mike Maxson for
maintaining our website.
Guests were welcomed. Attendance was 15 Members/Non-Members and 5
Board members were present. Motion moved and approved and passed to approve current Agenda and
previous meeting was also msp (14.October.2014).
Jackie Lloyd stated ‘Movie Night’ has begun again, first showing will be 24.October.14 and the movie is
‘New Leaf’. LOU will restart in November and will begin 5.November.14 and every Wednesday thereafter. On
the 26.November.14, Mario’s and LOU will be holding a free Thanksgiving Lunch from 11:00am-3:00pm.
Donations will be welcome and/or sides to go with the turkey. Chuck Waller has retired from Citizens
Emergency Response & No Wake Zone; Bob Prince and Phil Stephan 683*5901 will be the new contacts.
Norma Jean Knowles requested help for the break-in on Lyvel. Contact Richard Trost @ 208.746.1667 with
any information.
Treasures Report: General funds in checking
Fireworks funds in savings
Cash on hand
Painted Pony Nails
Deralee Larsen
Sole to Sole Reflexology
The Original Ingham Method
Better Health Through Your Feet
Relieve stress and tension, Improve blood supply
Acrylic Nails
Gel Polish Nails
(Women and Men)
Nail Art
Located in Athol
South of
KKJ’s Pizza
Lisa Kuhl -Thomas
Certified Reflexologist
Cell: (208)*819-1629
Hours: ByAppointment Only – Gift Certificates Available
Treasurers’ report as of September 2014. Current standing committees are as follows; DAC (Tom Lloyd) –
no report EXCEPT the fishing has been GREAT. Fisheries Report - Bylaws & Standing Rules (Tom Lloyd)
– no report. Bayview Park & Farragut Communications (Chuck Murray) – no report. Raffle (Sue Damon)50/50 still available with the drawing to be held in December at the Christmas Party, she also handed off
raffle tickets to sold for the December drawing. Nomination Committee (Ted Bare & Sheryl Pucket)-no
nominations, current President and Secretary accepted members offer to stay another 2 years.
Old Business:
Fire Hazard & Stewardship of the local for forestry will be held at another time.
New Business:
American Legion & Auxiliary, Unit 149 (Girls State), will be donating and Joanne Rasmussen, President of
the Auxiliary will be coming in November to give more detail. Ken Saunders will give budget and objective
plans in November. Dennis Link, with approval of members, offered the ‘Dennis Link Drawing’ to be
awarded to Deputy Larson for all that his done within our community.
Chamber Activities:
1. Guest Speaker for November – Joanne Rasmussen.
2. Budget approval – 9.September.2014
3. Christmas Party with Santa and 50/50 Raffle Drawing, 13.December.14
M/S/P to adjourn at 7:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lesley Diener, Secretary
VOLUNTEER with the
Kootenai Humane Society
Lori Nelson, Volunteer Coordinator
On Facebook? Please "LIKE" our page for information on the
adoption center, thrift stores, outreach, pictures of animals
needing homes and more!
Bayview residents with boats in the water can volunteer to be available to
respond to Lake Emergencies. Call Chuck Waller (683-2389) to add your name.
Current “Good-Samaritans” are:
Chris Hansen
Tom Lloyd
Earnie Marston
Tim Meyer
Bob Prince 683-3369
Phil Stephan 683-5901
Jim Woods 683-2294
This group was formed due to the 2008 Thanksgiving Day deadly boat fire. If
you know of a LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY on the lake, first call
911, then call someone on the list. While boating, monitor CH16 and be
prepared to pass on info by radio/cell phone.
MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort (683-2211)
will serve as the headquarters to coordinate rescue efforts.
DO NOT call for mechanical problems or lack of gas.
This group is for LIFE-THREATENING emergencies only.
This n That!
A couple of weeks ago there
was a break-in to a house
located at 34242 N Lyvel
here in Bayview. The owner
is asking help locating any
information anyone may
have or heard or seen concerning the break-in.
Call Richard Trost at
Martin Abell accidently
ordered the wrong
cartridges for his
Epson printer!
Norma Jean has four TO484
cartridges at her house,
Donna Lopez has fake fur
fabric that she used to
make stuffed bears. She Is
trying to find someone who
can use the fabric. Please
call if you are interested.
1940’s German Schrank
for sale!
This is a solid wood
dining room cabinet.
Call 208-683-1980.
Best Offer.
Don’t forget to Fall Back 11/2/2014
Boat, motor, and trailer
$4,000.00 “DOTTIE J”
Boat donated to the
Bayview Community Center
Boat built by Fred Huson
in 1997,
Length 22’ 10”: Beam 8’
????’s call 208-683-2389
Our Bayview Community
Next Chamber Meeting Nov. 11 2014
Bayview Chamber of Commerce
Upcoming Chamber Activities
Elections for President and Secretary
Interested in running? See Ted Bare
Ongoing Christmas 50/50 Raffle
Christmas Party December 13th at
5:30 pm. Cookies needed, please.
Board Members:
Marsha Ritzheimer
Vice President:
At Large:
For Chamber
Chuck Murray
Lesley Diener
Ken Saunders
Norma Jean Knowles 683-1980
issues, use this email address:
Marsha Ritzheimer
The Chamber decided to recognize Deputy Solar
Larsen with a gift certificate. Deputy Larsen is a
valued member of the Bayview Community and
we appreciate him!. Sheriff Ben Wolfinger
accepted the certificate for Deputy Larsen!
The work crew from the
Bayview Community Center
Extends a heartfelt thank you to
Dennis and Sue Damon.
The Damon's provided lunch once again!
Don’t forget to Fall Back 11/2/2014
VOTE 11/4/2014
Reader board for Rent
The Reader board at the entrance to Bayview is available for rent
$20/ week facing SW (viewed coming into town)
$20/week facing NE (viewed leaving town)
Application and instructions are available
on the Chamber website:
The Gary Louie Insurance Agency wants to be your
agency for all of your insurance needs. Our superior
service can provide you with the coverage you need
for your home, auto, watercraft, recreational
vehicle, ATV, as well as business, health and
life insurance.
Lake Draw-down.
“Idaho Lakes Commission,
Bonneville Power Administration and
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
officials announced Thursday at a
packed public hearing that the
Kalispell Tribe had agreed to remove the considerations from their
memorandum of agreement. The
MOA changes reduce the likelihood
of a dramatically shortened summer
lake level season next year.”
We are an agency that represents the ONLY
company that has a floating home policycustomized to provide extensive coverages for the
unique exposures of floating homes, including flood,
and “Perils of the Sea.”
October 24, 2014 CDA Press,
Thus and Such!
Steve May reports from the
Lakes Highway Meeting that
Perimeter Rd is due to
Be re-built in 2017 from
Careywood cut-off
to Bayview. Until then
pot holes will be mended.
Give David Gullidge, a float home resident of
Bayview, a call to get a quote at 208-772-6058
Butternut Squash Soup
1 Butternut squash, about 2 pounds
2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 cup chopped onion
1 1/2 teaspoons chopped garlic
1/2 cup thinly sliced carrot
1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon finely minced jalapeno pepper
2 cups chicken stock
1/4 cup heavy cream
Cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Peel the squash and cut into 1 inch pieces. In a
large pot, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook, stirring often, until they
begin to brown, about 5 minutes. Add the carrot, cumin, salt, and pepper. Cook for 1 minute, and
then add squash, jalapeno pepper, and chicken stock. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for
15- 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Remove from the heat and puree the soup
using an immersion blender, or transfer to a blender or food processor. Puree until smooth. Return to the heat, add the cream and adjust the seasonings. Serve with the shrimp salsa.
Recipe Courtesy of Emeril Lagasse
Farragut Rock
Tai Chi
Bayview Community Center
No experience, age or weight
requirements! Movements are slow and
gentle, there is no pressure
in the class – only fun!
Pit Run
Crushed Rock
Bedding Material
Shane McDaniel, Mgr
In business
Everyone welcome!
25 years
Benefits: balance, strength,
concentration and more.
Lots of local recommendations
$6 per class or $40 for 7 classes
Make checks payable to:
Bayview Community Center
Instructor: Karl-Erik Andreasson, Ph.D.
Tel: 208-683-7504
Cell: 208-755-0930
Foreign Cars
Domestic Cars
Light Trucks
5885 Hwy. 54 - Athol
(north side of Hwy 54
before the railroad tracks)
Bayview Scenic
& RV Park
34297 N Main St
Bayview, ID 83803
It is simple, rent for the
month either a RV space
or a Room
Stay for a month
or a season!
Enjoy the View
with us.
Light Haus B & B
Bed &
Nightly Weekly - Monthly
by reservation only
Queen & King-size beds
TV includes DVD/VCR
Families welcome
16798 E. Cape Horn Rd.
Hosts: Bob & Korinne Wolf
and “Max” the family dog
Open 7 days a week
8 am – 9 pm
16716 E. Almas Ct
Bayview, ID 83803
Laundromat, Coffee House,
Clean, friendly atmosphere
Triple, double, and
single machines for
your convenience
Meets every Sunday at
the Bayview Community Center
Adult and children’s Sunday
School 9:30 AM
Worship Service 10:30 AM
Fellowship & Refreshments
following service
Pastor: Ben McLachlan
For more information: 651-9383
Prayer Meeting: 683-2647
Church Office: 683-1962
A full-time marina with
dockage, cabins, gas
& diesel, fishing supplies,
mechanics, parts,
snack food & beverages
and Fishing Licenses.
Call their friendly staff at:
Century 21
Doug and Lorraine
Serving all of North Idaho
for sales and listings
35+ years in Bayview
Contact the local experts for all
real estate inquiries and market
e-mail us at
All MLS info available at:
Christmas is right around the
corner! Need a belt? How about a
dog leash? Gun holster? Call
Lopez Leathers 208-683-4211.Bill
does handcrafted leather goods.
How about a gift certificate from
Country Massage 755-6301?
Painted Pony Nails 661-5999? Or
maybe a gift certificate for a haircut
from Charmaine 683-5555?
Need a dinner certificate, check out
Mario’s Mexican Restaurant.
You might find something at
Love’s Trading Post 683-5050.
Affordable Auto Detailing 255-9348.
We have many local businesses
that would love to help you with
your Christmas shopping. These
businesses and many more support
YOUR Bylines.
Mario’s also does catering call
208-683-1002 and he is taking orders
for holiday TAMALES!
Women’s Club
Bayview - Athol - Belmont
A local women’s
charitable organization
for 57 years
Next meeting
Nov. 11th. 9:30 am
Joyce Wilkuski—
Cindy Grandy —Vice president - Nathlie White ---Secretary ------- Gabi Groth-Marnat Treasurer ------- Elaine Bergquist ---Woman at Large -Lyn Haney ---------
75 Years
A few months ago the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary celebrated their 75 th
Anniversary of service to the Coast Guard and the Boating Public. Congress
created us in 1939 and we began as the Coast Guard Reserves. Later, we were
recreated as the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Reserves also came into being to
assist the active duty service. Our duties, assignments and responsibilities have
changed or been added to more times than the age of our organization, even more
so since 9-11. Congress changed our role again directing the Commandant of the
Coast Guard use the Auxiliary in any role he felt helped meet the missions of the
Coast Guard, except direct law enforcement or combat.
There have been three things that have greatly changed our role. First is
September 11th and the increased responsibilities of the Coast Guard. Second is
the reduction of active duty personnel and third are the cuts in the CG budgets.
Where you use to see active duty Coast Guard anywhere from the Great Lakes to
even our own Lake Pend Oreille, that has now changed throughout the country.
Admiral Paul F. Zukunft, USCG recently came to Coeur d’ Alene to address the
Auxiliarist throughout East Washington, Idaho and Montana. The Admiral made it
clear that the Coast Guard could not meet all its obligations without the Auxiliary at
their side. We're repeatedly told that we are part of the Coast Guard Team, the
"Gold Side" (active duty) believes it and so do we. The Admiral stated it doesn’t
say Auxiliary Coast Guard, it says Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Coast Guard has put
us in their uniform and the only difference between our uniforms is the active duty
is gold stripes and the silver we wear.
Above describes who we are and here is what we do. First we don’t have a law
enforcement role and we don’t want it. Second we’re here to help you the boating
public, our communities, and to educate the public about boating, water safety and
survival. The Coast Guard leadership had the wisdom and foresight to develop a
method to continue educating and protecting the boating public. While many of our
members are former Coast Guard, military, etc our members also come from every
walk of life and bring their many talents to the benefit of the Auxiliary and the active
duty side. By way of example an entire Interpreters Corp has been created and
serving with the active duty throughout the world as needed.
Submitted by: Ed Gould, Public Affairs Officer –
November Special
All you can eat Spaghetti
one free soft drink
Join Sofia for
November Karaoke
Friday evenings
8:00 pm
Order Tamales for the Holidays!
Marios also does catering
34717 Marietta Rd
Bayview, ID 83803
American Legion
Post 149
In Athol
Hwy 54
between the
RR tracks
Everyone Welcome!
Bingo: Every 2nd & 4th
Friday 6 PM
Burgers & Fries 5-7 PM
$5 donation
Every Wed Pinochle 6 PM
Auxiliary Meeting
November 1st 9:00 am
Phone: 683-2614
Dinner August 30, 2014 6:00 pm
The Perfect Fit
Alterations * Custom Sewing * Window Treatments
7791 Aqua Circle Suite 7A
Dalton Gardens, ID
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30 pm
Functional Intensity Training
Helps you increase your endurance
and strength to perform
daily activities
(small animals)
Michael Mihlfried, D.V.M
30425 N Meadow St.
Athol, ID 83801
Open M - F
8 - 5:30
Tuesdays until 7 PM
Complete In-House Lab
Gentle, thorough,
friendly care
Classes starting October 7
4:00-4:45 PM @ Athol Elementary
For more info please call Jorja Auten
683-2531 or 661-7459
ACE certified
For active older adults, beginners,
and anyone in-between!
You will have fun while you
workout – guaranteed!
Last year we some pretty amazing
pictures of bald eagles in our area.
Now is the time to start watching
the trees and skies. As Marsha says
“look up”. Personally I am hoping I
can “catch” an amazing
eagle photo!
Get your car
ready for winter
Local Expert
Bayview Service
Call 208-255-9348
TODAY for an
Make your car feel like
NEW again!
Bayview Community Council
News Corner
Contact Marie at 208-471-8044
for your Boat Slip.
customer service
with integrity.
1) Thanks for joining us for another
Everyone had a marvelous time
the food was delicious, and the prizes
were unbelievable!
See you next year for
another celebration!
2) Salmon Feed at the Center
Nov. 8th at 6:00
3) Bavyiew Community Council
November Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Community Center
4) Mark Your Calendars
December 11 at 6:00 p.m.
55+/- Christmas Party at
Log Spirit Bed & Breakfast
Hor' dourves & Appetizers
Bring a white elephant gift $10 or less.
Wind Walker Mobile Pet Grooming
Unconditional Love Deserve Unconditional Care
Debi Matte
30+ Years Professional Experience
Tender Loving Care with Less
Stress For Your Pet
Cell tower in Bayview?
Yesterday October 23 I checked once
again with Verizon to see if there was any
change or plans for considering a cell
tower for the Bayview area. I was
informed that there is nothing in the plans
for this year and probably not anytime
soon. The best way to help them consider
a tower here is to complain, complain,
complain ever y time you have dr opped
calls or no service. You can do this from
you land line by calling 1-800-922-0204
or your Verizon cell phone using *611;
Or you might do what I have done and
drop their service and phone. I am now
using the Tracfone Service with their
HUAWEI Glory phone this is the only
one they carry that uses the Verizon
Tower Network. This works as well for
me as the $35.00 a month Verizon phone,
my cost now is about $10.00 a month. I
use my land line when home and carry
this for use while away, it works as well
as the Verizon phone I was using. When
I canceled my phone I told Verizon the
reason I was doing so was because I was
paying for a service each month that was
not provided. If you want to buy a booster for your phone service you can do that
at your own expense and it can be expensive depending on the one you select. I
wish I had better news but it is all about
money and Bayview sits down in the bottom of a bowl with a small population
base. I will keep checking every few
months and keep you informed with the
latest update. We live in one of the most
beautiful places on earth so this is one of
the sacrifices we make to do so!
Faye Bare
LPOYC News - October 2014
LPOYC – November 2014
The racing and cruising season on Lake Pend Orielle is over for the year 2014 as pertains to
the yacht club. The last race was the Commodore’s Cup Regatta on October 4th & 5th. Prior to
that was the fall series and the whole thing rolled into the Challenge Cup.
The fall series results are:
White fleet:
1st – Noeta skippered by Lajos Kossuth
2nd – Emerald skippered by Steve Irwin
3rd - Stinger skippered by Fred Gloor
Red fleet:
1st – Spirit skippered by Mike Duncan
2nd – Legal Alien skippered by Tim Redfern
3rd - Smooth skippered by Kevin Timoney
The Challenge Cup results are:
White fleet:
1st – Noeta skippered by Lajos Kossuth
2nd – Super G skippered by Forsyth/Gibbs
3rd - Rhumba skippered by Bob Hyslop
Red fleet:
1st – Spirit skippered by Mike Duncan
2nd – Eye Eye skippered by David Cohen
3rd – Legal Alien skipper by Tim Redfern
The winners for the Commodore’s Cup are:
Silver fleet:
1st – Super G skippered by Forsyth/Gibbs
2nd – Noeta skippered by Lajos Kossuth
3rd – Route 66 skippered by Bruce Baker
Gold fleet:
1st – Eye Eye skippered by David Cohen
2nd – Spirit skippered by Mike Duncan
3rd – Smooth skippered by Kevin Timoney
This was a great season with a new annual regatta added to the agenda at the end of May. We
had boats from both the Sandpoint and Montana clubs come and compete. Some of the boats
are at their dry land home for the winter and some are still in their slips. The next event will
be the “Frost Bite Race” followed by a chili feed on the first Saturday after New Years. Stay
warm, dry, and we’ll see you next year. It’s been my absolute pleasure to do the races for nine
years now and write about them.
Bob Moore – Race Committee
Bayview’s Fireworks Are Totally
Funded by Individual Donations.
Have you contributed?
$220 still needed
$12,500 Goal = 2013 & 2014 Displays
Donations by October 21 = $12,280
98% of Goal
Please Support
The Bayview Fireworks
With your Donation.
Send Donations Payable to:
Bayview Chamber of Commerce
POBox 121
Bayview, ID 83803
Or Drop off at a Bayview Merchant:
MacDonald’s Resort
Bitter End Marina
Ralph’s Coffee House
Bayview Mercantile
Bayview Scenic Apts.
Mario’s Mexican Restaurant
Bayview Liquors
The Captain’s Wheel
Chris’ Patio Bar
We Thank you!
Almost Done!
By Jackie Lloyd
The November chill and moisture has begun and the Center addition is almost complete. The electrical and framing inspections have been done with the go ahead to finish the interior work. The parking area has been expanded,
with the exception of the final seal which will have to wait until spring. The major hold up at this point is the doors
which are special order. Once they are installed, the siding can be completed and our contractor and crew will
have finished their part of the project. What is left is the interior finish, insulation, wallboard, paint and flooring
as well as the exterior painting. These are projects that are to be done by volunteer labor.
This $90K project was partially paid by a HUD grant which covered less than ½ of the costs. The remainder had
to be covered by the Center. Our building fund is in sore need of a transfusion. We have received some great donations to date, but more funds are needed. Please, do not ignore the Center’s reminders, please give a donation
now. If you have ever used the Center in any way, you have benefitted from its existence. It is the home to many
community groups as well a place offering many free activities for everyone. If a monetary contribution is not possible, please volunteer your services in helping to complete those jobs described earlier. If you have any questions
about how you can help, please call Tom Lloyd at 683-1680.
We thank Gene Salois and his crew for their hard work as well as those who have volunteered to do the details that
we were allowed by the HUD rules. They have done so much in so little time.
Once again we need your help. Donations can be sent to:
Bayview Community Center
PO Box 493
Bayview, ID 83803
Look Up – Keep a Happy Heart
Marsha Ritzheimer
You have to love this time of year. The countryside is changing from a variety of colors
on the trees to the large amount of leaves covering the ground. I think this is the grandest
announcement that the seasons are changing and the holidays are on their way. It is the
time of year when time honored family traditions once again appear in the form of
decorations and smells. Cherished recipes, which have been handed down through
generations, are once again brought out to create those marvelous annual dishes.
To many this is the beginning of the most joyous time of year. To others it is a very
depressing time because they are missing family and friends who are not able to join them
due to distance or existence on this earth. However, this is truly the time when those who
are alone need to band together, start new traditions and bring out the HAPPY.
Thanksgiving isn’t about a menu. It’s about togetherness. If you THINK you are alone,
you are mistaken. If you A RE alone, then that is your choice. All you have to do is step
out your door or open your door to join others or volunteer. Be willing to share your
laughter and happy memories. Even the hardest life has a “happy” somewhere.
Happiness and kindness are two things that must be shared before they can grow. The
more they grow the happier our hearts become. Even those who have departed this earth
left us with a happy memory that is unique to them. Share those memories and the
laughter that goes with them.
Your thanksgiving dinner could be turkey or it could be peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches. There could be twenty people or there could be two. It could be spent around
a dining table loaded with food or a card table trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle. It’s all
about sharing. Every tradition started somewhere, at some time. This would be a great
year to start something new.
Remember, family & friends can be a very generic term. You don’t have to share blood
to be considered family and friends can be new as well as old. Because I not only believe
but also practice that philosophy, I have been blessed with a very large and loving family
and an abundance of very dear friends and acquaintances.
I chose a life full of laughter and happiness and that’s what I have. You can too.
You have to be a friend in order to have friends. You have to share happiness in order to
receive happiness. You have to extend kindness in order to receive
kindness. The more friendship, laughter and kindness you extend, the
happier your heart will be.