Augustine’s Parish Newsletter St 9 November 2014


Augustine’s Parish Newsletter St 9 November 2014
St Augustine’s Parish Newsletter
9 November 2014
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
(Remembrance Sunday)
Church Services Diary
Hymns: 111, 459, 297, 52, 155
What it means to be a Catholic
The course for those considering joining the Church will begin
in Jan and continue until Easter, Mon evenings 8-9pm. If you
know someone who is on the brink of taking this step, mention
it to them. Forms on the table to be returned by beginning of
Dec, or contact us to talk.
All Services are Mass with the intention unless otherwise stated.
Sunday 9 Nov – Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
(Remembrance Sunday)
The People of the Parish
Mass for the Fallen
(Thelma Joyce Zachary)
James O’Regan (Anniv)
Monday 10 Nov – St Leo the Great
Terence Boland (Anniv)
Tuesday 11 Nov – St. Martin of Tours
Sally Hanbury (RIP)
Wednesday 12 Nov – St. Josaphat
Nguyen Ngoc Hung
Cremation – Eugen Veil
Thursday 13 Nov - Feria
Margaret Boland (Anniv)
Friday 14 Nov - Feria
Fr. William Bainbridge – Foundation Mass
Saturday 15 November
11.30am-12 midday
Reconciliation (Confession)
Joan Lyle (Anniv)
Sunday 16 November – 33 Sunday of the Year (A)
People of the Parish
Douglas Bowen
Vincent O’Brien
Vocations weekend 14-16 Nov
If you think that there may be a whisper in your ear calling you
to priesthood, you can investigate that at the Diocesan
Vocations Weekend, Northampton Cathedral 14-16 Nov.
Contact the Vocations Director, Fr Mark Floody 01604 714556
or speak to Fr Paul.
Children’s liturgy 11am Mass
Pre-school group 3-7 years (up to school year 2)
School group 7-11 years (school years 3-6)
Saturday classes started on the 8 Nov, 9.30-10.45am in the
Upper Room
Doris Stillwell, Eileen Smith, Mick Hawkins
Last Sunday’s collection £727.64 plus standing orders of
£895. 2 Collection Bishop’s Maintenance Fund £628.57
Collection Next Sunday for Sick & Retired Clergy
Christmas Bazaar Sat. 6 Dec. 10am-2pm in Upper Room
List in the porch for people who would like to volunteer to
help on the stalls. Gifts needed: New Gifts: New & Used
Toys: Cakes: Bottles: Books: DVD’s: Bric-a-Brac:
Groceries. Raffle Tickets will be handed out after Mass
today: 1 Prize £300. 2 books in an envelope or single
books: Please help us with the sale of these books. Do
YOU work with a Company who may be able to help with
some gifts?
Bible Alive
Would you like to subscribe to Bible Alive, a monthly magazine
giving daily reflections on readings from the Mass and articles
on Catholic life and faith? Cost: £19.95 for the year, beginning
Jan. 2015. Telephone Marian for details on 01494 442 993.
Low-gluten hosts
If you need a low-gluten host, please see the priest in the
sacristy before Mass and he will put one in a pyx for that Mass. Dates for your diary
14-16 Nov – Vocations weekend, Cathedral
Holy Souls
6 Dec –Christmas Bazaar, Upper Room 10am-2pm
Cards are available at the entrances for you to record the
14 Dec – Carol Service 4pm
names of those you wish remembered during November. They
will be placed by the altar and remembered at each Mass.
Hire of Upper Room -  07851 415367
Mass intentions
Parish Safeguarding rep – Teresa Young
If you wish a Mass said, please use the new envelopes in the
sacristy. A priest is only allowed to keep one stipend a day, so 
if someone has already asked for a Mass on a particular day,
Fr Paul will say the Mass on another day.
Items for bulletin
The Black and White Affair. On Sat. 29th November two
different Churches Together bodies in High Wycombe are
joining forces for a fundraising dinner and evening of
entertainment at Hazlemere Community Centre, 8-11:30pm.
Tickets £30 adults, £20 children/OAPs, available from the
Sacristy. All proceeds go towards the cost of a large
ecumenical evangelistic/praise event on Good Friday 2015 - so
a good cause
Counting rota
9 Nov – K Turner, M & P Perdoni
16 Nov – M & D Wilmott
 by 5pm Thurs
Deacon – The Reverend Brin Dunsire
07931 607249
Parish Priest – Monsignor Paul Donovan
24 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe HP13 6NZ
01494 523969