First Light Churchwide Workshop & Potluck Dinner


First Light Churchwide Workshop & Potluck Dinner
First Light
First Baptist Church - Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Vol XXXVIII - No. 44
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November 4, 2014
Churchwide Workshop & Potluck Dinner
Churchwide Workshop and Potluck Dinner Thursday, November 6, 5:30 p.m. with
Dr. Bill Wilson from the Center for Healthy Churches. Dr. Wilson will review the draft report
and recommendations with the church. He will also answer questions church members may
have. POTLUCK DINNER AT 5:30 P.M. All members are encouraged to attend.
Saturday, November 22, 9:00 a.m.
Join us Saturday, November 22, for our annual leaf raking project. If you would
like to volunteer to help rake or you know someone who needs their yards raked, please
call the church office at 483-4615. We look forward to helping those who need help. We
will meet in front of the church at 9:00 a.m. Bring rakes, blowers, and gloves.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Sunday, November 23, at 5:00 p.m.
Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner will be at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 23. The
church will provide the meat, bread and drinks. Church members are asked to please bring a
generous side dish to share, such as: vegetables, salads or desserts. A small donation will be
accepted to cover cost of the meat.
Hanging of the Greens
Sunday, November 30, 5:00 p.m.
We’ll gather at 5:00 p.m. that evening for our annual Hanging of the Greens service. We invite
you to share in the music that decorates the room as we decorate the tree.
FIRST LIGHT (008286) is published weekly except Christmas and July 4
by First Baptist Church, Oak Ridge, TN. Periodicals Postage Paid,
Oak Ridge, TN 37830.
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FIRST LIGHT, 1101 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.
Phone: (865) 483-4615/4657
Family Life Moment
We Choose
When we choose love, we choose to give up hate.
When we choose our neighbor’s plight, we
choose to become selfless.
When we choose to ignore the cries for help, we
choose to forgo the help from our community when we
cry out.
When we choose to listen for understanding, to
embrace the heart of another, we choose to truly hear
those who speak.
When we choose that which distracts us from
God – love of money, pride, ego, popularity, or fame –
we choose to put roadblocks up between us and God.
When we choose the temporary balm to our
deepest pain – be they drugs, abuse of alcohol,
destructive relationships – we choose to turn away from
the mercy, grace, and compassion of our Lord.
When we choose to always be right, we choose to
struggle against growth, to resist change, and to
When we choose growth, we choose to be like a
seed as it blossoms, sending its roots deep, spreading its
branches wide to absorb all the light and nutrients God
has prepared for its change.
When we choose to change, we choose to be
shaped and formed by God.
When we choose Christ Jesus, the only Son of
God, we choose to be formed and transformed in faith,
hope and love.
We choose. We choose each and every minute of
the day. Some may have chosen not to read this far.
You, however, chose to listen for understanding, to be
shaped, molded, and transformed by this message. May
we all be His obedient children: to hear His voice and
follow it, to carry His light for the entire world to see,
and to live a life which reflects the glory that is God’s
Before His Presence with Singing
...and holiness shall whisper the sweet amen of peace;
for not with swords’ loud clashing, or roll of stirring
with deeds of love and mercy the heavenly kingdom
The hymn from which these lines are taken contains
another line that doesn’t seem to fit. The line is, “and now, O
King Eternal, we lift our battle song.” It is hard to reconcile
those paradoxical thoughts, that on the one hand, deeds of love
and mercy bring about the heavenly kingdom, while on the
other, a battle must be fought.
Yet the gospel is full of accounts where Jesus did the
unexpected. His kindness to a leper, gift of paradise to a thief,
refreshment to an adulteress, lunch with a tax collector; these
were perhaps training films for us, his soldiers in training. And
for sure, sometimes it is a battle to do the kinder, more
merciful thing. One must battle one’s own tendencies toward
revenge and vindication and soldier on with kindness toward
a known adversary. Sometimes, we have to give when it
seems like we don’t have it to give. Sometimes we have to
work our hardest on things we enjoy the least so that others see
the love and mercy of the heavenly kingdom.
And we can gain precious insight into our
commission from God if we see ourselves sometimes in the
role of soldier. One of the most difficult yet most
indispensable attributes of a good soldier is the willingness to
do as told with personal preference put aside. God’s word
commands that we love our enemies, do good to them, and
lend to them without expecting
to get anything back. Perhaps the rest of this hymn can guide
us through battle.
Lead on, O King, Eternal, the day of march has come;
hence forth in fields of conquest Thy tents shall be our home;
through days of preparation Thy grace has made us strong,
and now, O King Eternal, we lift our battle song.
Lead on, O King, Eternal, till sin’s fierce war shall cease,
and holiness shall whisper the sweet amen of peace;
for not with swords’ loud clashing, or roll of stirring drums;
with deeds of love and mercy the heavenly kingdom comes.
Lead on, O King, Eternal, we follow, not with fears;
for gladness breaks like morning where’re Thy face appears.
Thy cross is lifted o’er us; we journey in its light;
the crown awaits the conquest; lead on, O God of might.
God’s peace be with you,
Rev. Gary Nistler
In Him,
Tim Bounds
Upcoming Meeting
Sunday, November 9, at 2:00 p.m.
Monday, November 10, at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 12, at 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 12, at 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 18, at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, November 19
Dinner at 5:00 p.m. with meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Monday, November 24, at 6:30 p.m.
Thank You
A great big thank you to Robert May, Isaiah
Kohler and Henry Crunkilton for planting all 30 of my
mums. Thank you ALL so very much for your hard work.
Katie Landis
Dear Church Family,
I want to tell you how much your cards, calls, and
concern have meant to me and my family during this
period of loss. We felt uplifted each day as we dealt with
all that is attendant upon the death of a loved one. It also
meant a lot to my sister-in-law knowing that my church
family was lifting us up in prayer. Although I will miss my
brother greatly, I am thankful that his suffering is over. I
am blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family of faith.
In gratitude,
Dianne May
First Baptist Church of Oak Ridge,
Thank you all so much for your generous
donation of festive pumpkins! Our kiddos loved getting the
pumpkins for Halloween!
There is still time to order
memorial and honorary
poinsettias. Place your order by
Friday, November 7 and your
loved ones will be listed on the honor sheet published on
December 21. Envelopes are available in the foyer and church
office. Cost is $8 per flower.
Tim & Phyllis Borchert
7942 Trumpetvine Lane
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Woodland Elementary
You might need to check in the LIBRARY
WINDOW – more pumpkins! This time, they are
candy pumpkins, which are for the winner of our
annual contest reminding us to “count our blessings.”
Make your best guess as to how many candy
pumpkins are in the jar and enter your guess on the
slip of paper available on the check-out table in the
library. The person who comes closest to guessing
the number of pumpkins in the jar will be awarded
all of the candy pumpkins. Yum! Winner will be
announced at the church Thanksgiving dinner. A
special note of thanks to our dear Lola Murray for
the use of her glass pumpkin!
Remember Our Friends
Methodist Medical Center: Earline Banic, 244.
Fort Sanders: Tracie Kennedy Richardson (Pat Powell’s daughter).
Immediate: Abby Hull (Mary Ann Hull’s granddaughter). Tyler Landrum (Lola’s
grandson). Eva Howard. Jim Williamson. Rex Brittain (Nena Moss’ brother).
Ray Walker. Betty Vowell (Brenda Story's sister). Hank Hodge (Shirlene Dale’s
son-in-law. Sally Stratton (Brenda Story’s niece). John McCall (Jim McCall’s
brother). Martin Tull. Tim Myrick (friend of Doug Turner). Sandra Glover (Jenny
Rule’s daughter). Amy Cooper. Billy Wilkinson (Mary Dowdy’s brother). Rachel
Donavan (Mary Ann Hull’s granddaughter). Chuck Baker family (friends of
Ginny Bowers). Amanda & Todd Allen (friends of Sally Hutson).
Long Term: Jennifer Huddleston (friend of Amber Slessinger). Mary
Cunningham (Kristie’s grandmother & Kathy Cunningham’s mother). Billie
Taber (Teresa Myrick’s mother). Earl Geske (Lois Scott’s brother). Todd Rush
(Amber Slessinger’s father). Earline Banic. Willard Norton. Jeannette Kelley.
Jeanne McCoy. Frankie Faloon. Madeline Gamble. Betty Lovvorn McClain
(Debra Belvin’s mother). Fay Hale. Pauline Thompson. Willie Alexander. Don
& Margaret Scott. Abby Hull. Janice Pearson. Theresa & Jerry Bowers. Nell
Dedwylder (Frank Janous’ sister-in-law). Amy Vincel (Margaret & Don Scott’s
granddaughter). Wanda Hughes. Robbie & Bernie Kotarski (friends of Jim &
Wanda Walls). Ralph & Frances Ford. Janet Hill (Karen Baker’s cousin).
Volunteer Reminders
Sunday Volunteers - November 9
Children’s Sermon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Cowen
Children’s Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ginny Bowers & Sally Hutson
Nursery 11:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean Nistler & Diane Williams
Deacon of the Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doug Clark
Trustee of the Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bobby Bowers
Sunday Volunteers - November 16
Children’s Sermon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June Huffman
Children’s Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen/Jim McCall
Nursery 11:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hughie/Mitzi Thomas
Mary Ann Hull & Paula Howell
Deacon of the Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shirlene Dale
Trustee of the Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hughie Thomas
Nursing Homes & Health Care Centers:
Ben Atchley Veterans Hospital: Esther Manning.
Briarcliff: Dorothy Midkiff, 105.
Canterfield of Oak Ridge: Earline Banic, 119. Betty Beard, 110.
Pat Campbell, 226. Jane Cook, 109. Betty McClain, 304.
John York, 339. Jack Young, 303.
Clarity Pointe, Knoxville: Oveda Pearson, B-14.
Emeritus, Oak Ridge: Dot Poteet, 167. Jean Soard, 117.
Mary Lucille Tigue, 111.
The Courtyard, Oak Ridge: Anna Kate Teague.
Greenfield, Oak Ridge: Mary Dowdy, 327.
Morning Point of Clinton: Inez Tucker, 416.
NHC, Oak Ridge: Lucille Jeffers, 119. Jim Smith, 109.
Nelson Tunstall 130. Mildred Young, 208.
At Home: Willie Alexander. Gladys Arthur. Dana Creech. Mary Cunningham
(Kristie’s grandmother & Kathy Cunningham’s mother). Fay Hale. Frankie Faloon.
Ralph & Frances Ford. Madeline Gamble. Mary Henry. Lily Howard. Wanda
Hughes. Jeannette Kelley. Jeanne McCoy. Willard Norton. Janice Pearson.
Louise Reynolds. Don & Margaret Scott. Tsumeo (Tammy) Tamura. Julia Terry.
Pauline Thompson. Christine Weems.
In Military Service: Jorah Thomasson (Amanda Selvy’s son). U.S. Army. Lt.
Colonel L. Cotto, U.S. Army, Fort BeLvoir, VA. (Sid & Pat Powell’s son-in-law).
Shaun Cook, U.S. Marines, Afghanistan. David Cook, Afghanistan. Dane Hughes,
U.S. Air Force, Langley AFB (Don & Wanda Hughes’ grandson). Ryan Hughes,
U.S. Air Force, Iraq (Don & Wanda Hughes’ grandson). Kevin Burton, U.S. Army
Chaplain, San Antonia, TX. (Ralph & Frances Ford’s grandson-in-law). Dustin
Horn, U.S. Army, Fort Campbell, KY (Lois Scott’s nephew). Gerald Thomas, Shaw
AFB, SC (Betty Beard’s step grandson). Nate Strickland, U.S. Army, Fort Bragg.
James Rule Watson IV, U.S. Army, Fort Bragg. Jim Johnston, U.S. Army, Fort
Campbell, KY (Kite’s grandson). Gareth Kite, U.S. Navy, Norfolk, VA (Kites’
Agape Monthly Report
For the month of October we served a total of:
322 clients, 757 in families, 43 new families.
Our Ministry Continues Throughout the Week
Guest Speaker: Dr. Larry Fields
Minister of Music: Rev. Tim Bounds
Associate Pastor of Family Life: Rev. Gary Nistler
Organist: Bill Morrow
Church Office
Church Secretary: Lola Murray
Sunday School Assembly-9:30a.m.
Sunday School-9:45a.m.
Morning Worship-11a.m.
483-4615 or 483-4657
M&M’s (Music & Missions)-6p.m.
Youth Bible Study- 6p.m.
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study-6p.m.