Bayview Community Center - Bayview Chamber of Commerce


Bayview Community Center - Bayview Chamber of Commerce
Bayview Community Center
February 2015 News
By Jackie Lloyd (683-1680 or
The weather outside is frightfully grey so come in to the Center and be cheered by the
delightfully warm new floor. The facelift is transforming with only the final painting of the walls
to complete the look. Thanks once again to Gary MacDonald and who paid his crew to install
the flooring as well as financed an upgrade that allowed the new room and main hall to be of one and the same
material. Yes, we do have to take extra care to insure that scratch marks are not produced by careless
dragging of the tables and chairs, but that is little price to pay for the more homey feel.
Please consider renting the Center for your parties or events. The cost is very reasonable and at this time there
are many open dates. However, to boost our rental income, we will start advertising in a few local newspapers.
With more income from this source we can be less burdened by fundraisers. However, with that in mind, we still
must consider fun ways to raise money. Our next big project is to expand the south deck to make it safer and
extended season usability for grilling and griddling. We have three large griddles/grills that can only be used on
fair weather days. These are income producers. So we need to make them available at more times of the year, thus
the need for a widened and covered deck.
Speaking of fundraisers, and idea that was presented to us by Jon DeFrehn, local photographer and
MacDonald’s employee, was having gallery shows. The idea is to have a local artist display his or her works on a
monthly basis at the Center. The art would be available for sale and a portion of the profit from the sale would go
to the Center. We hope to get this started by March after the fresh wall painting is completed. We ask any local
artists or any of you who know a local artist to contact me if they are interested in becoming a part of our art
gallery showings. In that same vein, this summer the Center will sponsor an art show with many artists displaying
their works. The details and date have not been set as of yet but we will keep you in the loop as we finalize the
event. We will continue the traditional August BBQ which has always been well supported. This year to avoid
conflict with popular events in CDA and Sandpoint we will target August 22 nd for that fundraiser.
By the way, please mark your calendars for February 14 th for a fun night at the Chamber’s “Sock Hop” starting
at 7pm. Mario’s restaurant will be offering a pre-dance “special” dinner for all Valentine’s Day revelers.
Details are on separate page.
At present our ever popular classes and entertainment continue with Yoga now extended to four days a week,
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am and Wednesdays at 7pm. Thanks to Diane Ryan and Cindy Post, the
class has been able to get a TV and DVD player to use in the downstairs room when conflicts arise with their
classes. Thanks also to Theresa Almeida (daughter of Ray and Jan) for her generous donation. We are still in
need of a rolling stand for this unit, so if any of you may have one that you no longer use, please call or email me.
For all of us Latin dance lovers Zumba will begin again on February 11 th at 9am and continue each Wednesday
morning through the end of March. Tai Chi continues each Friday at 9:30am and the Friday Night at the movies
also continue (through the end of June) on the first and third Friday of each month at 7pm. We will be showing
“The Grand Budapest Hotel” on the 6th and “Maleficent” on the 20th.
LOU, now in its 4th season is going full guns on Wednesdays at noon. Since its inception and thanks to the many
folks who donate food or cash and their time, we’ve been able to be a self-sustaining program. However, in light of
the cry for help from our local food bank, the attendees have voted to devote the last Wednesday of each month as a
fundraiser for the ABC Food Bank. On these Wednesdays folks will donate dishes, casseroles, salads, desserts, etc.
to serve at this luncheon. Any money collected on these days will be given to Charlotte at the Athol Center.
Just a quick reminder that there are spaces available for memorial plaques honoring your loved ones or
reserving for yourselves on the Garden’s Memorial Wall. The cost is $250 per plaque. For more details or an
application please feel free to contact me.
At the last board meeting it was agreed to reset the ever popular basketball hoops on the parking lot’s edge. The
units at present have large concrete “feet” that need to be removed so that they can be replaced properly. If any of
you can help with this project once the weather clears, it would be greatly appreciated. In fact, your help with any
of our projects would be greatly appreciated. Consider donating your time and/or a monetary gift.
Thanks in advance for your support.
PO Box 121
Bayview, ID 83803
Editor: Norma Jean 683-1980 email:
(held at the Community Center unless noted)
Mon 2/2
Tue 2/3
Wed 2/4
Fri 2/6
All Day
Sat. 2/7
Tue 2/10
Wed 2/11
9 am
All Day
All Day
All Day
Sat 2/14
Mon 2/16
Tue 2/17
Wed 2/18
Thu 2/19
Fri 2/20
Tue 2/24
Wed 2/25
Ground Hog Day
LOU Baked Chicken n Rice
Friday Night Movie
“The Grand Budapest Hotel”
Auxiliary. Athol Legion
Chamber Meeting
Zumba restart of 7 week session
LOU Shepherd’s Pie
Valentine’s Day
Bible Chapel Men’s Breakfast
Chamber’s “Sock Hop”
President’s Day
Bayview Water & Sewer Brd. Mtng.
55+ “Fat Tuesday” Celebration
Ash Wednesday
LOU Chinese New Year Stir Fry
EE Daw Haw Club Meeting
Timberlake Fire Comm’r. Mtg.
Athol Fire Station
Friday Night Movie “Maleficent”
BAB Meeting
Community Council Meeting
LOU Smorgasbord
ABC Food Bank fundraiser
Ongoing Events
Bayview Bible Chapel Services
AA Meeting
Yoga (meets downstairs if conflict)
Zumba (through March 25th)
Yoga (meets downstairs if conflict)
Tai Chi
Advertising Rates
$50 (12 issues) 2. x 3.5”
$7 (one-time) 2. x 3.5”
Can be seasonal & altered as needed
20 words or less $3 per/mo
Additional words 10¢ each
Add one photo for $1.00
FREE Lost/Found Ads
Mail checks to:
Bayview Chamber of Commerce
address below & above.
Bylines are published at the
beginning of the month. Please
submit articles no later than —-
February 24th
for the March ‘15 issue.
Mail: Bayview Chamber of
Commerce, P.O 121,
Bayview, ID 83803
Articles provided herein are by local
citizens and reflect differing
views. Articles are to inform and not
necessarily the views of the Editor
or the Bayview
Chamber of Commerce.
For more information:
Many thanks to Mike Maxson for
maintaining our website.
Painted Pony
The regular monthly meeting, of the Bayview Chamber of Commerce, was called to order on January 13,
2015, at 7:00 p.m. There were 16 members and guests present, along with 4 board members. The previous
month’s minutes and the current agenda were both approve
Doug Williams, of Family Hearing, was unable to attend the meeting as scheduled.
Correspondence and Announcements:
Jackie Lloyd announced that the last LOU, of each month, will be a CASSEROLE POTLUCK. Everyone
was also reminded that the Food Bank desperately needs help. Cash, donated to the food bank, will buy a lot
more groceries than what we as individuals can buy.
In the near future, Alan Griffitts, representing the Navy, will be conducting an Environmental and Biological Assessment presentation. The date and time of this presentation will be announced as soon as the plans
are in place.
Treasures Report:
General Fund in Checking
$ 10,949.92
Fireworks funds in Savings $ 15,442.92
Cash on hand
$ 26,592.84
Sue Damon announced that the July 4th 50/50 Raffle tickets will go on sale at the April meeting.
The February speakers will be Dr. Tadd Wheeler’s students, from the University of Idaho. They want to address social concerns and visions for the Farragut wildlife refuge. Their objective will be to develop timber
harvest scenarios which maintain/promote wildlife management objectives as well as address social concerns
such as fire risk reduction and the preservation of recreational opportunities at Farragut
Old Business:
The “Christmas Lights” winners were Brad Pearson for 1st place (Bayview Mercantile gift certificate) and
Tamie Cunningham for 2nd (KKJ’s gift certificate).
The Eagle Photo contest produced 25 excellent eagle photos. 1 st place, by Mark Vogt, won his photo
mounted as a16” x 20” framed canvas picture. 2nd place, by Mark Vogt, received a Bayview Mercantile gift
certificate and 3rd place, by Michael Desmot, received a KKJ’s gift certificate
The AED is currently on back order but due to ship by January 23, 2015. The oximeter has arrived. Marsha Ritzheimer will meet with the Community Center board, on January 22, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., to determine
the best place for these items to be kept.
New Business:
Sock-hop will be held on February 14th, 2015 at 7:00 pm at The Community Center.
Chamber Activities:
The first annual Valentine Sock Hop is planned for Saturday, February 14, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Members
suggested that it will be a BYOS (Bring Your Own Snacks – to share or not) and BYOB. Coffee, tea and
water will be provided. Soda Pop will be available for 50 cents per can.
Dennis Link held his monthly drawing. Marsha Ritzheimer won a $10 Home Depot gift card.
M/S/P adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Ritzheimer, President
Offers discounts to
Law Enforcement and
Veterans. Schedule an
Appointment today!
Painted Pony Nails
Deralee Larsen
Acrylic Nails
Gel Polish Nails
(Women and Men)
Nail Art
Located in Athol
South of
KKJ’s Pizza
Ashiatsu Bar Therapy and LaStone Massage by
Emily at Country Clinical Massage located in
Athol Idaho at “The Office”.
15 years of experience
Professionalism with integrity
Call 208-755-6301 to book your ULTIMATE
experience in massage therapy today!
Sole to Sole Reflexology
The Original Ingham Method
Better Health Through Your Feet
Relieve stress and tension, Improve blood supply
Lisa Kuhl -Thomas
Certified Reflexologist
Cell: (208)*819-1629
Hours: By Appointment Only – Gift Certificates Available
VOLUNTEER with the
Kootenai Humane Society
Lori Nelson, Volunteer Coordinator
On Facebook? Please "LIKE" our page for information on the
adoption center, thrift stores, outreach, pictures of animals
needing homes and more!
This group was formed due to the 2008 Thanksgiving Day deadly boat fire. If
you know of a LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY on the lake, first call
911, then call someone on the list. While boating, monitor CH16 and be
prepared to pass on info by radio/cell phone.
MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort (683-2211)
will serve as the headquarters to coordinate rescue efforts.
DO NOT call for mechanical problems or lack of gas.
This group is for LIFE-THREATENING emergencies only.
Bayview residents with boats in the water can volunteer to be available to
respond to Lake Emergencies. Call Tom Lloyd (683-1680) to add your name.
Current “Good-Samaritans” are:
Chris Hansen
Tom Lloyd
Earnie Marston
Tim Meyer
Our Bayview Community
This n That!
Boat, motor, and trailer
$4,000.00 “DOTTIE J”
Boat donated to the
Bayview Community Center
Boat built by Fred Huson
in 1997,
Length 22’ 10”: Beam 8’
????’s call 208-683-2389
Next Chamber Meeting Feb 10, 2015
Upcoming Chamber Activities
Bob Prince 683-3369
Phil Stephan 683-5901
Jim Woods 683-2294
1st Annual Sock Hop 2/14/15 7:00 pm
February Speaker Students from Dr. Tadd
Wheeler’s University of Idaho class.
March Speaker Doug Williams
Easter Egg Hunt April 4th at 10:30 am
Memorial Day Huckleberry Breakfast
May 25th
Red, White, & Blue Pancake Feast
July 3rd
The Bylines has two new advertisers! Allstate
has an excellent agent Zachary Hubbard, whom
I personally have worked with.
Laura Whitby is new as a real estate agent but
again I have known her for a number of years
The winner of the Dennis Link
Chamber drawing for December
was Marsha Ritzheimer.
Marsha got a $10.00
Gift Card from Home Depot
Did you know?
The first Friday the 13th of
the New Year will be in
February. This is celebrated
as “Blame Someone Else
Day”. So if something
goes wrong on Friday the
13th – Blame Someone Else!
Bayview Chamber of Commerce
Wind Walker Mobile Pet Grooming
Unconditional Love Deserve Unconditional Care
Board Members:
Marsha Ritzheimer
Vice President:
At Large:
For Chamber
Debi Matte
30+ Years Professional Experience
Tender Loving Care with Less
Stress For Your Pet
Reader board for Rent
Chuck Murray
Lesley Diener
Ken Saunders
Norma Jean Knowles 683-1980
issues, use this email address:
The Reader board at the entrance to Bayview is available for rent
$20/ week facing SW (viewed coming into town)
$20/week facing NE (viewed leaving town)
Application and instructions are available
on the Chamber website:
Marsha Ritzheimer
The Gary Louie Insurance Agency wants to be your
agency for all of your insurance needs. Our superior
service can provide you with the coverage you need
for your home, auto, watercraft, recreational
vehicle, ATV, as well as business, health and
life insurance.
We are an agency that represents the ONLY
company that has a floating home policycustomized to provide extensive coverages for the
unique exposures of floating homes, including flood,
and “Perils of the Sea.”
Try Lopez Leathers for all of your
leather needs. Bill is fair and does
excellent workmanship. Just got
A holster that will
fit inside of my
pants (I don’t wear
belts). Bill is also
making a special
halter for Kokanee
the “power puller”
Give David Gullidge, a float home resident of
Bayview, a call to get a quote at 208-772-6058
M & M Vacation Rentals
Link Home Improvement
Your Link To Great Service
Dennis Link
*Beautiful Downtown Condo*
$125 - $180 per night
(Cleaning fee plus tax)
PO Box 556, Athol, ID 83801
Building, Plumbing, Electric, Repairs, Etc.
630-404-4593/ 630-533-4593
Timely, Quality, Dependable
20 Yrs Exp
All Small Engine Repairs
Lawn & Garden, ATV, Motorcycle
Bayview, ID
Quality Bayview Service
40 years of Performance Excellence!
Affordable Auto Detailing
*Handicap accessible *
Pet Friendly
Sleeps 4
$65. -$95 per night
Weekly rates & multiple night rates
Call Marie at
Farragut Rock
Tai Chi
Bayview Community Center
No experience, age or weight
requirements! Movements are slow and
gentle, there is no pressure
in the class – only fun!
Pit Run
Crushed Rock
Bedding Material
Shane McDaniel, Mgr
In business
Everyone welcome!
25 years
Benefits: balance, strength,
concentration and more.
Lots of local recommendations
$6 per class or $40 for 7 classes
Make checks payable to:
Bayview Community Center
Instructor: Karl-Erik Andreasson, Ph.D.
Tel: 208-683-7504
Cell: 208-755-0930
Foreign Cars
Domestic Cars
Light Trucks
5885 Hwy. 54 - Athol
(north side of Hwy 54
before the railroad tracks)
Bayview Scenic
& RV Park
34297 N Main St
Bayview, ID 83803
We are simply
the Best!
Stay for a month
or a season!
Enjoy the View
with us.
Light Haus B & B
Bed &
Nightly Weekly - Monthly
by reservation only
Queen & King-size beds
TV includes DVD/VCR
Families welcome
16798 E. Cape Horn Rd.
Hosts: Bob & Korinne Wolf
and “Max” the family dog
Open 7 days a week
8 am – 9 pm
16716 E. Almas Ct
Bayview, ID 83803
Laundromat, Coffee House,
Clean, friendly atmosphere
Triple, double, and
single machines for
your convenience
Meets every Sunday at
the Bayview Community Center
Adult and children’s Sunday
School 9:30 AM
Worship Service 10:30 AM
Fellowship & Refreshments
following service
Pastor: Ben McLachlan
For more information: 651-9383
Prayer Meeting: 683-2647
Church Office: 683-1962
A full-time marina with
dockage, cabins, gas
& diesel, fishing supplies,
mechanics, parts,
snack food & beverages
and Fishing Licenses.
Call their friendly staff at:
Century 21
Doug and Lorraine
Serving all of North Idaho
for sales and listings
35+ years in Bayview
Contact the local experts for all
real estate inquiries and market
e-mail us at
All MLS info available at:
Thanks to the Bayview
Chamber of Commerce,
events at the Community Center will be safer. The Chamber has purchased a defibrillator and oximeter, locating
them at the Center for use in
emergency situations during
meetings or socials. The entire community is indebted to
Here is the address and phone number
For the ABC Food Bank located in Athol.
The Chamber of Commerce collects donations at every meeting in honor or
Skip Wilcox, LOU will be devoting the last
Wednesday of the month for donations as
ABC Food Bank
30355 3rd St
Athol, ID 83801
(208) 683-2101
Women’s Club
Bayview - Athol - Belmont
A local women’s
charitable organization
for 57 years
Our next meeting will be
Tuesday, February 24th at 9:30 am.
Call anyone below for information.
Joyce Wilkuski—
Cindy Grandy —Vice president - Nathlie White ---Secretary ------- Gabi Groth-Marnat Treasurer ------- Elaine Bergquist ---Woman at Large -Lyn Haney ---------
Just Thanks
by Tom Lloyd
In 1951 a star came over Bayview lighting the way to the Hudson Bay Resort and Marina. But more
importantly, the year marks the beginning of the MacDonald era in Bayview. This wonderful family
has been the backbone of our community for more than 60 years. From moving Farragut base components to build his marina to becoming a state senator and later to help form the Bayview Chamber of
Commerce, Jim MacDonald was a Bayview fixture. And who can ever forget his humor. Now, his son
Gary and his wife Mary are carrying the banner. Bayview is Gary’s home town and he treats it that
way. His brilliant and talented children were raised here and are a great credit to our community and
come home often to be with their roots. But the MacDonald contribution to our community just continues – home to the Pend Oreille Yacht Club, a fishing derby sponsor, originator and major sponsors to
the 4th fireworks and our own MacDonald’s Resort Music Concert in the fall…but there’s more. The
MacDonald’s recently made a major contribution to our Community Center. With Gary’s support,
MacDonald’s employees have contributed all the labor to install the sheetrock, taping and painting for
our new storage rooms. In addition they laid the new flooring in our new room and the main hall and it
was all completed before the New Year. The Community Center contributed the cost of the materials
while the MacDonald’s contributed the material delivery and labor cost. Wow, what true and generous
Bayview residents they are. I want to extend an enormous and heart felt THANK YOU to Gary and his
employees Eric Moch for volunteering to blow the insulation into the attic above the new room, also to
Eric and his son Seth – drywallers extraordinaire, to Jon DeFrehn – artistic painter, and again to Eric
and brother Brian floor – floor setters.
American Legion
Post 149
Functional Intensity Training
Helps you increase your endurance
and strength to perform
daily activities
In Athol
Hwy 54
between the
RR tracks
Everyone Welcome!
Bingo: Every 2nd & 4th
Friday 6 PM
Burgers & Fries 5-7 PM
$5 donation
Every Wed Pinochle 6 PM
Auxiliary Meeting
January 3rd ’15, 9:00 am
Michael Mihlfried,
30425 N Meadow St.
Athol, ID 83801
Open M - F
Phone: 683-2614
Dinner August 30, 2014 6:00 pm
8 - 5:30
Tuesdays until 7 PM
New session starting 1/6/15
4:00-4:45 PM @ Athol Elementary
For more info please call Jorja Auten
683-2531 or 661-7459
ACE certified
For active older adults, beginners,
and anyone in-between!
You will have fun while you
workout – guaranteed!
Season Affective Disorder
By Denise Schipani from
February 2015 Good Housekeeping
Community Center Rental Rates 1/1/2012
Non-Ethanol Gas Fishing
Friendly Personnel,
Lower Gas Prices
Main Hall
2hr minimum $40, $10 each additional hr.
Multi-purpose room, downstairs
Food Service area in conjunction with
main hall
Garden in conjunction with main hall
2hr minimum $20, $5 each additional hr.
in conjunction with main hall, flat rate $15
Flat rate $35 cold dish preparation and hot dish
warming only. No cooking allowed in building.
Flat rate $35
Off site table and chair rental
No longer available
Griddles/grill in conjunction with main
hall and food service area only
Janitorial Services
Set-up, clean up, no food service use
Set-up, clean up, with food service use
Key/Damage Deposit
$10ea, 3 are available
$100 (fully refundable with return of key
and clean inspection)
29801 N Hwy 95
Athol, ID
LPOYC – February 2015
The days are getting longer and our winter is
about half over. The sailors are starting to think
about the coming racing season at this point. The
annual Frost Bite race was held on January 3rd
and Bill Bell with Kestrel was the winner.The
race was followed by the chili feed with about 25
people in attendance with a number of delicious
pots of chili. A brief board mtg. was held after the
meal and the upcoming season was discussed.
There will also be additional meetings to finalize
the racing and cruising schedule. The club also
sponsors various social events
throughout the summer. As it looks right now the first race will be on the 26 th
of April. The last races scheduled will be on October 3rd and 4th, the
Commodore’s Cup. There will be 32 racing events/days here and also
traveling races. The traveling events are the: the Montana Cup at
Somers, Mt.; the Spud Cup in Sandpoint; and the Whidbey Race Week at
Whidbey Island in Washington. The club is always looking for more people
who want to sail or learn to sail, so come out and join us for a fun summer.
Bayview Community Council
News Corner
Tuesday – February 17th
Mardi Gras Fat
Tuesday Celebration
6pm at the Community Center
Wear your flashiest Mardi Gras
attire & bring your best
Cajun or Creole dish to share.
We look forward to enjoying this
festive celebration with you!
2) Next Community Council Meeting
Tuesday – February 24th
7pm - Community Center
Bob Moore – Race Committee
Three Wishes
There were three men out sailing, when it began to storm. Their boat
was wrecked by the storm, and washed up on a deserted Island. They
started to walk along the beach and found a bottle. They picked it up
and began rubbing the sand off, when all of a sudden, a genie popped
out. The Genie said "Since you have released me from the bottle, I
will grant each of you one wish."
The first man said, "I really miss my wife and grandchildren. I wish
I were back home." Poof! He was gone.
The second man said, "This is great! I wish I were in Hawaii on the
beach, with a good hot meal to eat." Poof! He was gone, too!
The third man looked around and said, "You know, it's lonely around
here, I really miss those guys."
Are you or do you know someone
who is attending college this fall?
Do you or do they live within a 6
mile radius of Bayview?
Are you interested in a $500
investment in your education?
If so, then you SHOULD contact a
Bayview Community Council
Member and ask them about
this awesome opportunity. You
can also check our website at for
the application and more details.
Don’t let this one pass you by!
1). Laterally mounted pole to
which a sail is fastened. Often
used during jibing, to shift crew
members to a fixed, horizontal
2). Called boom for sound that's
made, when hitting the heads of
crew, while tacking
-SailingThe fine art of moving slowly
at great expense
Winter Sowing by Marion Banks
If you’re a gardener like me, these January warm spells can be as much a curse as a blessing.
It’s bad enough to page through the seed catalogs that started arriving right after Christmas
(sometimes before!) while the weather outside is frightful, but when a warm chinook is blowing
and it’s raining instead of snowing, you’re almost tempted to see if you can’t get a shovel in the
Instead of breaking tools or your back, you might want to try winter sowing. Winter sowing is
a method used to start seeds outdoors – yes, you heard me, outdoors! – during the cold, snowy
months of the year. Using mini-greenhouses made of recycled milk jugs, plastic pop bottles or
deli/takeout containers with clear lids, you can start cold-hardy annuals and perennials without the
expense of setting up an indoor seed-starting rack or table.
Good candidates for winter sowing are annuals or perennials that require pre-chilling or stratification to germinate. Plants that “self-sow,” that can be planted outdoors in early autumn or early
spring or that have seedlings that can withstand frost are also good candidates.
Once you’ve decided what you’re going to grow, you need to create your mini-greenhouses. If
you’re using recycled deli/take-out containers with clear lids, it’s as simple as poking or cutting
draining holes in the bottom of the container and ventilation holes in the clear plastic lids. Keep
in mind that, even when temperatures are considerably below freezing outside, the temperature in
your mini-greenhouse can soar high enough to cook your seeds or seedlings so ventilation is critical!
If you’re using milk jugs or 1 liter plastic soda bottles, you’ll need to cut the jug/bottle in half
leaving about an inch of plastic to act like a hinge to open and shut your greenhouse. Once you
cut your drainage holes in the bottom and ventilation holes in the top, your greenhouse is ready to
Use a good quality, light, well-draining potting soil to fill
your greenhouse to 2-3 inches, plant your seeds at the required depth, water thoroughly, close up the greenhouses,
and put them outside in a location with a southern exposure.
Then, sit back and wait for spring and your seedlings to appear! Winter sown seedlings have the added advantage of
not needing to be hardened off since they’ve already been
acclimated to the outside.
I hope you’ll give this useful gardening technique a try.
For more information on this easy way to start your own
plants, check out the following websites:
Dr. Mike Mihlfried, Northwoods Veterinary
February is dental health month! Time to flip that lip and see if your pet is in need of
a dental cleaning. Dental disease Starts with bacteria in the mouth causing tartar
build up on the teeth. Tartar eventually leads to infection of the gums, receding gums
and infected loose teeth. Smaller dogs seem to be more susceptible than larger dogs
to tartar build up and gingivitis. Dental disease is more than just bad breath. Tartar
build up and gum infections can lead to bacteria in the blood stream. Bacteria in the
bloodstream can cause heart, kidney, or liver problems. Numerous methods can be
used to keep tartar from building up on your dog's teeth. The gold standard is good
old brushing of the teeth daily. There is specially formulated toothpaste for dogs and
cats along with special brushes or rubber finger brushes that can be used.
Also numerous dental health treats can be given to slow the build up of tartar. One
that I like is called Check Ups. It is a chewy compressed treat impregnated with
enzymes to slow the build up of tartar.
If your pet already has signs of dental disease a thorough dental cleaning
should be scheduled. The only way to clean a dog's teeth and assess any pocketing or
problems is under general anesthesia. Your pet will need to have the tartar removed
from the surface of the tooth. This includes a 1-2 mm pocket under the gums that can
only be reached with a hand scaler and only under anesthesia. This is the most
critical area where the tartar contacts the gums and causes the infection and irritation. While your pet is undergoing the cleaning the teeth will be probed and assessed
for pockets, mobility and fractures. Diseased teeth can be dealt with at this
time. The final and crucial step is to polish the teeth and remove any roughness to
the surface of the tooth. This is important, a smooth surface provides less of an area
for the bacteria to start the tartar building process all over again.
Northwoods provides a free dental exam and estimate by appointment and offers a
10% Dental discount the month of February for all dental procedures.
Look Up – Keep a Happy Heart
Marsha Ritzheimer
The annual State of the Lake meeting by Idaho Fish & Game will be held at 6:30 PM February 19, 2015 at the
Ponderay Event Center. At the meeting IDFG recaps the activities or the past years work on our lake with experts
giving presentations on their area of activity. Every year we learn what the condition of Lake Pend Oreille is at
present and what plans IDFG has for the upcoming year. These meetings have been going on for several years and
it is inspiring and gratifying to see the outcome of all the very hard work that IDFG has done to bring the lake to the
healthy condition we find it in today. Everyone should come and learn about our wonderful lake.
(Submitted by Tom Lloyd)
Ponderay Events Center
401 Bonner Mall Way, Suite E
Ponderay, ID 83852
Phone: (208) 263-0271
Directions: Go North to Ponderay on RT 95 from Sandpoint. Turn Right at Yokes onto Bonner Mall Way. Just past the
Furniture store turn right. The event center is just ahead 100 yds on the right. The meeting is in the second floor meeting
I watched a video recording of an experiment conducted by some young adults.
It was a real eye-opener for me and made me question my own values and what I would do in
a similar situation.
There were two men walking with the aid of crutches. (They were not in the same
vicinity of each other.) At different times they would “fall” to see what type of a reaction
they would get from those around them.
The difference between the two men was the clothes they were wearing. One was
dressed as an average clean-cut citizen and the other was dressed as a homeless person. The
clean-cut man received help from practically everyone in his immediate vicinity - each and
every time he fell. However, the “homeless” man fell numerous times and only received help
from one other person – he appeared to be a true homeless man.
I was totally amazed to watch so many people step over or around the fallen person
without a break in their cell phone conversation or appearing to show any signs of
compassion. How do you decide to offer or not offer a helping hand, to a fallen person, based
on how they are dressed?
As a child I was taught that if someone fell, you lent them a hand. You were not cruel
to others with either words or actions. You gave respect first, you didn’t just expect it.
Manners were (and are) extremely important.
What I see and hear in everyday life tells me that many don’t practice what I refer to
as time honored values. The press and social networking can spread so much negative. I
want positive and kindness in my life. My heart is always happiest when I can a smile or
share a kind word with another. Catching someone off-guard with an act of kindness is the
most fun. Putting a smile on a stranger’s face is definitely food for a Happy Heart!
We’ve had some fun contests lately and the results have been amazing. The Ugly
Christmas Sweater produced lots of laughter and the Eagle Photo Contest created some marvelous pictures. The Christmas Lights bring so much joy and happiness. I truly admire the
people that get out in the cold to create such a display of nighttime
brilliance. Hopefully, these annual events will get bigger and better with
each passing year.
The fun is continuing with the Valentine’s Day Sock Hop on
Saturday, February 14th, at 7:00 p.m. Bring your own snacks (BYOS), to
share or not, and BYOB, for those so inclined. We will have coffee, tea
and water available and sodas will be 50 cents each. Even if you don’t
want to dance, come enjoy music from the 50’s (do you remember the
Saturday night “Hit Parade”) and visit with others. All ages are welcome!