Document 6599877
Document 6599877
November 2014 News 13200 Olympic View Road, Silverdale, Washington 98383 ~ Phone: 360-662-8400 Chris Visserman, Principal District Website: h p:// School Website: h p:// Parent Teacher Conferences November 21—November 26 Dismissal At 11:45 9:10 a.m.—11:45 a.m. ~~~ Breakfast will be served at normal me. No lunch will be served on these days. Parent student conferences begin on Friday, November 21 and run through Wednesday, November 26. If you have not signed up for a conference please contact your students teacher via e-mail or by phone before or a%er school. Conference me is very important. It offers the opportunity to share concerns and discuss your child’s progress. Students will also dismiss at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, November 21st (standards-based assessment day) Thanksgiving Break— no school on November 27 and 28. Have a wonderful holiday! Early Release dates November 6 1:55 pm November 13 1:55 pm Standards-Based Assessment Day November 20 Some Important Everyday Reminders! Students are not to arrive at school before 9:00 unless they are here for breakfast (8:50) or for a special program such as unicycling or choir. Students must be picked up in the pick-up zone by 3:30. Students that are repeatedly in the office a%er 3:30 will be sent to M&M Kids and a fee will be assessed. • If your student will be missing more than three days of school, an Extended Leave Form MUST be filled out one week prior to the absence. Forms are available on-line or in the office. • Please make sure that your child is dressed according to our dress code and the weather condi ons. Because our weather changes frequently, it is advisable to dress in layers. • Please mark your students coats, jackets, sweaters and inside their lunchboxes with their last name. It is easier to return lost items with names on them. 11:45 am Conference Dismissal November 21 11:45 am November 24 11:45 am November 25 11:45 am November 26 11:45 am The full NOVEMBER CALENDAR complete with all Cougar Valley events is located on the last page of this newsletter! Make a Difference!! Federal Impact Aid Survey Forms are Coming Home November 3! Substituting in schools is a great way to gain experience and earn money while maintaining a flexible schedule! Central Kitsap School District is currently recruiting for substitute teachers and support staff. Substitutes are vial to the success of our schools and our students, and we seek every opportunity to obtain and maintain a list of qualified substitutes. Substitute Rates of Pay FORMS ARE DUE BACK TO SCHOOL NOVEMBER 7. (PLEASE BE SURE THAT THEY ARE SIGNED AND FILLED OUT CORRECTLY.) WE NEED ONE FOR EACH CHILD THAT ATTENDS COUGAR VALLEY. Every Year the District must apply for Federal Impact Aid funds from the US Department of Educa on. These funds compensate CKSD for the loss of local tax dollars from tax-exempt federal property in the Silverdale and Bremerton area. The District must conduct a Federal Residence and Employment Survey on a yearly basis in order to obtain a current count of families in the District who live and/or work on federal property. On November 3, 2014, students will be bringing home the survey form used for this count. It is important that all appropriate sec?ons on the form be filled out completely and accurately and the form is signed and dated for each student. These funds benefit all of our students and are used for basic educa on programs District-wide (except for the special educa on por on, which is used directly for that program). Your coopera on in assis ng the District in this maEer is greatly appreciated. Friendly Reminders: • Please label your child’s coats, lunch boxes, and other “loose” items. • Lost and Found is already filling up! Please feel free to take a look for any items that your child might be missing. • Any Lost and Found items le%over a%er Winter Break will be donated. Noon Assistant $10.76 per hour Paraeducator I $13.06 per hour Paraeducator II $13.45 per hour Substitute Teacher $110-125 per day (7.5 hours) $55-62.50 per half day (3.75 hours) Join us and make a difference! For more information, please visit . Medication at School Students are not allowed to carry any type of medication to school. This includes cough/throat drops/throat sprays, aspirin (including Tylenol, Motrin, Pamprin, etc), eye drops, antacids (Tums, Maalox, Pepto Bismol, etc), anti-itch cream (Benadryl, etc). If a student needs any type of medication, a “Physicians Order for Med-ication at School” form is available in the office or on the Health Services Website. This must be filled out by Parent/Guardian, signed by your physician, and on file in the school office. CK Celebrates Native American Culture Please join us for a night of culture & celebration sponsored by CK Indian Ed! • The Canoe Family Singers- Port Gamble S’Klallam Singers/ Dancers • Central Kitsap Schools- Native American Projects • Keith Egawa- Author/ Illustrator/ Book Talk/ Book Signing “Tani’s Search for the Heart” • Haida Heritage Foundation- Haida Singers/ Dancers • Johnny Moses – Traditional Story Teller • Northwest Indian College- Native Recruitment Display • South Kitsap Indian Ed- Native Cultures Display • University of Washington - Native Recruitment Display Refreshments by Fairview Junior High Food Science students. November 6, 2014 6:00-8:00 PM Klahowya Secondary School Auditorium 7607 Newberry Hill Rd., Silverdale When Parents Should Keep Students Home From School One of the most perplexing problems parents face is whether to send their child to school when they are not feeling well. No one wants to keep their student home if (s)he is not really ill, nor do they want to send an ill child to school. The following guidelines for deciding whether or not to send your student to school until your doctor can be contacted for an opinion. Student may come to school IF: Mild cold but otherwise feeling well Student should remain home IF: Temperature of 100 degrees or greater; Student should stay home until fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medication) Vomiting Diarrhea Heavy cold accompanied by a deep hacking cough (even without a fever) Consult your physician prior to sending student to school IF: Abdominal pain that is persistent or severe enough to limit student’s activity (i.e. running, walking, sitting, etc.) Rashes that cannot be readily explained No improvement of your student’s symptoms within three to four days With any signs or symptoms that cause you concern May I speak to the School Nurse? Our school nurse Sarah Lewis is in our building most Fridays and every other Thursday. If you have questions regarding immunizations or other health services provided by Central Kitsap School District (vision & hearing testing, scoliosis testing, etc.) you can call Health Services Office at 662-1070. Health Room Needs Sometimes students come to the health room Congratulations to our 2014-2015 ASB Officers! President: Grace Schenk needing a change of dry clothes. Vice President: Sabrina Lingenbrink We are currently in need of BLACK or BLUE Secretary: Asha Arias (unisex) SWEAT PANTS in SMALL sizes. Please no jeans or tops. Thanks for your gently used donations. Treasurer: Brady Rice Public Relations Officers: Justin Becker, Jessie Turner ~ ~ ~ October 10 October 17 Adrianna Ballard Isaac Jalonen Samantha Johnson Autumn DeClerk Alex Bauman Carley Cargile Aubrey Six Charlotte Castillo Alex Steffen Madison Boykin Faith Pyle Lucy Taylor Amanda Repine Nathan Manke Ian Daniels Nicolaus Pollard Andrew Gintz Duncan Pruitt Jacob Manavie Caryi Edwards Austin Salminen Christian Cordero Jackson Jones Jocelyn Jones Brent Castle Kayla Hill Jacob Pickard Gabe Ring Elizabeth Sorna Riley Johnson Aaron Stephens Keyra Ellison Isabella Olson Jessie Turner Matean Fosmo Asha Arias Jacob Godden Alexander Luley Clara Gintz Hannah Byrd Jacob Lingenbrink Addison Burt Timothy Berezhnoy Ashlyn Soza Jaida Jones Grant Solvie Jason Rodriguez Isabel Knapper Joseph Solomon Maeve Wiggins Finn Duff Caleb Spencer Josiah Lee Jarred Lerma Nollie Adams Mason Waller Karson Heath Landon Stout Ava Chadwick Josh Cole Kellen Swanson Nick Malicsi Deanna Monske Tristan Ward Madison Guillen Melanie Smith Shelton Shultz Mariah Johnson Phaelan Shultz Alexis Councilor Lillian Hopkins Aurora Brandt Piper Falk-Wain Carter Chadwick Ryder Wright Jane Frandsen Sonali Sharma Tim Hicks Tyler Lingenbrink Dalton Ostrander Sophie Sterchi Celeste Elkins Kayla Swan Rayne Austin October 24 October 31 Ciara George Food Drive Cougar Valley’s Holiday Food Drive (now un?l November 20th): the ASB and Care Club at Cougar Valley are joining together once again to help those who are in need this holiday season. Cougar Valley would like your help! Please consider dona ng one or more of the following non-perishable items to help our Cougar Valley families and Central Kitsap Food Bank: Jello condensed milk marshmallows boxed potato mixes canned cranberries evaporated milk dressing mixes flour soups sugar canned vegetables brown sugar bread mixes chocolate chips canned pumpkin *if you would prefer to donate gi% cards to help purchase fresh food items, please send the cards to the office. Thank you for your help! Book Fair! The book fair will be held Nov. 19th—26th from 8:30-4:30. Volunteers are needed and welcome! Email for questions. Christyl Fisher Book Fair Chair Thank you! Letters to Santa For the last two years, Cougar Valley Elementary has participated with our local Silverdale Macy’s as it partners with the “Make A Wish” Foundation. This foundation raises money for critically and terminally ill children. The money is raised through the “Letters to Santa” campaign. Every year, Macy’s donates $1 for each letter written and delivered to the “Believe” mailbox, located in the Macy’s store. On December 12, National Believe Day, Macy’s will DOUBLE that donation to $2 per letter. Macy’s has provided us with 3,800 postcards on which to write out letters. No stamps are necessary! Our goal this year is to write 5,000 letters by December 12, The world needs to know your inner artist! PTA's Reflections Program is underway. This year's theme is "The world would be a better place if...". Entries are being accepted in the categories of: Dance Choreography; Film Production; Literature; Music Composition; Photography; and Visual Arts. For more information, go to or contact the Cougar Valley Reflections Chair, Kari Six at Entries are due to the office by November 17th, which would raise $10,000 for the Foundation and grant a single wish. In the last two years, our school raised over $12,000. We can continue to write letters until December 19th when Ryan Ramoso, the Manager of Silverdale Macy’s joins us in the cafeteria with our mailbox as we count and deposit our letters. Please encourage your children (and others, anyone can write a letter!) to write some letters to Santa. It’s a wonderful way to learn about compassion and bring joy to the lives of others. For more information, contact Kim Lakes. 360-265-3005 C o u g a r Va l l e y L i b r a ry Mrs. Jennifer Cleven: Librarian/Media Specialist: 662-8420 Mrs. Selene Patterson: Library Clerk: 662-8421 October 30, 2014 Need eBook Help? If you will be at CV for afternoon conferences November 21st, 24th, or 25th, you are invited to bring your personal wi-fi enabled devices to the library! We will have guest access to the library wi-fi at that time, and I will be available to help you get connected to our eBook library on your device. We have over 1,300 eBooks in our library; picture books, fiction chapter, and high-interest non-fiction! In order for your child to access the eBook “cloud” they will need to have logged in to our FollettShelf program at least ONE time from a school computer this year. If you are unable to join us in the library, please encourage your child to stop by and pick up an instruction sheet, or visit the eBook tab on the Cougar Valley Library website. Volume 4, Issue Magazine donations? We try to keep a supply of magazines on hand for kids when they forget their books on library day. If you have copies of kidfriendly age-appropriate magazine, we would certainly appreciate donations! Titles that are popular: Lego Magazine National Geographic Kids Sports Illustrated Kids Lost/damaged Library Books? If library books are lost or damaged beyond repair, we do ask families to pay for the book, or replace it. Paperback fine is $10, hardback is $20. If you are able to find the same book in the same format (if a hardback was lost, then that same title needs to be replaced in hardback format), then that would count as a replacement. Once we have paid for a replacement, we cannot issue a refund if it is found later. Book fines can be paid in the main office. Thanks for helping the kids keep those books safe! Library “Wish List” It seems like these days we are all trying to do “more with less”! If you are interested in helping our library to s-t-r-e-t-c-h its dollars, here are a few things we are looking for: * AAA and AA batteries * vinyl bean bags * bean-bag “filler” (styro-foam “beans” made for bean-bags) * magazines (see examples to the right) Thanks so much!!! ZooBooks American Girl Discovery Girls Thank you! Chorus News Music News Welcome to the busy season for music. Listed are the upcoming concerts and performances. If you have any ques ons feel free to call me at 662-8416 or email, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. • • • • • • November 6th, 6:30 pm Thursday-all 4th graders at Klahowya Secondary School for the Na ve American Cultural Celebra on. Check below for more info. November 8th, 11:00 am, Saturday-CV Chorus caroling at CK High School. November 13th, 6:00 pm Thursday-all 5th graders in the CV Gym, Veterans Day Salute. December 16th, 6:00 pm Tuesday-all 3rd graders in the CV Gym, Celebra ons from Around the World. December 16th, 7:00 pm Tuesday-CV Chorus in the CV Gym, Winter Concert. February 5th, 6:30 pm Thursday-Ridgetop Jr. High, Honor Choir Fes val Music Performance for 4th grade: This year the 4th graders will be performing at Klahowya Secondary School for The Na ve American Culture Heritage Night, Thursday November 6th, please arrive by 6:15. This is the first me a Cougar Valley music group has par cipated in this celebra on. There will be many par cipants from Central Kitsap Schools and neighboring community members. Students will be using many skills from the Washington State Music Standards and tying it into their classroom studies about Na ve Americans. The 5th grade concert is integrated with social studies unit about The United States and honors our Veterans. This is a wonderful opportunity for family and friends to see their children perform and fulfills many of the Music Standards required in our class. Students are asked to wear clothing in the colors Red, White and/or Blue. I appreciate all of your support in the music program. Please arrive in the music room by 5:45 pm. 3rd grade performance: The 3rd graders have returned their intent to perform papers and will be assigned parts for the show the early part of this month. This concert is integrated with their studies about the con nents and different cultures, focusing on winter celebra ons from around the world. If you have any tradi onal costumes, from any country, the children are welcome to wear them as part of our performance. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to perform. The prepara on and performance will fulfill many of the Music Standards required in our class. Chorus News We have such a terrific group of Chorus students this year. I know you will enjoy hearing them sing. Our first concert is at CK High School’s Holiday Cra% Bazaar, we will be caroling. Please meet in the CK band room by 10:45am. We are scheduled to sing at 11 am. I’d like to ask all the chorus students to please wear black or dark color pants or skirt and a white or very light color top. I will have Santa hats and reindeer hats for the students if they want to wear them. CV Chorus Winter Program is scheduled for Tuesday December 16th at 7 pm. Please arrive in the music room by 6:45…a%er the 3rd grade performance. Honor Choir Honor Choir is made up of students in 6th – 12th grades. We will be allowed to take around 10 6th graders to par cipate in the All Central Kitsap School District Honor Choir Fes val. Soon invita ons will go home invi ng 6th graders from chorus. If we are able to take more I may be able to choose from students by their respecSul, responsible behavior as well as their singing ability. Honor Choir Fes val is scheduled for February 5th at Ridgetop Jr. High. If you have any ques ons feel free to call me at 662-8416 or email: I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Jill Giddings Staff Directory Kgn Nicole Swanson Kgn Lisa Williams Kgn Shelly Ortyn MFrg Holly Patton SpEd K-3 Lori McMicken SpEd 4-6 Sue Severson 1st Debra Shibsted 1st Amy Davis 1st Nicole Yeager 2nd Julie Bowman 2nd Cindy Wilson 2nd Karen Laberge 3rd Penny Timm 3rd Sarah Cole 3rd Justine Zeitler-Rhodes jus 4th Donna Bittner 4th Donna McCormick 4th Brenda Newell 5th Wendy Tedford 5th Michelle Simmons 5/6th Jennifer Roger 6th Katie Kanzler ka 6th Audrey Milano office Pam Stewart PE Kerry Klein Music Jill Giddings Band Wade Demmert Orchestra Stuart Logan November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Deployment Group Advanced unicycle 8:20 am Impact Aid Cards Due 8 Choir 8:30 &3:30 Daylight Saving Time Ends. Set clocks back 1 hour. Impact Aid Cards Come Home 9 10 Beginning unicycle 8:20 16 Early Release 1:55 pm Beginning unicycle 8:20 17 11 12 13 Advanced unicycle 8:20 14 Veteran’s Day Deployment Group Early Release 1:55 pm Picture Retakes No School 18 19 Choir 8:30 &3:30 Book Fair Begins— Begins—> Deployment Group No unicycle for rest of month 23 24 25 Choir 8:30 only Conference Day, 11:45 Dismissal 30 Beginning unicycle 8:20 Conference Day, 11:45 Dismissal 26 Book Fair Ends Conference Day, 11:45 Dismissal 5th grade Veteran’s Day Concert 6:30 15 No unicycle 20 21 StandardsBased Assessment Day, 11:45 Dismissal Conference Day, 11:45 Dismissal 27 28 Thanksgiving Break 22 29